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Bible Pathway Adventures creates affordable Bible resources to help parents teach their children more about the Bible. We have 25 years teaching experience in the Body of Messiah. For free printable activities, Bible stories, and lesson plans, please visit https://shop.biblepathwayadventures.com.




Bible Pathway Adventures creates affordable Bible resources to help parents teach their children more about the Bible. We have 25 years teaching experience in the Body of Messiah. For free printable activities, Bible stories, and lesson plans, please visit https://shop.biblepathwayadventures.com.
Vayikra | Levítico: Libro de Actividades con Porciones de la Torá

Vayikra | Levítico: Libro de Actividades con Porciones de la Torá

Conviértanse en viajeros del tiempo de la Torá a través del estudio de la Biblia! Aquí hay un conjunto maravilloso de recursos para ayudarte a educar a tus estudiantes acerca del Libro del Levítico de una forma divertida e interesante. Contiene 95 páginas de cuestionarios de la Biblia, sopas de letra, páginas para colorear, hojas de ejercicios divertidas y preguntas para discutir que abarcan las once Porciones del Levítico de la Torá. ADEMÁS, referencias detalladas de las escrituras para estudios adicionales de la Biblia y Guía de Respuestas para educadores y padres. Topics covered include the sacrificial system, atonement, holiness, and the Feasts (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Shavuot (Pentecost), Yom Kippur, Yom Teruah (Trumpets), and Sukkot (Tabernacles). Este Libro de Actividades imprimibles puede ser usado para completar un cuaderno de notas interactivo de la Biblia o como actividades independientes. Puedes usar las Porciones de la Torá para presentarlas o como un suplemento a tus actividades de estudios de la Biblia. El recurso perfecto para que los maestros de educación en el hogar, Shabat y escuela dominical y los padres tengan a la mano. Se necesita de muy poca preparación. Simplemente imprima las hojas de actividades que necesita, ¡y tendrá todo listo! CADA PORCIÓN DE TORAH INCLUYE: Un Cuestionario de Lectura de La Torá Un Cuestionario de Lectura de Uno De Los Profetas Un Cuestionario de Lectura de Un Apóstol Una Sopa de Letras De La Torá Una Hoja de Trabajo Divertida (4 Actividades) Una Pregunta Bíblica Y Una Actividad Para Colorear Aprendamos Hebreo Hoja de Trabajo De Preguntas de Reflexión EL LIBRO DE ACTIVIDADES INCLUYE: Vayikra (Levítico 1:1-5:26) Tzav (Levítico 6:1-8:36) Shemini (Levítico 9:1-11:47) Tazria (Levítico 12:1-13:59) Metzora (Levítico 14:1-15:33) Ajarei Mot (Levítico 16:1-18:30) Kedoshim (Levítico 19:1-20:27) Emor (Levítico 21:1-24:23) Behar (Levítico 25:1-26:2) Bejukotai (Levítico 26:3-27:34)
Shemot | Éxodo: Libro de Actividades con Porciones de la Torá

