Starter exercise – student’s own conceptions of responsibility
Intro to philosophical thinking
Planning essay
Full essay with annotations
Rubric on how to attain a high grade
Look at the insert on the Edexcel website for the Edexcel English Language November 2018 paper. This is a supplement and lesson plan to help students write their response.
Edexcel English Language Help!
Question 8 or 9
Component 2 - Non-fiction and Transactional writing
Includes annotated beginning to answer the question:
Write an article for a magazine about an interesting hobby or activity.
In your article, you could include:
• what the interesting hobby or activity is and who it appeals to
• facts or information about the hobby or activity
• what the positives and negatives of your chosen hobby or activity are as well as any other ideas you might have. (40 marks)
Includes Revision Quiz at the end.