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German; French; English and 11+ worksheets and resources




German; French; English and 11+ worksheets and resources
Inspiring stories assembly

Inspiring stories assembly

An assembly to inspire and motivate students to make the most of their talents. Katie Piper; Barack Obama and Jessica Cox - among others. Also a notes sheet attached - giving more info on the famous people mentioned
Qu sais-je?   Basics crossword in French

Qu sais-je? Basics crossword in French

A good starter or homework crossword to practise these basic phrases in French: ACROSS 3 Hello 5 I am well 9 My mum is called 10 Goodbye 11 My name is (I'm called) DOWN 1 My birthday is the.... 2 I live in (Ashford) 4 I am 13 years old 6 My sister is called... 7 I live in (England) 8 I have a sister
Zu Hause - crossword in German

Zu Hause - crossword in German

A good starter or homework A crossword including lots of words and phrases to do with where you live including: ACROSS 1 in a town 6 on the coast 8 brilliant 10 in an house 12 the town 13 in a flat 14 I live DOWN 1 in a village 2 in Hamburg 3 he lives 4 in the countryside 5 old fashioned 7 boring 9 very modern 10 in Kent 11 the house
Crossword in German on countries and where you live

Crossword in German on countries and where you live

A crossword in German to practise the countries and basic phrases about where you live. Good starter or homework. Words and phrases include: ACROSS 1 Belgium 6 Holland 9 Austria 11 Ireland 12 Scotland DOWN 2 I live in.... 3 Wales 4 Germany 5 Where do you live? 7 Switzerland 8 France 10 England
Homophone / Homonyms resources/presentation/puzzle /worksheet

Homophone / Homonyms resources/presentation/puzzle /worksheet

1. Presentation - very long - Each slide gives first a written clue. This is followed by picture clues (some with sound) and then finally by the homophones. Can you spell the homophones? In most cases there are two homophones. Where there are more, the number is shown in brackets at the end of the written clue. 2. Work sheet that would be a good starter - Homophones (Words that sound the same or similar but have different spellings and meanings) Write in a matching homophone for the word shown on the left each time. 3. Word search and answer grid - puzzle searching for the pairs of homophones 4. 2nd power point - You will have thirty slides with clues to two or more words with different meanings, different spellings, but the same sounds.
TV programmes and opinion resources - 5 resources

TV programmes and opinion resources - 5 resources

A selections of resources: Power point to introduce programme types; opinions on programmes and also favourite programmes and why. Simple reading comprehension worksheet on opinions of TV - questions in English on French texts Very short piece of written French - giving opinions on types of TV programmes - the words for the programmes themselves are jumbled though / anagrams - excellent starter - once vocab for programmes has been introduced Worksheet with 34 programme titles in French to be put into English - for eg Les Voisins = Neighbours! Excellent extension task. Sentence builder worksheet to help you to put together sentences on your TV watching habits
How to say what sports and hobbies you like. 3 resources

How to say what sports and hobbies you like. 3 resources

Presentation to show how to use J'aime + infinitive in French for hobbies and sports Worksheet to match the hobbies introduced in Métro 1 - all with the correct verb in the infinitive - + an extension activity for those that have finished unscrambling words and finding the verbs Wordsearch containing lots of sports and hobbies
Sports in French - 4 resources

Sports in French - 4 resources

Worksheet with all the sports from Métro 1 p.56 - lists the French - just requires the English to be filled in. wordsearch - quel sport aimes-tu? Good as a starter or a homework. Crossword - fill in the sports in French Unjumble the sports and then find them in the puzzle
The weather in French - 3 resources

The weather in French - 3 resources

3 resources: 1. Just a map of the uk with weather symbols on it - could be use for Q & A in French for the different weathers in different places - or for other activities - writing and speaking 2. ICT task - activities that should fill a full lesson on the weather. 3. Worksheet - requiring the student to write what they do in certain weathers - practises the use of 'quand' + hobbies