Part of a suffragette series, this standalone looks at Emily Davison - was she a hero? Did she mean to kill herself. Full set of starter, tasks and plenary.
A good thematic lesson introducing this concept which can run into Becket, Henry VIII, Bloody Mary, Crusades or Gunpowder plot.
Differentiated with multiple tasks, starter, mains and plenary.
A whole lesson to be used as a prelude to the revolt charting why peasants would be unhappy.
This lesson has a full range of activities; starter, mains and plenary.
A whole lesson on the actual events of the revolt.
A treasure hunt around the room for information coupled with storyboard and other activities to consolidate.
An inventive lesson to get pupils thinking about significance and change as a prelude to the IR. Told as trip through time this lesson includes movement around the class to show migration from country to town with a mindblow of a conclusion!
A fun year 7 lesson on the subject of who should marry Elizabeth and why - the lessons looks at 4 suitors which the pupils have to find out about in a carousel activity.
The lesson has built in audio and film clips.
An introduction to Criminal law
Created for the AQA A level / AS level syllabus
This deals with :
the objective of criminal law,
mens rea and actus reus
statutory offences v common law offences
causation and ommision
This was graded a good/outstanding lesson linking the topic to the Edexcel syllabus dealing with concepts pupils can find difficult.
Pupils are able to build up precise evidence,compare exam questions before then writing their own 12 mark question with a PEELd model answer.
A whole lesson looking at the plot asking the students to analyse source evidence to consider whether the plot was true or setup by the government.
The pp incorporates some video and has sources and worksheet built in.