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I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life




I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life
FREE  Addition on an  empty number line - YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation Year 3

FREE Addition on an empty number line - YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation Year 3

I have uploaded a new version of my Addition on an empty number line PowerPoints and I added a YouTube video for each presentation. FREE Year 3 Maths Lesson - Addition on an empty number line - Autumn Term. It would be good for a revision lesson, an extension lesson or a homework lesson. If you like this lesson, you should also try the complete FREE Year 3 Maths lesson pack at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-3-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167050.
YouTube and PowerPoint Mental Models to Add and  Subtract - Year 3

YouTube and PowerPoint Mental Models to Add and Subtract - Year 3

Year 3 Mental models for adding and subtracting has been improved and now includes both a Youtube and PowerPoint presentation lesson. FREE Year 3 Lesson Mental Models to Add and Subtract (Autumn Term). It could be a great way of revising for SATs test, end of term tests or as homework for the students to do with their parents. If you like this one, please look at my full FREE Year 3 Maths lessons pack at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-3-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167050
FREE PowerPoint and YouTube Adding and Subtracting  Multiples of 1, 10  and 100  Year 3 Maths Lesson

FREE PowerPoint and YouTube Adding and Subtracting Multiples of 1, 10 and 100 Year 3 Maths Lesson

FREE Youtube video! This summer I upgraded all my teaching resources. My PowerPoints now also include free YouTube videos about addings and subtracting multiples of 1, 10 and 100 FREE Year 3 Lesson about Adding and Subtracting Multiples of 1, 10 and 100. (Autumn Term) - Perfect for revising a topic for SATs revision or the Christmas test. This is part of a bigger set of FREE Year 3 lessons I developed, found at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-3-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167050.
YouTube and PowerPoint Adding and Subtracting 11 and 9 FREE Year 3 Maths Lesson

YouTube and PowerPoint Adding and Subtracting 11 and 9 FREE Year 3 Maths Lesson

This summer I redeveloped all my teaching resources and now offer both a free PowerPoint presentation and a YouTube version of each PowerPoint to make life easier for every teacher! Learn my fabulous adding and subtracting 11 and 9 maths tricks for your self. Be the star of the staffroom! FREE Year 3 Maths Lesson - Adding and Subtracting 11 and 9 (Autumn Term) - If you like this teaching resource, you will love the whole Year 3 Maths teaching pack at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-3-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167050.
FREE YouTube and PowerPoint  Adding several small numbers Year 3 Lesson

FREE YouTube and PowerPoint Adding several small numbers Year 3 Lesson

Adding several small numbers together has been improved and enhanced so it now includes both a YouTube video and a PowerPoint presentation. FREE Year 3 Lesson Adding several small numbers (Autumn Term) - If you like this lesson, you will also like the complete FREE Year 3 Maths pack I uploaded at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-3-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167050.
FREE YouTube and PowerPoint Ordering Numbers Maths Presentation Year 3

FREE YouTube and PowerPoint Ordering Numbers Maths Presentation Year 3

This Ordering numbers from the greatest to the least is now both a PowerPoint and a YouTube presentation. Ordering numbers is a lot of fun for everyone. Here is a FREE Year 3 Autumn Term Ordering Numbers lesson which is part of my FREE, highly recommended https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-3-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167050 Year 3 Maths pack.
Block 1 Year 3 Maths Assessments - YouTube And PowerPoint presentations

Block 1 Year 3 Maths Assessments - YouTube And PowerPoint presentations

I have developed a series of termly Year 3 Maths assessments based on the Wigan maths assessments. I have created both Youtube videos and PowerPoints around these tests. There are two different Year 3 Maths assessments. In the first you ask a question and everyone answers it and then you have a choice of two different assessments. In the first, the answer appears after the question and this one is useful if you are using a Block 1 Year 3 assessment as a revision tool as everyone can discuss how they found their answer. They can also use it to see how well they are doing during their termly Year 3 assessment. The second type is the traditional ask all the questions first, swap papers and check each of the answers which is all great and has its own merits. I hope you like this new approach to teaching maths in the classroom as I do plan to make a lot more lessons which are similar to this in the future.
Using Number Lines To  'Count On' YouTube Maths PowerPoint Presentation- Autumn Term - Year 1

Using Number Lines To 'Count On' YouTube Maths PowerPoint Presentation- Autumn Term - Year 1

