I am resigned to and inure to people’s hypocritical actting greater than they are.
As the economy has become static and even seen a diminution, it
incites and kindles disdain.
A pithy way to say it is: I don’t give a damn.
I am a helpless captive to and use to people’s fake acting greater than they are.
As the economy has become stale and even seen a recession, it
starts and nurtures score.
A quick way to say it is: I don’t give a damn.
Flagrant rigid taxes have exacerbated the turbulent economic downturn.
The pervasive nuances of the tax codes are thought to be innovations.
Some new politicans concur high taxes are wrong and deride them.
Rebuttals are done in debates.
Maybe some taxes will be recinded.
Outrageous stiff taxes have worsened the rocky economic downturn.
The ever-present fine points in the tax codes are thought to be new trendy things.
Some new politicans agree high taxes are wrong and criticize them.
Arguements are done in debates.
Maybe some taxes will be taken back.
Tha Godzilla na aingeal bàis fìrinneach.
Aig an toiseach, tha daoine air an sàrachadh le freagairt dà-sheaghach.
Bha ath-bhualadh perfuntory ann.
An antithesis de na bu chòir a bhith.
Chaidh iad sìos airson adhbharan mì-mhodhail.
Cha do chuir iad an gnìomh am plana èiginn aca.
An uairsin chuir àrd-sheanalair an cèill an dìmeas agus an ruaig.
Tha na gnìomhan gaisgeil aige a’ cumail Toyko ion-obrachail.
Tha Godzilla coltach ri aingeal bàis.
Aig an toiseach, tha daoine air an sàrachadh le freagairt neo-chinnteach.
Bha dìth freagairt luster ann.
An aghaidh na bu chòir a bhith.
Rinn iad leisg airson adhbharan a bha doirbh a thuigsinn.
Cha do chuir iad am plana èiginn an gnìomh.
Chàin àrd-sheanalair an uair sin an neo-chùram agus an ruaig.
Bidh na gnìomhan gaisgeil aige a’ cumail Toyko beò.
Godzilla is a figurative angel of death.
In the beginning, people are stunned with an ambiguous response.
There was a perfuntory reaction.
The antithesis of what should have been.
They faltered for abstruse reasons.
They did not execute their emergency plan.
A top general then renounced their apathy and defeatism.
His brave actions keeps Tokyo viable.
Godzilla is like an angel of death.
In the beginning, people are stunned with an uncertain response.
There was a lack luster reaction.
The opposite of what should have been.
They hesitated for hard to undestand reasons.
They did not put into effect their emergency plan.
A top general then condemned their noncaring and defeatism.
His brave actions keeps Tokyo alive.
Bidh daoine a’ toirt urram don fhilm thùsail Godzilla agus a’ feuchainn ri aithris a dhèanamh air.
Godzilla, prìomh eisimpleir de uilebheistean.
Tha seallaidhean de sgrios leantainneach ann.
Tha co-chothromachd aig an fhilm, a tha na chomharra air sgrìobhadair saoi.
Tha e co-sheòrsach le tèarmann.
Tha an sgrios a’ cur ri seallaidhean de shabaid an airm
an uilebheist dheth.
Bidh daoine a ‘dèanamh iodhal air an fhilm Godzilla tùsail agus a’ feuchainn ri lethbhreac a dhèanamh dheth.
Godzilla, am modail de uilebheistean.
Tha seallaidhean ann de sgrios mun cuairt.
Tha cothromachadh aig an fhilm, comharra air sgrìobhadair glic.
Tha e mar an ceudna fad na slighe le bacadh.
Tha an sgrios air a neartachadh le seallaidhean de shabaid an airm
an uilebheist dheth.
People venerate the original Godzilla movie and try to emulate it.
Godzilla, the epitome of monsters.
It has scenes of pervasive destruction.
The movie has symmetry, indicative of a sage writter.
It is homnogeneous with reserve.
The destruction is complemented scenes of the army fighting
the monster off.
People idolize the original Godzilla movie and try to copy it.
Godzilla, the model of monsters.
It has scenes of all-around destruction.
The movie has balance, a hallmark of a wise writer.
It is the same all the way through with restraint.
The destruction is enhanced by scenes of the army fighting
the monster off.
Chan eil Godzilla co-chòrdail ri saoghal an latha an-diugh.
Cha b’ urrainn dhaibh gabhail ris na seallaidhean millteach aige.
