You can print these as posters or as postcards, just by adjusting the settings on the print page from whole page to multiple.
The Challenge cards work really well with Year 11 when they are struggling to put into words why a piece of work by another artist has inspired them. They can choose their own level of challenge.
This is a 'what if' lesson, asking students to use first impressions and then discover if their first impression is the one they would trust when they analyse further information. It can be a verbal activity or a written task, or however you want it.
This resource can be used with my Schemes of Learning- Literacy and Numeracy are written into the Art Schemes of Learning with Art foci, as well as Assessment data for each task. (Schemes of Learning and Assessment data available soon).
Teach your students how to mix primary and secondary colours. There are some catchy videos embedded in the presentation from youtube. The kids love it.
This test fits in with age expectation targets. There is a marksheet that you may download and adapt to your needs also, which stores this information and calculates progress in lessons again targets.
Teach your students (or print the sheet and let them learn by themselves) how to edit one of their drawings in Photoshop to look like Andy Warhol’s work from the Mick Jagger series. This sheet will help students learn how to use tools, layers, and experiment with filters.
T3each your students about shading. This presentation introduces students to the correct tools required, tonal scales, and how that all translates to good 3D rendering.