A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Perimeter, Area and Volume. The worksheet has preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught and topic questions to complete afterwards. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 6 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
5M7a measure and calculate the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes in centimetres and metres
5M7b calculate and compare the area of rectangles (including squares), and including using standard units, square centimetres (cm2) and square metres (m2) and estimate the area of irregular shapes
5M9b use all four operations to solve problems involving measure [e.g. length] using decimal notation, including scaling
5M8 estimate volume [e.g. using 1cm3 blocks to build cuboids (including cubes)] and capacity [e.g. using water]
6M7a recognise that shapes with the same areas can have different perimeters and vice versa
6M7b calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles
6M7c recognise when it is possible to use the formulae for the area of shapes
6M8a calculate, estimate and compare volume of cubes and cuboids using standard units, including centimetre cubed (cm3) and cubic metres (m3), and extending to other units [e.g. mm3 and km3 ]
6M8b recognise when it is possible to use the formulae for the volume of shapes
Preparation Questions:
Perimeter of L-Shape
Perimeter of U-Shape
Estimate area of a circle
Find difference in area between tiles with written comparison
Convert real-world distance to map distance using a scale
Area, Paint and Money Problem
Find cost of ribbon around cake given circumference, cost per 50 cm and amount of go-arounds
Find capacity of hole in shape made of cubes
Topic Questions:
Find area given hexagon length and same perimeter as square
Area of Triangle
Area of Parallelogram
Find triangle with different area
Find Area of Scalene Triangle On cm Grid
Find triangle height given area and base
Find difference in number of cubes between two cuboids
Find volume of cube given height of net
Find missing length on cuboid given another with the same volume on diagram
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Place Value. The worksheet has SATs-like questions for the student to complete. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 3 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
3N1b count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100
3N2a compare and order numbers up to 1,000 read and write numbers to 1,000 in numerals and in words
3N2b find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number
3N3 recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones)
3N4 identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations
3N6 solve number problems and practical problems involving 3N1–3N4
Find missing number in 50 times table
Find missing number in 8 times table
Find numbers in list closest and furthest from a number
Read, Write, Order And Compare Numbers: Add 9XX and 100
Read, Write, Order And Compare Numbers: Find Number That Subtracts 100 To Make 4 Digit Number
Read, Write, Order And Compare Numbers: Find Number That Subtracts 10 To Make 3 Digit Number
Find Missing Addition To Make Three Digit Number From Adding Three Different Placed Values
Find missing number on number line
Find who wins game that involves guessing correct weight
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Perimeter and Area. The worksheet has preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught and topic questions to complete afterwards. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 5 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
4M7b find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares
5M7a measure and calculate the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes in centimetres and metres
5M7b calculate and compare the area of rectangles (including squares), and including using standard units, square centimetres (cm2) and square metres (m2) and estimate the area of irregular shapes
5M9b use all four operations to solve problems involving measure [e.g. length] using decimal notation, including scaling
Preparation Questions:
Find area of a square by counting squares
Find area of a rectangle by counting squares
Find area of rectilinear shape by counting squares
Topic Questions:
Perimeter of L-Shape
Perimeter of U-Shape
Perimeter of Rectangle
Area of Rectangle
Estimate area of a circle
Find difference in area between tiles with written comparison
Convert real-world distance to map distance using a scale
Area, Paint and Money Problem
Find cost of ribbon around cake given circumference, cost per 50 cm and amount of go-arounds
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Place Value. The worksheet has preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught and topic questions to complete afterwards. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 5 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
4N1 count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1,000
4N2b find 1,000 more or less than a given number
4N3a recognise the place value of each digit in a four digit number (thousands, hundreds, tens and ones)
4N6 solve number and practical problems that involve 4N1–4N5 and with increasingly large positive numbers
5N1 count forwards or backwards in steps of powers of 10 for any given number up to 1,000,000
5N2 read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1,000,000
5N3a determine the value of each digit in numbers up to 1,000,000
5N3b read Roman numerals to 1,000 (M) and recognise years written in Roman numerals