Shemot | Éxodo: Libro de Actividades con Porciones de la Torá

¡Conviértanse en viajeros del tiempo de la Torá a través del estudio de la Biblia! Aquí hay un conjunto maravilloso de recursos para ayudarte a educar a tus estudiantes acerca del Libro del Éxodo de una forma divertida e interesante. Contiene 89 páginas de cuestionarios de la Biblia, sopas de letra, páginas para colorear, hojas de ejercicios divertidas y preguntas para discutir que abarcan las once Porciones del Éxodo de la Torá. ADEMÁS, referencias detalladas de las escrituras para estudios adicionales de la Biblia y Guía de Respuestas para educadores y padres. Los temas tratados incluyen Moisés y las Diez Plagas, el Cruce del Mar Rojo, la batalla de Refidim, Monte Sinaí, los Diez Mandamientos, el Becerro de Oro y las instrucciones de Dios a los israelitas. Este Libro de Actividades imprimibles puede ser usado para completar un cuaderno de notas interactivo de la Biblia o como actividades independientes. Puedes usar las Porciones de la Torá para presentarlas o como un suplemento a tus actividades de estudios de la Biblia. El recurso perfecto para que los maestros de educación en el hogar, Shabat y escuela dominical y los padres tengan a la mano. Se necesita de muy poca preparación. Simplemente imprima las hojas de actividades que necesita, ¡y tendrá todo listo! CADA PORCIÓN DE TORAH INCLUYE: Un Cuestionario de Lectura de La Torá Un Cuestionario de Lectura de Uno De Los Profetas Un Cuestionario de Lectura de Un Apóstol Una Sopa de Letras De La Torá Una Hoja de Trabajo Divertida (4 Actividades) Una Pregunta Bíblica Y Una Actividad Para Colorear Hoja de Trabajo De Preguntas de Reflexión EL LIBRO DE ACTIVIDADES INCLUYE: Shemot (Éxodo 1:1-6:1) Va’eira (Éxodo 6:2-9:35) Bo (Éxodo 10:1-13:16) Beshalaj (Éxodo 13:17-17:16) Yitro (Éxodo 18:1-20:26) Mishpatim (Éxodo 21:1-24:18) Terumah (Éxodo 25:1-27:19) Tetzaveh (Éxodo 27:20-30:10) Ki Tisa (Éxodo 30:11-34:35) Vayajel (Éxodo 35:1-38:20) Pekudei (Éxodo 38:21-40:38)
Bereshit | Génesis: Libro de Actividades con Porciones de la Torá

Bereshit | Génesis: Libro de Actividades con Porciones de la Torá

Diviértanse enseñando a sus hijos acerca de La Biblia con nuestro libro de actividades de discipulado práctico: “Bereshit | Génesis - Libro de Actividades con Porciones de la Torá”, el cual contiene páginas para colorear y tarjetas educativas para ayudarles a que enseñen a sus hijos acerca de la Fe Bíblica. Este libro de actividades para colorear está diseñado para impulsar a que padres y educadores pasen tiempo enseñando a los niños de una manera creativa y divertida. Prácticamente no requiere preparación por parte del maestro, es tan sencillo como imprimir las actividades que necesiten, ¡y listo! Es la herramienta de actividades perfecta de discipulado para educadores en el hogar, padres de familia, educadores en Shabat, y maestros de escuela dominical. This printable Activity Book can be used to fill a Bible interactive notebook or as standalone activities. The perfect resource to keep on hand for Homeschoolers, Sabbath and Sunday School teachers, and parents. Very little teacher prep needed. Just print the activity sheets you need, and go! CADA PORCIÓN DE TORAH INCLUYE: Un Cuestionario de Lectura de La Torá Un Cuestionario de Lectura de Uno De Los Profetas Un Cuestionario de Lectura de Un Apóstol Una Sopa de Letras De La Torá Una Hoja de Trabajo Divertida (4 Actividades) Una Pregunta Bíblica Y Una Actividad Para Colorear Hoja de Trabajo De Preguntas de Reflexión EL LIBRO DE ACTIVIDADES INCLUYE: Bereshit (Génesis 1:1-6:8) Noaj (Génesis 6:9-11:32) Lej-Leja (Génesis 12:1-17:27) Vayeira (Génesis 18:1-22:24) Jayei Sarah (Génesis 23:1-25:18) Toledot (Génesis 25:19-28-9) Vayetze (Génesis 28:10-32:3) Vayishlaj (Génesis 32:4-36:43) Vayeshev (Génesis 37:1-40:23) Miketz (Génesis 41:1-44:17) Vayigash (Génesis 44:18-47:27) Vayeji (Génesis 47:28-50:26)
Libro de Actividades de la Porción Semanal de la Torá

