Tha teagamhan aon-ghnèitheach air a dhol a-steach mu assasiation JFK.
Mar chomharra air seo tha aithrisean truagh bho àm gu àm bho luchd-eachdraidh sage,
air a mholadh le co-chothromachd bho dhaoine cumanta.
Is gann gun urrainn do dhaoine stad a chuir orra fhèin nuair a thig an cuspair am bàrr.
Tha tàmailt ann mu cho furasta ‘s a bha e neach-naidheachd fhaighinn fo a
còmhdach an riaghaltais ann an 1964.
Tha teagamhan cunbhalach air a bhith a’ crochadh mun cuairt air assasiation JFK.
Tha comharradh air seo an-dràsta agus an uairsin nan aithrisean biorach bho luchd-eachdraidh glic,
còmhla ri bhith a’ maidseadh feadhainn bho dhaoine cumanta.
Is gann gun gabh daoine grèim orra fhèin nuair a thig an cuspair.
Tha eagal air cho furasda 's a bha e preas fhaotainn a rachadh gu macanta maille ri a
còmhdach an riaghaltais ann an 1964.
Homogeneous doubts have lingered about the JFK assassination.
Indicative of this are occasional pithy statements from sage historians,
complimented by symmetry from common people.
People can hardly restrain themselves when the topic comes up.
There is trepidation of how ease it was to get a press subordinate to a
government cover up in 1964.
Consistent doubts have hung around about the JFK assassination.
Signs of this are now and again pointed statements from old wise historians,
along with matching ones from common people.
People can hardly hold themselves back when the topic comes up.
There is fear of how ease it was to get a press to meekly go along with a
government cover up in 1964.
There are unwarranted superfluous stories gullible people believe.
They are about a king who sanctioned people into oblivion in a labyrinth.
Such gratuitous false stories; though amusing, were unprecedented in ancient times.
They have supplanted the truth about the situation.
There are too many uncalled for stories people who believe too easily fall for.
They are about a king who punished people to death in a maze.
Such freely told false stories; though amusing, were never seen in ancient times.
They have taken the place of the truth about the situation.
Tha àm ri teachd tuineachadh Mars a’ dol an aghaidh creideas.
Tha aithris cursory làn paradoxes.
Tha oidhirpean nan SA air an lagachadh.
Dearbhadh soilleir a tha a’ fàgail gu bheil Mars USA gu lèir air a bhacadh le luchd-sìthe.
An ath-chuinge aca: Recant ga thagradh leis gu bheil e ro choltach ri cogadh.
Bidh àm ri teachd tuineachadh Mars a’ dearbhadh creideas.
Tha ath-aithris ghoirid làn contrarrachdan.
Tha oidhirpean nan SA air am bacadh.
Tha foillseachadh soilleir a’ dèanamh a h-uile Mars USA air a bhacadh le luchd-leantainn na sìthe.
An tagradh aca: Na cuir às dha a bhith ga thagradh leis gu bheil e ro choltach ri cogadh.
The future of the settling of Mars defies credulity.
A cursory recount is full of paradoxes.
The USA’s efforts are debilitated.
A clear affirmation making all Mars USA is blocked by pacifists.
Their rebuttal: Recant claiming it because it’s too war-like.
The future of the settling of Mars tests belief.
A brief retelling is full of contradictions.
The USA’s efforts are hampered.
A clear declaration making all Mars USA is blocked by peace-lovers.
Their counter claim: Renounce claiming it because it’s too war-like.
Chaidh an ìre àrd de mhiann a dhol gu Mars a mhilleadh le rudan tuiteamach mun turas fhada.
Bha mòran dhaoine fo eagal ron dà bhliadhna.
Chaidh daoine ann an àiteachan beaga dlùth às an ciall bhon insulariy a thòisich sabaidean.
Thug NASA sùil air mion-fhiosrachadh mu thursan gus luchd-càineadh a mhilleadh.
Rinn e mòran mholaidhean geur gus cùisean a dhèanamh nas fheàrr.
Bha an ìre àrd de mhiann a dhol gu Mars air a mhilleadh le cùisean taobh a-muigh mun turas fhada.
Bha eagal air mòran dhaoine leis an fhad dà bhliadhna.
Chaidh daoine ann an àiteachan beaga pearsanta às an ciall bhon chàileachd dùinte a thòisich sabaidean.
