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Nikimath's Shop

Hello teachers friends! My name is Niki.I have been teaching mathematics for over 20 years. My subjects are Algebra through Calculus 3 along with Geometry, Trig and Differential Equations. My passion is to create engaging fun and rigorous math resources of high quality for teachers and students. My products include partner and group activities, matching and sorting activities, multiple-choice games, rigorous worksheets & lessons, challenging independent practice, homework assignments, etc.




Hello teachers friends! My name is Niki.I have been teaching mathematics for over 20 years. My subjects are Algebra through Calculus 3 along with Geometry, Trig and Differential Equations. My passion is to create engaging fun and rigorous math resources of high quality for teachers and students. My products include partner and group activities, matching and sorting activities, multiple-choice games, rigorous worksheets & lessons, challenging independent practice, homework assignments, etc.
Exponential and Logarithmic Equations - Thanksgiving Cards For Partners (48 problems)

Exponential and Logarithmic Equations - Thanksgiving Cards For Partners (48 problems)

These are 12 Thanksgiving task cards for partners – a total of 48 problems in which students will practice solving exponential and logarithmic equations. There are one exponential (equation A) and one logarithmic equation(equation B) on each card. The equations involve a parameter. Students are asked to solve each of the equations A and B for two given different values of the parameter. Thus, students have four problems per card – problems Aa, Ab, Ba and Bb. Students can work in pairs (partner activity) or in groups of three and four (group activity). The equations require the use of logarithms and exponentials as inverses. Exponential equations include problems that can be solved using a common base along with problems that require logarithms (a^x=b and a^(cx +d) = b, where a=b or/and a≠b). Common base problems require combining exponents using laws of exponents. Logarithmic equations include basic logarithmic equations ( log (base a) x = b and log (base a) (cx+d)=b ) and some problems in which students must apply the properties of logarithms (adding and subtracting logarithms). The cards can be used individually as well. The teacher or student can choose which problems to be solved – like problems 1Aa, 2Ba, 3Ab, 4Bb, etc. Student recording sheets and full solutions (handwritten clearly) are included.
Solving Exponential Equations- Maze

Solving Exponential Equations- Maze

This is a horses themed maze on solving exponential equations. Students start solving and use each answer to navigate through the maze. Students will need to solve 14 problems properly to complete the maze. Students can draw a line to display their answer path. Answer key is included.
Exponential Equations of Quadratic Type - typed solutions

Exponential Equations of Quadratic Type - typed solutions

This engaging practice consists of 12 exponential equations of quadratic type. Student need to use a substitution a^x= y to reduce the given equation to quadratic. Then students will obtain two exponential equations of the type a^x=b and will do need logarithms or calculators to solve them. There are included equations with solutions - integers and there is an equation having no solution. The practice sheets have enough room for students to show work. Full typed solutions are included.
Exponential Equations - Thanksgiving Task Cards (6 cards, 4 problems per card)/Group Activity

Exponential Equations - Thanksgiving Task Cards (6 cards, 4 problems per card)/Group Activity

These are 6 digital thanksgiving themed task cards on exponential equations. There are 4 problems per card/slide (A, B, C and D problem) as the problems increase in difficulty level. The last problem is an exponential equation of quadratic type ( by the substitution a^x=y it results in quadratic equation). The last two cards/slides contains the most challenging equations. Students can work independently with the cards or in small groups of 2 and 3. Answer keys are included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has three slides/cards on a page for easy and more economic printing!
Exponential & Logarithmic Equations Activities - Growing BUNDLE

Exponential & Logarithmic Equations Activities - Growing BUNDLE

20 Resources
This is an activities bundle on solving exponential and logarithmic equations. It consists of PDF format printable items. There are included partner activities “Make Compound Words”, matching activity “Lucky Clovers”, group activity two levels “Unlock the Keyholes”, multiple-choice activity “What Species is This Lizard?”, “Mathematician Search” activity, a mazes, task cards for partners, self-checking practice with hints, worksheets containing a total of 73 problems classified into types , 2 multiple-choice tests and homework, group activity “Get the Same Answer”, etc. Answer keys are included.
Limits and Derivatives - Christmas Themed Cards (16 problems+solutions)

Limits and Derivatives - Christmas Themed Cards (16 problems+solutions)

These are 8 Christmas themed task cards on finding limits and derivatives of functions of one variable. There are 2 problems per car – the first problem is evaluating the limit of a given function and the second problem is finding the first, second or third derivative of another given function. Functions included are rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric. The chain rule and logarithmic differentiation are necessary. The product can be used as an independent /extra practice, as a group activity and review. Full solutions (handwritten clearly) are provided.
Integration St.Patrick's Day PRACTICE (Indefinite & Definite Integrals + typed solutions)

Integration St.Patrick's Day PRACTICE (Indefinite & Definite Integrals + typed solutions)

