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I am a languages teacher who has, over the years, created many resources for teaching French and Spanish. I also produce resources in other languages: German, Italian, and more recently, Greek. Here I am sharing a few of these, in the hope it makes a hard-working teacher's life a little easier at a time when they need something quickly. Often adding more resources, so watch this space!




I am a languages teacher who has, over the years, created many resources for teaching French and Spanish. I also produce resources in other languages: German, Italian, and more recently, Greek. Here I am sharing a few of these, in the hope it makes a hard-working teacher's life a little easier at a time when they need something quickly. Often adding more resources, so watch this space!
Pairs Memory Game - Frutta e Verdura

Pairs Memory Game - Frutta e Verdura

This PowerPoint focuses on a set of fruit and vegetables vocabulary in Italian, each with its own vocab slide. These can be used to help practise the vocabulary, which can then be revised further by playing the pairs game. You will want to play around with it in order to use it in a way which best suits your needs, but it’s highly customisable if you want to replace certain food items with others which you are teaching, change the colour of the board squares (e.g. into different colours for masculine/feminine items), etc. This PowerPoint is also available in an equivalent version in French, Spanish and German in my shop.
Die Berufe - was fehlt? German vocab learning game - professions

Die Berufe - was fehlt? German vocab learning game - professions

A Powerpoint to help students learn German vocabulary related to professions. Useful as a starter for the classroom or any language lesson. 3 slides have vocabulary and a picture for each profession. These are then followed by a group of slides for each group of professions where each has a profession missing which the student needs to name. Highly versatile in terms of how it’s used and could be made more difficult for more able learners, e.g. by asking for the word in a sentence, in a sentence in a different tense, checking the gender, etc. Also available in my shop in Spanish, Italian and French.
Des animaux - qui manque? French vocab learning game

Des animaux - qui manque? French vocab learning game

A Powerpoint to help students learn French vocabulary related to animals and pets. Useful as a starter for the classroom or any language lesson. Includes vocabulary for all animals included and each slide has an animal missing which the student needs to name. Highly versatile in terms of how it’s used and could be made more difficult for more able learners, e.g. by asking for the word in a sentence, in a sentence in a different tense, checking the gender, etc. Also available in my shop in German, Spanish and Italian.
Los animales - que falta? Spanish vocab game

Los animales - que falta? Spanish vocab game

A Powerpoint to help students learn Spanish vocabulary related to animals and pets. Useful as a starter for the classroom or any language lesson. Includes vocabulary for all animals included and each slide has an animal missing which the student needs to name. Highly versatile in terms of how it’s used and could be made more difficult for more able learners, e.g. by asking for the word in a sentence, in a sentence in a different tense, checking the gender, etc. Also available in my shop in German, Italian and French.
Gli animali - cosa manca? Italian vocab game

Gli animali - cosa manca? Italian vocab game

A Powerpoint to help students learn Italian vocabulary related to animals and pets. Useful as a starter for the classroom or any language lesson. Includes vocabulary for all animals included and each slide has an animal missing which the student needs to name. Highly versatile in terms of how it’s used and could be made more difficult for more able learners, e.g. by asking for the word in a sentence, in a sentence in a different tense, checking the gender, etc. Also available in my shop in German, Spanish and French.
German Prepositions followed by the Genitive Case

German Prepositions followed by the Genitive Case

A Powerpoint presentation of German prepositions which are followed by the genitive case. Includes examples of each in a sentence. The prepositions are an, auf, hinter, in, neben, über, unter, vor, zwischen. I also have other Powerpoints available about prepositions followed by the accusative and the dative case.
The German Imperative

The German Imperative

A visual guide to using the imperative in German, used when giving an order, command or request. Examples included to illustrate key learning points. Divided into 2 parts which are colour coded to support more visual learners.
German compound tenses: forming the past, future and conditional tense

German compound tenses: forming the past, future and conditional tense

A handy guide to forming compound tenses in German: the past, future and conditional tenses. All explanations are user-friendly with illustrated with examples for every point, using circled numbers to direct you to the relevant example each time. There are many more grammar explanations and Powerpoints in my shop, not only for German but also for French, Spanish and Italian.
German Prepositions followed by the Accusative Case - ppt

German Prepositions followed by the Accusative Case - ppt

A powerpoint presentation of German prepositions which are followed by the accusative case. Includes examples of each in a sentence. The prepositions are durch, für, entlang, gegen, ohne, um and wider. I also have other powerpoints available detailing prepositions followed by the dative case and genitive case.
El subjuntivo español – Part 2 – Imperfect Tense

El subjuntivo español – Part 2 – Imperfect Tense

A visual guide/reference to help learn the rules of the Spanish imperfect subjunctive. Useful for any advanced Spanish lesson as an aid for visual learners or for a display. Broken down into key points to help the memory retain the information.
Die Tiere - Was fehlt? German vocab learning game

Die Tiere - Was fehlt? German vocab learning game

A Powerpoint to help students learn German vocabulary related to animals and pets. Useful as a starter for the classroom or any language lesson. Includes vocabulary for all animals included and each slide has an animal missing which the student needs to name. Highly versatile in terms of how it’s used and could be made more difficult for more able learners, e.g. by asking for the word in a sentence, in a sentence in a different tense, etc. Also available in my shop in French, Spanish and Italian.
Christmas Bundle - Activities for Year 7/8 French

