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Deserts & Plant Adaptations

Deserts & Plant Adaptations

Pupils will be able to enquire and ask / research a series of questions, using a data capture sheet. Pupils will know what the definition of a desert is and name an example of at least one and know how desert plants are adapted to their environment. The resources are differentiated so that higher ability pupils can ask further / higher level questions and the structure of the enquiry sheet can suggest/prompt lower ability pupils for answers. the plenery is a fun idea and it works well with year 8 pupils... surprising how much they can recall.
Where do People Live?

Where do People Live?

Pupils define and calculate population density complete world distribution maps, plot data using proportional map symbols, and explain why there is a link between environmental factors and population density. Extention task using an Atlas to research additional information.
River Landform worksheet

River Landform worksheet

Pupils will annotate a photo and draw a valley cross section. pupils will answer questions on river landforms and write a balanced extended answer to the potential development of landforlms (such as waterfalls) for the tourist industry. useful for an end of unit test.
Mind Map Template Mount Pinatubo

Mind Map Template Mount Pinatubo

A blank template to create a mind map about the 1991 Mount Pinatubo volcanic eruption. particularly useful when pupils consider the immediate and longer term effects of the eruption. The template can be used for other volcanic eruptions (Just blank out the central box) Useful for revision purposes and developing geographical skills.
Three types of Rainfall

Three types of Rainfall

The objectives of the Powerpoint, animation, video and various worksheets are to identify the three different types of rainfall (frontal, convectional and relief). To investigate and understand the mechanisms behind the different types of rainfall, and to identify and explain the link between areas of high altitude and relief rainfall.
The Earth's crust (plate boundaries)

The Earth's crust (plate boundaries)

There are a number of different types of plate boundaries. For each plate boundary you will need to be able to describe (i) the movement (ii) processes which occur and (iii) an example A differentiated set of worksheets for pupils to complete that achieves the above objective.
Quality of Life

Quality of Life

Learning objectives: To explore the idea of quality of life To understand the ways that the international community tries to define quality of life To compare the lifestyles of people with differing qualities of life. Powerpoint and accompanying worksheet exploring Quality of Life, development, sustainable communities.
Development Word Mat

Development Word Mat

A useful word bank for KS3 Development also vocabulary / revision aid for economic and/or sustainable development.
The Japanese Earthquake 2011

The Japanese Earthquake 2011

To research and consider the effects and responses of a recent significant earthquake in Japan 2011. To become increasingly aware of local events that have wider reaching global impacts and consequences. To appreciate the catastrophic nature of Tsunamis and their secondary impacts. The use of ICT in mapping hazards and student research in producing a case study.
Landforms found at Plate Boundaries

Landforms found at Plate Boundaries

AQA syllabus KS4 Tectonics Powerpoint on the landforms found at plate boundaries. Why fold mountains and ocean trenches form at destructive plate margins. The difference between composite volcanoes which are associated with destructive plate margins and shield volcanoes which are associated with constructive plate margins.
A Close up on China

A Close up on China

A fill in the gaps worksheet activity regarding the economic development of China. Also useful handouts: A Blank outline map of China and Climatic data for Beijing. Each are useful with Geog.3 lessons on China.
Earthquake Assessment

Earthquake Assessment

A KS3 Assessment task with grade descriptors for pupils producing a report on the primary and secondary effects of an Earthquake of their choice either from an LEDC or MEDC.
Earthquakes & Avalanches & Volcanoes

Earthquakes & Avalanches & Volcanoes

Three data capture sheets for research on Volcanoes, Avalanches and Earthquakes, useful for both KS3 and KS4; the worksheets can be used as a writing frame for video notes, Internet research or Library research.
benefits and problems of settlement growth

benefits and problems of settlement growth

A clear easy to follow powerpoint with activities included. some slides can be printed off individually and given to pupils as handouts. Lesson objectives: To know how changes in the growth of settlements benefit some people more than others. To recognise there are both good (positive) and bad (negative) points of settlement growth.
Investigating Coasts

Investigating Coasts

A planning matrix of 10 lessons investigating the coastal environment, specifically designed for SEN pupils in KS3.
Yorkshire Dales

Yorkshire Dales

A useful revision aid to the Yorkshire Dales Limestone (Karst) landscape, features found in the Yorkshire Dales National Park
The Niigata Earthquake

The Niigata Earthquake

Resources on the 2004 Japanese Earthquake in Niigata for students to identify the causes of an Earthquake. To classify the effects of the earthquake.