Tha e mì-choltach ri mac an duine.
Ruigsinneachd dha seo uile tha neach-saidheans.
Bidh e a’ dèanamh slighe a-steach goirid: ’s e dineosaur aiseirigh a th’ ann an Godzilla
air adhbhrachadh le deuchainnean niùclasach.
Tha beagan mì-chinnt aige mu bhith a’ feuchainn ri a mharbhadh.
Is e fo-fhigear a mhac-cèile amorphous.
Tha e duilich leis gu bheil e a’ lìbhrigeadh seòrsa de dh’ fhizzy a bhios a’ fuasgladh
Godzilla agus e fhèin, a 'lùghdachadh an t-suidheachaidh airson greiseag.
Tha Godzilla mì-choltach ris an t-saoghal ùr-nodha.
Cha b’ urrainn dhaibh leigeil leis na seallaidhean millteach aige.
Tha e a-mach à àite don chinne-daonna.
Anns a h-uile càil tha seo na neach-saidheans.
Bidh e a’ dèanamh mion-sgrùdadh cuff: tha Godzilla na dhineasair cùil bhon uaigh
air adhbhrachadh le deuchainnean niùclasach.
Tha beagan measgaichte aige mu bhith a’ feuchainn ri a mharbhadh.
Is e figear àrd-sgoile a mhac-cèile gun dath.
Tha socair aige leis gu bheil e a’ lìbhrigeadh seòrsa de dh’ fhizzy a bhios a’ fuasgladh
Godzilla agus e fhèin, a 'faochadh an t-suidheachadh airson greis.
Godzilla is incompatible to the modern world.
They could not condone his destructive appearances.
He is incongruous to mankind.
Accessible to all this is a scientist.
He makes a terse accessment: Godzilla is a resurrected dinosaur
caused by nuclear tests.
He has some anbivalence about trying to kill it.
A subordinate figure is his amorphous son-in-law.
He has composure as he delivers a type of fizzy that desolves
Godzilla and himself, alleviating the situation for a while.
Godzilla is mismatched to the modern world.
They could not allow his destructive appearances.
He is out of place to mankind.
In on to all this is a scientist.
He makes a off the cuff analysis: Godzilla is a back from the grave dinosaur
caused by nuclear tests.
He has some mixed about trying to kill it.
A secondary figure is his colorless son-in-law.
He has calmness as he delivers a type of fizzy that desolves
Godzilla and himself, relieving the situation for a while.
这是北方的共识; 坚信看到一场战争
他们在北方达成了一项协议; 坚定的意愿看到一场战争
Duì hánguó de duōyú zhìcái hé jǐnggào bìng méiyǒu qǐ dào zuòyòng.
Duōnián lái yīzhí cúnzàizhe jīliè de fǎngǎn.
Nánfāng hěn wángù.
Tāmen biānzàole fènnù.
Zhè shì běifāng de gòngshì; jiānxìn kàn dào yī chǎng zhànzhēng
bìyào shí dé chū jiélùn.
Línkěn shànyú biǎodá.
Tā gěi chūle bìxū zhěngjiù liánbāng de lìng rén xìnfú de lǐyóu.
Duì nánfāng de duō cì chǔfá hé jǐnggào bìng méiyǒu qǐ dào zuòyòng.
Duōnián lái yīzhí yǒu shēnchóudàhèn.
Nánfāng hěn gùzhí.
Tāmen duījīle lìng rén fàzhǐ de xíngwéi.
Tāmen zài běifāng dáchéngle yī xiàng xiéyì; jiāndìng de yìyuàn kàn dào yī chǎng zhànzhēng
rúguǒ yǒu bìyào jiù jiéshù.
Lincoln was articulate.
He gave cogent reasons why the Union must be saved.
Superfluous sanctions and warnings to the South did not work.
There had been acrimonious antipathy for years.
The South was obdurate.
They compiled outrages.
Their was a consensus in the North; a conviction to see a war to its
conclusion if necessary.
Lincoln was expressive.
He gave convincing reasons why the Union must be saved.
Repeated penalties and warnings to the South did not work.
There had been bitter hatred for years.
The South was stubborn.
They piled up outrageous acts.
Their was a agreement in the North; a firm will to see a war to its
end if necessary.
Nánběi shuāngfāng jūnduì jiāozhàn.
Běifāng shūle.
Běifāng jiànglǐng duì cǐ biǎoshì huáiyí.