This is a collaborative activity to practice evaluating indefinite and definite integrals by using advanced techniques of integration(** integration by parts and using u-, trigonometric and other types substitutions**). There are given 15 problems some with differentiated instructions. Problems list can be used as 15 mini task cards. Students can work through the problems cooperatively or in groups of 3 or 5. Student recording sheets and answer keys are included. Typed solutions to problems are provided.
DEFINITE INTEGRALS (Basic Integration) - Password Search Activity

DEFINITE INTEGRALS (Basic Integration) - Password Search Activity

Students will use the basic integration formulas solving definite integrals with this fun password search activity. Activity Directions: Students solve 12 definite integrals using basic integration techniques, the properties of definite integrals (integral of sum of functions and moving the constant across the integral sign) and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Students use a given table to find which character (letter, number or sign) corresponds to each of their answers and fill in another table to obtain a funny password. Students tell the password to the teacher. If it is correct, then they have solved all integrals right. Students can work independently or in pairs. Answer key is included.
Rolle's Theorem & The Mean Value Theorem - 30 practice problems (detailed keys)

Rolle's Theorem & The Mean Value Theorem - 30 practice problems (detailed keys)

This 4 pages practice sheet has 30 specially chosen questions on Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem . The topics covered include: verifying Rolle’s Theorem and applying Rolle’s Theorem (16 problems) verifying the Mean Value Theorem and applying of the Mean Value Theorem (14 problems) The functions included are polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric. The product can be used as independent/extra/practice, enrichment, group work, homework assignment or as an assessment. Detailed typed answer keys are included.
LOGARITHMS (Evaluating, Condensing & Expanding) - Activities BUNDLE

LOGARITHMS (Evaluating, Condensing & Expanding) - Activities BUNDLE

9 Resources
This is an activities bundle on logarithms (evaluating logarithms and applying the properties of logarithms - condensing, expanding) and natural logarithms as well. It consists of PDF format items. There are included partner and group activities, a maze, a multiple-choice game, review practice, practice sheets containing 49 problems. Answer keys are included.
Evaluating Logarithms - Maze

Evaluating Logarithms - Maze

This is desert animals themed maze on evaluating logarithms. Students start solving and use each answer to navigate through the maze. Students will need to solve 12 problems properly so to complete the maze. Students can draw a line to display their answer path. Answer key is included.
Evaluating Logarithmic Expressions -Practice/Group Activity/Christmas Elves Themed Task Cards/Slides

Evaluating Logarithmic Expressions -Practice/Group Activity/Christmas Elves Themed Task Cards/Slides

This is a Christmas elves themed practice on evaluating logarithmic expressions. Students are given 6 cards/slides as each card/slide contains 4 challenging problems A, B, C and D. Problems type A are simplifying logarithmic expressions using the property a^log(base a) b=b and the power property of logarithms. Students are given a sum or a difference to simplify and evaluate. Problems type B are simplifying logarithmic expression using the property log(base a)a^b=b and log(base m^b)n^a=a/b log (base m) n. Students are given a sum or a difference to simplify and evaluate. Problems type C are simplifying an expression using the property log(base a)b . log (base b) c=log (base a)c. Problems type D are adding and subtracting logarithms with the same base. Students work independently or in groups to complete the tasks. Answer keys are included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
Condensing Logarithms - Classwork/Group Activity-24 Alphabet Native Indians Themed Slides/Task Cards

Condensing Logarithms - Classwork/Group Activity-24 Alphabet Native Indians Themed Slides/Task Cards

This resource contains 24 challenging problems on condensing logarithms. There are given 3 expressions on each task card/slide. The expressions are labeled with Native American boy/Thanksgiving themed large alphabetic letters. The problems increase in difficulty. The last 5 problems are the most difficult and require using the properties log(base 1/a) (b)= - log(base a) (b) and log (base a^n)(b)=1/n log(base a)(b) to be solved. The product can be used as an engaging (thanksgiving) classwork or group activity (groups of 2 and 3). Answer keys are included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has four slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
NATURAL LOGARITHM - Condensing Logs & Solving Equations Practice (30 problems)

NATURAL LOGARITHM - Condensing Logs & Solving Equations Practice (30 problems)

This is an engaging teacher themed practice on natural logarithms. There are four problem pages/slides each containing two main tasks A and B. Task A is condensing logarithms - students have to simplify three or four expressions (without and with variables) using the properties of natural logarithms; task B is solving three or four logarithmic equations with natural logarithms and/or exponential equations using natural logarithms (a total of 30 various problems). Students are provided with an empty box below each problem where they can record their answers. Please view the preview to see all the problems included. Students can work independently or in pairs. Answer keys are included (four answer key slides at the end of this document). NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
Polynomial Equations (3 & 4th degree with real & imaginary roots) - Maze