5N4 round any number up to 1,000,000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000
5N5 interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers, including through zero
5N6 solve number problems and practical problems that involve 5N1–5N5
Preparation Questions:
Find missing numbers in arithmetic sequence
Add Multiple Of Ten And 1000
Find 1000 less than a four digit number
Add and subtract 1000 to number in a table
Place Value; Roman Numerals: Find The Sum Of Four Digit And Two Digit Powers Of Ten
Find price of car after number discount
Find possible original numbers given operations and final number
Topic Questions:
Write next number in decreasing sequence with 6 digit integers
Order house prices
Put digits into positions based on hints of place value
Convert roman numerals at the end of the film to a year
Round to different powers of 10
Round 5 figure number to 10, 100, 1000
Round integer and decimals to nearest 100
Find missing numbers on number line counting across zero and subtracting from a negative
Compare different land areas by finding times bigger
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Place Value. The worksheet has preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught and topic questions to complete afterwards. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 4 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
3N1b count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100
3N2a compare and order numbers up to 1,000 read and write numbers to 1,000 in numerals and in words
3N2b find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number
3N3 recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones)
3N4 identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations
3N6 solve number problems and practical problems involving 3N1–3N4
4N1 count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1,000
4N2b find 1,000 more or less than a given number
4N3a recognise the place value of each digit in a four digit number (thousands, hundreds, tens and ones)
4N6 solve number and practical problems that involve 4N1–4N5 and with increasingly large positive numbers
Preparation Questions:
Find missing number in 50 times table
Find missing number in 8 times table
Find numbers in list closest and furthest from a number
Read, Write, Order And Compare Numbers: Add 9XX and 100
Read, Write, Order And Compare Numbers: Find Number That Subtracts 100 To Make 4 Digit Number
Read, Write, Order And Compare Numbers: Find Number That Subtracts 10 To Make 3 Digit Number
Find Missing Addition To Make Three Digit Number From Adding Three Different Placed Values
Find missing number on number line
Find who wins game that involves guessing correct weight
Topic Questions:
Find missing numbers in arithmetic sequence
Add Multiple Of Ten And 1000
Find 1000 less than a four digit number
Add and subtract 1000 to number in a table
Place Value; Roman Numerals: Find The Sum Of Four Digit And Two Digit Powers Of Ten
Find price of car after number discount
Find possible original numbers given operations and final number
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Mass and Capacity. The worksheet has SATs-like questions for the student to complete. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 3 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
3M1b compare mass (kg/g)
3M1c compare volume/ capacity (l/ml)
3M2b measure mass (kg/g)
3M9c add and subtract mass (kg/g)
3M2c measure volume / capacity (l/ml)
3M9d add and subtract volume / capacity (l/ml)
Order basic masses
Order basic capacities
Read mass from a set of scales
Compare written mass and mass on scale
Add masses of different units
Read amount of litres from a beaker with a scale
Subtract capacities of different units
Add capacities of different units and l and ml in first amount
Find remaining water after pouring into two beakers with scales
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Position and Direction. The worksheet has preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught and topic questions to complete afterwards. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 5 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
4P2 describe movements between positions as translations of a given unit to the left / right and up / down
4P3a describe positions on a 2-D grid as co-ordinates in the first quadrant
4P3b plot specified points and draw sides to complete a given polygon
5P2 identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following a refection or translation, using the appropriate language, and know that the shape has not changed
Preparation Questions:
Draw small square translated right and up small amount
Write translation given two triangles
Describe translation from starting and ending coordinate
Find Coordinates In 1 Quadrant
Find point from a Coordinate In 1 Quadrant with random plots
Find point from a Coordinate In 1 Quadrant with similar plots
Plot point given coordinate 1 Quadrant
Plot points to make triangle in 1 quadrant
Plot points to make rectangle in 1 quadrant
Topic Questions:
Draw reflection across a vertical mirror line
Draw reflection across a horizontal mirror line
Draw reflection across a horizontal and vertical mirror line with shape touching line
Draw reflection across a horizontal and vertical mirror line with shape not touching line
Draw shape translated right and up
Draw shape translated right and down
Draw shape translated left and down
Draw shape translated left and up
Describe shape translated right and down
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Position and Direction. The worksheet has preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught and topic questions to complete afterwards. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 4 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
