Two sheets per sound- one for encoding and one for decoding- both integral for a child solidifying a sound.
I have also included a consolidation sheet at the end.
Two sheets per sound- one for encoding and one for decoding- both integral for a child solidifying a sound.
TH- bath
TH- then
CH- chip
I have also included a consolidation sheet at the end.
Two sheets per sound- one for encoding and one for decoding- both integral for a child solidifying a sound.
QU- queen
X- ox
SH- shop
I have also included a consolidation sheet at the end.
Two sheets per sound- one for encoding and one for decoding- both integral for a child solidifying a sound.
I have also included a consolidation sheet at the end.
To challenge children to make words from the pictures using magnetic letters. These could also be used during consolidation weeks or for display, or for partner games.
Digraphs represented follow the Active Literacy Programme order.