English teacher with a bunch of resources to share - I will keep adding to the resources until everything I have made is uploaded in neat little sets, but bear with me until then.
English teacher with a bunch of resources to share - I will keep adding to the resources until everything I have made is uploaded in neat little sets, but bear with me until then.
Aimed at KS3 as an introduction to the detective genre, this lesson aims to get them up and moving about the classroom to find clues in order to discover who murdered one of the Minecraft characters.
This pack includes:
explanatory PowerPoint
Minecraft Detective booklet
several clues to print out and leave around the room for pupils to discover
(One clue suggesting wool was found at the crime scene - points to Nana Swol; one clue showing Banjo working on a community farm project with witnesses when the autoposy says the murder was committed - clear alibi; one clue which is the autopsy, suggesting Steve was killed by sharp implements - points to Nana Swol’ one clue which is a letter of apology from Bob - clears his motive)
Once pupils have decided who commited the murder, there is then an extra creative writing task for them to attempt. There is a scaffoled and unscaffolded version of hthis task for them to work on.
Could be adapted into a display, with the clues, booklets and final creative writing pieces used.
The Prologue written in emoji form, used as a puzzle for pupils to tease out the meaning. Intended as a fun starter or plenary, by the time pupils get to the last line it can prompt some interesting responses. Leads in to the 'Shakespeare isn't English' debate as some feel the same about emojis but kids use them happily.
There is an accompaning PowerPoint with a sort the prologue activity too, to get them thinking about thyme schemes and what happens in the play too.
All together could make a complete first lesson on Romeo and Juliet.