Choimhead NASA air mion-fhiosrachadh làitheil mu thursan gu luchd-breithneachaidh sàmhach.
Rinn e mòran mholaidhean biorach airson cùisean a dhèanamh nas fheàrr.
The lofty magnitude of the aspiration of going to Mars was ruined by incidental things about the long trip.
Many people were intmidated by the two year duration.
People in small intimate spaces went mad from the insulariy which instigated fights.
NASA looked at the mundane details of trips to mollify critics.
It made many incisive recommendations to make things better.
The high scope of the desire to go to Mars was ruined by side issue things about the long trip.
Many people were scared by the two year length.
People in small personal spaces went mad from the closed-in quality which started fights.
NASA looked at the everyday details of trips to quiet critics.
It made many pointed recommendations to make things better.
Bha daoine le naivete gu sònraichte buailteach do dhuilgheadasan tursan-adhair fada Mars.
Rudan gnèitheach agus dualach do bhith dùinte cho fada.
Nuair a chaidh a togail, thuirt boireannach snog na duilgheadasan a bh’ aice.
Rinneadh goireasachd Adroit ; innleachdan gus suidheachaidhean a leasachadh gu sgiobalta.
Bha daoine le sìmplidh gu sònraichte so-leònte ri duilgheadasan tursan-adhair fada Mars.
Nithean inborn agus pàirt de bhith dùinte ann cho fada.
Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhi, thug boireannach snog eisimpleirean seachad de na duilgheadasan a bh’ aice.
Rinneadh socrachadh glic ; innleachdan gus suidheachaidhean a leasachadh gu sgiobalta.
People with naivete were especially susceptible to the problems of the long Mars flights.
Things innate and inherent to being closed in so long.
When elicited, a nice lady cited the problems she had had.
Adroit expedients were made; innovations to improve conditions fast.
People with simplicity were especially vunerable to the problems of the long Mars flights.
Things inborn and part of being closed in so long.
When asked, a nice lady gave examples of the problems she had had.
Clever fixes were made; inventions to improve conditions fast.
Chaidh an aithris mu bhith a’ tuineachadh Mars le tùsairean seòlta a chuir sìos ro 2056.
Bha an eachdraidh a bh’ ann roimhe làn de dh’ ìomhaighean de ghaisgich làidir.
Bha e làn de mhòran fiosrachaidh ceàrr.
Bha an aon rud ann a bhith a’ togail an dreach tùsail a’ toirt air na SA coimhead glè mhath.
Ann an da-rìribh, dh’fheumadh daoine a bhith mì-mhisneachail agus umhail airson cur suas ris an
suidheachaidhean cruaidh cuingealaichte.
Chaidh an sgeulachd mu bhith a’ tuineachadh Mars le tùsairean dàna a cheartachadh ro 2056.
Bha an eachdraidh a bh 'ann roimhe làn de dhealbhan de ghaisgich làidir.
Bha e làn de dh’fhiosrachadh ceàrr.
B’ e an rud as cudromaiche ann a bhith a’ togail an dreach tùsail toirt air na SA coimhead glè mhath.
Ann an da-rìribh, dh’fheumadh daoine a bhith sùbailte agus ciùin airson a bhith a’ cur suas ris a’ chuingealaichte
suidheachaidhean cruaidh.
The narrative of settling Mars by intrepid pioneers was debunked by 2056.
The predecessor history by definition was full of images of robust heros.
It was full of myrads of wrong information.
Tantamount in building the original version was making the USA look great.
In reality, people had to be malleable and submissive to put up with the
limited harsh conditions.
The tale of settling Mars by bold pioneers was corrected by 2056.
The former history by course was full of images of strong heros.
It was full of much wrong information.
Uppermost in building the original version was making the USA look great.
In reality, people had to be adaptable and meek to put up with the limited
harsh conditions.
An exhaustive expository study of early Mars colonies enumerated their problems.
We can speculate the limited capacity of the living space caused many direct and
extraneous problems.
Even verbose protesters had to have brevity to vent their grievences.
It wasn’t covered much in the offical news.
NASA squandered oppourtunities to improve things.
A complete expose study of early Mars colonies listed their problems.
We can assume the limited holding ability of the living space caused many direct and
side problems.
Even talkative protesters had to be quick to tell their issues.
