Hi there, I am a head of History based in South Yorkshire.
My strengths and passion are in teaching and learning. I enjoy making my lessons as engaging as possible as it is this, which I believe, to be the most effective behaviour management strategy and the key to helping students achieve excellent results and become engaged and excited about history and learning.
Hi there, I am a head of History based in South Yorkshire.
My strengths and passion are in teaching and learning. I enjoy making my lessons as engaging as possible as it is this, which I believe, to be the most effective behaviour management strategy and the key to helping students achieve excellent results and become engaged and excited about history and learning.
This resource is a 30 question European Day of Languages quiz created on Microsoft Powerpoint suitable for KS3 and KS4 secondary students.
Celebrate European Day of Languages on 26th September with your classes or tutor groups with this 30 question quiz themed around the event complete with answers.
There are 30 questions in this quiz varying from multiple choice general knowledge, True/False statements, multiple choice flags and matching the greetings with the correct language. The answers are then to be shared as a class by going through each question (ensure you are in present mode for the correct answer to colour green) for students to peer or self mark. *Additionally, answers are in the notes section on each slide. *
I would recommend for this quiz students get into groups of no more than 4 and the activity should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete.
Please keep an eye out for my weekly tutor time quizzes which are 20 question quizzes created in a similar fashion and review/leave feedback if possible.
Weekly tutor time quiz - September 1
Weekly tutor time quiz - September 2
Additionally - if you are looking for more European Day of Languages resources. Check out this activity worksheet.
Included in your download is a Christmas themed Dingbats quiz sheet, instructions on how to play/ideas on how to use in the classroom and a full answer sheet.
Dingbats is very literally a game of ‘say what you see’!
Use as a starter, plenary, part of a quiz, form-time fun or simply as a fun activity as a class, in teams or for individuals.
Print the sheet out and present to students (recommended A4 and colour recommended for one of the dingbats to make sense) or pop on the whiteboard.
Free dingbats quiz for each review left (Limited time offer) please ensure you leave your email address in your review so I am able to send you a second free dingbats quiz.
Thankyou :-)
See my other Christmas resources here:
Christmas Quiz
Christmas anagrams
#christmas #xmas #xmasquiz #christmasquiz
Celebrate Christmas this winter with your secondary students with this 64 question Christmas quiz for 2025 themed around the event complete with answers in both quick and question by question format. This resource is 64 question Xmas quiz spread across 8 different rounds. It is created on Microsoft Powerpoint and suitable for KS3 and KS4 secondary students.
Whats included?
Within this resource there are 64 questions spanning 8 rounds. A mixture of multiple choice and true/false question types are included. In addition there are puzzler rounds with activities such as dingbats, keypad anagram problems to solve, matching pairs and celebrity Santa disguises. Topics range from fantastic facts about Christmas to movie trivia and popular Christmas songs and beloved carol questions. Your learners will have so much fun engaging with this quiz.
Delivery and timings
The answers can then shared as a class either by going through each question individually (ensure you are in present mode for the correct answer to colour green) for students to peer or self mark. You could alternatively use the quick answer quiz sheet variation of this quiz if you would prefer to speed things up! Additionally, answers to each individual question can be found on the notes section of each individual PowerPoint slide.
An answer sheet has been created for students to use with this quiz to ensure they stay on track.
If you choose to deliver this in a single session - it should take around an hour to complete. However, the rounds have been sectioned off within the Powerpoint so that you could potentially delivered a round or two at a time with your tutor groups/classes over the period of a week or two.
I really hope you enjoy this quiz activity. If you get the time, please leave a review - for a limited time I am offering a FREE copy of my Christmas Dingbats resource for every review left. So please leave your email address in the review so I can be sure to get this across to you!
Looking for more Christmas resources?
Check out this Christmas anagram worksheet activity
Christmas Dingbats resource
Humanities Christmas Quiz
Geography Christmas Quiz
FREE Seek and Find Christmas resource
#christmas #christmasquiz #xmas #xmasquiz
Included in your download is a Dingbats quiz sheet, instructions on how to play/ideas on how to use in the classroom and a full answer sheet.
