A complete lesson: Was trägst du in der Schule? Vocabulary: clothes, colours, connectives, adjectives. Grammar: gender, verbs tragen and müssen. Phonetics: pronunciation of clothes, colours and key sounds. Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Easy to use lesson to explain school uniform. Supports learners with developing thinking skills and to reflect on language. Knowledge Organiser included. For more of my resources in French, Spanish and German, search: mwilde94210.
FINAL EXAMINATION 2025 VERSION. A handy A4 student guide to the GCSE SPANISH AQA Role Play.
This guide explains the Role Play, mark criteria, timings and has handy vocab and questions needed to complete the Role Play successfully.
FINAL EXAMINATION 2025 VERSION. The ESSENTIAL last lesson before the current GCSE French Foundation Writing AQA which can be used for individual classes or for a whole cohort GCSE French Foundation Writing AQA final input.
This creative power point lesson describes, analyses and evaluates: exam requirements with useful Examiner Report Feedback, strategies, skills, language (vocab and grammar) in a student-friendly approach for each of the 4 questions of the Foundation Writing.
Students have tangible examples, practice and a handy, essential A4 guide for final revision before the exam.
For further resources from the same author in French Spanish and German, search mel94210.
FINAL EXAMINATION 2025 VERSION. A handy A4 page guide for students (and teachers) to support students to achieve the best possible grade for their GCSE AQA Spanish conversation element of the Speaking assessment. For my other resources in Spanish, French and German, please see: mwilde94210
Do you need easy to access work for SUPPLY/COVER, homework, extension, remote learning, revision, review and recall? This GERMAN PHOTOCOPIABLE booklet on BASICS has been created so that learners can access the activities and complete independently with all instructions in English. The resources also encourage learners to reflect about the language, grammar, phonetics and patterns. The focus is on BASICS (Germany, geography, culture, social, greetings, numbers, age, colours and countries) but also include grammatical aspects of each topic. Answer sheets are also provided for each activity. ALSO SEE MY RESOURCES FOR BUSY TEACHERS on other topics and for FRENCH and SPANISH at mwilde94210.
Vocabulary: TV likes and dislikes. Grammar: opinions. Phonetics: pronunciation of TV programmes and key sounds. Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing and Dictation and Translation. Easy to use lesson to explain TV likes and dislikes. Supports learners with developing thinking skills and to reflect on language . For more of my resources in French, Spanish and German, search: mwilde94210.
SPEC FINAL EXAMINATION 2025. One handy, thorough power point lesson on the AQA General Conversation (easily adaptable for other exam boards). Explains what the General Conversation is, the mark scheme criteria, how to achieve the best marks and also includes an excellent, creative A4 Student Guide to the GC.
Look at my other resources to support the GCSE Speaking and further resources in French, Spanish and German: mwilde94210
SPEC FINAL EXAMINATION 2025. Do your pupils struggle with the Higher Writing Translation?
Do you want a step-by-step approach to support them to achieve maximum marks? This lesson is so creative and easy to follow, it can even be used on student platforms for homework, revision and independent learning.
This lesson briefly explains the context of the Higher Writing, highlights the Higher Translation task and mark scheme criteria, explores the Examiner’s Report feedback and links GCSE Translation tasks . The lesson then provides a framework for completing the Translation successfully in 5 easy steps. There are lots of creative resources to experiment with key aspects of translation: articles, particles, connectives, adverbs, direct object pronouns, time markers, time frames, verbs… Practice tasks are also provided and a handy A4 student guide to the GCSE Higher Writing. For more resources by the same author in French, Spanish and German, search mel94210.
This is for the spec with final examination 2025. Save yourself hours of preparation with these handy student work books for French GCSE Foundation and Higher: Role Play, Photo Card and General Conversation.
Each booklet has handy guides, tips and print outs and lots of practice questions for each element of the GCSE Speaking Exam to support your students to achieve the highest marks.