It wasn’t covered much in the offical news.
NASA wasted chances to improve things.
Dh’ àirmhich sgrùdadh làn-fhollaiseach de choloinidhean tràth Mars na duilgheadasan aca.
Faodaidh sinn tuairmeas a dhèanamh air comas cuibhrichte an àite-fuirich a dh’ adhbhraich mòran dìreach agus
duilgheadasan a-muigh.
Dh’fheumadh eadhon luchd-iomairt beòil a bhith goirid gus na gearanan aca a chuir an cèill.
Cha deach mòran a chòmhdach anns na naidheachdan oifigeil.
Chaith NASA cothroman gus cùisean a leasachadh.
Bha sgrùdadh làn nochdte de choloinidhean tràth Mars a’ liostadh na duilgheadasan aca.
Faodaidh sinn gabhail ris gu bheil comas cuibhrichte an àite-fuirich air adhbhrachadh mòran dìreach agus
duilgheadasan taobh.
Dh’fheumadh eadhon luchd-iomairt labhairt a bhith luath airson na cùisean aca innse.
Cha deach mòran a chòmhdach anns na naidheachdan oifigeil.
Chaill NASA cothroman air cùisean a leasachadh.
Tha earrannan bho logaichean tùsaire Mars làn de bheachdan poilitigeach.
B’ e an dileab aca an cruinneachadh àrd de dhaoine ann an àiteachan cuibhrichte fon talamh.
Bha seo na ghluasad bho na cumhaichean a chaidh a ghealltainn.
Bha an eadar-dhealachadh iongantach agus dh’ adhbhraich e dìmeas.
Bha dìmeas ann a bhith saor-thoileach a dhol bhon Talamh.
Bha daoine leth-bhreith a’ faighinn a-mach dè bha a’ dol.
Tha earrannan bho logaichean tùsaire Mars làn de bheachdan argamaideach.
B’ e an duilgheadas a bh’ aca an àireamh àrd de dhaoine ann an àiteachan làn sluaigh fon talamh.
Bha seo na ghluasad bho na cumhaichean a chaidh a ghealltainn.
Bha an t-eadar-dhealachadh iongantach agus ag adhbhrachadh tàmailt.
Bha mì-thoileachas ann a dhol gu saor-thoileach bhon Talamh.
Bha an fheadhainn a b’ urrainn leughadh eadar na loidhnichean a’ faighinn a-mach dè bha a’ dol.
Excerpts from Mars pioneer logs are full of polemical comments.
Their dilemma was the high concentration of people in cramped underground spaces.
This was a digression from the promised conditions.
The discrepency was striking and caused disdain.
There was a disinclination to volunteer to go from Earth.
Discriminating people figured out what was going on.
Passages from Mars pioneer logs are full of argumentative comments.
Their problem was the high number of people in crowded underground spaces.
This was a departure from the promised conditions.
The difference was striking and caused disgust.
There was a unwillingness to volunteer to go from Earth.
Those that could read between the lines figured out what was going on.
Mar sin, bha daoine comasach air Mars a tha na antithesis air na bu chòir a bhith.
Chuir daoine an gnìomh planaichean abstruse.
Bha e neo-chinnteach air an uachdar a lean air adhart gu bhith antagonism agus
ana-cainnt do dhaoine.
Chuir bàird an cèill am faireachdainnean gràin dà-sheaghach airson na cruth-tìre neo-thorrach
le iomradh air bàs agus buaireadh.
Mar sin, bha daoine beò air Mars a tha an aghaidh na bu chòir a bhith.
Rinn daoine planaichean a bha doirbh a thuigsinn.
Cha robh buaidh sam bith air an uachdar a lean air adhart gu nàimhdeas agus
fuath do dhaoine.
Chuir na bàird an cèill am faireachdainnean gràin a bha an aghaidh a chèile airson na cruth-tìre gun bheatha
le ìomhaighean neo-dhìreach de bhàs agus caos.
So, humans were viable on Mars which is the antithesis of what should have been.
People executed abstruse plans.
It was inconsequential to the surface which continued to have antagonism and
antipathy for humans.
Poets articulated their ambiguous love hate feelings for the barren landscape
with allusions to death and mayhem.
So, humans were survivable on Mars which is the opposite of what should have been.
People carried out hard to understand plans.
It was of no effect to the surface which continued to have hostility and
hatred for humans.