Christmas Bundle - Activities for Year 7/8 French

This Christmas bundle contains five different resources, all based around 16 key Christmas vocabulary items, which can be used as a basis to teach students about the traditions of Christmas in France. Highly adaptable for students of different abilities - pick and choose activities for more able/less able students. You can also choose the order in which you do the activities, depending on your students. e.g., you can either do the quiz before, or after, teaching the key vocabulary in the second Powerpoint listed below, depending on how much Christmas vocabulary students have already learnt. The resources in the bundle are: A Powerpoint with a set of 10 quiz questions + 2. A Word document for students/teams of students to write their answers to the quiz questions A Powerpoint with a set of 16 Christmas vocabulary items, followed by a memory game board to play with individual students or teams of students A word search which includes the 16 Christmas vocabulary items A word document containing simple descriptions of traditions in France and featuring the key vocabulary, with several activities to do based on the descriptions. I’ve provided the Word docs as PDFs in case this is easier for you. Equally, the Word docs can be amended/tweaked, alongside the Powerpoints, if you prefer to focus on other vocab or traditions. All customisable depending on your students.
Portuguese GCSE 90-word writing mat - Foundation and Higher - any exam board

Portuguese GCSE 90-word writing mat - Foundation and Higher - any exam board

A 3-page writing mat which includes a checklist of components to score top grades forthe 90-word writing tasks in the Portuguese GCSE writing paper. Includes lists of present, past and future tense expressions and verb examples, as well as comparatives and superlatives, opinion phrases, connectives, adverbs and intensifiers. I also have a similar mat available in German, Spanish, Italian and French, as well as 150-word writing mats in all five subjects to support Higher students in particular.
Portuguese GCSE 150 word writing mat - Higher only - any exam board

Portuguese GCSE 150 word writing mat - Higher only - any exam board

A 2-page writing mat which includes a checklist of components to score top grades forthe 150-word writing tasks in the Portuguese GCSE Higher writing paper. Includes lists of opinions, adverbs, comparative and superlative examples, direct and indirect object pronouns examples, and idioms. I also have a similar mat available in German, Spanish, French and Italian, as well as 90-word writing mats in all five subjects to support both Foundation and Higher students.
Portuguese - Irregular verb tables and translation exercise

Portuguese - Irregular verb tables and translation exercise

This is an 18-slide Powerpoint presentation about the formation of the most essential, irregular Portuguese verbs. There is a brief introduction, followed by a set of slides with each verb conjugated in the present, preterit (simple past) and imperfect tense, as well as the gerund form of the verb, and the past participle. The presentation is accompanied by a PDF of translation exercises, both English to Portuguese and Portuguese to English, which focus on use of the irregular verbs in the presentation, to consolidate knowledge and practise translation using the irregular forms in different tenses.
Spanish 90-word writing mat - Foundation and Higher - any exam board

Spanish 90-word writing mat - Foundation and Higher - any exam board

A 3-page writing mat which includes a checklist of components to score top grades forthe 90-word writing tasks in the Spanish GCSE writing paper. Includes lists of present, past and future tense expressions and verb examples, as well as comparatives and superlatives, opinion phrases, connectives, adverbs and intensifiers. I also have a similar mat available in French, German and Italian, as well as 150-word mats in all four languages, in my shop. #spanish #gcsespanish #writingmat #spanishwritingmat #comparatives #superlatives #opinionphrases #connectives #spanishlanguage #spanishadverbs #spanishadjectives #spanishintensifiers
Spanish Higher GCSE 150 word writing mat - any exam board

Spanish Higher GCSE 150 word writing mat - any exam board

A writing mat to support the requirements of the 150 word writing task as part of Spanish Higher GCSE. It includes present and past tense opinions and contrasting opinions, direct object pronouns, adverbs, subjunctive phrases, comparatives and superlatives, idioms, and a checklist for items to include in this task. Students report to me that it is also very useful for the speaking exam - quick revision of it prior to taking speaking tests leads to more variety in their language and higher marks as a result. I also have similar mats for Italian and French available in my shop. #spanishwritingmat #spanishhigherGCSE #spanishwriting #spanishGCSE
German GCSE 150-word writing mat - Higher

German GCSE 150-word writing mat - Higher

A writing mat to support 150-word writing task practice for German GCSE. Contains words and phrase groups as well as an ‘ingredients’ list to ensure that students are able to gain the maximum marks possible in the task, including opinions, adverbs, intensifiers, phrases in different tenses, linking words, idioms, subjunctive phrases, comparatives and superlatives, complex sentence structures, contrasting opinions and direct object pronouns. I also have a 90-word writing mat available in German, and writing mats for Spanish, French and Italian GCSE as well.
AQA French GCSE Writing Practice Questions - Foundation and Higher

AQA French GCSE Writing Practice Questions - Foundation and Higher

2 Resources
Combined bundle of resources - complete set of questions with some example answers for both Foundation and Higher AQA French GCSE topics (Identity and Culture; Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest; Current and Future Study and Employment). Includes a checklist of language components to ensure target grade is met at either Foundation or Higher tier.