World languages

French Colours Wordsearch
An interesting and fun wordsearch with French colours which is great to do for an end of term activity. It has all the basic French colours in it and is not too easy.

German colours wordsearch
German colours wordsearch great starter activity to get introduced to German colours great little resource

Time Capsule Activity
An activity for your students to write about themselves to look at in the future. Includes questions eg. you friends or what are your talents? It also includes drawing as well as writing.

French Wordsearch: Me my family and friends vocab
French Wordsearch: Me my family and friends vocab needed for any French exam boards there are two wordsearches on each a4 piece with a wordbank on the side with key vocabulary

Spanish Colours Wordsearch
Fun, educational and interesting Spanish colours wordsearch for children learning Spanish. It’s a great starter or fun activity to practice your Spanish with.