Poets voiced their conflicting love hate feelings for the lifeless landscape
with indirect images of death and chaos.
Thug e goireasan toinnte airson a bhith beò air Mars uile fon talamh.
B’ e neo-riaghailteachd neo-riaghailteachd dhaoine cuthach an taobh a-muigh as prosaic.
Bha a’ mhòr-chuid de na Martianaich amharasach gun robh dòigh hypotetical air siubhal an-asgaidh gu h-àrd comasach.
Rinn guthan mì-chinnteach co-dhùnadh deimhinnte.
Bha daoine a rinn sgrùdadh air an uachdar buailteach aillse.
Thug e bun-structar iom-fhillte airson a bhith beò air Mars uile fon talamh.
B’ e an turas as àbhaistiche a-muigh an turas neo-àbhaisteach a bh’ ann de dhaoine cuthach.
Bha a’ mhòr-chuid de Martians teagmhach gun robh dòigh teòiridheach air siubhal an-asgaidh gu h-àrd comasach.
Rinn luchd-càineadh co-dhùnadh deireannach.
Bha daoine a rinn sgrùdadh air an uachdar dualtach aillse fhaighinn.
It took elaborate facilities to live on Mars all underground.
The most prosaic trip outside was an anomaly an idiosyncracy of mad people.
Most Martians were dubious a hypothetical way of free travel above was possible.
Discordant voices made a definitive decision.
People who did explore on the surface were prone to cancer.
It took complex infrastructure to live on Mars all underground.
The most ordinary trip outside was unusual a quirk of mad people.
Most Martians were doubtful a theoretical way of free travel above was possible.
Critics made a final decision.
People who did explore on the surface were likely to cancer.
Chaidh am prìosanach a lorg ciontach de eucoir bheag.
Bha a dhìteadh a’ giùlan a’ bhinn bàis.
Bha seo mar thoradh air coitcheannachadh mu dheidhinn a h-uile duine den chlas aige.
Bha suathadh ann.
Bhiodh a chrochadh a’ sileadh ‘s a’ milleadh nan uachdaran.
Bha iad airson na daoine beaga a mhilleadh.
Bha am prìosanach air a bhith somalta chan e an uamhas ris an robh dùil.
Mìneachadh air seo?
Chreid e ann an Dia agus 'n a cheartas.
Sgiobachd: Lìon e!
Chaidh am prìosanach fhaighinn ciontach de mhion-eucoir gu meallta.
Bha a’ bhreith aige a’ giùlan a’ bhinn bàis.
Bha seo mar thoradh air beachd farsaing air a h-uile duine den chlas aige.
Bha trioblaidean air a bhith ann.
Bhiodh a chrochadh a’ sàsachadh agus a’ maothachadh nan uachdaran.
Bha iad airson na daoine beaga a phronnadh.
Bha gabhail socair aig a’ phrìosanach chan e an eagal ris an robh dùil.
Chreid e ann an Dia agus 'n a cheartas.
Dùblairean: Chan eil ùidh agam!
The prisoner was found culpable of a minor crime falsely.
His conviction carried the death sentence.
This was due to a generalization about all people of his class.
There had been friction.
His hanging would quench and mollify the landlords.
They wanted to obliterate the little people.
The prisoner had complacency not the expected trepidation.
Explanatory of this?
He believed in God and his justice.
Skiptics: Stuff it!
The prisoner was found guilty of a minor crime falsely.
His verdict carried the death sentence.
This was due to a broad opinion about all people of his class.
There had been troubles.
His hanging would satisfy and soothe the landlords.
They wanted to crush the little people.
The prisoner had a calm acceptance not the expected fear.
He believed in God and his justice.
Doubters: I’m not interested!
Tha sinn làn de chomhairle air an eadar-lìn gus galairean seann aois a lughdachadh agus a cheartachadh.
Cha bhiodh e doirbh liosta dhiubh a chur ri chèile.
Tha cleachdaidhean prosaic aig cuid mar eacarsaich teann.
Tha e brònach a bhith a’ faicinn dhaoine le laigsean follaiseach a chuireas bacadh air an oidhirpean gus gèilleadh.
Tha sinn fo thuil le comhairle air an eadar-lìn gus galairean seann aois a lughdachadh agus a chàradh.
Cha bhiodh e feumail liosta a dhèanamh dhiubh.