Dingbats is very literally a game of ‘say what you see’!
Use as a starter, plenary, part of a quiz, form-time fun or simply as a fun activity as a class, in teams or for individuals.
Print the sheet out and present to students (recommended A4 and colour recommended for one of the dingbats to make sense) or pop on the whiteboard.
If you enjoyed this Dingbats resource, why not check out some of my others?
Dingbats: Second Edition
Dingbats: Third Edition
Dingbats: Fourth Edition
Dingbats: Fifth Edition
Dingbats: Back to School Edition
Dingbats: Christmas Edition
A 2 sided European Day of Languages activity worksheet created on Microsoft Powerpoint for secondary students aged 11 - 16 (KS3 & KS4). This is a great worksheet to share with your students on European Day of Languages (26th September) either in form or lesson time.
This worksheet includes 4 tasks for students to complete independently or in pairs. Tasks include:
Match the country to the flag
Match the greeting to the European language
True/False European facts
Match the British idioms to their European counterparts.
Also included within the same Powerpoint file is a completed supporting answer sheet.
Looking for more European Day of Languages resources? Check out my European Day of languages quiz!
Included in your Dingbats: Back to School edition download is a Dingbats quiz sheet, instructions on how to play/ideas on how to use in the classroom and a full answer sheet.
Dingbats is very literally a game of ‘say what you see’!
Use as a starter, plenary, part of a quiz, form-time fun or simply as a fun activity as a class, in teams or for individuals when welcoming your students back to the classroom
Print the sheet out and present to students (recommended A4 and colour recommended for one of the dingbats to make sense) or pop on the whiteboard.
If you enjoyed this Dingbats resource, why not check out some of my others?
Dingbats: First Edition
Dingbats: Second Edition
Dingbats: Third Edition
Dingbats: Fourth Edition
Dingbats: Fifth Edition
Dingbats: Christmas Edition
Celebrate the end of the school year this summer with your secondary students with this 60x question End of term quiz for 2024. With general knowledge, summer and desitination themes - this 6 round quiz comes complete with answers and with a winners certificate template. This resource is 60 question end of academic year quiz spread across 6 different rounds. It is created on Microsoft Powerpoint and suitable for KS3 and KS4 secondary students.
Whats included?
Within this resource there are 60 questions spanning 6 rounds. A mixture of multiple choice and true/false question types are included. In addition there is a matching and anagram round. Topics range from general knowledge, in the news, airport destinations, world flags, summer facts and more. Your learners will have so much fun engaging with this quiz.
Delivery and timings
If you choose to deliver this in a single session - it should take around an hour to complete. However, the rounds have been sectioned off within the Powerpoint so that you could potentially delivered a round or two at a time with your tutor groups/classes over the period of a week or two.
Go through the answers at the end of the quiz with your students either self or peer marking! If you wish to go through the quiz question by question then the answers to each individual question can be found on the notes section of each individual PowerPoint slide.
I really hope you enjoy this quiz activity. If you get the time, please leave a review - for a limited time I am offering a FREE copy of my Back to School Dingbats resource for every review left. So please leave your email address in the review so I can be sure to get this across to you!
Looking for more fun resources for the end of term?
Check out this boggle activity
Dingbats resource activity
and even more tutor time resources in my Tes Shop
#endofschool #endoftheyear #quiz #endoftermquiz
A well presented lesson on the Mystery of the Princes in the tower created for KS3 history students on Microsoft Powerpoint
A little about the lesson
Using primary and secondary source evidence, students work in pairs to investigate the mystery of the 2 princes in the tower using sources to decide who was the most likely murderer of the boys/ who had the most to gain from their disappearance. Or even if the boys were murdered at all?!
This is a good introduction to the Tudors and learning about the character of Henry VII and the problems the Tudors faced with security to their throne. Alternatively, this is a more challenging lesson for students to practice their historical skills of source evidence on for a skills based lesson as students are guided to consider the provenance of a source in addition to its strengths and weaknesses when making decisions.
Whats included?