Libro de Actividades de la Porción Semanal de la Torá

¡Conviértete en un viajero del tiempo de la Torá mediante el estudio de la Biblia! Tus alumnos AMARÁN aprender acerca de la Torá cada semana con esta maravillosa serie de recursos imprimibles de la Torá. Contiene 65 hojas de trabajo para colorear de la Biblia abarcando el libro de la Génesis, Éxodo, Levítico, Números, y Deuteronomio. ADEMÁS encontrarás referencias detalladas de pasajes para un mayor estudio de la Biblia, y un glosario de respuestas para los maestros y padres. Este Libro de Actividades imprimible puede ser usado para completar un cuaderno interactivo de la Biblia o como actividades independientes. Puedes usar las Porciones de la Torá en el orden presentado o como un complemento de tus actividades de estudio de la Biblia. Es el recurso perfecto para los educadores en el hogar, maestros de escuela dominical y en Shabat, y padres. Prácticamente no requiere preparación por parte del maestro. Simplemente ¡IMPRÍMELO Y LISTO! Become Torah time travelers through Bible study! Your students will LOVE learning about the Torah each week with this wonderful set of printable Spanish Torah resources. Contains 65 pages of Bible coloring worksheets spanning the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. PLUS detailed scripture references for further Bible study and an answer key for teachers and parents. This printable Spanish Bible Activity Book can be used to fill a Bible interactive notebook or as standalone activities. You may use the Torah Portions in the order we present them or as a supplement to your Bible study activities. The perfect resource to keep on hand for Homeschoolers, Sabbath and Sunday School teachers, and parents. Very little teacher prep needed. PRINT-AND-GO! CARACTERÍSTICAS **54 hojas de trabajo imprimibles para colorear con Porciones de la Torá **Hoja de trabajo de Mis notas de la Parashá para toma de apuntes adicionales **Un glosario de respuestas detallado para los maestros y padres
Learning Hebrew: The Alphabet for Beginners

Learning Hebrew: The Alphabet for Beginners

Looking for a fun and easy way to teach your children the Hebrew alphabet? Our Learning Hebrew: The Alphabet activity book is the perfect tool to help you teach your children the basics of the Hebrew language, while giving them insight into the day-to-day life of the Hebrew people. We’ve included coloring activities and short explanations to show children how each letter was understood by the Hebrews. Plus plenty of opportunities for them to practice writing what they’ve learned. Understanding Hebrew will help kids gain an increased Biblical understanding and a deeper love for the people of the Bible. The perfect Hebrew reading discipleship tool to help you teach your children a Biblical faith. Very little teacher prep needed. Just print the activity sheets you need, and go! What you’ll get… The Hebrew Alphabet chart for easy reference Modern Hebrew Alphabet pronunciation chart Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Two hands-on coloring worksheets for each letter of the Hebrew Alphabet featuring pictograph, paleo, and modern Hebrew: Aleph, Bet, Gimmel, Dalet, Hey, Vav, Zayin, Het, Tet, Yod, Kaph, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samech, Ayin, Peh, Tsadi, Qoph, Resh, Shin, and Tav Printable flashcard set featuring Hebrew letters and pictures
130+ New Testament Quizzes & Activities: Activity Book Bundle

130+ New Testament Quizzes & Activities: Activity Book Bundle

2 Resources
Increase your Bible knowledge with our New Testament Quiz Book and Paul’s Journeys Activity Book. Packed with 130+ pages of maps, quizzes and activities about the people, places, and events of the New Testament. Visit Bethlehem with the Magi, escape to Egypt with Mary & Joseph, and travel the road to Damascus with Paul! The perfect Bible lesson resource to keep on hand for Sabbath and Sunday School teachers, and homeschooling. What you’ll get… New Testament Quiz Book… 65 New Testament quizzes in pdf format (8.5" x 11"), including An angel visits Mary, Birth of the Messiah, The twelve disciples, Parable of the good Samaritan, Feeding the 5000, Sermon on the Mount, Armor of God, Road to Damascus, The resurrection, Fruit of the Spirit, and many more! Coloring elements provide visual prompts to reinforce learning Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for educators Paul’s Journeys Activity Book… Paul the Apostle Letters to the Epistles chart Hands-on map activities covering Asia Minor, the land of Israel, and the Roman Empire 35 Bible quizzes including Road to Damascus, Escape from Damascus, Paul & Barnabas on Cyprus, Paul in Corinth, Riot in Ephesus, Plot against Paul, Priscilla & Aquila, Shipwrecked, Romans, Ephesians, Philippians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Colossians, Titus, 1 & 2 Timothy, and many more. 35 fun worksheets, coloring pages and puzzles covering Paul’s journeys through Asia Minor and the thirteen books of the Bible written by Paul Original Bible Pathway Adventures’ illustrations Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Answer key for parents and teachers For more inspiring educational resources visit: Bible Pathway Adventures
Men and Women of the Bible Activity Bundle

