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Language Resources by Nina

Average Rating4.59
(based on 263 reviews)

Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.




Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.
Mis colores favoritos Lectura: My Favorite Colors Spanish Reading (Ropa)

Mis colores favoritos Lectura: My Favorite Colors Spanish Reading (Ropa)

This fun and simple Spanish reading helps students to review colors and articles of clothing while also learning noun-adjective agreement in context. Three young people describe their favourite colours and the types of clothing they wear in those colours. Also includes a 6 true/false reading comprehension questions and 4 short answer questions. Answer key included
German Holiday Reading: Der ideale Urlaub (Hotel/Reisen)

German Holiday Reading: Der ideale Urlaub (Hotel/Reisen)

This 5-page file includes: (100% in German) ~ A German reading exercise in which students need to match three couples to their ideal vacation (European Holiday, New York city tour, Costa Rican adventure) ~ A separate worksheet with six reading comprehension questions and a short writing assignment or students write a paragraph about their own ideal vacation. ~Answer key ( 2pgs) Level: Low intermediate
El Tío de Nadal Lectura: Spanish Christmas Reading on Catalan Yule Log

El Tío de Nadal Lectura: Spanish Christmas Reading on Catalan Yule Log

This 3-page file includes: ~A Spanish reading that describes the strange and wonderful Spanish tradition of Tío de Nadal - the Yule log that “poops” out gifts! Includes information about its history as well as how and when this ritual is performed and the types of treats children receive. Also includes a full glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 10 reading comprehension questions. ~Answer key. Makes for a great cultural component to a Spanish class or a sub plan!
German Professions Reading: Die Karriere meiner Träume Text

German Professions Reading: Die Karriere meiner Träume Text

This 3-page file includes: (100% in German) ~A German reading that includes descriptions of the dream jobs of four young people: pastry chef, pilot, actor and musician. ~An accompanying worksheet with 8 reading comprehension questions and a short writing assignment. ~Answer key. Level:Low intermediate
An vs Année French Worksheet

An vs Année French Worksheet

This handout explains the uses of an(s)/année(s) in English with French example sentences. Students must them complete 10 sentences with the correct form. Answer key included Editable word file
All About Me German Reading: Über Mich (Icebreaker)

All About Me German Reading: Über Mich (Icebreaker)

This 3-page file includes: (100% in German) ~An easy German reading in which four young people introduce themselves. They talk about their personality, physical characteristics, likes and dislikes and hobbies. ~An accompanying worksheet with 12 short answer questions and a short writing practice where students describe themselves. ~Answer key Activity idea: Have students complete their paragraph in class or for homework and then share them with a partner as an icebreaker.
Spanish Sports Vocabulary Worksheet: Los Deportes

Spanish Sports Vocabulary Worksheet: Los Deportes

This worksheet includes four parts to help your students get comfortable with sports expressions in Spanish: matching 10 expressions (English to Spanish) 7 translations placing expressions on a chart choosing between sports they like/don’t like/would like to try a short translation about an active young person Editable Word file Answer key included.
Meine Lieblingsfarben Text / My Favorite Colors German Adjectives Reading (DaF)

Meine Lieblingsfarben Text / My Favorite Colors German Adjectives Reading (DaF)

This 3-page file includes: ~A fun and simple German reading that helps students to review colors and articles of clothing. Three young people describe their favourite colours and the types of clothing they wear in those colors. ~The same reading but with 10 adjective endings in the accusative and nominative cases missing for students to decline to complete the reading. ~Answer key. Both versions includes a 7 true/false reading comprehension questions and a short writing section. Answer key included
Acabar + de + Infinitive Spanish Reading / Lectura

Acabar + de + Infinitive Spanish Reading / Lectura

This 3-page file includes: ~A fun and simple Spanish reading that helps students learn how to use “Acabar + de + Infinitive” in context when two young people try to make plans for the day. ~The same reading but with the examples of “Acabar + de + Infinitive” highlighted for students to see in context. ~Answer key. Both versions includes 7 true/false reading comprehension questions. Answer key included
Spanish Double Verbs Bundle: Top 5 Resources @35% off!

Spanish Double Verbs Bundle: Top 5 Resources @35% off!

5 Resources
This Spanish bundle includes my Top 5 Resources on Double Verbs at 35% off: Includes the following: Reading: Acabar de + Infinitive Worksheet: Acabar de + Infinitive Reading: Tener que/ Ir a + Infinitive Worksheet: Ir a + Infinitive Reading: Ir a + Infinitive With reading comprehension questions and answer keys
Acabar de + Infinitive Worksheet

Acabar de + Infinitive Worksheet

This one page handout / worksheet teaches students how to use the idiomatic expression “acabar de + infinitive”. Students are given example sentences to follow for the written exercises. There are two translation sections of six questions each: Spanish to English English to Spanish Answer key included Editable Word file
Naturkatastrophen Text / Natural Disasters German Reading with Passive Voice

Naturkatastrophen Text / Natural Disasters German Reading with Passive Voice

This 4-page file includes: ~A German reading on natural disasters: flooding, forest fires and a tornado all suffered by one town in one year. ~A worksheet with 10 reading comprehension questions and a short writing section. ~Answer key. Level: Intermediate NOTE: Includes 2 versions, one includes the verbs in the passive voice highlighted for students to see in context.
Spanish Environment Bundle: TOP 6 Resources at 35% off! (medio ambiente)

Spanish Environment Bundle: TOP 6 Resources at 35% off! (medio ambiente)

6 Resources
This Spanish bundle includes MY TOP 6 products on the environment at 40% off! It includes the following: Reading - The environment with por and para Worksheet - Geography Reading - Environmental Protection Reading - Amazon rainforest Reading - How to help the Environment (present subjunctive) Level: Intermedate: various tenses Includes answer keys.
Spanish Clothes Shopping Reading | De compras /La Ropa Lectura (Demonstratives)

Spanish Clothes Shopping Reading | De compras /La Ropa Lectura (Demonstratives)

This 4-page file includes: ~A Spanish script featuring two friends out shopping for clothes. The reading incorporates numerous examples of demonstrative pronouns and clothing vocabulary. ~The same reading with the demonstrative pronouns underlined for students to see in context. ~A worksheet with 3 parts: 8 true/false questions 6 multiple choice questions on demonstrative pronouns a short writing section ~Answer key.
Tutto su di me Lettura en Italiano: All About Me Italian Reading (Icebreaker)

Tutto su di me Lettura en Italiano: All About Me Italian Reading (Icebreaker)

This 3-page file includes: (100% in Italian) ~An easy Italian reading in which four young people introduce themselves. They talk about their personality, physical characteristics, likes and dislikes and hobbies. ~An accompanying worksheet with 8 short answer questions and a 10 complete the sentences short writing practice where students describe themselves. ~Answer key Editable word file Activity idea: Have students complete their paragraph in class or for homework and then share them with a partner as an icebreaker.