Tha cleachdaidhean neo-fhaicsinneach aig cuid leithid eacarsaich cruaidh.
Tha e brònach a bhith a’ faicinn dhaoine le duilgheadasan follaiseach a tha a’ cumail air ais an oidhirpean gus a dhèanamh.
We are inundated by advice on the internet to alleviate and rectify old age diseases.
To compile a list of them would be futile.
Some have prosaic routines like rigorous exercise.
It is sad seeing people with overt infirmities that hamper their efforts to comply.
We are flooded by advice on the internet to ease and fix old age diseases.
To make a list of them would be of no use.
Some have unimaginative routines like strenuous exercise.
It is sad seeing people with obvious problems that hold back their efforts to do it.
A bhith cothromach agus beachd-bharail mu luchd-coiseachd urramach.
Faodaidh creideamh cuir às do dhroch ghiùlan a tha a’ milleadh comann-sòisealta.
Bidh an fheadhainn aig nach eil moraltachd a’ dèanamh droch rudan agus bidh seo ag àrdachadh thar ùine.
Tha a bhith ga fhaicinn faisg air làimh na dhuilgheadas an seo ann am Baile New york.
Nuair a thig droch ghiùlan gu bhith na cliche tha sinn ann an droch chumadh.
Airson a bhith a ‘coimhead agus a’ smaoineachadh air an neach àbhaisteach cràbhach.
Faodaidh creideamh sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air droch ghiùlan a tha a 'milleadh comann-sòisealta.
Bidh an fheadhainn aig nach eil moraltachd a’ dèanamh droch tbhings agus bidh seo a’ fàs nas miosa agus nas miosa thar ùine.
Tha a bhith ga fhaicinn faisg air làimh na dhuilgheadas an seo ann am Baile New york.
Nuair a thig droch ghiùlan gu bith cumanta tha sinn ann an droch chumadh.
To be objective and conjecture about pedestrian reverent people.
Religion can quell bad behavior that mars society.
Those with no morality do bad things and this amplifies over time.
Seeing it in proximity is troubling here in New york City.
When bad behavior becomes a cliche we are in bad shape.
To be look at and think about the standard religious person.
Religion can check bad behavior that spoils society.
Those with no morality do bad tbhings and this gets worse and worse over time.
Seeing it close up is troubling here in New york City.
When bad behavior becomes commonplace we are in bad shape.
Dhiùlt luchd-tòiseachaidh obdurate Mars a leigeil seachad.
Rinn iad argamaidean ciallach feumaidh co-leanailteachd a bhith aig muinntir Mars.
Chuir iad ri chèile soirbheachas às deidh soirbheachas.
B’ e oidhirp borb a bh’ ann a bhith beò agus a’ soirbheachadh.
Sin an aghaidh shuidheachaidhean a chuireadh às don lag.
B’ e neo-dhìomhaireachd neo-chinnteach a chaidh a chomharrachadh mu eucoirean air ais air an Talamh a bha os cionn na h-oidhirp.
Tha an cliche Sink or Swim a’ tighinn gu inntinn.
Dhiùlt luchd-tòiseachaidh cruaidh Mars a leigeil seachad.
Rinn iad argamaidean ciallach gum feum muinntir Mars cumail ri chèile.
Fhuair iad soirbheachadh an dèidh soirbheachadh.
B’ e oidhirp borb a bh’ ann a bhith beò agus a’ soirbheachadh.
Sin an aghaidh shuidheachaidhean a chuireadh às do na lag.
Cha robh mòran eòlach air triùir luchd-call ùine fo chasaidean eucoirean air ais air an Talamh os cionn na h-oidhirp.
Tha an sean-fhacal Sink or Swim a’ tighinn nam inntinn.
Obdurate Mars pioneers refused to give up.
They made cogent arguments the Mars people must have coherence.
They compiled success after success.
It was an obstinate attempt to survive and thrive.
That in the face of conditions that would obliterate the weak.
Obscure incorrigibles indicted of crimes back on Earth headed the effort.
The cliche Sink or Swim comes to mind.
Tough Mars pioneers refused to give up.
They made sensible arguments the Mars people must stick together.
They racked up success after success.
It was a stubborn attempt to survive and thrive.
That in the face of conditions that would wipe out the weak.