Men and Women of the Bible Activity Bundle

2 Resources
Let’s learn about the men and women of the Bible! Our Men & Women of the Bible Activity Book BUNDLE contains a mix of illustrated Bible quizzes and worksheets from the Old and New Testaments, plus detailed scripture references for further Bible reading and answer keys at the back of each book for parents and educators. The perfect resource to keep on hand for Homeschoolers, Sunday and Sabbath school teachers, and parents. Very little teacher prep needed. Just print the activities and go! This bundle contains a 40-page PDF and a 102-page PDF. WHO IS IT FOR? 3rd Graders (8 to 9-year-olds) 4th Graders (9 to 10-year-olds) 5th Graders (10 to 11-year-olds) 6th Graders (11 to 12-year-olds) 7th Graders (12 to 13-year-olds) Visual Learners Homeschoolers Interactive learners
The Passover Story Activity Books BUNDLE

The Passover Story Activity Books BUNDLE

2 Resources
These Activity Books are a wonderful way to help students learn about the Passover Story. Bundle includes: The Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread: 58 pages of puzzles, coloring pages, creative writing and map activities, fact sheets, crafts, and more. Moses and the Ten Plagues: 107 pages of lesson plans,coloring pages, quizzes, creative writing worksheets, and activities. WHAT’S INCLUDED? Lesson One: Moses and the princess Bible quiz: Moses and the princess Coloring page: Moses and the princess Bible word scramble: Who raised Moses? Bible word search: Moses and the princess Comprehension worksheet: Land of Goshen Let’s learn Hebrew: Moses Worksheet: Baby Moses Question ’n color: The Hebrews are slaves Bible verse match Map activity: Where is Egypt? Coloring page: The Pharaoh Worksheet: The Egyptian Times Lesson Two: The burning bush Bible quiz: Moses escapes to Midian Labyrinth: Escape from Egypt! Worksheet: Moses escapes to Midian Map activity: Moses moves to Midian Comprehension worksheet: Life in the desert Complete the picture: Life in the desert Worksheet: Moses was a shepherd Bible activity: Mount Sinai Bible crossword: The burning bush Coloring worksheet: The burning bush Worksheet: What’s the Word? Let’s Write: A day in the life of Moses Coloring page: The burning bush Lesson Three: The plaguese Bible quiz: The plagues Comprehension worksheet: Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh Coloring worksheet: Pharaoh Worksheet: Write your name in hieroglyphics Comprehension worksheet: Egyptian gods Bible crossword: Ten plagues of Egypt Worksheet: Ten plagues of Egypt Question ’n color: The ten plagues Craft: Make a paper frog Worksheet: Plagues! Worksheet: The Nile Coloring page: Ten plagues of Egypt Bible craft: Make your own Ten Plagues lapbook Lesson Four: The Passover Let’s learn Hebrew: Passover Worksheet: What’s the Word? Comprehension worksheet: The Passover Worksheet: What do you eat for the Passover meal? Bible activity: The Passover meal Coloring page: The Passover Bible word search: Feast of Unleavened Bread Recipe: Unleavened Bread Worksheet: I spy! Connect the dots: Moses Coloring worksheet: Moses Worksheet: The Egyptian Times Bible craft: Make a ten plagues necklace Lesson Five: Red Sea crossing Bible quiz: Red Sea crossing Bible word search: Red Sea crossing Let’s learn Hebrew: Unleavened Bread Comprehension worksheet: Feast of Unleavened Bread Worksheet: The Exodus Bible activity: The Exodus Fun worksheet: Red Sea crossing Worksheet: Egyptian war chariot Coloring worksheet: Red Sea crossing Comprehension worksheet: Red Sea discovery? Coloring page: Red Sea crossing
Clean and Unclean Coloring Activity Book