Polynomial Equations (3 & 4th degree with real & imaginary roots) - Maze

This is an elephant themed maze on solving polynomial equations (3th and 4th degree equations with real and imaginary roots). Students start solving and use each answer to navigate through the maze. Students will need to solve 13 equations properly to complete the maze. Students can draw a line to display their answer path. Students can show their work writing in the table on the second page/slide. Detailed answer keys are included.
Trig Functions,Expressions & Identities - Task Cards (for groups of 2 or 3)

Trig Functions,Expressions & Identities - Task Cards (for groups of 2 or 3)

These are 10 owl themed task cards each containing 3 similar problems on trigonometric functions, expressions and identities. The first and second cards are finding the value of trig function given the value of another trigonometric function and to which quadrant belongs the angle (from I to IV quadrant), the third card is evaluating trig expressions given the value of the angle(s), the fourth card is evaluating a trig expression given the value of trig function, 5th card is evaluating numerical trig expressions, 6th card is evaluating trig function given the value of another trig function as here co-function identities are involved, 7th card is determining which of given six expressions are positive and which are negative, 8th card is expressing trig expressions in terms of tan(teta), 9th card is simplifying trig expressions and 10th card is proving trig identities. Students need to know Pythagorean, reciprocal, co-function and quotient identities to handle the problems. The resource can be used as a review, group activity (groups of 2 or 3), independent extra practice, homework and even as an assessment (the teacher can chose how many problems and which of the problems the student to solve to check his knowledge and skills). There is included a page where students can record their answers in a table. Answer key is included.
Trigonometric Identities - "What Breed is This Rabbit?" Mutliple-Choice Game

Trigonometric Identities - "What Breed is This Rabbit?" Mutliple-Choice Game

This is an engaging and fun multiple-choice game on trigonometric identities. It consists of 12 problem pages/slides. On each page/slide there is given a trigonometric expression, four answer choices (trig expressions A,B,C and D) as to which correspond the name of breed of rabbit, it is also given a picture of a rabbit. If students determine correctly to which of the fourth expressions in A, B, C and D is equal the given trig expression they will find out what breed is the rabbit on the picture. Students can circle the right answer or record their answers on a separate sheet of paper, they can also show their work on separate sheets of paper. Students need to know Pythagorean identities Quotient identities Co-function identities Reciprocal identities and how to use them in simplifying trig expressions to complete this activity. Answer key is included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
Multi-Step Equations & Inequalities (No Solution, All Real x Included)- Thinking Kids Activity

Multi-Step Equations & Inequalities (No Solution, All Real x Included)- Thinking Kids Activity

This is an engaging thinking kids themed activity on multi-step equations and inequalities having no solutions, all real numbers as solutions and having the same solution. The problem pages/slides are six as each contains five problems. On each page/slide there is a picture of a boy or a girl “saying” that the given equations/inequalities all have no solution or having all real x as solutions or having the same solution. The boy/girl “askes”:“Am I right?” So the students have to solve all the equations/inequalities to check the statement and determine if the boy/girl is right or wrong. There are provided empty boxes where students can record their findings. This activity can be completed independently or in groups of 2. Answer keys are included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
Limits at Infinity - Sorting Activity

Limits at Infinity - Sorting Activity

This is an engaging sorting activity on limits at infinity. Problem pages/slides are two. On the first page/slide students have 8 limits at infinity of rational functions and a sorting mat with three departments - one is limits at infinity equal to 0, the second is limits at infinity equal to plus/minus infinity and the third department is limits equal to a constant different from zero. Students find the limits and then sort them recording the letters of the limits into their correct place in the sorting mat. On the second page/slide there are given 9 limits at infinity of radical functions and the same sorting mat. A page with a table where students can record their exact answers is also included. Answer keys are included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two and three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
Indefinite & Definite INTEGRALS (Integration Techniques) BUNDLE

Indefinite & Definite INTEGRALS (Integration Techniques) BUNDLE

20 Resources
This bundle contains PDFS items. It represents over 20% savings off of the items if purchased individually. The bundle covers the following topics: ❖ Computing Indefinite and Definite Integrals ❖ Substitution Rule for Indefinite and Definite Integrals (u-substitution) ❖ Integration by Parts ❖ Integration Using Different Substitutions (Indefinite and Definite Integrals) ❖ Integration Using Trig Substitution ❖ Integrals Involving Trig Functions ❖ Integration by Partial Fraction Decomposition and Long Division ❖ Improper Integrals ❖ Аrea Between Curves With this bundle you get fun and engaging partner activities, matching activities, task cards, maze, unique new activities like “Password Search”, “Fill in the Missing”, “Hidden Constellation” multiple - choice activity, “Win the Hearts” matching game, review practice and tickets, rigorous independent practice and complete lesson, etc. All these are created with the purpose to improve students’ skills in Integral Calculus and make students enjoy and love solving integrals.