Wordsearch on the weather to get students settled and introduced to some key vocabulary on the topic of the weather.
As an extension, students can have a go at translating the words into English.
Students are given a grid with three tenses: present simple, perfect and near future tenses. They are given some short cut-out phrases and in pairs, they are to sort them into the right categories.
This activity is to revise their tenses and ensure they are able to recognize the differences between the present simple, perfect and the near future.
PowerPoint introduces some simple Chinese words and greetings with visuals to show some different aspects of Chinese history and culture. Teacher can do a competition to split the class into two teams and the team that pronounces each word/phrase the best will get a point. The team with the most points, wins and gets a special prize.
To practise, there is a role play with the pinyin for learners to do with their partner and take it in turns to be A and B. If learners are feeling confident, they can do it without the pinyin too.
Materials available: Vocabulary sheet, role play (with Pinyin), role play (without pinyin).
Learners are given some short phrases that can be printed off and cut-out into strips. They are to work in pairs to sort the short phrases and place them under the right categories. Then, once they are done, they could have a go at translating them from French into English. The aim is to see whether they can recognize and understand how to use the simple present and near future tenses.
PPT and scaffolded worksheet suitable for all levels with a main focus on using the vocabulary and manipulating the language on the topic of accommodation in Spanish-speaking countries.
Answers to the wordsearch and worksheet are on the PPT.
Part 1: Vocabulary
Part 2: Translation (Spanish-English and English-Spanish)
Part 3: Reading Comprehension
Part 4: Writing
PPT and worksheets (with answers) that covers some French Easter vocabulary and traditions and customs in different French-speaking countries. Fun and engaging activities on the PPT and resources to use in the classroom for KS3 students to learn about Easter in the Francophone world.