Clean and Unclean Coloring Activity Book

Your children will LOVE learning about clean and unclean animals of the Bible with this FUN hands-on Clean and Unclean Activity Book for Beginners. Each page invites them to learn about clean and unclean animals, birds, and marine animals through coloring and writing activities. Designed to help you teach your children the basics of clean and unclean animals (Deuteronomy 14 and Leviticus 11) in a fun and creative way. Suitable for kids ages 3-7. What you’ll get… 60+ coloring activity pages featuring clean and unclean animals Word tracing exercises to help your child learn their ABCs Animal flashcards to help your child remember what they learned Fun clean and unclean Bible word search puzzles Hands-on activity pages to increase bible knowledge Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Printable list of Clean and Unclean animals Clean and Unclean Activity Book includes… Coloring activity pages: Clean: cow, sheep, locust, deer, goat, fish, moose, chicken, buffalo, turkey, antelope, giraffe, duck, peacock Unclean: donkey, pig, lion, worm, camel, frog, hippo, snake, dog, monkey, rabbit, crab, shrimp, elephant 2. Printable flashcard sets: Set 1: cow, sheep locust, deer Set 2: goat, fish, moose, chicken Set 3: buffalo, turkey, antelope, giraffe Set 4: duck, peacock, donkey, pig Set 5: lion, worm, camel, frog Set 6: hippo, snake, dog, monkey Set 7: rabbit, crab, shrimp, elephant Bible word search puzzles (clean and unclean animals) Clean and Unclean animal name tracing and writing exercises Clean and Unclean animal activity pages A great way to introduce clean and unclean animals and birds into your homeschooling routine or classroom.
Paul's Shipwreck Activity Book

Paul's Shipwreck Activity Book

The religious leaders in Jerusalem trembled with fury. The apostle Paul used to be one of them. But since his trip to Damascus, Paul now taught that Yeshua was the Messiah. “Paul is teaching lies,” said the priests. “We must stop him!” Thrown into prison, Paul knows he has done nothing wrong. He sails to Rome to stand before the mighty Roman Emperor. But can Paul reach Rome alive? Dive into the story of Paul’s final journey to Rome with this Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book. Includes five done-for-you lessons, challenging puzzles, coloring pages, map activities, comprehension worksheets, Bible crafts, and creative writing activities to foster kids imagination and teach students the story of Paul’s shipwreck in a fun and engaging way. Students will discover: The significance of Paul’s appeal to Caesar and the challenges he faced, giving them insights into his faith and determination Ancient biblical locations such as Caesarea, Myra, Fair Havens, and the Islands of Crete and Malta Pivotal events and terms such as Yom Kippur, the plot to kill Paul, and Paul’s journey to Rome Basic Hebrew words such as Sha’ul (Paul) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) How the Romans traded with other nations and ruled the Mediterranean Where Paul was shipwrecked and his adventures on the island of Malta What you’ll get: FIVE teacher lesson plans to make lesson prep a breeze, including Paul appeals to Caesar, Paul’s Warning, A Violent Storm, Shipwrecked! and Bitten by a Snake 70+ fun & engaging activity pages in PDF format (8.5” x 11”) - you pick which are best for your students Scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for guidance and clarity
The Exodus Coloring Activity Book & Lesson Plans

The Exodus Coloring Activity Book & Lesson Plans

Freed from Pharaoh’s reign in Egypt, Moses leads His people into the wilderness to learn God’s Ways. The journey is tough. Raging seas, fearsome enemies, awesome giants… But God is in control. His plan for His people will triumph! Can the twelve tribes of Israel survive forty years in the desert to reach the Promised Land? The Exodus Activity Book for kids ages 6-12 combines five detailed lesson plans with fun worksheets, coloring pages, puzzles, and activities to make Bible learning fun! The perfect Bible lesson resource for Sabbath and Sunday School lessons, and homeschooling schedules for multiple children. What you’ll get… FIVE teacher lesson plans, including Red Sea crossing, The Ten Commandments, The Golden Calf, The Tabernacle, and Spies into Canaan 100+ activity pages in pdf format (8.5” x 11”) Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for teachers and parents This Activity Book can be used to fill a Bible interactive notebook or as standalone activities. You may use our lesson plans in the order we present them or as a supplement to your Bible activities.
BUNDLE:  Paul the Apostle Activity Books

