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Petermorris2001's Shop

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Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.




Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.
Justin Biebers Date

Justin Biebers Date

An improbable dialogue in which Justin Bieber attempts to get Taylor Swift to go to a party with him and Taylor repeatedly rejects his advances conveniently using the Past, Present and Future every time. The dialogue is followed by some grammar work on ... Past, Present and Future.
Describing your room

Describing your room

The ppt builds up a table of Dative articles and possessive adjectives one slide at a time. Students can be ebcouraged to deduce the missing words before the gradual revealing of the table. This is followed by Kim's Game practice of the Dative. The worksheet contains an overview of the NOM, ACC and DAT forms plus a grammar exercise on this whichm when complete, will serve as a rudimentary model of a romm description.
Le petit-déjeuner

Le petit-déjeuner

Four short texts in which breakfast habits are described, using present and perfect tenses. The texts are followed by two grammar points, a vrai / faux exercise, a 'find the phrase' exercise, a manipulation exercise and a writing task.
Comment tu t'appelles?

Comment tu t'appelles?

Reading comprehension text for beginners in which three pop stars introduce themselves and comment on other pop stars. The text is followed T/F questions in English and dictionary exercise.
2 Christmas-themed GCSE style questions

2 Christmas-themed GCSE style questions

The first text is about a Grundschullehrer who answered a pupil's question about Father Christmas with the truth. The second text is a weather report covering the prospects of there being a white Christmas. Both texts are followed by questions in English.
Le Naufrage du Titanic

Le Naufrage du Titanic

Text in French about the sinking of the Titanic, followed by comprehension questions in English, a 'find the phrase' exercise, a manipulation exercise, some French FAQs about the Titanic, a bit of internet research to find the answers to the FAQs, and a writing task. The rubrics are in French and in English. Edit as appropriate. (PS Typos now corrected)
8 Way Thinking / Multiple Intelligences

8 Way Thinking / Multiple Intelligences

This interactive presentation is designed to elicit a range of questions from pupils at the start of a topic. It incorporates Ian Gilbert's 8 Way Thinking ideas (based on Gardener's Multiple intelligences) to ensure breadth of thinking. Within each of the 8 intelligences the questions are sequenced to ensure depth of thinking too. The questions pupils generate can be used to inform your planning and / or provide direction for pupils who finish the work you have set and / or ideas for homework.
Warum nicht Kernenergie?

Warum nicht Kernenergie?

Text about the decision of Germany's Young Liberals to support nuclear power. Text is followed by comprehension questions in German and an exercise in the use of the subjunctive. (NB Typo removed following comment below!)
5 Revision Tips

5 Revision Tips

PPT for presentation to pupils approaching exams. Based substantially on an article, summarising extensive research conducted by Dr Tom Stafford of Sheffield University. PPT deals with (i) organisation vs cramming (ii) the value of learning from failure (iii) the need to practise (iv) processing information aids memory and (v) rest and sleep. I've added some links to helpful websites.
Using adjectives to describe your room

Using adjectives to describe your room

Powerpoint which builds up, slide by slide to create a table illustrating adjectival endings in the Accusative after 'Es gibt ... '. The examples are all in the context of desribing a room. The table is followed by images of celebrities, and students then have to speculate as to what there is in their room.
Guess how old they are.

Guess how old they are.

This is an extended version of a ppt I uploaded previously. It consists of a number of pictures of people, celebs and otherwise, and the pupils simply have to speculate as to how old they are.
Meine Traumreise

Meine Traumreise

Dialogue in which Jeremy Clarkson discusses his dream holiday with German motoring presenter Sabine Schmitz, and Sabine reveals which of the three Top Gear presenters she likes best. Text is followed by a Richtig/falsch/nicht im Text exercise, a 'f'ind the phrase&' exercise, a manipulation exercise and a gap-fill exercise.
MFL Assembly for European Day of Languages

MFL Assembly for European Day of Languages

A sequence of slides featuring photos of celebrities. Pupils have to suggest what the pairs or groups of celebrities on each slide have in common. The final slide features all the photos used so far and pupils then have to suggest what they ALL have in common. To illustrate what they all have in common, show them the youtube video, accessed via the link below, in which every one of them uses a foreign language. There is a mini-script on the ppt.