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Physicsangel6's Shop

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(based on 92 reviews)

My lessons are comprehensive, well organised and promote high levels of pupil engagement. They contain a high number of challenge tasks that are built into the lesson resources to stretch even the most able. I have also started an Instagram flash card account that pupils can follow for physics revision as they scroll. The account is called physicsflash




My lessons are comprehensive, well organised and promote high levels of pupil engagement. They contain a high number of challenge tasks that are built into the lesson resources to stretch even the most able. I have also started an Instagram flash card account that pupils can follow for physics revision as they scroll. The account is called physicsflash
Dangers of Radioactivity SP6i CP6h Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Dangers of Radioactivity SP6i CP6h Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Full Lesson PowerPoint to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Dangers of Radioactivity. It covers the dangers of ionising radiation and how it affect living tissue, precautions that should be taken to protect people using sources of radioactivity and the difference between contamination and irradiation. Note: There is a video link in this lesson that requires Pearson Active Teach, however, if you do not have access pupils can use their knowledge of radiation and the pictures on the slide to discuss safety rules. The resource is appropriate for Triple and Combined Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. You can download the FREE resource “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP6 & CP6 Radioactivity Lesson outline and equipment list” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Light and Electromangetic Spectrum SP5 EDEXCEL 9-1 GCSE Physics Lesson outline & equipment list

Light and Electromangetic Spectrum SP5 EDEXCEL 9-1 GCSE Physics Lesson outline & equipment list

Lesson outline with details of equipment required and possible worksheets/activities for the GCSE Edexcel topic SP5 (Triple Science Version) Light and EM Spectrum. This Topic has some lessons in common with CP5 for Combined Science classes. These are indicated in blue in the first column. The CP5 lessons can be used as they are exactly the same just have a different code. I have full lessons for this unit of work available in my shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Electricity and Circuits SP10 / CP9 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

Electricity and Circuits SP10 / CP9 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

11 Resources
Full lessons with resources for those teaching GCSE Edexcel Physics Topic 9/10 Electricity and Circuits for Combined (CP9) and Triple (SP10) Science classes. Lessons include easy to follow presentations that promote high levels of pupil engagement. The bundle includes 9 full lessons with associated resources and the core practical plus my lesson overview and resources list for the topic.
Stored Energies CP3d SP3d Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Conservation of Energy

Stored Energies CP3d SP3d Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Conservation of Energy

Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Stored Energies. It covers different factors affect the gravitational potential energy and kinetic stored in an object, using and manipulating the equations for gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy. Note: this could take 2 lessons if your class need support with the maths. The resource is appropriate for Triple Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. You can also download the FREE resources “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP3 & CP3 Conservation of Energy Lesson outline and equipment list” and “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” for this topic from my TES shop.
Nuclear Energy SP6k Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Nuclear Energy SP6k Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Nuclear Energy. It covers three types of nuclear reactions, advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear power to generate electricity and evaluating the use of nuclear power. The resource is appropriate for Triple Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers doing the EDEXCEL specification. You can download the FREE resource “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP6 & CP6 Radioactivity Lesson outline and equipment list” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Using the Electromagnetic Spectrum CP5c/SP5f & CP5d/SP5h GCSE EDEXCEL Physics

Using the Electromagnetic Spectrum CP5c/SP5f & CP5d/SP5h GCSE EDEXCEL Physics

2 Full Lesson PowerPoints and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Using Electromagnetic Spectrum . It covers uses for all parts of the EM spectrum, production and detection of radio waves and transmission of radio and microwaves. Includes Higher and foundation options. The resource is appropriate for Combined and Triple Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. (Note: the order and coding for combined and triple science are different). You can also download the FREE resources “GCSE Physics CP5 and SP5 Light and the EM Spectrum Lesson outlines and equipment lists EDEXCEL 9-1” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Retrieval practice activity Number 5 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Revision

Retrieval practice activity Number 5 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Revision

This is an example retrieval practice activity to be used as a quick 10-15 minute task during lessons. This particular task intended to be used during lesson CP6g/SP6g (see the ‘Physics retrieval TASK LIST AND GUIDE’). My retrieval practice activities are all out of 20 marks and are intended to test pupils retrieval of knowledge from recent and more historic topics (approx. 10 marks from recent lessons and 10 marks from other topics taught previously). They are best printed as A5 sized booklets. All retrieval tasks come with an answer document that can be used for easy teacher marking or can be displayed for self/peer marking. I have created tasks to fit in throughout the whole EDEXCEL Physics GCSE course (task list shown in the ‘Physics retrieval TASK LIST AND GUIDE’ that is also attached). The task bundle is available in my TES store.
Forces and Motion CP2 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

Forces and Motion CP2 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

11 Resources
Full lessons with resources for those teaching GCSE Edexcel Physics Topic 2 for Combined Science classes. If you are also teaching Triple Science then the SP2 bundle will be more suitable for you as it contains the extra lesson for that course. Lessons include easy to follow presentations that promote high levels of pupil engagement. The bundle includes 7 full lessons with associated resources, the required core practical, 2 revision placemats plus my lesson overview and resources list for the topic. A very small number of the resources require access to Pearson Active Teach, however, the vast majority are included in the presentations or as a separate file.
Momentum CP2f SP2f Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Forces and Motion

Momentum CP2f SP2f Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Forces and Motion

Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Momentum. It covers the factors that affect the momentum of an object, what happens to momentum during a collision, calculating the momentum of moving objects and velocities of objects after collisions and calculating the force needed to produce a change in momentum in a given time. The resource is appropriate for Combined and Triple Science classes. Higher tier only. You can also download the FREE resources “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP2 & CP2 Forces and Motion Lesson outline and equipment list” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop. updated 9/10/18
Forces and Motion SP2 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

