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Exam question practice Government and the Protective Services
This is a 33 slide powerpoint that covers in detail, with examples, how to answer 6, 9 & 12 mark questions. It is targeted at the Government exam for uniformed protective services but can be amended accordingly for various subjects and courses. It contains example questions and responses and mark schemes.

UCAS Step by step guide
This is a resource that is 15 slides that includes 31 university options (directed at Essex and England but can be adapted to local region) and entry requirements and an easy how to guide for using the UCAS system. The slides are directed at Sport, Public Services and Health and Social care Undergraduate degrees and foundation degrees.

Unit 4 - Physical Preparation, Health and Wellbeing Food Diary
Food diary for Unit 4 - Physical Preparation Health and wellbeing but this can be used for other units across a range of BTEC programs.

Unit 4 - Physical preparation Health and wellbeing Lifestyle factors
The importance of lifestyle factors in the maintenance of health and wellbeing
54 slides
Physical Activity
Health diets
Includes healthy diet word search, Activities and links to UPS
Includes Food Diary

Unit 4 - Physical Preparation, Health and Wellbeing Starting Points
This resource is a starting point checker for Unit 4 - Physical Preparation, Health and Wellbeing.

Unit 4 - Physical Preparation Health and wellbeing Knowledge Checker
Knowledge checker for Physical preparation health and wellbeing.
Check your knowledge test.
Links to Learning Aim A
Functions of Skeleton
Function of blood cells
Interrelated body systems

Unit 4 - Physical Preparation, health and Wellbeing Training Plan
A powerpoint consisting of 11 slides for students when completing their training plan.
Goal Setting
Principles of Training
Warm up
Aerobic Phase
Light Aerobic work
Cool down
Activity at end.

Referencing guide
This resource consists of 14 slides that provides a step by step guide of how to reference using APA, Harvard etc.

Unit 4 - Physical Preparation, Health and Wellbeing Fitness Tests
This is a resource consisting of 19 slides that covers the fitness tests used in the Protective Services.

Unit 4 - Physical Preparation, Health and Wellbeing Whole Learning outcome A
This a resource consisting of 101 slides for units related to Physical preparation, Health and Wellbeing. This resource covers:
A1 Key human body systems associated with physical activity
A2 The components of physical fitness
A3 Methods of training for physical fitness
and can be used on a variety of different BTEC Sport courses with some adaptations or additional content. This is used for Uniformed protective servcies at present.

Unit 12: Sociocultural Issues in Sport Learning Aim B crime and racism
This is a 11 slide resource/lesson that covers Unit 12: Sociocultural Issues in Sport Learning Aim B crime and racism in sport.

Unit 12: Sociocultural Issues in Sport Learning Aim B social and ethical issues
This is a 20 slide resource/lesson that covers Unit 12: Sociocultural Issues in Sport Learning Aim B social and ethical issues including sexism, disability, health and funding.

Unit 12: Sociocultural Issues in Sport Learning Aim B Historical and cultural
This is a 17 slide resource for unit 12: Sociocultural issues in sport covering the topics of Urbanisation and historical changes in sport. Including religious impact, health impact and development of sports groups/councils.

Unit 2: Behaviour and Discipline quiz and answers
This is a resource created by multiple teachers for Unit 2: Behaviour and Discipline in the Uniformed protective services. This is a quiz that covers topics across the unit with the answers at the end of the powerpoint.
Contains 34 slides

Unit 6: Government and Protective Services Learning Aim C
This is a resource created by multiple teachers that covers learning aim C, ‘Development of Government Policy’ for the BTEC Uniformed Protective Services course. This resource can be used a revision resource for learners in preparation for the external assessment. Alternatively this can be used as a teaching resource the whole learning aim.
Contains 39 slides

Exam questions (Creating your own questions)
This is a resource that can be used as a lesson or for homework for students to create their own exam questions. This resource gives guidance and structure for learners.
contains 8 slides

Unit 6: Government and Protective Services Learning aim B.
This is a resource created by multiple teachers that covers learning aim B, ‘Structure of the UK Government’ for the BTEC Uniformed Protective Services course. This resource can be used a revision resource for learners in preparation for the external assessment. Alternatively this can be used as a teaching resource the whole learning aim.
Contains 70 slides

Anatomy and Physiology Energy systems Aerobic System worksheet
An excellent resource that gives learners an opportunity to explore in detail the Aerobic system. identifying fuel sources, recovery times, sporting examples etc.

Anatomy and Physiology energy systems Lactate system worksheet
An excellent resource that gives learners an opportunity to explore in detail the Lactate system. identifying fuel sources, recovery times, sporting examples etc.