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Fun Quizzes For Fun Classrooms

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(based on 773 reviews)

I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life




I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life
Simple French Reading Scheme For Beginners - Gros Roi Mince Chien

Simple French Reading Scheme For Beginners - Gros Roi Mince Chien

This reading scheme comes with lots of simple English guided reading worksheets to help you get more out of each book. Gros Roi Mince Chien Translator Anita Badhwar Original story: 'Fat King Thin Dog', English , Level 1 by Parismita Illustrator Parismita Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis Exécuter avec la graisse roi aprés le mince chien!
Simple French Reading Scheme For Beginners - Goloo le Cercle

Simple French Reading Scheme For Beginners - Goloo le Cercle

I have created a series of French reading books. I have added additional English guided reading scheme worksheets to help you get even more out of each book. Goloo le Cercle Translator Aditi S Original story: 'Goloo the Circle', English , Level 1 byJagdish Joshi Illustrator Jagdish Joshi Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Goloo vous ouvre les yeux au monde circulaire autour de vous! Les enfants peuvent aussi jouer un jeu - combien de cercles voyez-vous? Il ne vous faut aucuns stylo, papier ou dés - vous devez juste le faire à tour de rôle et compter les points.
Simple French Readings Scheme for beginners -

Simple French Readings Scheme for beginners -

This simple but beautifully illustrated book comes with a set of English guided reading worksheets to help you get the most out of this series of books. Fais-moi un beau sourire, s'il te plaît ! Translator Sak Untala Original story: 'वह ह ', Hindi , Level 1 by Sanjiv Jaiswal 'Sanjay' Illustrator Ajit Narayan Reading Level 1 is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading. Language French Synopsis Suis le jeune faon tandis qu'il fait la course avec ses amis.
Simple French Reading Scheme For Starter Readers - Chhuk-Chhuk-Chhak

Simple French Reading Scheme For Starter Readers - Chhuk-Chhuk-Chhak

This French reading book comes complete with a set of English guided reading worksheets to help you get the most out of each book you buy. Chhuk-Chhuk-Chhak Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: Hindi , Level 1 by Vinita Krishna Illustrator Suvidha Mistry Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Monte dans le petit train de Nanhi qui démarre. Chhuk-Chhuk-Chhak-Chhak !
Simple French Reading Scheme - C'est mon poisson ! - Non, c'est le mien !

Simple French Reading Scheme - C'est mon poisson ! - Non, c'est le mien !

My French Reading Scheme comes complete with lots of English guided reading worksheets to help you get more from each book you buy in the series. C'est mon poisson ! - Non, c'est le mien ! Translator Sak Untala Original story: '"My fish!" "No, my fish!"', English , Level 1 by Suraj J Menon Illustrator Soumya Menon Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis Une petite histoire amusante à propos de trois amis et de trois poissons intelligents !
Simple French Reading Books - complete with English Language Guided Reading Worksheets

Simple French Reading Books - complete with English Language Guided Reading Worksheets

Here is my simple French reading schemes. I have added some English guided reading worksheets to help you get more out of each book at no extra charge. C'est la faute du chat ! Translator Janani Ganapathi Original story: 'It's All the Cat's Fault!', English , Level 2 by Anushka Ravishankar Illustrator Priya Kuriyan Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Le garçon dans cette histoire n'a pas pu rendre ses devoirs à cause d'un chat. Mauvaise excuse ? Attends d'y lire ce qui lui est arrivé et comment un évènement peut entraîner à un autre, puis à plusieurs autres...
Easy French Reading Tests - Bheema, le gros dormeur

Easy French Reading Tests - Bheema, le gros dormeur

I have collected together a range of different French story books. You can complete this French story book with these fun worksheets. You will be able to get a lot of work from every French book in this range. Title: Bheema, le gros dormeur Translator Sak Untala Original story: In Hindi Level 1 by Kiran Kasturia Illustrator Shweta Mohapatra Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis Bheema a le même problème que bon nombre d'entre-nous : il n'arrive pas à se lever le matin. Un petit ami lui vient en aide.
Aaloo-Maaloo-Kaaloo - Simple French Reading Books Reading Scheme

Aaloo-Maaloo-Kaaloo - Simple French Reading Books Reading Scheme

Use the reading worksheets to get as much as you can from this book. The sheets explore different aspects of the story. Aaloo-Maaloo-Kaaloo Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: Hindi , Level 1 by Vinita Krishna Illustrator Suvidha Mistry Reading Level 1 is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading. Language French Synopsis Un jour, Maloo dut chercher des pommes de terre dans le potager de sa grand-mère mais il n'en trouva aucune. Kaloo l'aide alors à découvrir les pommes de terre cachées.
Animal Bundle

Animal Bundle

7 Resources
Are you looking for lots of different resources about animals? I have collected a lot of different teaching resources and placed them all into a single bundle so you are able to enjoy them all! You get great resources and a great discount!
ESL - Getting People Talking!

ESL - Getting People Talking!