Tāmen rènwéi rènwéi nánfāng kěnéng bèi pò chóngxīn jiārù liánbāng de xiǎngfǎ shì kuángwàng de.
Tāmen bèi liǎngjí huàle.
Chídùn de rén rènwéi zhège wèntí hěn shénmì——wúfǎ jiějué.
Ránhòu, zuòwéi yīgè mófàn rénwù, gélántè chǎnmíngliǎo qíngkuàng.
Tā zài xīfāng de shènglì shì yǒu jiěshì xìng de.
Nánběi shuāngfāng de jūnduì xiāngyùle.
Běifāng shūle.
Běifāng jiāngjūn yíhuò bùyǐ.
Tāmen rènwéi rènwéi nánfāng kěnéng bèi pò chóngxīn jiārù liánbāng de xiǎngfǎ shì àomàn de.
Tāmen yìjiàn fēnqí.
Yúchǔn de rén rènwéi zhège wèntí shì yīgè mí——wúfǎ jiějué.
Ránhòu, yī wèi wěirén gélántè chéngqīngle qíngkuàng.
Tā zài xīfāng de shènglì jiùshì yuányīn.
The troops of the North and South engaged.
The North lost.
Northern Generals were skeptical.
They thought it presumptuous to think the South could be coerced to rejoin the Union.
They were polerized.
The obtuse thought the problem was cryptic - unsolvable.
Then, an exemplary man, Grant elucidated the situation.
His victories in the West were explanatory.
The troops of the North and South met in battle.
The North lost.
Northern Generals were doubtful.
They thought it arrogant to think the South could be forced to rejoin the Union.
They were divided.
The stupid thought the problem was a mystery - unsolvable.
Then, an great man, Grant made the situation clear.
His victories in the West were the explanation.
首都华盛顿 D.D. 就在叛乱州附近。
Běifāng xiànrùle jìntuìliǎngnán de jìngdì.
Shǒudū huáshèngdùn tèqū kàojìn pànluàn zhōu.
Nánfāng zhànlǐngle běifāng de bǎolěi.
Tāmen gēnjù xīn xiànfǎ zǔjiànle xīn zhèngfǔ.
Tāmen nénggòu yòng jūnduì lái chēngzàn zhè yīdiǎn.
Běifāng dòngyáole.
Tā fàngqìle yòng nánfāng xiěyè láizì wǒ lěngquè de suíjī jìhuà
wèile shēngcún ér jìnxíng de fēngkuáng zhēngduó
běifāng de chǔjìng shífēn kùnnán.
Shǒudū huáshèngdùn D.D. Jiù zài pànluàn zhōu fùjìn.
Nánfāng zhànlǐngle běifāng de bǎolěi.
Tāmen gēnjù xīn xiànfǎ zǔjiànle xīn zhèngfǔ.
Tāmen nénggòu yòng jūnduì lái zhīchí zhè yīdiǎn.
Běifāng shénme yě méi zuò.
Tā gēzhìle suíyì de jìhuà, yǐ mǎnzú zìjǐ duì nánfāng xuètǒng de xūqiú
wèile shēngcún ér jìnxíng de fēngkuáng zhēngduó
The North was in a quandary.
The capital city, Washington D.C. was in proximity to the rebell states.
The South usurped Northern forts.
They implimented a new government in compliance with a new constitution.
They were able to compliment this with troops.
The North vacillated.
It relegated random plans to quench itself on Southern blood for
a wild scramble to survive.
The North was in a difficult situation.
The capital city, Washington D.D. was in right near the rebell states.
The South took over Northern forts.
They put in place a new government as setup by a new constitution.
They were able to back this up with troops.
The North did nothing.
It set aside haphazard plans to satisfy itself on Southern blood for
a wild scramble to survive.
1790 年代美国地中海战争的粗略回顾
简要重述 1790 年代美国地中海战争
1790 Niándài měiguó dìzhōnghǎi zhànzhēng de cūlüè huígù
bùkě xìn.
Jiàndiémen liǎojiě dào sūdān shòudàole kǒnghè, bìng zhǔnbèi ānfǔ měiguó.
Ránhòu sāoluàn bàofāle.
Měiguó hěn yǒu qìjié, nénggòu quánlì zuòzhàn.
Jùyǒu fèngcì yìwèi de shì, tāmen bùdé bù yānmò zìjǐ de yī sōu bèi fúhuò de dàchuán.