A whole 1 hour lesson powerpoint is included (there are teacher notes under most slides). Student worksheets/resources are included in hidden slides in the relevant points of the presentation and also as an additional Powerpoint for ease of printing.
If you enjoyed this lesson, please review and check out my other lessons in this scheme of work on the Tudors
Check out my other history skills lessons on:
Bias, Fact and Opinion
This lesson has been created for KS3 students and covers life in inventions of new technology for the textiles industry in the Industrial Revolution. The purpose of the lesson is to get students to investigate new technologies invented to develop the textile industry from the domestic industry through to the factory industry in the 18th Century. Student are then to consider the significance of each invention and in what way they sped up the Industrial Revolution.
The lesson offers an opportunity for group work when exploring the different inventions and the inventors developed during the 18th Century. Youtube video links have been offered under each handout slide if you choose to create QR codes linked to the URLs so that students can view each invention working. Exam technique is also practiced in this lesson in the format of a 4 mark question.
All accompanying resources are included in Microsoft Powerpoint format and suggested learning outcomes provided with space for you to add your own accompanying grades. I have taught this lesson to all Y7, Y8 and Y9 depending on where Industrial Revolution falls in the schemes of work.
I really hope you enjoy teaching this lesson as much as I do!
Included in your** Dingbats Quiz- 2nd Edition** download is a Dingbats quiz sheet, instructions on how to play/ideas on how to use in the classroom and a full answer sheet.
Dingbats is very literally a game of ‘say what you see’!
Use as a starter, plenary, part of a quiz, form-time fun or simply as a fun activity as a class, in teams or for individuals.
Print the sheet out and present to students (recommended A4 and colour recommended for one of the dingbats to make sense) or pop on the whiteboard.
If you enjoyed this Dingbats resource, why not check out some of my others?
Dingbats: First Edition
Dingbats: Third Edition
Dingbats: Fourth Edition
Dingbats: Fifth Edition
Dingbats: Christmas Edition
Dingbats: Back to School Edition
A well presented lesson on the defensive features of Medieval castles created for KS3 history students on Microsoft Powerpoint
A little about the lesson
Students are encouraged to design their own castle and its defences. Students are provided with a king-sized budget and challenged to research and to buy the latest medieval castle defences. Students must therefore consider effectiveness against budget. When considering castle defences students are challenged to use prior knowledge on the most effective and damaging methods of attack.
This is a lesson that excites students and really engages them in their learning. Take it a step further and challenge groups to ‘duel off’ against each others castles.
Whats included?
A whole 1 hour lesson powerpoint is included (there are teacher notes also under some slides). Student worksheets/resources are included in hidden slides in the relevant points of the presentation and also as an additional Powerpoint for ease of printing. Homework, Learning Objectives and outcomes have also been completed in this resource, however, they can easily be tweaked to suit the needs and ability of your classes.
Keep an eye out for more new and updated lessons in my store and my weekly tutor time quizzes!
If you enjoyed this lesson, please review and check out my other lessons in this scheme of work looking at ‘How did William keep control of England after 1066’?
Motte & Bailey castles
Stone keep castles
Attacking a castle
The Feudal System
Harrying of the North
Included in your Dingbats: Fifth edition download is a Dingbats quiz sheet, instructions on how to play/ideas on how to use in the classroom and a full answer sheet.
Dingbats is very literally a game of ‘say what you see’!
Use as a starter, plenary, part of a quiz, form-time fun or simply as a fun activity as a class, in teams or for individuals.
Print the sheet out and present to students (recommended A4 and colour recommended for one of the dingbats to make sense) or pop on the whiteboard.
If you enjoyed this Dingbats resource, why not check out some of my others?
Dingbats: First Edition
Dingbats: Second Edition
Dingbats: Third Edition
Dingbats: Fourth Edition
Dingbats: Back to School Edition
Dingbats: Christmas Edition
This resource is a 20 question tutor time/ form time quiz created on Microsoft Powerpoint suitable for KS3 and KS4 secondary students.
