I am the Head Teacher Of Maria International School Of Bucharest in Romania. I am also very keen at developing different TES teaching resources to discover what works well for different classes. I am constantly looking for new and exciting different ways of presenting and teaching different primary topics, especially maths topics.
I am the Head Teacher Of Maria International School Of Bucharest in Romania. I am also very keen at developing different TES teaching resources to discover what works well for different classes. I am constantly looking for new and exciting different ways of presenting and teaching different primary topics, especially maths topics.
These five complete PowerPoint Lessons will help to teach students about division, multiplication and fractions. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up. These are followed by an interactive, whole class teaching session. The lessons finish with differentiated learning challenges.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 11
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: understand multiplication and division
use multiplication and division vocabulary
deal with something left over
choose the correct number operation
solve money problems.
Lesson 2: Week 11
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: use division and multiplication
use multiplication and division vocabulary
understand the idea of something left over
use the correct number operation
solve money problems.
Lesson 3: Week 11
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: double and halve
understand that halving reverses doubling and vice versa.
Lesson 4: Week 11
Title Fractions
Learning Objective: recognise and find simple fractions
recognise a half or a quarter
know that two halves or four quarters make a whole and that two quarters make a half
understand that doubling reverses halving.
Lesson 5: Week 11
Title Fractions
Learning Objective: recognise and find simple fractions
recognise that two quarters make a half
place halves on a number line.
These five complete PowerPoint lessons help to teach a student about division and multiplication. Each of the lessons starts with a mental warm up. This is followed by a fun, interactive, whole class learning session. The lessons finish with fun, differentiated learning challenges.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 10
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: multiply and divide numbers
use multiplication and division vocabulary
multiply and divide by 10
find unknown numbers.
Lesson 2: Week 10
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: complete multiplication and division problems
use multiplication and division vocabulary
multiply up to 5 x 5
know our 2, 5 and 10 times-table facts
use a symbol to stand for an unknown.
Lesson 3: Week 10
Title Multiplication and Division, Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems
Learning Objective: multiply and divide
use multiplication and division vocabulary
know multiplication is repeated addition
know simple multiplication and division facts
recognise coins and solve money problems.
Lesson 4: Week 10
Title Understanding Multiplication, Mental Calculation Strategies
Learning Objective: multiply
use multiplication vocabulary
check results
solve money problems
choose the correct way to answer a question.
Lesson 5: Week 10
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: understand multiplication
understand words about multiplication
check results by adding in a different order
solve money problems
choose the correct number operation.
Five complete PowerPoint lessons about rounding, estimating, mental calculation strategies and place value. Each of the lessons start with a mental warm up. This is followed by a whole class, interactive learning session. The lesson end with fun differentiated learning challenges.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 9
Title Estimating, Mental Calculation Strategies, Money
Learning Objective: develop ways of adding and subtracting mentally
make sensible estimates
choose and use the correct number operation
know what each coin is worth.
Lesson 2: Week 9
Title Place Value, Mental Calculation Strategies, Money
Learning Objective: total prices
use the correct number operation (+,–)
solve word problems
recognise coins.
Lesson 3: Week 9
Title Place Value, Rounding, Mental Calculation Strategies, and Money
Learning Objective: add and subtract mentally
choose the correct number operation
know what each coin is worth
round to the nearest 10.
Lesson 4: Week 9
Title Mental Calculation Strategies and Money Problems
Learning Objective: add and subtract mentally
choose and use the appropriate number operation
know the value of coins
solve money word problems.
Lesson 5: Week 9
Title Place Value and Ordering, Mental Calculation Strategies and Money
Learning Objective: work out sums mentally
solve problems
know what each coin is worth
order amounts of money.
Five complete PowerPoint lessons about counting and Properties of numbers. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up activity. This is followed by an interactive, whole class learning session. The lessons finish with a differentiated learning task.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: solve mathematical problems
explain how a problem was solved
understand and use the correct words to describe how a problem was solved.
Lesson 2: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: solve mathematical problems or puzzles
explain how a problem was solved
count on in steps of 1.