Forces and Motion SP2 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

12 Resources
Full lessons with resources for those teaching GCSE Edexcel Physics Topic 2 for Triple Science classes. If you are teaching Combined Science only then the CP2 bundle will be more suitable for you as it does not contain the extra lesson required for Triple Science. Lessons include easy to follow presentations that promote high levels of pupil engagement. The bundle includes 8 full lessons with associated resources, the required core practical, 2 revision placemats plus my lesson overview and resources list for the topic. A very small number of the resources require access to Pearson Active Teach, however, the vast majority are included in the presentations or as a separate file.
Radioactivity CP6 / SP6 EDEXCEL 9-1 GCSE Physics Lesson outline and equipment list

Radioactivity CP6 / SP6 EDEXCEL 9-1 GCSE Physics Lesson outline and equipment list

Lesson outline with details of equipment required and possible worksheets/activities for the GCSE Edexcel topic CP6 & SP6 Radioactivity. This Topic has extra content for Triple Science. The lesson required for CP6 combined Science classes are indicated in blue in the first column (8 lessons). For Triple science, teach all lessons in this outline (13 lessons). I have full lessons for this unit of work available in my shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Waves SP4 (& CP4) EDEXCEL 9-1 GCSE Physics Lesson outline and equipment list

Waves SP4 (& CP4) EDEXCEL 9-1 GCSE Physics Lesson outline and equipment list

Lesson outline with details of equipment required and possible worksheets/activities for the GCSE Edexcel Triple Science topic SP4 Waves. It also includes CP4 for Combined Science classes, lesson a-c and the core practical. It is suitable for both foundation and higher tiers. I have full lessons for this unit of work available in my TES shop. A FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Investigating Acceleration Core Practical CP2d SP2d Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Forces and Motion

Investigating Acceleration Core Practical CP2d SP2d Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Forces and Motion

PowerPoint presentation to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics Core Practical on Investigating Acceleration. It includes a context, equipment, an introduction to the Core Practical and information on how to collect the required data. The resource is appropriate for Combined and Triple Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. You can also download the FREE resources “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP2 & CP2 Forces and Motion Lesson outline and equipment list” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
SP11 Static Electricity Lesson outline and equipment list GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 Triple Science

SP11 Static Electricity Lesson outline and equipment list GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 Triple Science

Lesson outline with details of equipment required and possible worksheets/activities for the GCSE Edexcel topic SP11 Static Electricity. This topic of for Triple Science classes only. It is suitable for both foundation and higher tiers. I have full lessons for this unit of work available in my TES shop. A FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Motion CP1 / SP1 EDEXCEL 9-1 GCSE Physics Lesson outline and equipment list

Motion CP1 / SP1 EDEXCEL 9-1 GCSE Physics Lesson outline and equipment list

Lesson outline with details of equipment required and possible worksheets/activities for the GCSE Edexcel topic CP1 and SP1 Motion. For this topic, the content is the same for Combined and Triple Science. It is suitable for both foundation and higher tiers. I have full lessons for this unit of work available in my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Electricity and Circuits SP10 & CP9 EDEXCEL 9-1 GCSE Physics Lesson outline and equipment list

Electricity and Circuits SP10 & CP9 EDEXCEL 9-1 GCSE Physics Lesson outline and equipment list

Lesson outline with details of equipment required and possible worksheets/activities for the GCSE Edexcel Combined and Triple Science topic SP10/CP9 Electricity and Circuits. It is suitable for both foundation and higher tiers. I have full lessons for this unit of work available in my TES shop. A FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Conservation of Energy CP3 and SP3 EDEXCEL 9-1 Lesson outline and equipment list GCSE Physics

Conservation of Energy CP3 and SP3 EDEXCEL 9-1 Lesson outline and equipment list GCSE Physics

Lesson outline with details of equipment required and possible worksheets/activities for the GCSE Edexcel topic CP3 & SP3 Conservation of Energy. You can download the 1st of my lessons for FREE in my TES shop. For this topic, the content is the same for Combined and Triple Science. It is suitable for both foundation and higher tiers. I have full lessons for this unit of work available in my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
SP2d CP2d Core practical tables and data - investigating acceleration

SP2d CP2d Core practical tables and data - investigating acceleration

Tables for Investigating the effect of mass on acceleration for EDEXCEL GCSE Physics and Combined science. Blank tables and example data. It is notoriously hard to get decent results for this practical so I noramlly get my classes to have a go for a lesson and, if they don’t get a full set of results, provide them with the example data to use for their write up.
More about Resistance SP10e CP9e Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Electricity and Circuits

More about Resistance SP10e CP9e Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Electricity and Circuits

Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on More about Resistance. It covers uses of diodes, LDRs and thermistors and how current changes with potential difference in fixed resistors, how the resistances of light-dependent resistors (LDRs) and thermistors vary with changes in the surrounding conditions and how current and resistance change with potential difference in filament lamps and diodes/LEDs. The resource is appropriate for Triple and Combined Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Rotational Forces SP9c Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Energy-Forces

Rotational Forces SP9c Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Energy-Forces

Full Lesson PowerPoint to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Rotational Forces. It covers situations where forces can cause rotation, how levers and gears transmit the rotational effects of forces, use of the equation for moments and use of the principle of moments to calculate forces and distances in equilibrium situations. The resource is appropriate for Higher and Foundation tier Triple Science classes only. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.