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Fun Quizzes For Fun Classrooms

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I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life




I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life
Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Asking Questions 2

Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Asking Questions 2

Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Asking Questions 2 1. Ask a partner, and write their answers to these questions: Sample questions What’s your first name? ________________________________________________ What’s your family name? ________________________________________________ How do you spell that? ________________________________________________ What’s your address? ________________________________________________
Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Booking a Holiday 1

Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Booking a Holiday 1

Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Booking a Holiday 1 A) Discuss as a group: what does having a holiday mean to you? B) Look at the topics below. In small groups discuss each of them, and then decide: a) what you want from your holiday, b) what type of holiday you will take, and c) what other things you will need to consider 1. How to find a holiday 2. Type of holiday 3. Destination and weather.. etc
Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Bingo Calls 1

Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Bingo Calls 1

Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Bingo Calls 1 Below is a list of well-known calls that you can use with your bingo games. When each number comes up use the following phrases to announce them: Kelly’s eye - number 1 One little duck - number 2 Cup of tea - number 3 Knock at the door - number 4
Information Gap 1 - Looking for a Job

Information Gap 1 - Looking for a Job

Information Gap 1 - Looking for a Job Get the students working in pairs. Give one person of each pair the Student A page and the other the Student B page. There are four different jobs being advertised in the local paper. However, there are ten gaps on each page. Students should ask each other questions to find out the information that is missing from their page, then write it down, asking for spellings as necessary. Encourage them to communicate verbally to get the answers, rather than letting each other look at their pages! When all the students have finished, bring the group back together and ask checking questions to elicit the answers, as well as to find out how much the students have understood about the other material in the adverts.
Book 26: Sis in the Well Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation and a Reading Certificate

Book 26: Sis in the Well Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation and a Reading Certificate

**** Contains a PowerPoint presentation of the book, complete with fun whole class teaching activities ******* Book 26: Sis in the Well New Sounds /sh/ New Words need - Decodable she - Decodable Plot Summary While Sis is showing off, dancing around the top of a well, she slips and falls into the water. Ed the Dog, Will the Elephant, Nan the Parrot, and Ann the Giraffe all try to rescue her but have no luck. Sam finally thinks of using a bucket and Mat provides one. It is Mat who succeeds in pulling Sis out of the well. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. I See Sam Books are a series of early reader books developed to teach children in kindergarten to read. The original series, written in 1972, as part of Southwest Regional Educational Laboratory's (SWRL) Beginning Reading Program (BRP), contained 52 books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970's. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
17 Images And Photos Of Space, Earth And The Moon Mission+ 31 Ways of using this resource in class

17 Images And Photos Of Space, Earth And The Moon Mission+ 31 Ways of using this resource in class

Are you teaching your students about space exploration? Are you looking for a pack of photos to create a display on space or stimulate a discussion and deeper thinking on this topic? I have collected together 17 different images taken from space or the shuttle heading to space. Complete complete with a 31 Teaching Activity Guide to help you get the most out of this purchase. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about space images.
Rugby - PowerPoint and Teaching Display Materials + 31 Ways To Use This Resource In The Classroom

Rugby - PowerPoint and Teaching Display Materials + 31 Ways To Use This Resource In The Classroom

This is a great resource to show at the same time the World Rugby Cup is on. Discuss the actions on the playing field, the different aspects of the game and how the players are feeling in each photo. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different activities being shown in each of the photos. I also added a PowerPoint to show you 31 different ways you could use this teaching resource in your classroom. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Rugby. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different groupings. The students can then discuss what they think each one was saying or thinking. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
37 Images Of Victorian People Taken From Victorian Era Story Books + 31 Fun Teaching Activities

37 Images Of Victorian People Taken From Victorian Era Story Books + 31 Fun Teaching Activities

Are you teaching your class about the Victorians? Are you looking for pictures which show what different classes of people wore? This set of 37 images of Victorians from stories and magazines is a perfect way of introducing the topic. Encourage them to think about how people dress and the differences between then and now. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Victorian characters. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different Victorian characters. The students can then discuss how they think each one was thinking or saying. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Can you find it - Fantasy World Level 2 Reading Game - Ideal for Space Topics

Can you find it - Fantasy World Level 2 Reading Game - Ideal for Space Topics

Can you spot it is a fun way of teaching words to children. The students needs to find the objects in the picture. You could either print out the worksheet or you could project it on the whiteboard and complete it as a class. Title Where am I? Author Sonali Zohra Illustrator Sonali Zohra Reading Level 2 (It is suitable for children who recognize familiar words and can read new words with help.) Language English Synopsis: This is a story about a girl learning about her planet and all the wonderful and magical creatures that she shares it with. She learns that her home is a small blue green planet, that looks like a marble and everything that lives on this marble is somehow connected!
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme - Je sais monter !

