Splash photography using off-camera flash to photograph objects being dropped into water from a height.
Lesson Plan
Set-up diagram
Key Words
A4 poster example
Artist resource
Powerpoint presentation,
A series of essays (totalling 35 000 words) on the politics and philosophy of photography, including notes on the teaching of the subject.
Sontag – On Photography
The Post-modern world.
Photography as a ‘Profession’?
Want to earn money? Become a plumber.
Photography in Crisis?
Photography and the rise of the moral panic.
Who’s photographing my child?
Photography as a mechanism for interpreting reality.
What makes a great portrait?
Tales of wedding photography
The Land
A winning formula
The rise of the Selfie
You say it’s ‘Art’, but I think you’re a Perv.
A Sociocultural Approach to Research for Art and Design
An ethical dilemma
I’m a photographer, but I don’t know everything.
Towards a bright future?