Little known three time losers charged with crimes back on Earth headed the effort.
The old saying Sink or Swim comes to mind.
Tha mi a ‘moladh a bhith a’ comharrachadh seann amannan.
Tha an spiorad do-chreidsinneach anns a h-uile duine againn ga iarraidh.
Tha mi a’ cumail a-mach gum feum sinn lasachaidhean a dhèanamh.
Synthestic gus a bhith a’ lagachadh dòigh-beatha synthestic mar a tha e air tighinn.
Figurative a 'dol air ais gu nàdar.
Tha mi dèidheil air a bhith a’ comharrachadh seann amannan.
Tha an spiorad neo-sheasmhach anns a h-uile duine againn ga iarraidh.
Tha mi a’ moladh gum feum sinn atharrachaidhean a tha a dhìth a dhèanamh.
Measgachadh de seo agus sin gus cur às don dòigh-beatha fuadain mar a tha e air fàs.
I’m a proponent of celebrating old times.
The indefatigable spirit in all of us demands it.
I contend we have to make concessions.
A synthesis to undermine the synthetic lifestyle as it has become.
A figurative going back to nature.
I’m a fan of celebrating old times.
The unbeatable spirit in all of us demands it.
I propose we have to make needed changes.
A mix of this and that to overthrow the artificial lifestyle as it has become.
A kind of going back to nature.
Tha mi dòchasach.
A bheil sin trite?
Seadh, tha mi air tuairmeas a dhèanamh mu mheudachd olc an t-saoghail;
nithe a chuireas eagal agus uamhas air.
Bidh mi a’ cleachdadh frugality a tha is dòcha na bhrosnachadh sgrùdaidh.
Tha an co-aontachd ag ràdh Let’s Party!
‘S e duine dòchasach a th’ annam.
A bheil sin sgìth?
Seadh, smaoinich mi thairis air farsaingeachd olc an t-saoghail;
nithe a chuireas eagal agus uamhas orra.
Bidh mi a’ cleachdadh smeòrach a tha is dòcha na bhrosnachadh prìomhadail.
Canaidh a’ mhòr-chuid de dhaoine Let’s Party!
I’m an optimist.
Is that trite?
Yes, I’ve speculated about the magnitude of the world’s evils;
things that incite dread and intimidate.
I practice frugality which is probably a vestigial impulse.
The consensus says Let’s Party!
I’m a hopeful person.
Is that tiresome?
Yes, I’ve thought over the scope of the world’s evils;
things that cause fear and overawe.
I practice thrift which is probably a primitive impulse.
The majority of people say Let’s Party!
Chan e dad a th’ ann abstruse.
Cha bhith an fheadhainn le naivete inneach agus ro-shealladh a’ falmhachadh.
Bidh iad a’ daingneachadh rudan a bhrosnaicheas draibhearan fiadhaich a bhios mar as trice a ’fuireach gu taingeil sàmhach.
Tha e meallta a bhith a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil neach sam bith saor bho sgrios.
Chan eil dad doirbh a thuigsinn.
Chan eil an fheadhainn le sìmplidheachd agus claonadh gnèitheach a’ cur dàil sam bith.
Bidh iad a’ ceadachadh rudan a thòisicheas draibhearan fiadhaich a bhios mar as trice sàmhach taingeil.
Tha e ceàrr smaoineachadh gu bheil neach sam bith air a leisgeul a ghabhail airson sgrios.
It’s nothing abstruse.
Those with innate naivete and a predilection don’t vacillate.
They ratify things that induce wild drives that normally remain thankfully quiescent.
It is fallacious to think anyone is exempt from destruction.
It’s nothing hard to understand.
Those with inborn simplicity and an inclination don’t hesitate.
They approve things that start up wild drives that normally remain thankfully quiet.
It is wrong to think anyone is excused from destruction.
Mar sin, chaidh oidhirp sheasmhach le seasmhachd a dhèanamh air Mars.
Bha e a’ toirt a-steach a h-uile duine.
Mu dheireadh, bha iad a 'fuireach ann an àrainneachd bhrèagha.
A rèir choltais bha seo mì-choltach ri Mars fhèin.
Tha Mars neo-chòrdail ri beatha dhaoine.
Chaidh eucorach a thoirt air ais chun Talamh.
Bha e duilich agus thug e freagairtean teann dha na casaidean aige.