I will publish a new 20 question quiz weekly during term time; this weeks quiz was created for September 2022 week 1, however it can be used at any date as the questions are not time/season dependent. I love doing a weekly quiz with my tutor group at the end of the week on a Friday morning - so its a great activity to start in formtime as we go back to school for the start of the new academic year!
There are 20 general knowledge questions in this quiz varying from geography, history, science and world trivia. The answers are provided across 2 slides at the end of the quiz - each answer is revealed per click.
I would recommend for this quiz students get into groups of no more than 4 and the activity should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.
Please keep an eye out for my weekly quizzes and review/leave feedback if possible. Also if you prefer the terminology ‘form time’ to ‘tutortime’ then I have provided an alternate title you can swap in at the side of slide 1 on the Powerpoint.
Download September Week 2 here
Download September Week 3 here
Download September Week 4 here
This resource activity contains 2x all about me bunting and flag templates in PDF format for primary students to complete with details about themselves and to colour in and develop on the design to show their individual personalities. A perfect activity for back to school in class or as a set piece for homework. It would make a lovely display or a timecapsule piece for students to look back on at the end of their primary school career.
The individual bunting triangles could be used to make a hanging display in your classroom (there is a flap across the top to fold over a string) and the flag design would make a lovely wall display.
The resource is aimed at primary aged students - mainly upper KS2 students however it could be used with lower KS2 classes with a little more teacher guidance. This has been created as an independent student activity but it could equally work as a paired discussion activity with students interviewing one another and completing the flag on their peers behalf.
Questions on the bunting include things such as, name, birthday, self portrait frame, favourite book and subjects.
Please note this resource is an activity with templates and student instructions not for a full lesson powerpoint.
Celebrate Halloween this October with your secondary students with this 78 question quiz themed around the event complete with answers and an accompanying crossword This resource is a 78 question Halloween quiz created on Microsoft Powerpoint suitable for KS3 and KS4 secondary students.
Whats included?
Within this resource there are 78 questions spanning 5 rounds. A mixture of multiple choice and general knowledge question types are included. Topics range from fantastic facts about Halloween and all spooky association to general knowledge questions, literary works, song lyrics and spooky TV and film favourites. Your learners will have so much fun engaging with this quiz.
The answers can then shared as a class either by going through each question individually (ensure you are in present mode for the correct answer to colour green) for students to peer or self mark. You could alternatively use the quick answer quiz sheet variation of this quiz if you would prefer to speed things up! Additionally, answers to each individual question can be found on the notes section of each individual PowerPoint slide.
An answer sheet has been created for students to use with this quiz to ensure they stay on track. There are 2 bonus point anagrams on the sheet for students to workout where they find the opportunity. The answers to these are provided within the same powerpoint.
**Consolidation crossword **
Once students have completed the quiz, they can demonstrate their learning by completing the 20 question crossword puzzle included in this resource. All questions and answers for the crossword will have been covered in the quiz. There are 2 variations of the same crossword, one with and one without a word bank to help differentiate for pupils. A completed teacher answer sheet has also been provided.
Delivery advice
I would recommend for this quiz that students get into groups of no more than 4 and the quiz activity should take no longer than 50 minutes to complete in a single sitting. Alternatively, the rounds could be split up to complete in tutor time over the course of the week.
To view the ‘long answers’, the powerpoint must be downloaded and displayed in present mode. Answers will turn green upon clicking at the end of the quiz.
Please keep an eye out for my weekly and event themed quizzes which are created in a similar fashion and please review/leave feedback if you enjoyed this resource and where you have time!
Halloween anagrams
Black History Month quiz
Black History Month bundle
Weekly Tutortime Quiz October Week 1
Weekly Tutortime Quiz October Week 2
A well presented lesson on the 1066 The Battle of Stamford Bridge in the run up to the penultimate lesson of the Battle of Hastings created for KS3 history students on Microsoft Powerpoint
A little about the lesson
Students explore the Battle of Stamford bridge between two of the contenders Harold Godwinson and Harald Hardrada. Students are provided with the pieces of the events that occurred at the Battle of Stamford Bridge which they must piece together themselves. There are 2 optional tasks provided in this resource to accommodate with teachers printing budget allowances in schools! Students can either cut the cards with the images provided or they can arrange the statements and put them into a storyboard of their own, adding their own images for a potential homework task.