Jiǎnyào chóng shù 1790 niándài měiguó dìzhōnghǎi zhànzhēng
cèshì xìnniàn.
Jiàndié dé zhī sūdān gǎndào hàipà bìng zhǔnbèi ānfǔ měiguó.
Ránhòu yīqiè dìyù dōu bàofāle.
Měiguó jìlǜ yánmíng, nénggòu quánlì zuòzhàn.
Qíguài de shì, tāmen jìngrán bùdé bù jí chén yī sōu bèi fúhuò de zìjǐ de dàchuán.
A cursory recount of the 1790’s U.S. war in the Mediterranean
defies credulity.
Spies got intimate knowledge the Sultan was intimidated and ready to mollify the U.S…
Then turmoil broke out.
The U.S. had great integrity and was able to fight with full strength.
It is ironic how they had to inundate one of their own big ships that had been captured.
A brief retelling of the 1790’s U.S. war in the Mediterranean
tests belief.
Spies got inside knowledge the Sultan was afraid and ready to pacify the U.S…
Then all hell broke out.
The U.S. had great discipline and was able to fight with full strength.
It is odd how they had to sink one of their own big ships that had been captured.
Duì sūdān de jiǎnjié fǎnbó mìnglìng tā tóuxiáng
zuòwéi zhànzhēng de jiějué fāng’àn.
Lǐyóu: Jiǎn shào bù bìyào de pòhuài.
Biǎomiàn de kěndìng shì bùgòu de.
Zhànzhēng bàofā hòu, shuāngfāng hépíng zhǔyì zhě dōu āitàn bùyǐ.
Měiguó hǎijūn huòshèng.
Duì sūdān de jiǎnduǎn huídá mìnglìng tā fàngqì
zuòwéi zhànzhēng de jiéshù.
Lǐyóu: Jiǎn shào bù bìyào de pòhuài.
Biǎomiàn de chéngnuò shì bùgòu de.
Zhànzhēng bàofā hòu, shuāngfāng rè’ài hépíng de rén dōu gǎndào bēitòng.
Měiguó hǎijūn huòshèng.
A succinct rebuttal to the Sultan ordered him to capitulate
as a resolution to the war.
The rationale: To mitigate unnecessary destruction.
A superficial affirmation was not enough.
Pacifists on both sides lamented as the war was fought.
The U.S. navy won.
A terse answer to the Sultan ordered him to give up
as a end to the war.
The reasoning: To lessen unnecessary destruction.
A surface pledge was not enough.
Peace lovers on both sides grieved as the war was fought.
The U.S. navy won.
Mù zuǒlǐ ní shì yī wèi chūsè de yǎnshuō jiā, jùyǒu gāochāo de xiūcí jìqiǎo.
Tā shì yī wèi kuángrè fēnzǐ hé jīhuì zhǔyì zhě.
Tā rènwéi fùxīng luómǎ dìguó jiù děngyú.
Tā zài xǔduō wèntí shàng dū tóngyì xītèlēi de guāndiǎn.
Wèile zhīchí tā de shìyè, tā rènwéi jiārù tā shì yǒuyì de.
Hěn kuài, xītèlēi jiù bùdé bù zhīchí yìdàlì rén shìtú jìnxíng de zhēngfú.
Mù zuǒlǐ ní shì yī wèi chūsè de yǎnjiǎng jiā, jùyǒu chūsè de biànlùn jìqiǎo.
Tā shì yīgè kuángrè zhě hé màoxiǎn jiā.
Tā rènwéi fùxīng luómǎ dìguó shì zuì zhòngyào de shìqíng.
Tā zài hěnduō wèntí shàng dū tóngyì xītèlēi de guāndiǎn.
Wèile tuīdòng tā de shìyè, tā rènwéi jiārù tā bìng wú hàichu.
Hěn kuài, xītèlēi bùdé bù zhīchí yìdàlì rén shìtú jìnxíng de zhēngfú.
Muzollini was a phenomenal orator with great rhetorical skills.
He was a zealot and oppourtunist.
He thought reviving the Roman Empire was tantamount.
He concurred with Hitler on many issues.
To bolster his cause, he thought it benign to join with him.
Soon, Hitler had to buttress the conquests the Italians had attempted.
Muzollini was a wonderful speaker with great debating skills.
He was a fanatic and risk taker.
