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German; French; English and 11+ worksheets and resources




German; French; English and 11+ worksheets and resources
Zu Hause - crossword in German

Zu Hause - crossword in German

A good starter or homework A crossword including lots of words and phrases to do with where you live including: ACROSS 1 in a town 6 on the coast 8 brilliant 10 in an house 12 the town 13 in a flat 14 I live DOWN 1 in a village 2 in Hamburg 3 he lives 4 in the countryside 5 old fashioned 7 boring 9 very modern 10 in Kent 11 the house
Crossword in German on countries and where you live

Crossword in German on countries and where you live

A crossword in German to practise the countries and basic phrases about where you live. Good starter or homework. Words and phrases include: ACROSS 1 Belgium 6 Holland 9 Austria 11 Ireland 12 Scotland DOWN 2 I live in.... 3 Wales 4 Germany 5 Where do you live? 7 Switzerland 8 France 10 England
Crossword in German to practise the 'weil' clause

Crossword in German to practise the 'weil' clause

Crossword requiring translation of phrases using the weil clause - then fit your answers into the crossword. Phrases include: ACROSS 1 because I drink water 3 because I like meat 4 because she goes on foot 5 because I am sporty 6 because I hate chips 7 because I don't like sport 8 because he plays football 9 because I eat sweets 10 because I love Tennis DOWN 2 because I always laze about
Crossword based on unit 3 Métro red - Famille et Copains - in French -challenging!

Crossword based on unit 3 Métro red - Famille et Copains - in French -challenging!

Challenging crossword in French based on unit 3 of Métro Red Famille et Copains Use Module 3 to solve the clues and fill in the puzzle in French ACROSS 1 tablets 4 I would like 8 the mouth 9 my grandparents 10 coloured 13 our parents 15 he is the best singer 18 I like 19 stay in bed 21 I am more shy 23 she is taller 24 I have a cough 25 the shoulder 26 our mum 27 I'm cold 28 the skin 29 he is more handsome 30 cotton buds 31 she is more beautiful 32 teeth 33 he is more sporty DOWN 2 elegant 3 the back 4 I collect 5 she is funnier 6 I don't like it 7 teddy bears 11 tissues 12 My ears hurt 14 I measure 16 because 17 postcards 20 shampoo 21 I prefer 22 my dad 24 I'm hot
German crossword - sports vocabulary

German crossword - sports vocabulary

Solve the clues to get the correct sport and then translate into German and fit into the puzzle Clues are: ACROSS 3 Beckham 6 Wimbledon 8 Johnny Wilkinson 9 Kelly Holmes 10 The Tour de France 11 Lets boogie!! DOWN 1 Shoes with wheels! 2 Cod / Plaice / Haddock 4 The Harlem Globetrotters! 5 Bully off! 7 Fish like this activity!
Rauchen - crossword in German

Rauchen - crossword in German

Suitable as a starter / homework or consolidation for GCSE German or AS level Includes these phrases to translate and fit in the crossword ACROSS 1 fitter 3 an outsider 6 I smoked 7 I can't stop/quit 8 3 years ago 10 I started 12 healthier DOWN 2 to smoke 4 It doesn't taste nice 5 to stink 9 to smell 11 to cough
Mein Tagesablauf 1 and 2   - crosswords  in German

Mein Tagesablauf 1 and 2 - crosswords in German

Puzzle 1 requires you to translate these phrases into German and fit them into the puzzle: ACROSS 1 I have a wash 6 I have a shower 7 I have a bath 8 I watch TV 9 I do my homework 10 I get up 11 I go to school 12 I eat my dinner DOWN 2 I go to bed 3 I get dressed 4 I go home 5 I have breakfast 6 I get undressed Puzzle 2 - has the German phrases and asks for the English translation to be fitted into the crossword Good as consolidation work / a starter or homework
le petit déjeuner

le petit déjeuner

Le petit déjeuner Unscramble the anagrams to make the French breakfast items. Fill in the puzzle. Good as a starter or homework
Modal verbs in German

Modal verbs in German

14 modal verbs in German to translate from English and fit into the crossword. Not all first person - a variety of pronouns Good as a starter or modal consolidation work - even homework
School bag/pencil case vocabulary in German - 2 worksheets

School bag/pencil case vocabulary in German - 2 worksheets

2 crosswords in German - based on school bag / pencil case vocabulary. 1st one basic translation of the English word. 2nd one harder as the German words are anagrams to start with and have to be solved before fitting them into the puzzle. Good for starters or homework - consolidation of vocabulary
Qu sais-je?   Basics crossword in French

Qu sais-je? Basics crossword in French

A good starter or homework crossword to practise these basic phrases in French: ACROSS 3 Hello 5 I am well 9 My mum is called 10 Goodbye 11 My name is (I'm called) DOWN 1 My birthday is the.... 2 I live in (Ashford) 4 I am 13 years old 6 My sister is called... 7 I live in (England) 8 I have a sister
Food crossword in French

Food crossword in French

Supports the 'A Table' section of the Métro books - 18 food (without the definite or indefinite article) to translate into French and fit into the crossword. Good as a homework or starter
Animals crossword in French

Animals crossword in French

A crossword with a twist - 8 animals to find in French and fill in the crossword - but first they have to solve the anagram of those animals - makes it more challenging. Suitable for Year 7 or as a quick starter