Lesson 3: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: solve problems
explain how a problem was solved
count on in steps of 1.
Lesson 4: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: solve mathematical problems
explain how a problem was solved
use symbols for unknown numbers
write number sentences.
Lesson 5: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: solve mathematical problems
explain how a question was answered
complete number sentences.
Three complete PowerPoint Lessons about reasoning about shapes and space. Each of the lessons start with a fun mental warm up. This is followed by an exciting, interactive, whole class learning session. The lessons are finished with a challenging, differentiated thinking task.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 6
Title Shape and Space, Reasoning about Shapes
Learning Objective: recognise and name 3-D shapes
make models using 3-D shapes
recognise what makes 3-D shapes special
relate 3-D shapes to 2-D pictures.
Mental Warm Up: Play ‘Round the table’.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to be learning about 3-D or ‘solid’ shapes.
Educational Challenges Work in pairs.
Build a 3-D shape from click-together shapes.
Draw round the faces of the 3-D shape on card.
Cut them out.
Record how many faces there are and what shape each face is.
Make a label with this information. Attach it to your card model.
Lesson 2: Week 6
Title Shape and Space, Reasoning about Shapes
Learning Objective: know more about 3-D shapes
make models using 3-D shapes
know what makes 3-D shapes special.
Mental Warm Up: ‘What’s my number operation?’
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to be learning more about 3-D or ‘solid’ shapes.
Educational Challenges Work individually.
Use straws and plasticine to make a 3-D shape.
Make a label to explain what the shape is and how many edges and corners it has.
Lesson 3: Week 6
Title Shape and Space, Reasoning about Shapes
Learning Objective: recognise 3-D shapes
make models using 3-D shapes
know what properties make each 3-D shape special.
Mental Warm Up: I will say some sentences about right angles and 3-D shapes. Record whether they are ‘True’ of ‘False’.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to learn more about 3-D or ‘solid’ shapes.
Educational Challenges Choose a partner from one of the groups you do not normally work with.
Make a model using 3-D shapes.
Draw your model and record how many of each shape you used.
Count its faces, corners and edges.
These five complete PowerPoint lessons focus on capacity, shape and space. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up activity. This is followed by a main, whole class learning session. The lessons end with a differentiated learning challenge.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 5
Title Capacity
Learning Objective: solve problems
use words about capacity
know relationships between units
estimate, measure and compare capacity.
Lesson 2: Week 5
Title Capacity
Learning Objective: solve problems
use words about capacity
know relationships between units
estimate, measure and compare capacity.
Lesson 3: Week 5
Title Capacity
Learning Objective: solve problems
use words about capacity
know relationships between units
estimate, measure and compare capacity.
Lesson 4: Week 5
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective: use words for direction and movement
recognise quarter, half and whole turns
know that a quarter turn is a right angle
give instructions.
Lesson 5: Week 5
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective: understand that a quarter turn is a right angle
recognise a right angle
give instructions
describe the position of an object.
Five complete PowerPoint lessons about Money and ‘Real Life’ problems. The students start the lesson with a fun interactive mental warm up. This is followed by an interactive, whole class, teaching session. The lessons end with differentiated learning activities.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 4
Title Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems, Making Decisions and Checking Results
Learning Objective: recognise all coins and understand how much they are worth
total coins
use decimal notation for money
solve problems correctly
explain how a problem was solved.
Lesson 2: Week 4
Title Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems, Making Decisions and Checking Results
Learning Objective: solve money problems
recognise coins and be able to total
make decisions and check results.
Lesson 3: Week 4
Title Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems, Making Decisions and Checking Results
Learning Objective: solve money problems
choose the appropriate number operation
check results.
Lesson 4: Week 4
Title Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems, Making Decisions and Checking Results
Learning Objective: recognise and know the value of all coins
choose and total coins
make decisions and check results.
Lesson 5: Week 4
Title Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems, Making Decisions and Checking Results
Learning Objective: solve money problems
choose the correct number operation
recognise all coins.