4P2 describe movements between positions as translations of a given unit to the left / right and up / down
4P3a describe positions on a 2-D grid as co-ordinates in the first quadrant
4P3b plot specified points and draw sides to complete a given polygon
Preparation Questions:
Count squares between points on grid (right)
Count squares between points on grid (down)
Count squares between points on grid (left)
Count squares between points on grid (up)
Count squares between points on grid (right and down)
Count squares between points on grid (left and up)
Count squares between points on grid (right and up)
Count squares between points on grid (left and down)
Count squares between points on grid (right and down) with no jumps right
Topic Questions:
Draw small square translated right and up small amount
Write translation given two triangles
Describe translation from starting and ending coordinate
Find Coordinates In 1 Quadrant
Find point from a Coordinate In 1 Quadrant with random plots
Find point from a Coordinate In 1 Quadrant with similar plots
Plot point given coordinate 1 Quadrant
Plot points to make triangle in 1 quadrant
Plot points to make rectangle in 1 quadrant
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Place Value. The worksheet has preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught and topic questions to complete afterwards. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 6 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
5N1 count forwards or backwards in steps of powers of 10 for any given number up to 1,000,000
5N2 read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1,000,000
5N3a determine the value of each digit in numbers up to 1,000,000
5N3b read Roman numerals to 1,000 (M) and recognise years written in Roman numerals
5N4 round any number up to 1,000,000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000
5N5 interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers, including through zero
5N6 solve number problems and practical problems that involve 5N1–5N5
6N2 read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000
6N3 determine the value of each digit in numbers up to 10,000,000
6N5 use negative numbers in context, and calculate intervals across zero
6N6 solve number problems and practical problems that involve 6N2–6N5
Preparation Questions:
Write next number in decreasing sequence with 6 digit integers
Order house prices
Put digits into positions based on hints of place value
Convert roman numerals at the end of the film to a year
Round to different powers of 10
Round 5 figure number to 10, 100, 1000
Round integer and decimals to nearest 100
Find missing numbers on number line counting across zero and subtracting from a negative
Compare different land areas by finding times bigger
Topic Questions:
Order 7 Digit Integers
Identify year that breaks the pattern
Find a number less than six/seven digit numbers
Place Value; Roman Numerals: Find Missing Addition To Make Six Digit Number From Adding Three Different Placed Values
Identify place value of number and round to nearest million
Compare temperature from table
Reading a line graph with negative y-axis (temperature vs time)
Compare temperatures from three dates in table
Circle pair of integers that add to a million
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Money. The worksheet has SATs-like questions for the student to complete. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 3 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
3M9a add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both pounds (£) and pence § in practical contexts
Add money in with both items in pence
Add money in with one item in pence and one in pounds (non-decimal)
Add money in with one item in pence and one in pounds (decimal)
Subtract money in with both items in pence
Subtract money with one item in pence and one in pounds (non-decimal)
Subtract money with one item in pence and one in pounds (decimal)
Find change from £10 given two items in pounds (decimals)
Find how much more money is needed to reach target
Find cost of one rubber given multiple pencils and rubber costs
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Length, Perimeter and Measures. The worksheet has preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught and topic questions to complete afterwards. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 4 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
3M1a compare lengths (m/ cm/mm)
3M2a measure lengths (m/ cm/mm)
3M7 measure the perimeter of simple 2–D shapes
3M9b add and subtract lengths (m/ cm/mm)
4M5 convert between diferent units of measurement [e.g. kilometre to metre; hour to minute]
4M7a measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in centimetres and metres
Preparation Questions:
Compare cm and m
Order lengths in different units
Draw a line given length in cm with decimal
Measure line using a ruler (cm)
Measure line using a ruler (mm)
Perimeter of Triangle
Perimeter of Rectangle
Add lengths of different units
Subtract lengths of different units
Topic Questions:
Compare km and m
Order lengths in different units with km
Add lengths of different units (km)
Subtract lengths of different units (km)
Convert kg to g
Find remaining milk given start amount and amount poured
Perimeter of Rectangle With Decimals (0.5)
Perimeter of Triangle with decimal (0.5)
Find missing length from perimeter and width