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme - Je sais monter !

I have developed a super simple French guided reading scheme, using a wide range of beautifully illustrated books. I have also enclosed lots of English guided reading sheets to help you get more out of each book. Je sais monter! Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: 'I Can Climb!', English , Level 1 by Mini Shrinivasan Illustrator Deval Maniar Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Ici, un petit garçon apprend à monter. Mais peut-il descendre ? Ce livre est l'un des quatre de la série « Grandir ».
Test Your Grammar Skills Mistakes that English Native Speakers Make 4

Test Your Grammar Skills Mistakes that English Native Speakers Make 4

Test Your Grammar Skills Mistakes that English Native Speakers Make 4 Believe it or not, English native speakers sometimes make mistakes when using their own language! To find them, simply read a daily newspaper regularly or check out some of the leaflets at an English Tourist Information Centre or library! Identify one mistake in each sentence below and write the letter of the category that it belongs to out of the following: A. apostrophes B. articles C. capital letters D. clumsy style E. commas F. extra or missing words G. spelling mistakes
Test Your Research Skills Smokefree UK – Quiz 2

Test Your Research Skills Smokefree UK – Quiz 2

Test Your Research Skills Smokefree UK – Quiz 2 Example questions 1. Scientific studies have shown that exposure to second-hand smoke can cause: a l_ _ _ cancer b h _ _ _ _ disease c a _ _ _ _ _ attacks dsudden i _ _ _ _ _ death syndrome (SIDS) 2. What percentage of adults in England are smokers? a) 24% b) 34% c) 44% d) 54% 3. If my work involves me visiting people in their homes, can I legally ask them to stop smoking when I’m there? (Yes / No)
Test Your Research Skills Smokefree UK – Quiz 3

Test Your Research Skills Smokefree UK – Quiz 3

Test Your Research Skills Smokefree UK – Quiz 3 Example questions 1. When did Wales go smokefree? ______________________________________________ 2. What is the penalty for an employer that fails to prevent smoking in a smokefree place? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the penalty for an employer who does not display the required no-smoking signs? __________________________________________________________________________
Test Your Grammar Skills Make or Do 1

Test Your Grammar Skills Make or Do 1

Test Your Grammar Skills Make or Do 1 Example questions... Complete each gap below with either make or do: 1. _______________ a bet 2. _______________ a job 3. _______________ the dishes 4. _______________ a skirt 5. _______________ the cleaning 6. _______________ your hair
Test Your Research Skills American English 1

Test Your Research Skills American English 1

Test Your Research Skills American English 1 Despite most of them having English as their first language, British and American people sometimes use different words to talk about the same things. Match the British English word on the left with the American English equivalent on the right.
Test Your Grammar Skills - Passive Voice – Future (with will) and Past Simple

Test Your Grammar Skills - Passive Voice – Future (with will) and Past Simple

Test Your Grammar Skills School Variety Show – Who Did What? Passive Voice – Future (with will) and Past Simple Instructions: You’re involved in helping to organise your school variety show. You are at a meeting to discuss who will do what job at the variety show. Use passive voice (BE + past participle) to write full sentences using future form with will, to show who is scheduled to do what: 1. a) PHOTOS > TAKE > JOE (STEVEN) The photos will be taken by Joe. But when the day of the variety show finally arrived, absolutely nothing went to plan! The person in brackets actually did the job in question, so write a sentence using active voice with past simple form to show what actually happened: 1. b) Steven took the photos. Then write a sentence using passive voice with past simple form that you can put in your after-show report: 1. c) The photos were taken by Steven. In summary, you have to write three sentences for each question: i) passive voice with future form (will) ii) active voice with past simple form iii) passive voice with past simple form Note: each group of three sentences could also be drilled orally.