My lessons are comprehensive, well organised and promote high levels of pupil engagement. They contain a high number of challenge tasks that are built into the lesson resources to stretch even the most able.
I have also started an Instagram flash card account that pupils can follow for physics revision as they scroll. The account is called physicsflash
My lessons are comprehensive, well organised and promote high levels of pupil engagement. They contain a high number of challenge tasks that are built into the lesson resources to stretch even the most able.
I have also started an Instagram flash card account that pupils can follow for physics revision as they scroll. The account is called physicsflash
Full lessons with resources for those teaching GCSE Edexcel Physics Topic 6 (for Triple Science and covers what you need for Combined Science Topic 6). Lessons include easy to follow presentations that promote high levels of pupil engagement. If you are also teaching Combined Science this is covered here. If you are teaching only Combined Science the CP6 bundle will be more suited to you.
The bundle includes 13 full lessons with associated resources plus my lesson overview and resources list for the topic.
A very small number of the resources require access to Pearson Active Teach, however, the vast majority are included in the presentations or as a separate file.
This is a full set of retrieval practice activities to be used as quick 10-15 minute tasks during lessons. These tasks have been created to fit in throughout the whole EDEXCEL physics and combined science physics GCSE course (task list shown in the ‘Physics retrieval TASK LIST AND GUIDE’ that is also attached).
There are 23 different retrieval task – some are for triple science only with different tasks written for combined science physics (H an F different where necessary.
My retrieval practice activities are all out of 20 marks and are intended to test pupils retrieval of knowledge from recent and more historic topics (approx. 10 marks from recent lessons and 10 marks from other topics taught previously). They are best printed as A5 sized booklets.
All retrieval tasks come with an answer document that can be used for easy teacher marking or can be displayed for self/peer marking.
Retrieval task number 5 is available for FREE in my TES shop to enable you to see an example task.
Full Lesson PowerPoint to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lessons on SP15a/CP13a Bending and Stretching and SP15b/CP13b Extension and Energy Transfers. It covers the relationship between force and extension for a spring and a rubber band (also comparing them), the difference between elastic and inelastic distortion, that more than one force is needed to distort an object, the equation that links force, extension and the spring constant, the equation relating the energy transferred to the extension of a spring and that work has to be done to stretch a spring.
The resource is appropriate for Triple and Combined Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers.
Note: I have combined these 2 lessons in an attempt to save some time but it may take 2 lessons to cover – depends on your class and how much time you have available.
The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
PowerPoint presentation to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics Core Practical on Investigating Springs. It includes equipment, an introduction to the Core Practical and information on how to collect and analyse the required data.
The resource is appropriate for Combined and Triple Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers.
The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers full lesson (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Ears and Hearing. It covers the parts of the human ear and their functions, how sound waves in air are converted to vibrations in solids, factors affecting how well sound waves transfer energy to solids and why the human ear can only detect a certain range of frequencies.
Also includes an optional extra activity on hearing damage.
The resource is appropriate for Triple Science classes, for Higher tier only.
The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop along with other lessons from Topic 4.
Updated 7th Jan 2019.
Full Lesson PowerPoint to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Ultrasound. It covers defining ultrasound, calculating depth or distance from time and wave velocity and uses of ultrasound including sonar and body/foetal scanning.
The resource is appropriate for Triple Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers.
The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop along with other lessons from Topic 4.
Full lessons with resources for those teaching GCSE Edexcel Physics Topic 4 for Triple Science classes. If you are teaching Combined Science only then the CP4 bundle will be more suitable for you as it does not contain the extra lesson required for Triple Science. Lessons include easy to follow presentations that promote high levels of pupil engagement.
The bundle includes 7 full lessons with associated resources plus the required core practical and my lesson overview and resources list for the topic.
A very small number of the resources require access to Pearson Active Teach, however, the vast majority are included in the presentations or as a separate file.
Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Infrasound. It covers definition and uses of infrasound, seismic waves, P- and S-wave behaviour and using seismic waves to investigate the Earth’s structure.
The resource is appropriate for Triple Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers.
The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop along with other lessons from Topic 4.
Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on The National Grid. It covers how the national grid transmits electricity around the country, that transformers can change the voltage of an alternating current, why step-up and step-down transformers are used, how transformers work and using the turns ratio equation for transformers.
The resource is appropriate for Triple Science classes and it covers foundation and higher material.
The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Electromagnetic Induction. It covers how to produce an electric current by induction on a small scale, how different factors affect the size and direction of an induced current, how the magnetic field produced by an induced potential difference opposes the original change, how electromagnetic induction is used in alternators and dynamos, how microphones work in terms of changing pressure variations into variations in electric current and how loudspeakers change variations in current to variations in air pressure.
The resource is appropriate for Triple Science classes and is for** Higher tier only**.
The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Full lessons with resources for those teaching GCSE Edexcel Physics Topic 13 Electromagnetic Induction (SP13)for Triple Science classes. Lessons include easy to follow presentations that promote high levels of pupil engagement.
The bundle includes 3 full lessons with associated resources plus my lesson overview and resources list for the topic.
Full Lesson PowerPoint to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Transformers and Energy. It covers a recap of the the law of conservation of energy linking to transformers, power of an electric current is current multiplied by the voltage, the power equation for transformers, recalling and using equations relating current, voltage, power and resistance and using them to explain the advantages of power transmission in high-voltage cables.
The resource is appropriate for Triple Science classes and it covers foundation and higher material.
UPDATE 10/03/20: due to typo on slide 9
The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Full lessons with resources for those teaching GCSE Edexcel Physics Topic Particle Model, SP14 for triple and CP12 for combined. Lessons include easy to follow presentations that promote high levels of pupil engagement.
The bundle includes 5 full lessons (5th lesson, SP14e is for Triple only) and 2 core practicals with associated resources plus my lesson overview and resources list for the topic.
Note: If you are teaching combined science only I have created a separate bundle for CP12 that does not include the triple science only lesson.