KS1 Autumn Maths data handling graph.
Five Autumn objects for pupils to find on a walk. Pupils collect/tick off the object on the block graph, add up the totals and use the data to answer the questions on the additional supporting question sheet. Questions include - most/least objects, comparison and explain.
Links with cross curricular topics – Autumn, Seasons, Trees, Growing, Gardens. Can also be used as a homework activity.
KS1 &2 Attack or Defend Medieval Castle Activity: 12 battle statements to classify under ’attack’ or ‘defend’ on the activity board. Pupils work in small groups or pairs to discuss and categorise the statements. A fun activity to help pupils improve historical vocabulary and understanding of the methods of defence and attack strategy. Can also be used as a plenary to assess pupil knowledge following a topic on Medieval Castles.
KS2 Geography – Discover the Arctic Circle powerpoint lesson of 24 slides.
Learning Objectives
I must find the Arctic in my atlas.
I must recognise the symbols for the points on a compass.
I should identify the lines of latitude and longitude on a map or globe.
I should explain the term ‘Arctic Circle’.
I could describe where the Arctic Circle is in the world using geographical vocabulary and name some places located there.
The lesson uses pupil starting points and encourages partner and group discussion. Written tasks are built into each stage of the lesson following a discussion task, map or globe work. The introduction asks pupils to describe the arctic landscape and arctic animals using a selection of photographs. They use this information to build up a picture to guess the place –the Arctic!
The lesson moves onto a simple explanation of latitude and longitude and the points on the compass. Pupils will need a map or globe to explore the tasks fully and identify the Arctic Circle.
There are 2 YouTube links – a latitude and longitude song (great fun!) and a short clip about Arctic wildlife which could be used as a starter for a follow up lesson.
There is a simple optional assessment task at the end of the lesson.
KS1 & 2 Label the space shuttle, label the space rocket, label the space suit (3 worksheets)
Three separate worksheets to enable pupils to match the technical vocabulary to the correct part of the picture. There are seven items of equipment to label on the space shuttle and rocket worksheets and eight parts to label on the spacesuit. The vocabulary list is included on each worksheet for pupil use and there is a small photograph of a real shuttle and rocket for pupils to make a comparison between a photo and a simplified diagram. This is a useful activity to assess pupil knowledge of key vocabulary at the end of a mini topic on Space, journeys, famous explorers, or Planets.
Reception/Year 1 Pirate Treasure Map
Reading activity linked to topic on pirates and seaside.
Includes a blank treasure map, a key vocabulary mat and a set of 9 differentiated activity cards.
Learning objectives
I must match pictures to the correct letter sound at the beginning of the word.
I must match pictures to the correct letter sound at the end of the word.
I should find and read words which have double letters.
I should identify words which have more than one syllable.
I could read the pirate sentence accurately and follow the instructions.
Sports Day Cross curricular challenges: Five physical Maths and PE challenges for pupils in KS2. Great link to sports day and Olympic and world records in the main sports events.
Pupils follow the instructions and measure their best attempts at five track and field events. Following their own efforts they can compare their personal best against the world record holders as well as their friends. Measurement, time, distance, speed, standard units of measure. Develops group work through organising , planning, measuring and recording the sports area as well as the race attempts themselves.
Challenge 1 : 100m.
Challenge 2 : 200m.
Challenge 3 : Long jump.
Challenge 4 : Shot Put.
Challenge 5 : High jump (reach jump).
KS1 & 2 Science Fiction story planning template. A writing Science Fiction stories and spaces for pupils to develop descriptive words and phrases, space setting , problems, themed vocabulary and the structure of their story.
Can be used with topics : Space, Adventures, Explorers, Planets.
A writing Science Fiction stories and spaces for pupils to develop descriptive words and phrases, space setting , problems, themed vocabulary and the structure of their story.
Can be used with topics : Space, Adventures, Explorers, Planets.
YR,Y1,Y2 (SEN) Eight Christmas themed Maths worksheets. Each worksheet contains a mixture of Maths applications eg simple 4 rules of number to 10 and 20, understanding Maths vocabulary and symbols (subtract, more than), time (o’clock) weight (heavier/lighter than) and shape recognition.
Worksheet 1: Circle recognition, one more, counting to 10, comparison of size, who has the most, number story to 10.
Worksheet 2: Triangle recognition, one more than, counting to 10, size comparison, one less, addition story to 10.
Worksheet 3: Weighing comparison, 2 more than, counting to 10, missing numbers, ordinal numbers, missing number addition stories.
Worksheet 4: Half, matching equivalent amounts, counting to 10, take away 1, largest, middle, longest.
Worksheet 5: Take away, greater than/less than symbols, height comparison, one more, counting to 20.
Worksheet 6: more/less than and symbols, height comparison, subtract, half, o’clock, addition of three numbers.
Worksheet 7: Counting to 20, missing numbers to 20, o’clock, pairs, missing number addition, length comparison.
Worksheet 8: Hexagon recognition, more/less than, most/least, counting to 20, ordinal numbers, o’clock.
KS2 set of 4 Reindeer resources: The pack includes
* 2 different A4 factual Reindeer information sheets for pupils to use. Both information sheets focus on different information about habitat, adaptation, and life of a reindeer.
Can be used as a factual support for a project about reindeer to help with pupil research or as a basis for comprehension / using information for a range of purposes.
