A reading comprehension sheet - highlighting the use of Ich würde + infinitive
A puzzle on free time where the students have to search for free time linked words and phrases:
Ich mag nicht / Klavier / Ich spiele am Computer / Ich besuche Freunde
Fussball / Ich gehe Schwimmen / Ich faulenze / Ich fahre Rad / Ich lese / Ich tanze
A matching exercise on free time activities - match the English and the German
A matching exercise - good as a starter to reinforce vocabulary.
A word search looking for phrases on hair and eyes - good as a starter or homework - includes key verbs - I am and I have
2 resources:
1. Simple power point introducing the key vocabulary
2. A word search to search for the key words - no definite or indefinite article - just the word - good as a starter / consolidation or a homework
Solve the clues to get the correct sport and then translate into German and fit into the puzzle
Clues are:
3 Beckham
6 Wimbledon
8 Johnny Wilkinson
9 Kelly Holmes
10 The Tour de France
11 Lets boogie!!
1 Shoes with wheels!
2 Cod / Plaice / Haddock
4 The Harlem Globetrotters!
5 Bully off!
7 Fish like this activity!
Mes Vacances
Match the French and English. These are all phrases/sentences that can be used to describe something about a holiday!!
Variety of tenses - so good towards the end of a topic!
A simple worksheet reminding of the importance of 'avoir' in French and how many basic phrases it is used in (age / hair and eyes / family / characteristics etc).
Translation exercises from French to English and English to French and re-presentation of the complete verb.
Good consolidation of the first few chapters of Métro 1 or simple basic sentences about oneself.
3 food matches - matching the German to English - 2 specifically break time foods and phrases
1 word search - searching for the break time foods in German
Very simple - quick starters or Homework/consolidation
A crossword in German to practise the countries and basic phrases about where you live.
Good starter or homework.
Words and phrases include:
1 Belgium
6 Holland
9 Austria
11 Ireland
12 Scotland
2 I live in....
3 Wales
4 Germany
5 Where do you live?
7 Switzerland
8 France
10 England
Students are required to find the German word for each letter of the alphabet - that fits into the puzzle - very challenging and prizeworthy!!
Good homework - to keep them thinking!!