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Grade Gain

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(based on 81 reviews)

I am currently a Teacher of Science and I have a background in Telecomms and Software Engineering. I can occasionally be found on BBC Radio Shropshire as their Science Teacher. I enjoy finding innovative ways to help students revise and have developed the Grade Gain app for Science revision.




I am currently a Teacher of Science and I have a background in Telecomms and Software Engineering. I can occasionally be found on BBC Radio Shropshire as their Science Teacher. I enjoy finding innovative ways to help students revise and have developed the Grade Gain app for Science revision.
GCSE Physics - Electric Fields lesson plan and presentation

GCSE Physics - Electric Fields lesson plan and presentation

A detailed lesson plan and presentation about Electric fields. It takes the student through looking at magnetism as a non-contact force and then applying this knowledge to electrostatics whilst looking at similarities. They then progress to drawing field diagrams and writing explanations of electrostatic repulsion and the triboelectric effect. Thanks for looking. Don't forget to review if you buy!
GCSE Physics - Moments and cantilevers lesson plan and presentation

GCSE Physics - Moments and cantilevers lesson plan and presentation

A GCSE Physics lesson plan and presentation that introduces moments and cantilevers to students. They need to complete the cantilever practical as specified in the AQA resources - measuring deflection when masses are added to a clamped metre rule. This introduces key terms and ideas. Please review my work ;-) Thanks for buying.
Powers of Ten and Standard Form Lesson plan and presentation

Powers of Ten and Standard Form Lesson plan and presentation

The lesson plan and accompanying presentation for Science students to learn about standard form, aka scientific notation, and common prefixes. The PPT is fully editable and has opportunities for AfL embedded into the lesson. Any images are CC0 license so royalty free. This takes students from guesstimating size, to understanding the need for standard form to recognising standard prefixes such as kilo. There is an accompanying homework task (available separately) - Powers of Ten, Prefixes and Standard form Homework/worksheet.
GCSE Physics - static electricity lesson plan and presentation

GCSE Physics - static electricity lesson plan and presentation

A lesson plan and presentation introducing static electricity and the triboelectric effect. There are links to a couple of you tube videos that emphasise the points being made. This lesson also details a practical that students can do to experience the triboelectric effect for themselves.
Tarsia Puzzle template

Tarsia Puzzle template

This is a handy template for creating Tarsia Puzzles. They are triangular pieces that form a hexagon when connected up correctly. Write words/definitions on each piece so that they pair up, cut up the pieces and then students have to put the puzzle back together based on their knowledge. This does not do it for you automatically. This is a great tool for testing knowledge on a wide range of topics.
Exit ticket template

Exit ticket template

An exit ticket template that can be used for any lesson. Created in the style of a British Railway ticket. Provided in word format so you can edit the name on the ticket for your own. Great way to capture learning from the lesson or use as a recap. Not valid for travel! Can be printed onto Avery or Lyreco labels so you can stick them in to student books once they have been reviewed.
Circuit symbol Card sort

Circuit symbol Card sort

The common circuit symbols that students are expected to know for GCSE Science. These are produced so you can print them out, cut them up and have a card sort activity. Print them onto different colours of card and laminate to make a long lasting resource. Covers all the common circuit symbols, switch, cell, battery, diode, resistor, variable resistor, LED, lamp, fuse, voltmeter, ammeter, thermistor and LDR. Also suitable for KS2 and KS3.
Electromagnetic radiation splat

Electromagnetic radiation splat

An animated PowerPoint file that enables you to play splat. Have a list of questions where the answers are parts of the electromagnetic spectrum and have two students at the board. The first person to "splat" the right answer wins. Winner stays on is always a good game but you can rotate in teams or anyway you like. Excellent for revision of the electromagnetic spectrum.
GCSE Physics Required practical 4c - Resistance of a diode

GCSE Physics Required practical 4c - Resistance of a diode

This has been produced as an extract of the AQA required practical document. It is designed to be printed two pages to a page and flip on short edge to form a booklet that students can then stick in their books. This is for required practical 4 - Resistance. The content is from AQA and the layout and formatting is my own. AQA may change the contents of their practical this is correct as of 07-07-2016. I have split it into 3 different practicals as that is how I prefer to teach it. They are 4a, 4b and 4c.
GCSE Physics Required Practical 4b - Resistance of a lamp

GCSE Physics Required Practical 4b - Resistance of a lamp

This has been produced as an extract of the AQA required practical document. It is designed to be printed two pages to a page and flip on short edge to form a booklet that students can then stick in their books. This is for required practical 4 Resistance. The content is from AQA and the layout and formatting is my own. AQA may change the contents of their practical this is correct as of 07-07-2016. I have split it into 3 different practicals as that is how I prefer to teach it. They are 4a, 4b and 4c.
GCSE Physics Required Practical 4a - Resistance of a fixed resistor

GCSE Physics Required Practical 4a - Resistance of a fixed resistor

This has been produced as an extract of the AQA required practical document. It is designed to be printed two pages to a page and flip on short edge to form a booklet that students can then stick in their books. This is for required practical 4 - Resistance. The content is from AQA and the layout and formatting is my own. AQA may change the contents of their practical this is correct as of 07-07-2016. I have split it into 3 different practicals as that is how I prefer to teach it. They are 4a, 4b and 4c.
Power Lesson plan, presentation and practical worksheet

Power Lesson plan, presentation and practical worksheet

A complete lesson plan, presentation and practical worksheet about Power. Suitable for new GCSE (2016) any exam board (AQA, OCR, Edexcel, WJEC). Suitable get set activity and starter coupled with a practical that can be modified to suit the equipment you have available. Students need to recall gravitational potential energy and power equations to complete their analysis.
Trilogy Physics Equation test sheet

Trilogy Physics Equation test sheet

A sheet to accompany my FREE download of equations needed for Trilogy Physics. This is a useful test sheet that allows your students the opportunity to improve their recall of the key equations for Physics. This can be used as a look, cover, write, check activity or as a test.
GCSE Physics Parallel Circuits lesson plan and presentation

GCSE Physics Parallel Circuits lesson plan and presentation

A complete lesson plan and PPT presentation about parallel circuits for new GCSE(2016). Covers all the main topics, measuring current and voltage, calculating resistance and understanding why resistance in a parallel circuit decreases the more branches there are.