In this fun French script Robert is complaining about how strict his parents are and all the chores he has to do around the house!
Includes seven true /false reading comprehension questions.
Includes a lot of vocabulary around cleaning/chores.
Answer key included
Editable word file
This 2-page file includes:
~A handout that includes Ud. Command Forms in 4 categories:
regular forms
stem changing forms
irregular ‘yo’ forms
irregular forms
~A blank sheet for students to fill in the command forms and the English translations for practice.
This worksheet contains 16 fill in the blank questions where students are required to fill in regular and irregular command forms of Ud.
Includes both negatives and affirmatives of both irregular and regular verbs:
salga, tenga, escriba, no vaya, compre, organice, sepa etc.
Great cumulative review worksheet on Ud command forms!
Editable word file.
Answer key included.
In this Spanish reading three people visit various stores around the city to run errands: bank, park, bakery, butcher, restaurant, hospital, pharmacy etc.
Includes 8 true/false reading comprehension questions.
Level: Beginner
Answer key included.
This 4-page file includes:
~An example sentence in Spanish to show how the subjunctive is triggered with the parts of the sentence labeled.
~Four practice sentences where students need to place the given words into the correct word order.
~Seven practice sentences where students need to place the words into the correct order and also conjugate the final verb into the present subjunctive.
~Answer key.
This worksheet is targeted toward students first learning how to use the present subjunctive.
Editable word file
In this Spanish worksheet students must match up five descriptions of animals with the picture. They must also write in the animal’s name.
Includes two versions of worksheet: with Spanish and English instructions.
Answer key included.
In this reading a teenage girl introduces herself to her new neighbour. The dialog incorporates a number of question words so students may learn how to form questions with interrogatives.
Reading includes 8 true/false comprehension questions in English and a short writing assignment in French.
Activity idea: students may complete the writing assignment in class or for homework. They may then read their own dialog with a partner.
Editable file.
Answer key included.
Includes all major question words!
This 3-page file includes:
~A handout explaining how to use the prepositions: a, al, de, del and en with places around town.
~A one page partner activity with two parts:
Students must fill in the correct prepositions to complete a dialog between two people coming and going from different places around town.
Students must complete their own dialog which may be performed for the class or handed in from working.
~Answer key.
Editable Word file.
This biography is on America Ferrera, a Honduran-American actress. It discusses her early life, education and career. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary and a true/false reading comprehension section.
Level: In present and past tenses
Includes answer key.
This Spanish biography is on a life of the Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío. He discusses his early life, the people who influenced him, his travels, his careers as both a writer and journalist.
Includes five reading comprehension questions in Spanish.
Level: Spanish intermediate mostly past tenses)
Editable word doc.
This reading contains numerous conditional verb forms where two classmates in their senior year of high school are talking about their ideas for college. Reading includes reading comprehension section and a short writing assignment.
Activity idea: Have students circle all the conditional forms they find in the reading.
Editable Word file.
Level: Intermediate
Answer key included.
Mike: I’m lucky that I have a sports scholarship. If I were not such a good athlete I would also have to stay here to study.
Carol: What would you do if you had an injury and you could not play?
This 6-page file includes:
~A 2-pg cloze activity on Shakira’s song “La Bicicleta”
~The same cloze activity with a word bank.
~Answer key (2pgs)
Also included are some cultural notes and translations of more difficult vocabulary!
The link for the video on YouTube can be found here:
Editable word file.
This 3-page file includes:
~A cloze worksheet with lyrics missing from the salsa hit song “Valió la pena” by Marc Anthony.
~The same worksheet with a word bank.
~Answer Key.
Here is a link to a video that accompanies the song on the worksheet:
Activity idea: Translate the lyrics after completing. Discuss the history of salsa music.
Level: Spanish 2
Editable word file.
This 3-page file includes:
~A funny reading with an emphasis on the the various adjectives that change meaning with placement in Spanish. In this short script two 90 year old friends go out to a modern restaurant and have nothing but complaints! Reading includes 8 short answer questions.
~The same reading but with all of the adjectives that change meaning highlighted for students to see in context.
~Answer key.
Editable word file
This handout includes a detailed list of capitalization rules in English.
The handout is followed by eight questions where students need to fix the mistakes to make sure students have understood the information.
Editable Word file
Answer key included.
This 3-page file includes:
~A Spanish script in which two people who have not seen each other in a while get caught up when they meet up in a grocery store. The reading includes numerous uses of rejoinders/que expressions. Reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary.
~A worksheet with 8 reading comprehension questions and a short writing assignment.
~Answer key.
Editable word file
Includes the following expressions:
¡Qué casualidad!
No puedo quejarme.
¡No me digas!
De hecho
A propósito
¡Qué lástima!
¡De acuerdo!
This French reading includes a humorous scene from a fictitious soap opera titled “Mon amour est infini” in which an attractive firefighter loses all his luxurious long hair in a fire! This reading includes numerous examples of possessives (ma/mon, ta/ton /ses etc.) which are highlighted for students to see in context in one version and not in the other so students can circle all the possessives they find. (2 versions included)
All the characters are introduced by name and character. The script includes parts for four people and the reading is in the present tense.
The reading is followed by 8 true/false reading comprehension questions.
Answer key included.
Activity idea: Put students in groups of two or four to read the script. Once they have read the script, students may then continue the storyline in different ways by writing their own continuation to the story! These new scripts may be performed for the class or handed in for homework.
This 3-page file includes: (100% in German)
~A German reading in which a teenage girl and her mother decide which of her clothes to donate. The mother wants her daughter to have a cleaner room but her daughter is not all that excited about giving things away! Includes many uses of clothing vocabulary both for winter and summer.
~A worksheet with 10 reading comprehension questions.
~Answer keys
This fun German reading includes a humorous scene from a fictitious soap opera titled “Meine Liebe ist unendlich” in which an attractive firefighter loses all his luxurious long hair in a fire! This reading includes numerous examples of possessives (mein/sein, unser etc.) which are highlighted for students to see in context in one version, not in the other and with the missing declensions in the third version for differentiated learning… (3 versions included for you to chose from )
All the characters are introduced by name and character. The script includes parts for four people and the reading is in the present tense.
The reading is followed by 8 true/false reading comprehension questions.
Answer key included.
Activity idea: Put students in groups of two or four to read the script. Once they have read the script, students may then continue the storyline in different ways by writing their own continuation to the story! These new scripts may be performed for the class or handed in for homework.