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Weimar Germany - Changing fortunes of the Nazi Party 1924-1933

Weimar Germany - Changing fortunes of the Nazi Party 1924-1933

Textbook 'Weimar and Nazi Germany' by Hite & Hinton SHP Advanced History Core Texts ISBN 0719573432 would be essential to be able to utilise these handouts fully. Aimed at A Level WJEC Depth study Weimar Germany 1918-1933 topic but can be adapted by changing essay title etc Includes the notes for the topic 1924-33 with a Powerpoint presentation taking you through the main points and the tasks Covers the Changing fortunes of the Nazi party for the period 1924-1933 Weimar Germany.
The changing fortunes of political parties and leaders 1830-1880

The changing fortunes of political parties and leaders 1830-1880

Textbook 'British History for AS Level: 1783-1850' by D Peaple and Lancaster ISBN-10: 1902796195 would be essential to be able to utilise these handouts fully. Aimed at A Level WJEC Period study Britain 1780-1880 topic but can be adapted by changing essay title etc Includes the notes for the whole topic 1780-1880 for the students with a Powerpoint presentation taking you through the main points and the tasks Covers Sir Robert Peel, the Conservative party and the effectiveness of his reforms 1834-1846, The reasons for the formation of the Liberal Party, The main features of Gladstone’s first ministry 1868-1874 and Disraeli, the Second Reform Act of 1867 and Conservatism in action 1874-1880
The extent and impact of social and economic reforms 1833 – 1848

The extent and impact of social and economic reforms 1833 – 1848

Textbook 'British History for AS Level: 1783-1850' by D Peaple and Lancaster ISBN-10: 1902796195 would be essential to be able to utilise these handouts fully. Aimed at A Level WJEC Period study Britain 1780-1880 topic but can be adapted by changing essay title etc Includes the notes for the whole topic 1780-1880 for the students with a Powerpoint presentation taking you through the main points and the tasks Covers the The motives and pressure for social reform, The importance of the Whig reforms 1833-41, The Anti-Corn Law League and the repeal of the Corn Laws and Reform in factories and mines, public health, education and poor law.
The significance of the threat from rural and urban protest 1830 - 1848

The significance of the threat from rural and urban protest 1830 - 1848

Textbook 'British History for AS Level: 1783-1850' by D Peaple and Lancaster ISBN-10: 1902796195 would be essential to be able to utilise these handouts fully. Aimed at A Level WJEC Period study Britain 1780-1880 topic but can be adapted by changing essay title etc Includes the notes for the whole topic 1780-1880 for the students with a Powerpoint presentation taking you through the main points and the tasks Covers the The causes and impact of the Merthyr Rising, The causes and impact of rural protests in Wales and England in the 1830s and 1840s, The causes and impact of the Chartist movement in Wales and England and Government responses to these protests
Changing Nazi foreign policy and the Second World War 1933-45

Changing Nazi foreign policy and the Second World War 1933-45

Textbook 'Weimar and Nazi Germany' by Hite & Hinton SHP Advanced History Core Texts ISBN 0719573432 would be essential to be able to utilise these handouts fully. Aimed at A Level WJEC Depth study Nazi Germany 1933-45 topic but can be adapted by changing essay title etc Includes the notes for the whole topic 1933-45 for the students with a Powerpoint presentation taking you through the main points and the tasks Covers the Aims and objectives of Nazi foreign policy up to 1939, The outbreak of war and the reorganisation of the economy for total war, German successes in Western Europe, Invasion of the Soviet Union, Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution, Factors leading to defeat by 1945 and The impact of war on different sections of society.
The impact of Nazi racial, social and religious policies 1933-45

The impact of Nazi racial, social and religious policies 1933-45

Textbook 'Weimar and Nazi Germany' by Hite & Hinton SHP Advanced History Core Texts ISBN 0719573432 would be essential to be able to utilise these handouts fully. Aimed at A Level WJEC Depth study Nazi Germany 1933-1945 topic but can be adapted by changing essay title etc Includes the notes for the whole topic 1933-45 for the students with a Powerpoint presentation taking you through the main points and the tasks Covers the Nazi racial ideology, Anti-semitism, Policies towards asocials, Social policies for young people, women, workers and the churches and To what degree was Volksgemeinschaft achieved
Challenges facing Weimar Germany 1918-23

Challenges facing Weimar Germany 1918-23

Textbook 'Weimar and Nazi Germany' by Hite & Hinton SHP Advanced History Core Texts ISBN 0719573432 would be essential to be able to utilise these handouts fully. Aimed at A Level WJEC Depth study Weimar Germany 1918-1933 topic but can be adapted by changing essay title etc Includes the notes for the whole topic 1918-23 for the students with a Powerpoint presentation taking you through the main points and the tasks Covers the early challenges facing Weimar.
Stalin changing leaderships and regimes 1924-1953

Stalin changing leaderships and regimes 1924-1953

Aimed at A Level WJEC Breadth study Russia from 1881-1989 but can be adapted by changing essay title etc Includes the notes for the whole topic with a Powerpoint presentation taking you through the main points and the tasks Will find Corin and Fiehn Russia under Tsarism and Communism 1881-1953 useful to accompany it. Covers Stalin becoming sole leader and the political change under Stalin
Changing leadership and regimes from Khrushchev and Gorbachev 1953-1989

Changing leadership and regimes from Khrushchev and Gorbachev 1953-1989

Aimed at A Level WJEC Breadth study Russia from 1881-1989 but can be adapted by changing essay title etc Includes the notes for the whole topic 1953-1989 with a Powerpoint presentation taking you through the main points and the tasks. No textbook required to accompany it pack should be stand alone. Covers Khrushchev becoming leader right through to 1989 under Gorbachev.
Economic and social policies of Stalin 1924-53

Economic and social policies of Stalin 1924-53

Aimed at A Level Particularly focused on WJEC Breadth study Russia 1881-1989 but can be adapted by altering the essay title etc Full pack with all the worksheets covering the entire topic of social and economic change under Stalin. Powerpoint presentation to take you through the key points and all the tasks. Will find Corin and Fiehn Russia under Tsarism and Communism 1881-1953 useful to accompany it
Changing leaderships and regimes in Russia 1881-1924

Changing leaderships and regimes in Russia 1881-1924

Aimed at A Level WJEC Breadth study Russia from 1881-1989 topic but can be adapted by changing essay title etc Includes the notes for the whole topic 1881-1924 with a Powerpoint presentation taking you through the main points and the tasks Will find Corin and Fiehn Russia under Tsarism and Communism 1881-1953 useful to accompany it. Covers Alexander II background information through to the death of Lenin focusing on political change