These five full PowerPoint lessons focus on addition, subtraction, and mental calculation methods. The lessons start with a mental warm up lesson. This is followed by a fun interactive, whole class learning session. The lessons finish with interesting, differentiated learning challenges for the the students.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 3
Title Addition and Subtraction, Mental Calculation Strategies
Learning Objective: add
know what near doubles are
use doubles to solve near double problems.
Lesson 2: Week 3
Title Understanding Subtraction, Mental Calculation Strategies
Learning Objective: subtract
take a one-digit number away from a multiple of 10
remember our number bonds.
Lesson 3: Week 3
Title Understanding Subtraction, Mental Calculation Strategies
Learning Objective: add and subtract
add a one-digit number to a teens number.
Lesson 4: Week 3
Title Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective: more ways to add and subtract
to subtract a one-digit number from a number 20 to 28, crossing the 20 boundary.
Lesson 5: Week 3
Title Understanding Subtraction, Mental Calculation Strategies
Learning Objective: subtract
subtract a teens number from a two-digit number
find unknowns.
These five PowerPoint lessons introduce students to place values, rounding and estimating. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up lesson, followed by an interactive whole class learning session. The lesson finish with interesting, differentiated learning challenges for the students to complete.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 2
Title Place Value
Learning Objective: understand and use the words for describing and comparing numbers
use the ‘=’ sign.
Lesson 2: Week 2
Title Place Value and Ordering
Learning Objective: understand and use words for comparing and ordering numbers
read and write numbers
know what each digit in a number means
know the number that is 1 or 10 more or less than a given number.
Lesson 3: Week 2
Title Place Value and Estimating
Learning Objective: understand and use words about estimation and approximation
give a sensible estimate for a number of objects
find the difference between an estimate and actual count.
Lesson 4: Week 2
Title Place Value, Estimating and Rounding
Learning Objective: understand and use the words about comparing and ordering numbers
give a number between two other numbers
give a number which lies halfway between two numbers on a number line.
Lesson 5: Week 2
Title Place Value, Estimating and Rounding
Learning Objective: understand and use the words for comparing and ordering numbers
round a number to the nearest multiple of 10
round numbers
use a ruler to draw and measure lines.
Three full PowerPoint Lessons about counting and properties of numbers which start with a fun mental warm up. The students then experience a fully interactive, main class leaning session. The lesson finishes with a fun differentiated learning challenge.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 1
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
understand what is special about odd and even numbers
count on and back in twos.
Mental Warm Up: Counting on and back in ones.
Counting on and back in tens.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to investigate sharing by 2.
Educational Challenges Investigate which numbers can be shared equally by 2. Look for patterns and predict results.
Investigate which numbers less than 30 can be shared equally by 2.
Investigate which numbers can be shared equally by 2. Predict results for numbers greater than 100.
Lesson 2: Week 1
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: say what is happening in a number pattern
say what number is next in a number pattern
count on and back in steps of different sizes.
Mental Warm Up: You each have a number card. Is your number odd or even?
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to be counting on and back in steps of different sizes.
Educational Challenges Make up number chains using ‘add’ and ‘subtract’. Predict whether the final number will be more or less than the start number.
Make up number chains using ‘add’ and ‘subtract’. Ask a classmate to work out the end number.
Lesson 3: Week 1
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: count on in twos, fives and tens
recognise multiples of 2, 5, and 10
be able to explain number patterns
recognise that some numbers can be a multiple of more than one number.
Mental Warm Up: Today you will be counting on and back in twos, fives and tens.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to recognise multiples of 2, 5, and 10.
Educational Challenges Colour in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 on a hundred square.
Practise recognising multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
These 5 complete PowerPoint lessons will help students to understand data handling. The lessons start with a mental warm up. Then the student will enjoy the interactive, whole class, sessions. The lessons then finish with fun differentiated challenges for the students to complete.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 12
Title Problems Involving Measures
Learning Objective: find solutions to simple mass word problems
understand and use words about mass.