Chaidh iad uile a chuir às a dhreuchd.
Mar sin, chaidh oidhirp fhada sheasmhach le cumhachd fuireach a dhèanamh air Mars.
Bha e air a ghabhail a-steach leis an t-sluagh gu lèir.
Mu dheireadh, bha iad a 'fuireach ann an àrainneachd mhòr.
A rèir choltais bha seo a-mach à àite gu Mars fhèin.
Chan eil Mars freagarrach airson beatha dhaoine.
Chaidh eucorach a thoirt air ais chun Talamh.
Bha socair aige agus thug e freagairtean goirid èifeachdach dha na casaidean aige.
Chaidh iad uile a thilgeil a-mach.
So, a sustained effort with tenacity was done on Mars.
It was inclusive of all people.
Finally, they lived in lavish surroundings.
This was seemingly incongruous to Mars itself.
Mars is incompatible to human life.
A criminal was brought back to Earth.
He had composure and made terse answers to his charges.
They were all dismissed.
So, a steady long effort with staying power was done on Mars.
It was included of all the people.
Finally, they lived in great surroundings.
This was seemingly out of place to Mars itself.
Mars is unsuited to human life.
A criminal was brought back to Earth.
He had calmness and made short effective answers to his charges.
They were all thrown out.
Cho-obraich luchd-saidheans air synthesis stuthan airson deiseachan dìon.
Bha iad mìorbhuileach.
Rinn iad atharrachadh mòr air rannsachadh taobh a-muigh Mars.
Dh’ fhaodadh casg a chuir air rèididheachd falaichte a bhiodh a’ siubhal air uachdar.
Tha eòlaichean air na rabhaidhean aca a tharraing air ais.
Dh’ fhaodadh an fheadhainn le ro-innse a dhol a-mach agus coimhead timcheall.
Bha luchd-saidheans ag obair còmhla air cruthachadh stuthan airson deiseachan dìon.
Bha iad foirfe.
Rinn iad atharrachadh mòr air rannsachadh taobh a-muigh Mars.
Dh’ fhaodadh casg a chuir air rèididheachd cùl-fhiosrachaidh a dh’ fhaodadh siubhal uachdar millte.
Thug eòlaichean na rabhaidhean aca air ais.
Dh’ fhaodadh an fheadhainn a chòrd e a dhol a-mach agus coimhead timcheall.
Scientists collaborated on the synthesis of materials for protective suits.
They were impeccable.
They made a profound change on outside Mars exploration.
Latent radiation that marred surface travel could be blocked.
Experts retracted their warnings.
Those with a predilection could go out and look around.
Scientists worked together on the creation of materials for protective suits.
They were perfect.
They made a radical change on outside Mars exploration.
Background radiation that ruined surface travel could be blocked.
Experts took back their warnings.
Those who liked it could go out and look around.
Tha aithris mallachdach air uachdar Mars a’ faighinn a-mach a’ dearbhadh creideas.
Fhuair luchd-saidheans eòlas dlùth air Mars.
Rinn iad aithrisean geur air an eachdraidh aige.
Bha eadhon lorgan tuiteamach iongantach.
Tha e na paradocs gun robh an ceannardas fo eagal le seo.
Gus am milleadh rinn an luchd-saidheans deasbad air na h-oidhirpean aca.
Tha ath-aithris ghoirid air uachdar Mars a’ faighinn a-mach creideas deuchainnean.
Fhuair luchd-saidheans eòlas dlùth agus pearsanta air Mars.
Rinn iad aithrisean rèabhlaideach mun eachdraidh aige.
Bha eadhon lorgan beaga iongantach.
Tha e neònach gun robh an ceannardas ann an cunnart le seo.
Gus an socrachadh, rinn an luchd-saidheans deasbad air na h-oidhirpean aca.
A cursory recount of the Mars surface discovers tests credulity.
Scientists got an intimate knowledge of Mars.
They made incisive statements about its history.
Even incidental discoveries were amazing.
It is a paradox that the leadership was intimidated by this.
To mollify them the scientists debated their further efforts.
A brief retelling of the Mars surface discovers tests belief.
Scientists got a close up and personal knowledge of Mars.
They made revolutionary statements about its history.
Even minor discoveries were amazing.
It is a odd fact that the leadership was threatened by this.
To calm them down the scientists debated their further efforts.