He thought ressurrecting the Roman Empire was the most important thing.
He agreed with Hitler on many issues.
To boost his cause, he thought it harmless to join with him.
Soon, Hitler had to support the conquests the Italians had attempted.
1943 年,对罗马宏伟的持续错误暗示变得越来越虚伪。
1943 年,继续不恰当地提及罗马的伟大,变得越来越滑稽。
1943 Nián, duì luómǎ hóngwěi de chíxù cuòwù ànshì biàn dé yuè lái yuè xūwèi.
Duì yìdàlì běnshēn de zhēngduó kāishǐ qǔdài fàxīsī fēnzǐ.
Zhè zǔ’àile mù zǔ lǐ ní de fēnggé.
Tā biàn dé yuè lái yuè jǐnzhāng hé jǐnshèn.
Yìdàlì zhèngfǔ mígōng bān de jīzhì dòngle.
Guówáng shǐwúqiánlì dì wúyuán wúgù dì bàmiǎnle mù zuǒlǐ ní.
1943 Nián, jìxù bù qiàdàng de tí jí luómǎ de wěidà, biàn dé yuè lái yuè huájī.
Yìdàlì běnshēn de zhàndòu yǐjīng kāishǐ, yǐ tuīfān fàxīsī fēnzǐ.
Zhè wéibèile mù zǔ lǐ ní de fēnggé.
Tā yuè lái yuè jǐnzhāng, yuè lái yuè jǐnshèn.
Yìdàlì zhèngfǔ fùzá de jīzhì dòngle.
Guówáng dì yī cì zìyóu de bàmiǎnle mù zuǒlǐ ní.
Continued erroneous allusions to Roman grandure were increasingly hypocritical in 1943.
The contention for Italy itself was beginning to supplant the Fascists.
This hampered Muzzolini’s style.
He was increasingly nervous and circumspect.
The labyrinthine mechanism of the Italian government moved.
A gratuitous unprecedented removal of Muzzolini by the King was done.
Continued inappropriate references to Roman greatness were increasingly farcical in 1943.
The battle for Italy itself was beginning to over-throw the Fascists.
This tripped up Muzzolini’s style.
He was increasingly nervous and cautious.
The complicated mechanism of the Italian government moved.
A freely done first time ever removal of Muzzolini by the King was done.
Shìshí zhèngmíng, déguó jiéméng shì hǎo dì lùndiǎn shì sìshì’érfēi de.
Dòngdàng shìjiàn jīzēng.
Jūnshì shàng chūxiànle yánjùn, bùkě nìzhuǎn de shuāituì.
Yǒu yīxiē língxīng de xīwàng zhī guāng.
Hěn kuài, mù zuǒlǐ ní zài yìdàlì jiù bèi rènwéi yīnggāi shòudào qiǎnzé.
Tā suǒ zuò de rènhé shànshì dōu shì wúguān jǐnyào de.
Déguó hézuò liánghǎo de lǐlùn bèi zhèngmíng shì cuòwù de.
Gèdì bàofāle hǔnluàn de shìjiàn.
Yánzhòng de, bùkě gǎibiàn de, gùdìng de jūnshì shuāituì kāishǐle.
Yǒu yīxiē zhuǎnshùn jí shì de xīwàng zhī guāng.
Hěn kuài, mù zuǒlǐ ní zài yìdàlì jiù bèi rènwéi shì kěwù de.
Tā zuòguò de rènhé hǎoshì dōu wúguān jǐnyào.
The thesis that a German alliance was good proven to be specious.
Turbulent events proliferated.
A somber immutable rigid military decline set in.
There were some sporadic rays of hope.
Soon, Muzzolini was considered reprehensible in Italy itself.
Any good he had done was immaterial.
The theory that a German collaboration was good proven to be false.
Chaotic events broke out all over.
A grave unchangable fixed military decline set in.
There were some fleeting rays of hope.
Soon, Muzzolini was considered hateful in Italy itself.
Any good he had done was beside the point.
Thug dealbhan grafaigeach de fheòil a’ bhlàir air an arm
gus aithne a thoirt do ùr-sgeul Cogadh Sìobhalta na SA.
Rinn buill-airm ùra barrachd leòintich.
Rinn e bacadh air ceann làidir làidir air ionnsaighean.
B’ iad sin na innleachdan anns na seann làithean.