I am a teacher and I never use PowerPoints. I will always use YouTube to teach which is why I thought I should redevelop all my teaching resources to reflect this modern teaching style. It has the added bonus of giving you something you can directly send your parents to repeat each lesson they complete in the home. Please leave me a nice comment if you like this teaching idea and would like to see more like it. Using Number Lines To ‘Count On’ YouTube Maths PowerPoint Presentation- Autumn Term - Year 1. FREE Year 1 Maths PowerPoint Presentation - Using Number Lines To ‘Count On’ - Autumn Term. Learning Objectives: I can count on from any small number. I know my number bonds I can recognise number patterns and how to be systematic. If you like this teaching resource, you will also love my FREE Year 1 Maths pack (11 lessons) at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-1-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167046
More Money Problems YouTube  Maths PowerPoint Lesson - Year 1  - Spring Term

More Money Problems YouTube Maths PowerPoint Lesson - Year 1 - Spring Term

Teachers are now using YouTube more than PowerPoint and so I am changing all the teaching resources to reflect this. This has the added bonus of being able to complete the PowerPoint version in the classroom and then directly sharing the lesson with the parents to repeat with their children at home. FREE Year 1 YouTube Maths PowerPoint Lesson - More Money Problems - Spring Term Learning Objectives: I understand the properties of numbers. I can count in fives to 30 and back. I know the value of the 5p coin I can count higher value coins. I can count amount of money to 30p. If you like this lesson, you will really like my FREE Year 1 Maths Teaching Pack (11 lessons) at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-1-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167046
Pairs and  Doubling YouTube Maths PowerPoint Presentation -  Autumn Term - FREE Year 1

Pairs and Doubling YouTube Maths PowerPoint Presentation - Autumn Term - FREE Year 1

I never use PowerPoints in my teaching. I only use YouTube. I decided that I would reflec this teaching style and improve my teaching resources to include a pre-made YouTube version of my resources. This has the added bonus that I am able to send this link directly home to my students’ parents each night and have them repeat the lesson together in the home. Pairs and Doubling YouTube Maths PowerPoint Presentation - Autumn Term - FREE Year 1 FREE Year 1 Maths PowerPoint Presentation - Pairs and Doubling - Autumn Term Learning Objectives: Learning doubles of numbers to ten. I understand the relationship between doubling and halving. If you like this resource - you will also like the FREE Year 1 Math lesson pack I have made (11 lessons) at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-1-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167046.
Taking Away YouTube Maths PowerPoint presentation - Year 1  -  Autumn Term

Taking Away YouTube Maths PowerPoint presentation - Year 1 - Autumn Term

I have spent the summer adding YouTube videos to all my work. Taking Away YouTube Maths PowerPoint presentation - Year 1 - Autumn Term is a much more dynamic, fun lesson with easy to share links you could send home for parents to watch and complete with their students. If you like this new approach to teaching, please leave me a nice comment below. FREE Year 1 Maths PowerPoint presentation - Taking Away - Autumn Term Learning Objectives I understand taking away and can use the words about taking away. Today I am going to learn my subtraction facts. I can recognise number patterns and being systematic. If you like this lesson, you will also like the complete FREE Year 1 teaching pack (11 lessons) at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-1-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167046.
Numbers to 20 in Order YouTube PowerPoint Lesson -  Spring Term - Year 1 Maths

Numbers to 20 in Order YouTube PowerPoint Lesson - Spring Term - Year 1 Maths

This lesson lets you teach using the PowerPoint lesson and then you can share the YouTube version for the parents to follow along with at home, making it much easier to share your teaching ideas. Numbers to 20 in Order YouTube PowerPoint Lesson - Spring Term - Year 1 Maths FREE Year 1 Maths PowerPoint Lesson - Numbers to 20 in Order - Spring Term Lesson Objectives: I can count to 20 and back in ones and twos. I can match objects with numbers on a number track I can read numbers up to 20. Some can read numbers and order them. If you like this teaching resource, you will really like my FREE Year 1 Maths teaching pack (11 lessons) at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-1-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167046
Adding and Taking Away Pairs of Numbers YouTube Maths PowerPoint Autumn Term - FREE Year 1

Adding and Taking Away Pairs of Numbers YouTube Maths PowerPoint Autumn Term - FREE Year 1