19 Resources
I collected together lots of different high quality ESL teaching resources and I thought it would be fabulous to share them all in one place! I am sure your students will really enjoy these resources, while you also happen to enjoy the huge discounts!
Christmas Teaching Resources

Christmas Teaching Resources

6 Resources
Looking for lots of Christmas resources but you don’t want the hassle of finding them all and downloading them? I have created a lot of different teaching resources, which are certain to help you. I have posters for the classroom, art resources and ESL grammar books… all at a big discount!
KS2  Gases Around Us Science Vocabulary and Spelling Pack + Flashcards +31 Fun Teaching Ideas To Try

KS2 Gases Around Us Science Vocabulary and Spelling Pack + Flashcards +31 Fun Teaching Ideas To Try

KS2 Gases Around Us Science Vocabulary and Spelling Pack use the following words with flashcards. In addition, the presentation contains a link to more teaching sources. I have included picture and word flash cards and a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help you get more out of each lesson. The guide provides easy to set up, well paced activities which both you and your students will enjoy. Words used in the KS2 Gases Around Us Science Vocabulary Pack gas gases air oxygen carbon dioxide helium natural gas carbon monoxide evaporate evaporation condense condensation change of state liquid solid properties material Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2 Changing State Science Vocabulary + Flashcards + 31 Fun Teaching Activities To Try In Classroom

KS2 Changing State Science Vocabulary + Flashcards + 31 Fun Teaching Activities To Try In Classroom

KS2 Changing State Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack. Each keyword below is linked to a photo. At the end of the presentation is a link to more online teaching resources. I have included picture and word flash cards and a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help you get more out of each lesson. The guide provides easy to set up, well paced activities which both you and your students will enjoy. Words used in this KS2 Changing State Science Vocabulary pack: evaporate evaporation condense condensation change of state state solid liquid gas melt freeze conditions solidify freezing melting Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2 Changing Circuits Science Vocabulary + Flashcards+31 Fun Teaching Activities To Try In Classroom

KS2 Changing Circuits Science Vocabulary + Flashcards+31 Fun Teaching Activities To Try In Classroom

KS2 Changing Circuits Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack. The presentation links the keywords below to interesting images and photos. At the end of the presentation, there is a link to more online teaching resources abut this topic. I have included picture and word flash cards and a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help you get more out of each lesson. The guide provides easy to set up, well paced activities which both you and your students will enjoy. Words used in the KS2 Changing Circuits Science Vocabulary pack: circuit complete circuit conductor insulator symbol circuit diagram electricity component voltage Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2  Friction Science Vocabulary pack + Flashcards + 31 Fun Teaching Activities Teacher Guide

KS2 Friction Science Vocabulary pack + Flashcards + 31 Fun Teaching Activities Teacher Guide

Lower KS2 Friction Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack. This pack contains pictures of all the keywords below, along with a link to more online learning resources. This pack also contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help you get more out of each lessons. These help to make learning fun. Words used in the Friction Science Vocabulary Pack: friction air resistance water resistance forcemeter newtons surface area forces resists Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2 Characteristics of materials science vocabulary + Fun Loop Cards + 31 Teaching Activity Ideas

KS2 Characteristics of materials science vocabulary + Fun Loop Cards + 31 Teaching Activity Ideas

KS2 Characteristics of materials science vocabulary and spelling lists contain all the words listed below. In addition, they also contain a link to more useful teaching resources online. I have also included a set of fun loop cards and a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help to make your lessons more fun and more dynamic. I want you to get the most out of every purchase you make! The words used in the KS2 Characteristics of materials science vocabulary pack strong weak flexible transparent not transparent soft hard waterproof absorbent shiny dull rigid hot cold rough smooth opaque compare comparison describe description material characteristics properties stretchy Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS1  Pushes & pulls Science Vocabulary and Spelling List + 31 Teaching Activities and Word Mat

KS1 Pushes & pulls Science Vocabulary and Spelling List + 31 Teaching Activities and Word Mat

KS1 Pushes & pulls Science Vocabulary and Spelling List contains images of all the words below, complete with links where a teacher can find additional useful teaching resources for all the subjects. push pull movement twist spin swing slide swerve hop jump turn fast slow faster slower go further safe danger be careful pushing pushed pulling pulled moving Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS1 Light and Dark Vocabulary Presentation and Spelling List+ Word Mat + 31 Teaching Activities

KS1 Light and Dark Vocabulary Presentation and Spelling List+ Word Mat + 31 Teaching Activities

This presentation covers KS1 Light and Dark and provides a simple to use spelling list. It also comes with a 31 Activity Teacher Guide and a revision word map to help remind children of the key vocabulary during the lessons. The words covered are... Light and dark bright light dark black night day reflective strip reflect torch warning light Sun candle lamp darker darkest brighter brightest brightness shine Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS1 Forces & movement Science Vocabulary and Spelling List + Word Mat + 31 Teaching Activities

KS1 Forces & movement Science Vocabulary and Spelling List + Word Mat + 31 Teaching Activities

The comes with 2 powerpoint files and list of words in a text file. In addition, there is a link to more online resources relating to this topic. In addition, I added more documents, a 31 teaching activity guide and a word mat. The words covered are: Forces & movement force movement direction distance further furthest fast faster fastest slow slower slowest higher highest speed up slow down change direction change shape twist squeeze stretch pull push twist Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
Walk to School Week Conversation Starter

Walk to School Week Conversation Starter

I love to get the students really talking about an issue. I saw another teacher do it and thought that this looks really effective. My Walk to School Week teaching resources are designed to get the students to think about why we should walk to school, what are the alternatives and the benefits and the costs of walking to school using different modes of transport. They are also designed to get students really talking, listening and expressing their own ideas. My teaching resources could be printed out and made into an eye catching, thought provoking display or used as a whole class discussion stimulus. I am now making a new series of resources like this, so that teachers and students can get a lot more out of every lesson.