Às deidh dhaibh a bhith teagmhach mun chuspair, thuirt iad gu robh dòighean ùra so-chreidsinneach
gus bàsan a lughdachadh.
Thug seo toileachas don phoball agus chaidh an cogadh air adhart gu a cho-dhùnadh.
Thug dealbhan beothail den bhlàr a dhòirt air an arm
gus nàdar ùr Cogadh Sìobhalta na SA aideachadh.
Mheudaich buill-airm ùra na mairbh agus an leòn.
Mhill e ceann làidir neo-shùbailte air ionnsaighean.
B’ e seo an dòigh air rudan a dhèanamh anns na seann làithean.
Às deidh dhaibh a bhith sàmhach mun chuspair, thuirt iad gu robh dòighean ùra comasach
gus bàsan a lughdachadh.
Thug seo faochadh don phoball agus chaidh an cogadh air adhart gu deireadh.
Graphic photographs of the battle carnage forced the army
to acknowledge the novelty of the US Civil War.
New weapons exacerbated casualties.
It impaired rigouous vigorous head on assaults.
These had been the tactics in the old days.
After being reticent on th topic, they said new methods were plausible
to lower deaths.
This gratified the public and the war went on to its conclusion.
Vivid photographs of the battle bloodshed forced the army
to admit the new nature of the US Civil War.
New weapons escalated the dead and wounded.
It ruined inflexible strong head on assaults.
These had been the way to do things in the old days.
After being silent on th topic, they said new methods were possible
to lower deaths.
This relieved the public and the war went on to its end.
Tharraing feachdan borb cèin an t-sìth anns a’ Mhuir Mheadhan-thìreach air ais
anns na 1790n.
Chuir seo bacadh air malairt nan SA.
Bha e na thoileachas don Sultan ùmhlachd iarraidh agus chuir e às do Cheann-suidhe na SA.
Bha buaidhean domhainn aig seo.
Chaidh planaichean do-chreidsinneach a dhèanamh.
Chaidh tòiseachadh air cabhlach na SA a thogail gus dèiligeadh ris an duilgheadas.
Cha robh mòran stuthan synthetigeach ann airson earbsa.
Thug feachdan cam cèin air ais am fois anns a’ Mhuir Mheadhan-thìreach
anns na 1790n.
Rinn seo milleadh air malairt na SA.
Bha an Sultan buailteach ùmhlachd iarraidh agus rinn e magadh air Ceann-suidhe na SA.
Bha builean farsaing aig seo.
Chaidh planaichean dearbhte a dhèanamh.
Chaidh tòiseachadh air cabhlach na SA a thogail gus dèiligeadh ris an duilgheadas.
Cha robh mòran stuthan dèanta ri chleachdadh.
Devious foreign forces retracted their truce in the Mediterranean
in the 1790’s.
This marred US trade.
The Sultan had a proclivity to demand tribute and lampooned the US President.
This had profound consequences.
Implaccable plans were made.
The construction of a U.S. fleet to deal with the problem was started.
There were few synthetic materials to rely on.
Crooked foreign forces took back their truce in the Mediterranean
in the 1790’s.
This spoiled US trade.
The Sultan had a tendency to demand tribute and ridiculed the US President.
This had far-reaching consequences.
Determined plans were made.
The construction of a U.S. fleet to deal with the problem was started.
There were few man-made materials to use.
Tha sgoilearan Erudite air fìrinnean cruaidh a chlàradh mu dheidhinn an
buannachdan bho Chogadh Sìobhalta na SA.
Chleachd na seanalairean innleachdan ann an co-chòrdadh ri ro-innleachdan Napoleon
a bha air a bhith ann.
Bheireadh saighdearan ionnsaigh air an ceann gun bhacadh.
Bha uamhas ann leis gu robh na buill-airm ùra gu math nas marbhtach.
Bha aithisgean Pithy anns na pàipearan-naidheachd a ‘meas agus a’ càineadh an ìre bàis àrd.
Tha sgoilearan ionnsaichte air fìrinnean sònraichte a lorg mu dheidhinn
gnìomhan Cogadh Sìobhalta na SA.
Chleachd na seanalairean innleachdan a leanas còmhla ri ro-innleachdan Napoleon
a bha air leantainn.
Bheireadh saighdearan ionnsaigh air an ceann gun cumail air ais.
Bha an t-eagal ann leis gu robh na buill-airm ùra tòrr na bu mhotha de chumhachd marbhadh.