Students are then encouraged to draw conclusions from the Battle of Stamford bridge and communicate these in writing through PEE paragraph exercises (which could be extended through a suggested homework piece included in the resource)
Whats included?
A whole 1 hour lesson powerpoint is included (there are teacher notes also under some slides). Student worksheets/resources are included in hidden slides in the relevant points of the presentation and also as an additional Powerpoint for ease of printing. Homework, Learning Objectives and outcomes have also been completed in this resource, however, they can easily be tweaked to suit the needs and ability of your classes.
Keep an eye out for more new and updated lessons in my store and my weekly tutor time quizzes!
If you enjoyed this lesson, please review and check out my other lessons in this scheme of work looking at the Norman conquest 1066
Edward the confessor
Who should be king?
Harold Godwinson’s problems
The Battle of Stamford Bridge
The Battle of Hastings
Why did William win?
The problems of William in 1066
Celebrate Halloween this October with your primary pupils with this 45 question quiz themed around the event complete with answers. This resource is a 45 question Halloween quiz created on Microsoft Powerpoint suitable for KS2 primary and KS3 secondary students.
Whats included?
Within this resource there are 45 questions spanning 4 rounds. A mixture of multiple choice and general knowledge question types are included. Topics range from fantastic facts about Halloween and all spooky association to general knowledge questions, literary works, song lyrics and spooky TV and film favourites. Your pupils will have so much fun engaging with this quiz.
The answers can then shared as a class either by going through each question individually (ensure you are in present mode for the correct answer to colour green) for students to peer or self mark. You could alternatively use the quick answer quiz sheet variation of this quiz if you would prefer to speed things up! Additionally, answers to each individual question can be found on the notes section of each individual PowerPoint slide.
An answer sheet has been created for students to use with this quiz to ensure they stay on track. There are 5 bonus anagrams on the sheet for students to workout where they find the opportunity. The answers to these are provided within the same powerpoint.
Once students have completed the quiz, they can demonstrate their learning by completing the 16 question crossword puzzle included in this resource. All questions and answers for the crossword will have been covered in the quiz. There are 2 variations of the same crossword, one with and one without a word bank to help differentiate for pupils. A completed teacher answer sheet has also been provided.
Delivery advice
I would recommend for this quiz students get into groups of no more than 4 and the activity should take no longer than 50 minutes to complete.
To view the ‘long answers’, the powerpoint must be downloaded and displayed in present mode. Answers will turn green upon clicking at the end of the quiz.
Please keep an eye out for my weekly and event themed quizzes which are created in a similar fashion and please review/leave feedback if you enjoyed this resource and where you have time!
Christmas anagram worksheet activities to share with your students.
Included in this resource is a PowerPoint with 10x Christmas themed anagrams - 1 per slide. Students need to unscramble the letters to find the word. This resource is on PPT format and completely editable and the answers to each anagram are at the bottom of each slide and also on a slide at the end of the presentation.
This resource is also accompanied by a printable worksheet if you would prefer students to work independently.
I really hope you enjoy this resource - please review and check out my other festive resources to share with your students.
Christmas Dingbats
Christmas Quiz
A free Halloween seek and find resource to share either with your students in your tutor groups or with upper primary pupils this autumn. There are 10 seek and find activities to put on the board in total complete with answers on the next slide. (I would advise a really large board as some are tricky to find!)
If you enjoy, please review and check out my other seasonal and events based resources (as well as my history content) in my Tes Shop!
Halloween Quiz and Crossword (Secondary)
Halloween Quiz and Crossword (Primary)
Halloween Coordinates activity
Halloween anagram activity worksheet
A free Christmas seek and find resource to share with your students in your tutor groups or even primary classes this xmas. There are 8 seek and find activities to put on the board in total complete with answers on the next slide.
If you enjoy, please review and check out my other seasonal resources in my Tes Shop!
Christmas Quiz
Christmas Dingbats
Christmas Anagrams