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Percentages. The worksheet has preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught and topic questions to complete afterwards. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 6 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
5F11 recognise the per cent symbol (%) and understand that per cent relates to ‘number of parts per hundred’; write percentages as a fraction with denominator hundred, and as a decimal
5F12 solve problems that require knowing percentage and decimal equivalents of 1/2, 1/4, 1/5, 2/5, 4/5 and those fractions with a denominator of a multiple of 10 or 25
6F11 recall and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages, including in different contexts
6R2 solve problems involving the calculation of percentages [e.g. of measures such as 15% of 360] and the use of percentages for comparison
Preparation Questions:
Find percentage left over, given percentage of a race done
Find percentage children, given percentage of adults
Convert amount out of 50 into percentage
Convert decimal to percentage
Convert percentage to decimal
Find amount of men given percentage (mult of 10) of women and total
Find percentages of black cubes from cube shape
Find percentage from a frequency table
Find percentage remaining given percentage and fraction removed
Topic Questions:
Find equivalent fractions from a list
Compare a decimal and a fraction
Select larger number between fraction and decimal
Use Of Percentages For Comparison: Find 20%, 30% or 40% of a Multiple Of 100
Find 99% of a Multiple Of 100
Find 28%, 38%, 48% Of a Multiple Of 10
Find 51%-54% Of a Multiple Of 100
Finding amount given total and percentage
Convert hours sleep a day to percentage
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Money. The worksheet has preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught and topic questions to complete afterwards. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 4 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
3M9a add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both pounds (£) and pence § in practical contexts
4M1 compare different measures, including money in pounds and pence
4M2 estimate different measures, including money in pounds and pence
4M9 calculate different measures, including money in pounds and pence
Preparation Questions:
Add money in with both items in pence
Add money in with one item in pence and one in pounds (non-decimal)
Add money in with one item in pence and one in pounds (decimal)
Subtract money in with both items in pence
Subtract money with one item in pence and one in pounds (non-decimal)
Subtract money with one item in pence and one in pounds (decimal)
Find change from £10 given two items in pounds (decimals)
Find how much more money is needed to reach target
Find cost of one rubber given multiple pencils and rubber costs
Topic Questions:
Select inequality for money (coins) comparisons – £1 and 50p
Select inequality for money (coins) comparisons – 20p and 50p
Estimate the total cost a meal
Understand if an estimate is an over/under estimate
Add money both in pounds (one non-decimal and other decimal)
Add money both in pounds (decimal)
Subtract money both in pounds (one non-decimal and other decimal)
Subtract money both in pounds (decimal)
Write fraction as decimal and find change from purchase
A comprehensive powerpoint that covers the topic of 3D Right-Angles: Trigonometry. The Powerpoint models solutions to key questions in the topic, followed by questions for the students to do. The questions all have full working out and answers so students can identify where they have made mistakes.
The powerpoint has skill and mastery questions so students can understand the basics whilst also mastering the topic.
Suitable for higher GCSE.
The download includes the full powerpoint and you are free to adapt it to suit your needs.
Topics included:
Trigonometry From Right-Angled Triangle
Using Trigonometry In 3D
Skill Questions:
Basic Find Length A (tan)
Find Simple Angle In Cuboid Using Trigonometry
Find Angle In Cuboid Using Trigonometry
Find Angle In Pyramid Using Trigonometry
Mastery Questions:
Find Angle Of Apex In Cone Using Trigonometry
Find Diagonal In Triangular Prism Using Trigonometry
Find Angle In Cube With No Lengths Using Trigonometry
A comprehensive powerpoint that covers the topic of 3D Right-Angles: Pythagoras. The Powerpoint models solutions to key questions in the topic, followed by questions for the students to do. The questions all have full working out and answers so students can identify where they have made mistakes.
The powerpoint has skill and mastery questions so students can understand the basics whilst also mastering the topic.
Suitable for higher GCSE.
The download includes the full powerpoint and you are free to adapt it to suit your needs.
Topics included:
Pythagoras From Right-Angled Triangle
Using Pythagoras In 3D
Skill Questions:
Find Hypotenuse
Find Diagonal In Cube Using Pythagoras’ Theorem
Find Diagonal In Cuboid Using Pythagoras’ Theorem
Find Pyramid Height Using Pythagoras’ Theorem
Mastery Questions:
Find Diagonal In Triangular Prism Using Pythagoras’ Theorem
Find Longest Diagonal In Cuboid Using Pythagoras’ Theorem
Diagonal Around A Cylinder Using Pythagoras
A comprehensive powerpoint that covers the topic of Rounding. The Powerpoint models solutions to key questions in the topic, followed by questions for the students to do. The questions all have full working out and answers so students can identify where they have made mistakes.
The powerpoint has skill questions so students can understand the basics whilst also mastering the topic.
Suitable for foundation GCSE.
The download includes the full powerpoint and you are free to adapt it to suit your needs.
