World languages

Vacaciones – Vocab + prepositions
Vacaciones – Vocab + prepositions
Organize the vocab used during the holidays depending on the preposition they go with in Spanish.
The students will have to organize the vocab used during the holidays depending on the preposition they go with.

Los Deportes - Interactive vocab
Los Deportes - Interactive vocab
Interactive vocab of the sports in Spanish.
The students will have to drag the icons to the correct position, matching the icon to the word.
The students will also have to divide the sports in feminine (la) or masculine (el).

Opinión Hiobbies- Translating
Opinión Hiobbies- Translating
Translating sentences with opinions about hobbies in Spanish.
The students will have to drag the words to the correct position, translating the sentences from English to Spanish.

Tiempo Libre- Interactive vocab
Tiempo Libre- Interactive vocab
Interactive vocab of Free time activities in Spanish.
The students will have to drag the icons to the correct position, matching the icon to the word.

Adjetivos Ciudad - Interactive vocab
Adjetivos Ciudad - Interactive vocab
Interactive vocab of the adjectives use to describe the city in Spanish.
The students will have to drag the icons to the correct position, matching the icon to the word.

Los transportes - Creating sentences + Translating
Los transportes - Creating sentences + Translating
Creating sentences and translating with opinions on transports in Spanish.
The students will have to create sentences and translate with opinions on transports.

Programas TV- Interactive vocab
Programas TV- Interactive vocab
Interactive vocab of types of TV programes in Spanish.
The students will have to drag the icons to the correct position, matching the icon to the word.

Los Deportes – Board game
Los Deportes – Board game
Interactive board game to create a sentence or give our opinion on different sports in Spanish.
The students will have to roll the dice, drag the character icons depending on the number and create a sentence or give their opinion on different sports in Spanish

Los Deportes - Creating sentences + Translating
Los Deportes - Creating sentences + Translating
Creating sentences and translating with opinions on sports in Spanish.
The students will have to create sentences and translate with opinions on sports.

Family and Friends – Noughts and Crosses
Family and Friends – Noughts and Crosses
Interactive Noughts and crosses with vocab of Family and Friends in Spanish.
The students will have to pick a square and create a sentence or give their opinion, drag the icons to the correct position and manage to get 3 noughts or crosses in a row.

Free time activities – Noughts and Crosses
Free time activities – Noughts and Crosses
Interactive Noughts and crosses with vocab of Free time activities in Spanish.
The students will have to pick a square and create a sentence or give their opinion, drag the icons to the correct position and manage to get 3 noughts or crosses in a row.

Asignaturas - Interactive vocab
Asignaturas - Interactive vocab
Interactive vocab of the school subjects in Spanish.
The students will have to drag the icons to the correct position, matching the icon to the word.

Material Escolar - Interactive vocab
Material Escolar - Interactive vocab
Interactive vocab of the classroom stationary in Spanish.
The students will have to drag the icons to the correct position, matching the icon to the word.

Películas - Interactive vocab
Películas - Interactive vocab
Interactive vocab of types of films in Spanish.
The students will have to drag the icons to the correct position, matching the icon to the word.

Adjetivos Películas - Interactive vocab
Adjetivos Películas - Interactive vocab
Interactive vocab of adjectives used to describe films in Spanish.
The students will have to drag the icons to the correct position, matching the icon to the word.

Asignaturas 1 & 2 - Quiz vocab
Asignaturas - Quiz vocab
Vocab quiz of the school subjects in Spanish.
The students will have to select the correct answer.

Los Transportes - Interactive vocab
Los Transportes - Interactive vocab
Interactive vocab of the transports in Spanish.
The students will have to drag the icons to the correct position, matching the icon to the word.

Healthy Lifestyle matching sentences
GCSE - Theme 2
Unit 6 - Social Issues
Helathy Lifestyle Matching Sentences
12 sentences, perfect for working alone or in couples.

Spanish GCSE verbs Theme 3
Spanish GCSE verbs Theme 3
Theme 3 – Current and future study and education
Unit 9 My studies
Unit 10 Life at school
Unit 11 Post 16 education
Unit 12 Jobs, careers and ambitions
Poster with the main verbs for each unit.