*Label the reindeer diagram worksheet with linked 5 questions ‘fill in the missing word’ sentence activity.
* Reindeer Geography activity to help pupils use a map to locate reindeer habitats and key questions.
* Simple Arctic Animal tally and block graph activity with three linked questions.
KS1 and 2. Babushka story/Assembly power-point of 37 slides. Written in simple narrative format for easy understanding by pupils in both Key Stages.
Can be used as a whole school assembly story, an introduction to the Christmas Nativity, Russian traditional tales or as a starting point for English discussion work on dilemmas.
KS2 Geographical features : Bridges of Britain fact sheets. Includes 10 iconic ,interesting and very different types of British Bridges including Clifton Suspension, Tyne Bridge, Forth Bridge, Tees Transporter, Gateshead Millenneum Bridge, Tower Bridge, Severn Bridge, Menai Suspension, Tarr Steps Bridge and Infinity Bridge. Each fact sheet includes information on the different structure of the bridges, simple dimensions, brief historical information and interesting related facts. The layout is accessible and easy to use to extract information or make comparisons between the bridges. Useful to link to DT topic on bridges or non-fiction writing reference material.
Set of 42 photographs of past and present everyday objects including: kettle(2) , clothes washing(3), iron (3), camera (3), drying clothes (4), TV (4), telephone (6), writing (5), grass cutting (4), watches (2), bikes (10). Great to use for timeline activities, sorting or matching to a historical era, sets/venn diagram activity, display and group resources. Can remove or add cards to match ability levels. Use two cards in each category and play 'Pairs', 'Snap' or 'Happy Families' type games.
EYFS Parts of a Flower board game
A simple game for 2-6 players to help pupils learn and say the names of three parts of a flower (petal, stem and leaf). Six different coloured game boards and instructions for two games included. Useful for small group activity with an adult to ensure pupils repeat and practise the key vocabulary.
Can be used with a range of topics including ‘Growing’, ‘Outdoors’, ‘Summer’ etc.
KS2 Mythical beasts powerpoint. 16 slides of facts and interesting information about mythical creatures. Includes Basilisk, Unicorn, Werewolf, Vampire, Loch Ness Monster, Goblin, Dragon, Demon, Hydra, Yeti, Minotaur, Mermaid, Troll, Griffin, Kraken and Sphinx.
Can be used to support units of work on myths and legends, writing folklore, Ancient Greek and Roman topics and inspiring creative writing and book making. Useful for paired and individual use on laptops as a story writing stimulus. I printed the slides and made a class book which my Y5 children loved reading in their ‘quiet time’.
**RE Jesus and Disciples set of 13 comparison game cards (KS1&2). Can be used as a game to help pupils learn the names and characteristics of the individual disciples. Use also as a reference resource for research work in RE, History or non- fiction writing.
Theseus and the Minotaur Diary example with 24 KS2 comprehension questions.
Set in pre 40AD, Theseus writes about his observations as he travels on his quest to slay the Minotaur. The diary is written in the first person and is separated into two main sections (Part 1: The quest to slay the Minotaur/ Part 2 : The return to Athens). Each part is broken into smaller, readable sections based upon location as Theseus travels through the myth. This recount demonstrates features of a diary and acts as a continuous recount of the event including Theseus’s personal feelings and points of view.
Can be used as a stimulus for Myths and Legends, creative writing and to identify the features and structure of diary writing or as a Recount Checklist activity.
Also attached are two sets of 12 comprehension questions relating to each of the two parts of the text.
Comprehension Learning Objectives:
I can respond to a range of texts.
I can locate ideas and use information.
I can refer to the text when explaining a view or reason.
I can deduce and infer ideas from the text.
I can select sentences or phrases to support my answers.
Can be used in cross curricular topics English -Myths and Legends/ writing a diary or recount, History – The Greeks/ Greek Gods and Goddesses, Mythical Beasts, Geography – Greece. **
Bundle of 5 resources including :
Halloween powerpoint lesson of 34 slides including a simple history of Halloween and customs with activities for pupils including writing a spell.
How to write a horror story A KS2 power-point of 19 slides which can be used as one lesson or extended over a longer period. Included are examples of 2 short horror stories (not too scary!) for pupils to use in the lesson to analyse against a Horror story features checklist. There are key questions to promote discussion and paired work. Also included is a simple planning and drafting grid. Pupils can use the grids to give paired feedback to improve their work prior to writing the final story. The lesson culminates in a spooky story reading presentation.
Horror story template for pupil use with a reminder of the features of a horror story.
Halloween word searches x 2 (one simple - forward words, one more challenging with words arranged up, down, f/w, b/w, diagonally).
Halloween quiz of 15 questions and answers. Can be played as a team or pairs/individually following topic or lesson on Halloween. Useful as a post lesson assessment.
KS1 & 2 Fable planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own fable. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing fables and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting, the moral and the structure of their story.
Great to use following an assembly or moral writing lesson /drama. Can also be used with topics : Aesop’s fables, Morals and Dilemmas, Animals.
EYFS/KS1 Beachcombing activity sheet.
Learning objective : I can find and name at least 8 things found on a beach.
A simple observation and identification activity for pupils while on a visit to the beach. Pupils draw what they find in the empty bucket. There is a simple picture/word key at the bottom of the worksheet to help pupils identify 8 common items found on a beach.