I am the Head Teacher Of Maria International School Of Bucharest in Romania. I am also very keen at developing different TES teaching resources to discover what works well for different classes. I am constantly looking for new and exciting different ways of presenting and teaching different primary topics, especially maths topics.
I am the Head Teacher Of Maria International School Of Bucharest in Romania. I am also very keen at developing different TES teaching resources to discover what works well for different classes. I am constantly looking for new and exciting different ways of presenting and teaching different primary topics, especially maths topics.
Here is a 5 day teaching unit using PowerPoint for anyone who is wanting to teach students about how to use and reason with numbers. The lessons start with a 10 minute mental warm up session. This is followed by a highly interactive, whole class teaching session. The PowerPoint lessons end with a differentiated teaching challenge for students at different attainment levels.
Autumn Term
Lesson 1: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: count on in steps of any size
solve number patterns
make up our own number patterns.
Lesson 2: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: count on in steps of any size
solve number patterns
make patterns agree with rules
make alternating patterns.
Lesson 3: Week 8
Title Reasoning about Numbers
Learning Objective: investigate square numbers
find ways of investigating numbers
find square numbers by using a pattern.
Lesson 4: Week 8
Title Reasoning about Numbers
Learning Objective: solve word problems
recognise odd and even numbers
find and talk about general statements
develop mental strategies.
Lesson 5: Week 8
Title Reasoning about Numbers
Learning Objective: add and subtract
use the words used to add and subtract
add several numbers together and find the differences by counting on.
Here are 5 great PowerPoint lessons about addition, subtraction, rounding and money to use in the classroom. The lessons are complete with 3 parts. The first part is the 10 minute mental warm up session. The central part in the whole class, interactive learning session. The final part of the lesson provides differentiated challenges for the students.
Autumn Term
Lesson 1: Week 9
Title Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective: complete adding and subtracting problems
add several numbers
understand that adding but not subtracting can be done in any order.
Lesson 2: Week 9
Title Subtracting from Multiples of 10
Learning Objective: understand the words used to describe adding and subtracting
subtract a one-digit number from a multiple of 10
record the answers in different ways.
Practise subtracting from multiples of 10.
Practise subtracting from bigger multiples of 10.
Lesson 3: Week 9
Title Subtraction
Learning Objective: use words to describe subtraction
subtract a one-digit number from a multiple of 10.
Lesson 4: Week 9
Title Describing Money
Learning Objective: use words to compare and order numbers
recognise coins
total money
understand different monies can be the same.
Lesson 5: Week 9
Title Rounding and Money Problems
Learning Objective: round amounts to the nearest 10p
approximate and order numbers on a number line
recognise coins
be able to total money together.
Three full PowerPoint Lessons about counting and properties of numbers which start with a fun mental warm up. The students then experience a fully interactive, main class leaning session. The lesson finishes with a fun differentiated learning challenge.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 1
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
understand what is special about odd and even numbers
count on and back in twos.
Mental Warm Up: Counting on and back in ones.
Counting on and back in tens.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to investigate sharing by 2.
Educational Challenges Investigate which numbers can be shared equally by 2. Look for patterns and predict results.
Investigate which numbers less than 30 can be shared equally by 2.
Investigate which numbers can be shared equally by 2. Predict results for numbers greater than 100.
Lesson 2: Week 1
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: say what is happening in a number pattern
say what number is next in a number pattern
count on and back in steps of different sizes.
Mental Warm Up: You each have a number card. Is your number odd or even?
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to be counting on and back in steps of different sizes.
Educational Challenges Make up number chains using ‘add’ and ‘subtract’. Predict whether the final number will be more or less than the start number.
Make up number chains using ‘add’ and ‘subtract’. Ask a classmate to work out the end number.
Lesson 3: Week 1
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: count on in twos, fives and tens
recognise multiples of 2, 5, and 10
be able to explain number patterns
recognise that some numbers can be a multiple of more than one number.
Mental Warm Up: Today you will be counting on and back in twos, fives and tens.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to recognise multiples of 2, 5, and 10.
Educational Challenges Colour in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 on a hundred square.
Practise recognising multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
If you are learning Dutch and you are looking for a way of translating from English into Dutch, then this is a great start. This resource would still need a dutch teacher as everything is in English. You look at the pictures and try to name things in Dutch.
Are you looking for different multiplication and division quizzes, mental maths tests and teaching resources? This has materials for both KS1 and KS2 children. These would be excellent teaching resources for anyone wanting to boost their multiplication and division skills.
At the start of my teaching career, I was commissioned by a major British Educational Publisher to create a set of Year 2 Maths lessons. The lessons cover the objectives, the starter and main part of the lesson and suggest the independent learning task. The final tasks are easy to organise in a typical British classroom and a highly differentiated.
Year 2 Spring Maths Bundle. In 2000, I was commissioned to write a set of Spring Maths lessons for Year 2 students by a major UK Educational Publisher. The lessons contain the learning objective, a fun starter and a main lesson, followed by suggestions on how differentiate the independent learning part of the lesson using resources commonly found in most UK primary school classrooms.
Looking for great resources about shopping? This bundle complete complete with shopping presentations, ESL topic lessons about shopping and lovely English writing prompts. Try it today.
KS1 SPAG and SATS revision worksheets and Phonic Screen Revision. These are great teaching resources you can use both in the classroom and also at home. Try it today
Here are lots of different mental maths resources, including lots of different multiplication and division tests you can use through the year. They are designed that you can repeat a times table test without needing to repeat the same set of numbers each time.