Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills
Lesson Plan – Which Animal is No.1?
Level: Elementary
Skills: Speaking & Listening and Vocabulary
Time: About 50 minutes
Aim: To learn and discuss new vocabulary associated with animals; to consider superlative forms (most, least, easiest, hardest)
Materials: Board and pen; flashcards / pictures of animals
1. The teacher introduces the topic of animals with flashcards, pictures, video, etc. and discusses animals briefly with the students, e.g. “Have you got any pets? What?” etc. Introduce the topic of the lesson and write it on the board: “Which animal is number one?” Elicit different kinds of animals and make a blank table (see the board plan above) with the headings: “domestic animals”, “farm animals” and “wild animals”....
Find out the rest now!
Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills
Finish the Sentences 2
Read the following sentences out loud. Students have to write an appropriate ending to each sentence. A correct answer is a sentence that makes sense, both in meaning and grammar (note: this could also be a straight writing exercise):
Example questions...
1. Please sit _______________________________________________.
2. How old are _______________________________________________?
3. It will soon be lunch _______________________________________________.
Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills
Return to Kangaroo Island
How to use the ‘Map of Kangaroo Island’:
The map could be used in several different ways:
1. The most obvious use is as a treasure map. Give learners a map and tell them that there is some buried treasure hidden in one of the squares. Each learner selects a square in turn. Tell them if the treasure is there or not. If it is not the right square everyone must put a cross through it. Keep going until someone guesses correctly. You could also add some forfeits in different squares – for example: ‘B5 – recite the alphabet backwards’, or spot prizes if you are feeling generous! Depending on time and how the game is going, give clues by saying whether the guess is ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ (near or far away). The aim of the game is to practise learners’ listening skills.
Lots more other exciting ideas and a map!
Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills
Role Playing – Shopping
1. Buying a CD
Scene: a music shop. Bob works in the shop. Sue is a customer.
Sue: Hi. I’m looking for Bon Jovi’s Greatest Hits.
Bob: It’ll be in the Rock Music section. Let’s go and have a look.....
Read the rest here...
Test Your Listening Skills!
The 80 Question Oral Quiz
This is a dictation quiz where you read the numbers, letters and words below, and students write what they hear. It can be adapted by allowing students to dictate to each other:
Book 2 Sam is the second book in the series of beginning readers out of a total of 52 books.
This is just the start of an exciting, growing reading scheme. If you click here, you can buy my I can see Sam flashcards and display board - it is a great of way of filling a whole wall with both their favourite I can see Sam characters, along with all the different words they will be covering in the series.
Reviewed Sounds in Book 2
/a/, /m/, /s/, long /e/, long /i/
Review Words
I, see, Sam
Story Summary:
Mat the Rat gives Sam the Lion a cape and a crown. When Sam wears them, he thinks he can do anything he wants. He sees a calf and decides to play “bullfighter.” It is Sam, however, who gets caught in the cape. Mat helps untangle Sam, and Sam once more is king of the jungle.
The books should be read in order, because the sounds and words in each book build upon those learned in previous books. It is important that students master each book before moving on to the next.
Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least 5 times in the book in which it first appears and 5 more times in the next 10 books.
The original book was in the public domain, but I have worked incredibly hard to clean the images and make the teaching resources relevant to modern students.
I am now using the public domain SWRL's Beginning Reading Program (BRP) and my children really love it. I thought I would develop a lot more teaching resources for this fabulous product.
I have a set of small and a set of large flashcards. One is for the students and one is for whole class learning.
I See Sam Books are a series of early reader books developed to teach children in kindergarten to read. The original series, written in 1972, as part of Southwest Regional Educational Laboratory's (SWRL) Beginning Reading Program (BRP), contained 52 books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970's. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 5 Mat
The reading certificates really do motivate the class to read the book. The books come complete with guided reading questions.
New Sounds
New Word
Mat - decodable
Plot Summary
Mat the Rat calls Sam to watch him paint. Sam poses
thinking Mat is painting him. Instead, Mat paints a
picture of himself and proudly shows it to his friend.
Sam gets angry when he sees that the picture is not of
himself. He takes the brush and paints a rat trap over
Mat’s picture. Then Mat gets so angry he throws paint
all over Sam.
Book 3 See Sam
*** Now includes a PowerPoint Presentation of the Book!!!****
I have added lots of new and exciting teaching ideas to get more out of every book.
As well as the book, you should also always use these highly motivational reading certificates. In my experience, children enjoy reading and collecting these certificates. It is also a nice way of showing their parents that their students have become active readers!
See Sam is the third book in the series of beginning readers. The students start to read a longer story. Sam falls down a hole and Mat rescues him. I think this would be perfect for anyone wanting to do role playing with the class.
New Word in Book 3:
Phonics sounds explored: short /a/, /m/, /s/, long /i/, long /e/
The books should be read in order, because the sounds and words in each book build upon those learned in previous books. It is important that students master each book before moving on to the next.
Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least 5 times in the book in which it first appears and 5 more times in the next 10 books.
Story Summary:
Sam the Lion is reading a book while walking towards a hole. He ignores his friend Mat the Rat, who is trying to warn him. Sam disappears. Mat is not sure what has happened and yells for Sam. Sam yells back from down in the bottom of the hole. Finally, Mat rescues Sam with a lowered shovel.
Test Your Writing Skills
What’s Your Least Favourite. . . ?
A) Write your least favourite things below:
Example questions...
1. My least favourite colour is: ________________________
2. My least favourite food is: ________________________
3. My least favourite TV programme is: ________________________
Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills
What’s Your Favourite...?
Practise asking these questions with your friends. Write down their answers.
Ask why they have chosen each answer as their favourite:
Example questions...
What’s your favourite colour?
What’s your favourite food?
What’s your favourite fruit?
Test Your Writing Skills
What’s Your Favourite? 2
A) Write your favourite things below:
Example questions...
1. My favourite colour is: _____________________________
2. My favourite food is: _____________________________
3. My favourite TV programme is: _____________________________
Book 7 Meet Mit
New Word
meet Long /e/
Plot Summary
One day Mit discovers Sam taking a nap. Mit wants to
introduce himself formally to Sam and tries to awaken
Sam. When Sis comes along, they both try to rouse
Sam, but Sam sleeps on. Sam finally does wake up,
but he is in a very grumpy mood — at least until he
meets Sis.
Each new word throughout the program is repeated at
least five times in the book in which it first appears and
five more times in the next ten books.
*** Now including PowerPoint Presentation - full of additional activities! ***
Book 1 I See Sam is the first book in a 52 book series from . We offer a range of different version of this book (Book 1 I see Sam), so that everyone can make full use of these fabulous books. I have a long list of different teaching resources I could add to make this series really exciting for kids. I am planning to provide lots of free resources, as well as some paid-for items. If you like my resources, please share them with others.
Story Summary:
In his encyclopedia, Mat the Rat discovers a picture of a real lion and learns many things about lions. Mat sees what a real lion looks like, where he lives and what he eats. Mat is so excited that he wants his friend Sam, who is a lion, to read about the lions too.
New Sounds in Book 1
/a/ /m/ /s/ /ee/
New Words
I, see
The books should be read in order, because the sounds and words in each book build upon those learned in previous books. It is important that students master each book before moving on to the next.
Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least 5 times in Book 1 I see Sam in which it first appears and 5 more times in the next 10 books.
Book 1 I see Sam has questions at the end to help students to deepen their knowledge about the story. In addition, as I was experimenting with my own son, I discovered by creating simple certificates for every book he successfully read, he became a wonderfully motivated reader.
Of course, what works well for my son, might also work for your child, and so I thought I would add the same certificates to each reading pack to help motivate every child to reach their real potential.
Book 10 Sis
New Word
is - /i/ /s/
Plot Summary
Sis the Snake is asleep on a hollow log when Mit
the Chimp awakens her. Mit has an apple which he
teases Sis with and then the chase begins. Over and
through the hollow log they both go until Sis is tangled
in a knot. Mit kindly untangles her and then they sit
together sharing the apple.
Each new word throughout the program is repeated at
least five times in the book in which it first appears and
five more times in the next ten books.
Book 8 See It
New Sounds
New Words
in - short /i/ /n/
it - Short /i/ /t/
Plot Summary
Mat, Mit, and Sis are playing ball on a very hot day.
They suddenly see a shady place and decide to play
where it’s not so hot. Then they discover that the shade
is really the shadow of Will the Elephant. As the sun
goes down, off they all go for a ride on Will’s back.
Each new word throughout the program is repeated at
least five times in the book in which it first appears and
five more times in the next ten books.
Book 9: Sit on It
New Sounds
New Words
sit - decodable /s/ /i/ /t/
on - decodable /o/ /n/
Plot Summary
Mat is pulling a wagon when he first meets Mit, then
Sis, and then Sam. Each of Mat’s friends wants a ride
in the wagon. Mat gives Mit and Sis a ride, but when
Sam tries to get in too, the wagon breaks and Mat gets
angry. Sam salvages a board from the wagon and
carries the others to the beach on it. There, they all play
in the water on their new “surfboard.”
Each new word throughout the program is repeated at
least five times in the book in which it first appears and
five more times in the next ten books.
Book 12: It Is Ann
New Sounds
New Words
Ann - Decodable
this - Special Word
Plot Summary
Mat the Rat introduces Ann the Giraffe to the other
animals. Ann has a hat, and the animals all think it
would be fun for Sis to sit in it. When she does, the hat
falls and lands on Mat. Mat cannot see with the hat
over him, but he tries to guess who is standing next to
him. He cannot guess, however, and his friends finally
have to tell him that it is Ann.
Each new word throughout the program is repeated at
least five times in the book in which it first appears and
five more times in the next ten books.