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Fun Quizzes For Fun Classrooms

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I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life




I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life
Motivational Bundle

Motivational Bundle

4 Resources
Are you looking for a fun way of motivating your class to achieve their real potential? This mix of motivational posters and positive behaviour chart will help you. This is a great cross-curricular teaching tool, ideal for any class. Try it in your class today!
Minibeast Bundle

Minibeast Bundle

4 Resources
This is a great minibeast resource pack. It contains photos of well known minibeasts, a quiz, a set of creative writing prompts for students to imagiine what life is like as a insect and great ESL pack about the life of minibeasts. The photos could be used to start the topic or as a quick and simple display.
My Holiday Bundle

My Holiday Bundle

7 Resources
This is a fun, cross curricular bundle about holidays. There is an ESL topic on talking about your holidays, a creative writing prompt about different holidays, a spelling test about holidays and images of beach holidays in the past.
World Religion Bundle

World Religion Bundle

5 Resources
This is my world religion bundle. It has images of different religions and the different religious symbols. It is a nice one to use to compare and contrast different religions, their places of worship and styles of dress. The images could be used as part of a display or to stimulate a conversation in the classroom.
Weather Bundle

Weather Bundle

3 Resources
This is my cross curricular weather topic. I have a presentation about different types of weather which you could use to teach them the vocabulary they need to describe the weather. This is followed by a fun 'Talk A Lot' set of lessons about the weather and finally there is a vocabulary quiz which shows they can now successfully talk about the weather.
Toy Bundle

Toy Bundle

4 Resources
This is my toy bundle. It shows a range of modern toys and compares them to toys from the past. Which toys are still popular from the past? I also included a creative writing prompt to encourage the students to write about the different toys in more detail.
Transport Bundle

Transport Bundle

13 Resources
This is a set of presentations about different forms of transport. The presentations would be a great way of getting a class to use a wider range of descriptive terms, especially when it comes to describing colours, the locations and the number of wheels they can count. This a good way to introduce the topic of cars and transport. I have also included two ‘Talk a lot’ teaching units about transport and cars. Finally, I also included the car free day presentation, to see how many different forms of transport the children can identify. Ask your students to describe what are the pros and cons of using each type of transport.
Paintings Bundle

Paintings Bundle

5 Resources
I have collected together a wide range of different paintings. The students can look and discuss what they can see in each of historical paintings about the fire of London. They are able to also copy a wide range of paintings. I have also included both a creative writing prompt to encourage children to look at a painting in more detail and also to use their research skills to describe a painting in more detail.
Ancient Civilisation Bundle

Ancient Civilisation Bundle

5 Resources
This is a set of presentations and teaching resources about a wide range of different ancient civilisation. Your students will be able to look at life in ancient China, ancient Greece, ancient Egypt and ancient Rome. The slides are a great way of getting your students to think about how people lived in the past, using primary and secondary sources.
30 Photos Of Easter PowerPoint Presentation. Perfect For A Display

30 Photos Of Easter PowerPoint Presentation. Perfect For A Display

Are you teaching Easter? Are you looking for a wide range of different, colourful images to help your teaching or provide a quick and simple display? I have collected together 30 different images of Easter for you to share with your class. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Easter. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different Easter features. The students can then discuss why each one represents Easter.
30 Teddy Bear Photos PowerPoint Presentation

30 Teddy Bear Photos PowerPoint Presentation

Are you doing a topic on bears? Are you doing a topic on toys? Are you looking for some great photos of different types of teddy bears? I have collected together 30 photos of teddy bears for you to share with your class. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different bears being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about teddy bears. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of. The students can then discuss which teddy bear they liked the best and why. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Learning Russian Bundle

Learning Russian Bundle

4 Resources
Are you learning Russian? Are you looking for fun pictures to go with your learning? I have created 57 different settings to talk about. I have made the worksheets into different games. The worksheets themselves are in English but you would learn by translating the words and objects you can see in each picture into Russian and with a Russian teacher, you could have an interesting conversation about each set of images.
30 Halloween Photos PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Different Teaching Activities To Try in The Class

30 Halloween Photos PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Different Teaching Activities To Try in The Class

You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of the photos. I have created a second presentation describing 31 different ways you could use this teaching resource in the classroom. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting Halloween display. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different rich Halloween activities. The students can then discuss what they think about each one. What is their favourite activity and why? The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Summer Photos + Creative Writing Visual Story Prompts + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For The Classroom

Summer Photos + Creative Writing Visual Story Prompts + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For The Classroom

You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different locations being shown in each of the photos. I have combined a summer photos presentation, with a set of creative writing prompts and 31 fun teaching activities linked to these photo flashcards to try in the classroom. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching set of story prompts. The students could also take five of the laminated photos and create them into a story . The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Shadows - Game, Vocabulary and Visual Story Prompts + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For The Classroom

Shadows - Game, Vocabulary and Visual Story Prompts + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For The Classroom

You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different shadows being shown in each of the photos. I have collected together some of my best teaching resources about shadows and I think they would make a lovely lesson. There is the game of guess the shadow, followed by reviewing the key words about shadows and a creative writing task to complete. In addition, I have added a teacher guide which explains how to complete another 31 different fun tasks using these resources. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching set of story prompts. The students could also take five of the laminated photos and create them into a story . The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
KS1 Sorting and Using Materials Science Vocabulary + Word Mat + 31 Fun Teaching Activities

KS1 Sorting and Using Materials Science Vocabulary + Word Mat + 31 Fun Teaching Activities

This pack contains some fun, colourful vocabulary flashcards, a 31 Teaching activity teaching guide and word mat. It makes teaching and learning more fun for everyone. Words used in the Sorting & using materials presentation. material metal plastic wood paper glass clay rock fabric sand hard soft rough smooth shiny dull bendy waterproof strong weak group object sort stretchy magnetic not magnetic lets light through transparent Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night Bundle

Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night Bundle

3 Resources
Everyone loves a great bonfire. This great bundle includes safety tips and writing prompts about bonfires, so it is perfect for any Guy Fawkes week!
30 Teddy Bear Photos PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

30 Teddy Bear Photos PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

Are you doing a topic on bears? Are you doing a topic on toys? Are you looking for some great photos of different types of teddy bears? I have collected together 30 photos of teddy bears for you to share with your class. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different bears being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about teddy bears. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of. The students can then discuss which teddy bear they liked the best and why. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Easter Bundle

Easter Bundle

5 Resources
Fabulous Teaching Resource which celebrates Easter! Pictures of painted eggs, Spring themed colouring sheets and high quality pictures about life in Spring.