Lesson 2: Week 12
Title Problems Involving Measures
Learning Objective: find solutions to simple mass word problems
explain ways of working
understand and use words about mass.
Lesson 3: Week 12
Title Problems Involving Measures
Learning Objective: find solutions to simple mass word problems
understand and use words about mass
understand equivalence.
Lesson 4: Week 12
Title Handling Data
Learning Objective: solve problems involving collecting, organising and interpreting data
record data using simple tables
explain results.
Lesson 5: Week 12
Title Handling Data
Learning Objective: solve problems involving information
record findings as a block graph
explain results.
Five full PowerPoint presentations about teaching time. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up. Then the students participate in a full, whole class, interactive learning session. The students end the lesson by completing a differentiated learning challenge.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 11
Title Time
Learning Objective: use and understand words about time
solve simple problems relating to time.
Lesson 2: Week 11
Title Time
Learning Objective: use and understand words about time
read the time to the o’clock and half past on different types of clock
solve simple problems relating to time.
Lesson 3: Week 11
Title Time
Learning Objective: use and understand words about time
read the time to half and quarter hours
understand digital clocks
solve simple problems about time.
Lesson 4: Week 11
Title Time
Learning Objective: use and understand words about time
read the time to half and quarter hours on an analogue and a digital clock
solve simple problems about time.
Lesson 5: Week 11
Title Time
Learning Objective: understand and use words about time
know different units of time
make estimates about time
use the right units of time.
Five exciting PowerPoint lessons about multiplication, division and fractions. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up game. The lesson then focuses on the main interactive whole class learning point. The lesson finishes with differentiated learning challenges.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 10
Title Multiplication
Learning Objective: understand and use multiplication as repeated addition
recognise and interpret situations as multiplication
develop strategies to multiply a one-digit number up to 5 by 2, 3, 4 or 5
use the ‘x’ symbol.
Lesson 2: Week 10
Title Multiplication, Money and 'Real-Life' Problems
Learning Objective: use multiplication as repeated addition
recognise and use multiplication
use the ability to count on in twos, fives and tens to find different amounts
find total costs
use patterns in 5 and 10 times-tables to check results.
Lesson 3: Week 10
Title Multiplication and Division, Money and 'Real-Life' Problems
Learning Objective: understand the difference between multiplication and division
count in twos, fives and tens to find the number of coins to make a given amount
check results
understand equivalent values of coins.
Lesson 4: Week 10
Title Multiplication and Division and 'Real-Life' Problems
Learning Objective: develop understanding of multiplication and division
recognise when to use multiplication
write a number sentence for a problem.
Lesson 5: Week 10
Title Fractions
Learning Objective: understand and use words about fractions
find one half or one quarter of a number of objects
write ½ for one half
write ¼ for one quarter.
Here are five great PowerPoint lessons about addition, subtraction, and money. The lessons all start with a mental warm up activities. Then the students complete an interactive whole class learning session together. The lessons end with a differentiated learning challenge.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
investigate number problems and puzzles
explain methods, reasoning and relationships.
Lesson 2: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
devise and continue a number pattern
describe a pattern
Lesson 3: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise and continue or complete number patterns
describe a pattern or rule
devise a number pattern
recognise odd and even numbers.
Lesson 4: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
recognise a pattern
explain what we did.
Lesson 5: Week 9
Title Addition, Mental Calculation, Place Value
Learning Objective: understand the language of addition.
begin to add 9 or 11 by adding 10 and changing the number by 1.
begin to add 19 or 21 by adding 20 and changing the number by 1.
Five complete PowerPoint lessons about counting and properties of numbers. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up. This is followed by an interactive fun whole class learning session. The lesson finishes with a set of differentiated learning challenges for the students to complete.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
investigate number problems and puzzles
explain methods, reasoning and relationships.
Lesson 2: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
devise and continue a number pattern
describe a pattern.
Lesson 3: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise and continue or complete number patterns
describe a pattern or rule
devise a number pattern
recognise odd and even numbers.
Educational Challenges Complete number sequences.
Try making number sequences using big numbers for a friend to complete.