For further resources in French, Spanish and German, including accompanying lessons, search: mel94210
SPEC FINAL EXAM 2025. Do your students struggle with the Photo Card? Do they need one resource which clearly explains how to achieve the highest marks? This student guide and practice book has F&Q, handy tips and advice, a step by step guide on how to use the preparation time and lots of practice Photo Cards from each Theme and Topic for both Foundation and Higher Tiers. Also included is an A4 print out with all target language needed for each question/bullet point. Save yourself hours and hours of preparation and support your students to achieving the highest marks in the Photo Card. Do you also need a lesson to accompany this student guide? Search mel94210 French Photo Card lesson. For further resources by the same author in French, German and Spanish including all GCSE papers and elements and GCSE bundles, search: mel94210
SPEC FINAL EXAM 2025. French Role Play, Photo Card, General Conversation bundle for AQA (General Conversation questions can be used for other exam boards). This includes lessons, teacher and student workbooks and handy A4 student guides covering all aspects of the GCSE Paper 2 Assessment. This will save you hours and hours of preparation and will support students to achieve in the Speaking Assessment. For other resources in French, German and Spanish, please search mwilde94210.
SPEC FINAL EXAM 2025. A handy A4 page guide for students (and teachers) to support students to achieve the best possible grade for their GCSE AQA German conversation element of the Speaking assessment. For my other resources, please see: mwilde94210
SPEC FINAL EXAM 2025. A handy A4 page guide for students (and teachers) to support students to achieve the best possible grade for their GCSE AQA French conversation element of the Speaking assessment. For my other resources in French, German and Spanish, please see: mwilde94210.
SPEC FINAL EXAMINATION 2025. Take out the effort and time needed to prepare for GCSE French Foundation Writing by using this handy, clearly organised lesson and resource!
This is based on AQA but can be edited for any exam board.
The power point presentation can also be adapted for different revision times: extended revision with practice questions or a quick reminder before the examination.
Included: mark criteria, how you can achieve the highest marks, question break down, top tips, question practice, useful websites with prepared games, quizzes for different aspects of the exam…
For my other resources in French, Spanish and German, please search: mwilde94210.
SPEC FINAL EXAM 2025. A handy A4 student guide to the GCSE FRENCH AQA PHOTO CARD.
This guide explains the Photo Card, mark criteria, timings and has handy vocab/phrases and tips needed to complete the Photo Card successfully in one A4 guide.
For other resources in French, Spanish and German, please search mwilde94210.
SPEC FINAL EXAM 2025. This is your 1 stop Student Guide and Practice booklet for both the GCSE French & German Role Play assessment for AQA (please see my other resources for different exam boards and languages). These resources also includes mark criteria, tips, strategies, skills, checklist, vocab, a handy A4 student guide to achieving top marks and lots of practice Role Plays at Foundation and Higher with scripts to support and check student understanding. This can be used as part of lessons or independently by students. For other resources in French, Spanish and German, please search mwilde94210.
SPEC FINAL EXAM 2025. This Power Point lesson covers all aspects of the AQA FRENCH GCSE Photo Card and can be used at any point in the GCSE course - at the start, as part of a wider sequence of lessons, or just before the assessments as revision. It can also be used for teacher-training. It clearly explains and checks all aspects of the Photo Card so that students can feel confident of achieving the highest marks. The lesson also includes a useful A4 student handout for the Photo Card and Photo Card practice. For the accompanying Photo Card Student Guide and Practice Book and other resources in French, Spanish and German, please search mwilde94210.
FINAL EXAMINATION 2025 VERSION. Save hours of preparation with student guides and work books for the: Role Play, Photo Card and General Conversation and the accompanying teacher power point lessons.
Each guide has tips, guides and handy print outs and includes lots of practice questions at both tiers.
For further resources in French, German and Spanish, search: mel94210
SPEC FINAL EXAMINATION 2025. A handy A4 student guide to the GCSE GERMAN AQA Role Play.
This guide explains the Role Play, mark criteria, timings and has handy vocab and questions needed to complete the Role Play successfully.
SPEC FINAL EXAM 2025. This student book for FOUNDATION TIER explains for how the GCSE French Speaking exam is set out and gives handy tips for preparing this element of the exam and for achieving the highest marks.
There are a range of possible questions for the General Conversation in French and English and a handy A4 guide.
Save yourself hours of preparation and support your students to success!
This resource can also be accompanied by a French GCSE General Conversation lesson, a Comprehensive Teacher’s Guide for the General Conversation and further guides, student work books and lessons on the Role Play, the Photo Card and the Listening, Reading and Writing exams in French, Spanish and German. For these resources, bundle deals and more, search: mel94210