Topics included:
Skill Questions:
Round to 2 decimal places
Round Integer to 3 Significant Figures
Round Decimal to 3 Significant Figures
A comprehensive powerpoint that covers the topic of Estimation. The Powerpoint models solutions to key questions in the topic, followed by questions for the students to do. The questions all have full working out and answers so students can identify where they have made mistakes.
The powerpoint has skill questions so students can understand the basics whilst also mastering the topic.
Suitable for foundation GCSE.
The download includes the full powerpoint and you are free to adapt it to suit your needs.
Topics included:
Skill Questions:
Use Fact to Find Answer (Times)
Use Fact to Find Answer (Divide)
Estimate with Basic Fraction
Estimate a Sum with Root
A comprehensive powerpoint that covers the topic of Minimum and Maximum Values. The Powerpoint models solutions to key questions in the topic, followed by questions for the students to do. The questions all have full working out and answers so students can identify where they have made mistakes.
The powerpoint has skill and mastery questions so students can understand the basics whilst also mastering the topic.
Suitable for foundation GCSE.
The download includes the full powerpoint and you are free to adapt it to suit your needs.
Topics included:
Finding Minimum and Maximum Values
Error Intervals
Skill Questions:
Find Maximum (Integer)
Find Minimum (0.1)
Find Minimum (Integer)
Find Error Interval (Nearest 10)
Find Error Interval (Nearest 0.1)
Find Error Interval (Nearest 0.01)
Mastery Questions:
Maximum Value Of Discrete Data (Nearest 10)
Find Error Interval From Truncated Number
Find Error Interval (Different Units)
Error Interval For 0kg Item
Maximum Value Of Discrete Data (Nearest Integer)
Error Interval (Nearest Number Not Power Of 10)
A comprehensive powerpoint that covers the topic of Minimum and Maximum Values. The Powerpoint models solutions to key questions in the topic, followed by questions for the students to do. The questions all have full working out and answers so students can identify where they have made mistakes.
The powerpoint has skill and mastery questions so students can understand the basics whilst also mastering the topic.
Suitable for higher GCSE.
The download includes the full powerpoint and you are free to adapt it to suit your needs.
Topics included:
Finding Bounds
Skill Questions:
Find Maximum (Integer)
Find Minimum (0.1)
Find Minimum (Integer)
Find Error Interval (Nearest 10)
Find Error Interval (Nearest 0.1)
Find Error Interval (Nearest 0.01)
Mastery Questions:
Maximum Value Of Discrete Data (Nearest 10)
Find Error Interval From Truncated Number
Find Error Interval (Different Units)
Error Interval For 0kg Item
Maximum Value Of Discrete Data (Nearest Integer)
Error Interval (Nearest Number Not Power Of 10)
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Properties of Shapes. The worksheet has preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught and topic questions to complete afterwards. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 6 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
5G2a use the properties of rectangles to deduce related facts and find missing lengths and angles
5G3b identify 3-D shapes including cubes and other cuboids, from 2-D representations
5G4a know angles are measured in degrees: estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles
5G4b identify: (1) angles at a point and one whole turn (total 360o) (2) angles at a point on a straight line and 1 2 a turn (total 180o) (3) other multiples of 90o
6G2a compare and classify geometric shapes based on their properties and sizes
6G2b describe simple 3-D shapes
6G3a draw 2-D shapes using given dimensions and angles
6G4a find unknown angles in any triangles, quadrilaterals and regular polygons
6G4b recognise angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line, or are vertically opposite, and find missing angles
6G5 illustrate and name parts of circles, including radius, diameter and circumference and know that the diameter is twice the radius
Preparation Questions:
Find missing coordinates given rectangle, one point on vertex and one at centre
Finding missing dice faces given that opposites add to 7
Identify 3D Shape
Circle type of angle
Circle approximation of angle
Converting divers turns into degrees
Find Angle On A Straight Line
Find Angle On A Point
Find Vertically Opposite Angle On A Point
Topic Questions:
Find width of shape made up of six congruent triangles
Find shapes that have diagonals cross at right angles
Find number of faces, vertices and edges on drawn 3D shape
Identify shapes that have the same number of faces as vertices
Draw a triangle from ASA
Divide rectangle up into 2 squares and a rectangle
Understand a triangle cannot be equilateral given two different angles
Find missing angles from diagram involving right angles and opposite angles
Find radius from diameter