Lesson 4: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
recognise a pattern
explain what we did.
Three great PowerPoint lessons about Shape and Space. The lessons start with a mental warm up. This is followed with a main, interactive whole class learning session. The lesson finishes with a fun set of differentiated learning challenges for the students.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 6
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective: recognise and describe turning movements
recognise half and quarter turns to the left or right
understand angle as a measure of turn
recognise right angles.
Lesson 2: Week 6
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective: solve problems and recognise patterns
recognise and describe line symmetry
complete symmetrical patterns.
Lesson 3: Week 6
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective: solve problems and recognise patterns
recognise and describe line symmetry
complete symmetrical patterns.
Five complete PowerPoint lessons looking at Mass and shape and space. The lessons all start with a fun mental warm up. This is followed by an interactive, whole class learning session. The lessons finish with a fun differentiated learning challenge.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 5
Title Mass
Learning Objective: solve measurement problems
use words about mass and ways of measuring weight
measure using non-standard units
compare weights
estimate and measure.
Lesson 2: Week 5
Title Mass
Learning Objective: use and begin to read words about mass
compare different masses.
Lesson 3: Week 5
Title Mass
Learning Objective: use and begin to use words about mass
suggest and use simple measuring equipment
develop estimating skills.
Lesson 4: Week 5
Title Mass
Learning Objective: solve measurement problems
understand and use words about mass
measure and compare using standard units.
Lesson 5: Week 5
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective: recognise and describe how to turn things
recognise half and quarter turns to the left or right
understand the terms clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Five complete PowerPoint Lessons which focus on the topic of money. The lessons all start with a fun mental warm up. This is followed by the main, whole class, learning session. The lesson ends with a set of differentiated challenges for the students.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective: select and use the right calculation
check our calculations
solve money word problems
find totals.
Lesson 2: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective: solve money word problems
recognise and use different value coins
select the right coins to pay.
Lesson 3: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective: choose and use correct calculations
check calculations
solve money word problems
find totals and give change.
Lesson 4: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective: check calculations
say what each coin is
solve money problems.
Lesson 5: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective: make decisions and check calculations
solve money problems
use the appropriate number operation.
Five complete PowerPoint lessons about Addition and Subtraction. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up. This is followed by a whole class, interactive, learning session. The lesson finishes with a set of differentiated learning challenges for the students.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 3
Title Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective: add
use words about adding
add by partitioning
use patterns of similar calculations.
Lesson 2: Week 3
Title Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective: add
know words used in adding
add by partitioning into ‘5 and a bit’
recombine the numbers.
Lesson 3: Week 3
Title Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective: add and know the words which are used when adding
add teens numbers
understand that adding can be done in any order
use patterns of similar calculations.
Lesson 4: Week 3
Title Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective: add
use the words to describe adding
partition into ‘10 and a bit’
know adding can be done in any order
use patterns of similar calculations.
Lesson 5: Week 3
Title Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective: add and use words to do with adding
add a teens number to a two-digit number
partition into ‘10 and a bit’
understand that addition can be carried out in any order
find pairs of numbers that make a given total
use patterns of similar calculations.
Five complete PowerPoint lessons about place values and ordering numbers. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up. This is followed by a highly interactive, whole class learning session. The final part of the lesson is for the students to complete the fun differentiated challenges.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 2
Title Place Value
Learning Objective: read and write numbers in figures and words.
Lesson 2: Week 2
Title Place Value
Learning Objective: what a digit is
what each digit in a number means
to represent numbers as tens and ones.
Lesson 3: Week 2
Title Place Value
Learning Objective: read and write numbers to 100 and over
know what each digit in a number means.
Lesson 4: Week 2
Title Place Value and Ordering
Learning Objective: read and write numbers up to and over 100
know what each digit means
use words for comparing and ordering numbers
order numbers up to and over 100.
Lesson 5: Week 2
Title Place Value and Ordering
Learning Objective: read and write numbers up to and over 100
know what each digit means
use words for comparing and ordering numbers
order numbers up to and over 100.