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I am a teacher specialising in Geography and Religious Studies with over 4 years experience to date. I pride myself on designing lessons that engages students in their learning, with an enquiry-based focus being at the forefront. Any lesson that you download is fully resourced and differentiated ready to use in a flash. I hope they make a real contributing to your own classroom like they have done to mine.




I am a teacher specialising in Geography and Religious Studies with over 4 years experience to date. I pride myself on designing lessons that engages students in their learning, with an enquiry-based focus being at the forefront. Any lesson that you download is fully resourced and differentiated ready to use in a flash. I hope they make a real contributing to your own classroom like they have done to mine.
Climate of the UK

Climate of the UK

This contains a fully resourced lesson on how the climate of the UK varies. The main component of the lesson involves choropleth mapping to show how temperature and rainfall varies between winter and summer. Extension tasks are included throughout. Learning Objectives: To describe what the climate of the UK is like. To explain the reasons for these differences.
Types Of Clouds

Types Of Clouds

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on the different types of cloud. In this lesson students have to read the fictional account of Will Smith's aerial journey tracking an alien, encountering different types of cloud in the process. They use to complete a worksheet explaining their different characteristics. Learning Objectives: To understand the different types and features of clouds. To explain how they are classified.
School Microclimate Survey

School Microclimate Survey

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated set of lessons in order to carry out a microclimate survey around a school environment, although it could be adapted to suited others. The first lesson helps students to prepare for their microclimate survey, paying particular attention to how two major pieces of equipment work and to construct hypotheses for their survey. The second lesson involves students going around a school environment, in groups, collecting their microclimate data. Differentiated recording sheets are provided for students. The third lesson involves students writing up their report to show the results of their survey. I hope you find these resources helpful.
What Is Longshore Drift

What Is Longshore Drift

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on the process of longshore drift. The main activities include a class discussion, video note taking task and a group drama activity. This lesson can easily be used by non-specialists as all answers are included. Learning Objectives: To understand the forces of transportation and deposition. To explain the process of longshore drift. To analyse how human activity can affect this process.
Why are Deserts called an Extreme Environment

Why are Deserts called an Extreme Environment

This fully resourced, differentiated lesson focuses as an introduction to extreme environments, namely the challenges that face groups of people that live in hot arid (desert) environments. Students complete a set of tasks, including a picture analysis task, an information gathering and comprehension task, and an indepdent learning task focusing on the potential future impacts of climate change on the physical environment and the Bedouin tribe.
Sources of Deforestation

Sources of Deforestation

This contains a fully resourced lesson on the sources of deforestation, focusing on research, group work and consolidation. Worked very well with my Year 9 groups. Learning Objectives are: To identify different sources of deforestation. To investigate the reasons for deforestation. To draw tentative conclusions about the effects of deforestation.
Types of Rainfall

Types of Rainfall

This fully resourced lesson explores the three types of rainfall in the UK. It contains a key term starter, video note-taking task and then a worksheet where they draw diagrams and explain the three main types of rainfall. The worksheet is differentiated to three different levels according to how confident students feel. I printed off a set for each table in different colours, from which they selected which one they felt the most confident with. Feedback always appreciated.
The Characteristics of Urban Areas

The Characteristics of Urban Areas

This contains a fully resourced lesson which explores the characteristics of urban areas, and how they change from the urban fringe to the central business district. This uses Ipswich as an example, although it could be easily adapted to study other cities.
How is the UK linked with the rest of the world

How is the UK linked with the rest of the world

A fully resourced lesson on how the UK is linked with the rest of the world (interdependance). *Starter- Students listen to the story of Lizzie, and how morning routine is linked to products worldwide. *Main- Students produce an ideas map showing how the UK is linked to the rest of the world, categorising those links. *Main- They then use the task sheet to create an informative poster to explain why countries are reliant on each other for food. *Plenary- What might happen if we cut off our links to the rest of the world?
Population Density of the United Kingdom

Population Density of the United Kingdom

A fully resourced lesson on the popualtion density of the UK. The lesson is as follows: * Starter- They imagine McDonalds want to open a new store, but only in areas with the greatest concentrations of people. What factors might they look for? *Main- A class demonstration on what we mean when we talk about population density. *Main- Produce a chloropleth map on the UK's population distribution. *Main- Answer a set of questions examining why people choose to live in certain locations. *Plenary- Pass the ball!
Scale and Distance

Scale and Distance

A fully resourced lesson where students are introduced to the skill of measuring scale. It also includes an idea for a class practical on scale, where they have to measure out and scale the classroom itself!
River Processes

River Processes

A fully resourced lesson used for an observation lesson on river processes. In the starter they have to decide which type of material would be the easiest to move downstream, create diagrams to show how material can be eroded, and includes a practical designed to show the settling rates of different size materials (sand, gravel, and clay). The instructions for that are contained on the powerpoint, and could be easily adapted to make a task sheet for students to carry out group work! Finally, they then make observations to analyse what they observed from the practical.
Poverty in China

Poverty in China

A lesson which explores the concept of poverty and the reasons behind it, in particular focusing on the rural regions. This lesson was designed in addition to the GA China SOW.
Physical or Human Feature

Physical or Human Feature

This is a simple task where students have to classify features into physical or human categories. A simple starter designed for my less able students, it can also be used as a re-cap or introductory activity.
Coastal Protection DME

Coastal Protection DME

This is a decision making exercise where students have to decide how they are going to protect the coastal settlement of 'Broadchurch'. Feedback on this particular task would be appreciated.
How do rocks shape the land

How do rocks shape the land

This is a lesson on how rocks shape the land, focusing on limestone and gritstone landscapes in the Peak District. Designed in support of the New GA unit 'The Role of Stones', so some of the images have had to be changed.
The effects of volcanic eruptions

The effects of volcanic eruptions

A fully resourced lesson on the effects of volcanic eruptions. It focuses on the types of volcanic hazard, how they threaten people and how its effects vary with different levels of economic development. Aimed at KS4 classes, in support of AQA Geography B syllabus.
Rock Cycle

Rock Cycle

This is a fully resourced and differentiated lesson on the Rock Cycle for KS3. It is a combination of adapted resources and some of my own. In particular, it includes several back-up activities due to the difficulties that some students can have grasping the topic
Food insecurity in Africa

Food insecurity in Africa

This contains a fully resourced, differentiated lesson on food insecurity in Africa. It focuses on what is meant by food insecurity, its causes and they create an awareness campaign to highlight the issue.


This is an independant learning lesson which might be useful as a useful introduction to megacities. It involves a wonder starter, main activity watching the first episode of Andrew Marr's megacities and a differentiated plenary.