I am in the process of changing all my PowerPoints into Youtube videos as I think teachers use Youtube to teach a lot more than they use PowerPoints. I know I do. It also has the added bonus I can send the link to parents to further practice this lesson at home. Adding and Taking Away Pairs of Numbers YouTube Maths PowerPoint Autumn Term - FREE Year 1 FREE Year 1 Maths PowerPoint Presentation - Adding and Taking Away Pairs of Numbers - Autumn Term Learning Objectives: Understanding takeaways and using words about takeaway. I am learning my subtraction facts. If you like this teaching resource, you will really like my complete FREE Year 1 lesson pack (11 lessons) at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-1-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167046.
Block 2 Year 3 Termly Maths Assessments - YouTube and PowerPoint

Block 2 Year 3 Termly Maths Assessments - YouTube and PowerPoint

I have developed a series of termly Year 3 Maths assessments based on the Wigan maths assessments. I have created both Youtube videos and PowerPoints around these tests. There are two different Year 3 Maths assessments. In the first you ask a question and everyone answers it and then you have a choice of two different assessments. In the first, the answer appears after the question and this one is useful if you are using a Block 2 Year 3 assessment as a revision tool as everyone can discuss how they found their answer. They can also use it to see how well they are doing during their termly Year 3 assessment. The second type is the traditional ask all the questions first, swap papers and check each of the answers which is all great and has its own merits. I hope you like this new approach to teaching maths in the classroom as I do plan to make a lot more lessons which are similar to this in the future.
Block 3 Termly Year 3 Maths Assessments YouTube and PowerPoint

Block 3 Termly Year 3 Maths Assessments YouTube and PowerPoint

I have developed a series of termly Year 3 Maths assessments based on the Wigan maths assessments. I have created both Youtube videos and PowerPoints around these tests. There are two different Year 3 Maths assessments. In the first you ask a question and everyone answers it and then you have a choice of two different assessments. In the first, the answer appears after the question and this one is useful if you are using a Block 2 Year 3 assessment as a revision tool as everyone can discuss how they found their answer. They can also use it to see how well they are doing during their termly Year 3 assessment. The second type is the traditional ask all the questions first, swap papers and check each of the answers which is all great and has its own merits. I hope you like this new approach to teaching maths in the classroom as I do plan to make a lot more lessons which are similar to this in the future.
Year 5 Block 2 Termly Wigan Maths Assessment with YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation

Year 5 Block 2 Termly Wigan Maths Assessment with YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation

Year 5 Block 2 Termly Wigan Maths Assessment with YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework. I love Year 5 Wigan Maths Tests. While they are little old and don’t follow the current curriculum, they are still an excellent set of tests for revision purposes. I have taken the traditional tests and converted them all into PowerPoint presentations. On top of this, I have given teachers the option of either letting the students only see the answers at the end or after each question. I really like the second option as it means I can set a question, then give them a little time to think about it or discuss it in pairs and then show them the answer and discuss the different ways different children or different pairs found their answers. This is as much a learning experience as the test itself for many children. I really hope this pack is useful for lots of teachers.
YouTube Division with remainders FREE Year 4 Maths PowerPoint Lesson - Summer Term

YouTube Division with remainders FREE Year 4 Maths PowerPoint Lesson - Summer Term

YouTube Division with remainders FREE Year 4 Maths PowerPoint Lesson - Summer Term I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework. FREE Year 4 Maths PowerPoint Lesson - Division with remainders - Summer Term Lesson Objectives: I can use all four number operations. I can find remainders. I can round answers up and down. I can practise division of two-digit numbers with remainders. If you like this teaching resource, you will love my FREE Year 4 Maths pack (11 Maths Lessons) - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/maths-powerpoint-lessons-for-year-4-students-6167052
Year 4 Block 1 Termly Wigan Maths Assessment YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation

Year 4 Block 1 Termly Wigan Maths Assessment YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation

Year 4 Block 1 Termly Wigan Maths Assessment YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation I have made the Wigan Maths tests up to date and YouTube friendly. I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
Year 4 Block 2 Wigan Maths Assessments with YouTube And PowerPoint Presentation

Year 4 Block 2 Wigan Maths Assessments with YouTube And PowerPoint Presentation

Year 4 Block 2 Wigan Maths Assessments with YouTube And PowerPoint Presentation I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
Year 4 Block 3 Wigan Termly Maths Assessment YouTube PowerPoint Presentation

Year 4 Block 3 Wigan Termly Maths Assessment YouTube PowerPoint Presentation

Year 4 Block 3 Wigan Termly Maths Assessment YouTube PowerPoint Presentation I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.