Bha aithisgean goirid chun na h-ìre anns na pàipearan-naidheachd a’ càineadh agus a’ càineadh an ìre bàis àrd.
Erudite scholars have documented concrete facts about the
exloits of the US Civil War.
The generals used tactics in confomity with Napolean’s strategies
that had lingered on.
Troops would attack head on without restraint.
There was trepidation as the new weapons were of much greater lethality.
Pithy reports in the newspapers ranted and reproved the high death rate.
Learned scholars have uncovered certain facts about the
deeds of the US Civil War.
The generals used tactics following along with Napolean’s strategies
that had persisted.
Troops would attack head on without holding back.
There was dread as the new weapons were of much greater killing power.
Short to the point reports in the newspapers raved and condemned the high death rate.
Tha na h-adhbharan airson fuireach ann an gàrradh gu math tric uachdarach.
Faodaidh iad a bhith air am mìneachadh gu mionaideach:
Airson fuasglaidhean fhaighinn air duilgheadasan a tha sinn a’ caoidh.
Bidh seo a 'lasachadh bròn.
Gus dearbhadh a dhèanamh air co-dhùnaidhean.
Gus ath-bheachdan gun fheum a ghlacadh agus a thoirt gu crìch.
Àite airson luchd-sìthe.
Gu tric tha na h-adhbharan airson fuireach ann an gàrradh dìreach air an uachdar.
Faodaidh iad a bhith air am mìneachadh gu math:
Gus fuasglaidhean fhaighinn do dhuilgheadasan a tha sinn duilich.
Lùghdaichidh seo bròn.
Gus dearbhadh làidir a dhèanamh air co-dhùnaidhean.
Gus stad a chuir air agus crìoch a chuir air cùmhnantan gun fheum.
Àite airson leannanan sìth.
The rationales for staying in a garden are often superficial.
They can be described succinctly:
To find solutions to problems we lament about.
This will mitigate sorrow.
To make affirmations on decisions.
To capitulate and end useless rebuttals.
A place for pacifists.
The motives for staying in a garden are often right on the surface.
They can be described neatly:
To find solutions to problems we grieve about.
This will lessen sorrow.
To make firm confirmation of decisions.
To give up and end useless counter argruments.
A place for peace lovers.
Chuir Iain Brown plana an gnìomh gus arsenal na SA a chleachdadh.
Bha an sgeama seo a rèir a bheachdan seòlta.
Bha e den bheachd gum biodh na feachdan aige air am moladh le tuairmeas
ar-a-mach nan tràillean.
Bha an t-armachd faisg air planntachasan thràillean.
Shaoil e gun cuireadh na tràillean às am fuath don luchd-sàrachaidh.
Cha b’ fhada gus an lorg e e fhèin ann an quandary.
Fhuair na tràillean falamh.
Chaidh am Brùnach a chuir sìos airson a bhith dùinte agus fo shèist
le saighdearan na SA.
Chuir Iain Brown plana an gnìomh gus arsenal na SA a ghabhail.
Bha an sgeama seo a rèir a bheachdan seòlta.
Bha e den bheachd gum biodh na feachdan aige air an toirt seachad le spontaneous
ar-a-mach nan tràillean.
Bha an armachd dìreach faisg air planntachasan thràillean.
Bha e den bheachd gun toireadh na tràillean a-mach am fuath don luchd-sàrachaidh aca.
Cha b’ fhada gus an lorg e e fhèin ann an delemma.
Thw tràillean leisg.
Chaidh am Brùnach a lùghdachadh gu bhith dùinte a-staigh agus air a chuairteachadh
le saighdearan na SA.
John Brown implemented a plan to usurp a U.S. arsenal.
This scheme was in compliance with his crazy ideas.
He thought his forces would be complimented by a random
slave uprising.
The armory was in proximity to slave plantations.
He thought the slaves would quench their hatred for their oppressors.
He soon found himself in a quandary.
The slaves vaccilated.
Brown was relegated to being closed in and beseiged
by U.S. troops.
John Brown put into effect a plan to take a U.S. arsenal.
This scheme was in line with his crazy ideas.
He thought his forces would be supplimented by a spontaneous
slave uprising.
The armory was in right near a slave plantations.
He thought the slaves would take out their hatred for their oppressors.
He soon found himself in a delemma.
Thw slaves hesitated.
Brown was reduced to being closed in and surrounded
by U.S. troops.