Based on logo 2 - 10 past tenses in German to translate and fill in the crossword.
Good as a starter / revision / grammar consolidation. Not all 1st person - a variety
A crossword with a twist - 8 animals to find in French and fill in the crossword - but first they have to solve the anagram of those animals - makes it more challenging.
Suitable for Year 7 or as a quick starter
Presentation introducing J’ai mal + various parts of the body
A skeleton to label the body parts in French
An ICT task that requires the translation of pharmacy items and then a task to make a powerpoint using the j’ai mal phrases - would be a single lesson ICT task easily.
A word search containing body parts in French to find - excellent starter or homework/consolidation
A worksheet with 9 sentences to translate into English - translations also given but you need to use the page layout tab (on word) and choose the selection icon to hide the answers.
Also word list of vocabulary linked to smoking and alcohol - the vocab can be translated and then found in the accompanying word search, In German
A good starter or homework crossword to practise these basic phrases in French:
3 Hello
5 I am well
9 My mum is called
10 Goodbye
11 My name is (I'm called)
1 My birthday is the....
2 I live in (Ashford)
4 I am 13 years old
6 My sister is called...
7 I live in (England)
8 I have a sister
Presentation power point with all the phrases from p.30 Métro 3 - J'ai faim / soif etc.
Work sheet - good and quick starter - match the French and English phrases
Puzzle and solution puzzle - word search with all these phrases hiddedn
2 resources:
1. presents the phrases in French for the different household jobs.
2. Put the English translation for the job and exercise 2 - unscramble the jobs in the house.
2 very similar powerpoints - showing how 'to' and 'near to' work grammatically with the definite article in French.
Tasks at the end of both to practise.
2 puzzles that require students to search for the school subjects in French - one has the solution puzzle also.
1 puzzle that has 'mes affaires' - supports Métro 1 - also with the solution puzzle
1 puzzle and the solution on the classroom instructions - introduced in Métro 1
1 puzzle on school life including: L'école maternelle = nursery school / l'école primaire = primary school le collège = secondary school / un carnet de correspondance = student planner/diary
les externes - pupils that go home for lunch / un collège public = a state school
les cours = the lessons / une permanence = a free lesson / devoirs = homework
Ideal to reinforce vocabulary / for starters or homeworks
1. A presentation with a vocabulary task at the start - French words to describe a person's characteristics / personality to be matched with the English
Answers follow
Then a bullet point exercise which needs to be expanded into a properly written piece, including the necessary verbs.
2. A second presentation that reinforces the verb 'to be' and looks and further adjectives for personality. Anagram exercise at the the end.
14 modal verbs in German to translate from English and fit into the crossword.
Not all first person - a variety of pronouns
Good as a starter or modal consolidation work - even homework