BUNDLE: Paul the Apostle Activity Books

2 Resources
Here’s a wonderful bundle of resources to help you teach your students about the adventures of Paul the Apostle in a fun creative way. This BUNDLE includes two Activity Books: ⭐️Paul’s Journeys Quiz Activity Book: Travel with Paul through Asia Minor and the land of Israel with our Paul’s Journeys Activity Book for kids ages 6-12. Packed with 80+ pages of Bible quizzes, maps, hands-on worksheets and coloring pages to help educators just like you teach students the Biblical faith. A wonderful way to introduce them to the early church and the crucial role Paul played in spreading the true gospel. Includes detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up, and an answer key for educators. ⭐️The Apostle Paul Activity Book: From the stoning of Stephen to Paul’s shipwreck on the island of Malta, your students will love learning about the life of Paul in a fun and engaging way. Packed with easy-to-use lesson plans, puzzles, activities, and coloring pages to engage young minds in an educational exploration of Paul’s travels, and the important lessons he taught along the way. Contains 15 Bible story units packed with 140 pages of activities covering Paul’s incredible adventures. For more inspiring educational resources visit: <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/pip29”>Bible Pathway Adventures</a>
Love: Fruit of the Spirit Activity Book & Lesson Plan

Love: Fruit of the Spirit Activity Book & Lesson Plan

Students will love learning about the Fruit of the Spirit with LOVE: Fruit of the Spirit Activity Book. With an easy-to-follow teacher lesson plan, coloring pages, fun worksheets and puzzles, this lesson allows students to explore the theme of love through the story of the Good Samaritan. The Activity Book aims to nurture their spiritual growth, teaching them how to embody and share God’s love with each other. Prep is quick and easy - just print the pages you need, and you’re ready for a fun and engaging class! What you’ll get… Easy-to-use The Good Samaritan lesson plan that includes a lesson introduction, carefully written kid-friendly Bible story, key vocabulary review, Bible story comprehension questions, Bible memory verse, and 14 hands-on activities to help students remember what they’ve learned Fun & engaging activity pages in PDF format (8.5" x 11") Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for educators What’s inside… Teacher lesson plan: The good Samaritan What’s the Word: A lesson in love Bible quiz: The good Samaritan Bible word search puzzle: The good Samaritan Worksheet: The good Samaritan Newspaper worksheet: The Jericho Times Coloring worksheet: If you love Me… Worksheet: What did the Israelites wear? Worksheet: The greatest commandment Coloring page: Do everything in love Creative writing: If you love Me Bible craft: Make a hanging mobile Banner: Love Worksheet: The Holy Spirit Worksheet: My Bible Notes Answer key for parents and teachers
Fruit of the Spirit Coloring Activity Book & Lesson Plans

Fruit of the Spirit Coloring Activity Book & Lesson Plans

Enjoy teaching your students about the Fruit of the Spirit with our Fruit of the Spirit Activity Book. Packed with easy-to-use lesson plans and fun activities to help your students learn Godly character and how to demonstrate it in their own lives. This book includes 140+ pages designed for 3rd through 6th graders. Students will discover the power of love through the parable of the Good Samaritan, experience the joy of Paul and Silas in prison as they praise in difficult circumstances, learn about peace through the faith of Daniel in the lions’ den, explore patience as they follow Joseph’s journey from the pit to the palace. They’ll witness the power of kindness as a paralyzed man is healed by Yeshua, uncover the goodness of King Josiah’s dedication to God’s instructions, delve into the faithfulness of Abraham and his trust in God’s promises, embrace the gentleness of Moses as he leads the Israelites out of slavery, and witness David’s act of self-control as he spares King Saul’s life, showing restraint and respect. Nine weeks of instruction are included to help you teach students Galatians 5:22-23. Each lesson includes a whole group lesson plan and interactive activities. Move on to small groups and rotate your students through various activities - crafts, coloring pages, fun worksheets, and games. These activities can be used orally in a classroom setting, or printed and sent home with kids to use independently - you choose! What you’ll get… Easy-to-use lesson plans that include an attention-grabbing lesson hook, a kid-friendly Bible story, key vocabulary review, a Bible memory verse, questions to encourage critical thought, and fun hands-on activities - no preparation needed! 9 Fruit of the Spirit Bible story modules, including The good Samaritan, Paul & Silas in Prison, Daniel and the Lions, Joseph Rises to Power, Healing a Paralyzed Man, King Josiah and the Torah, Abraham’s Journeys, Miriam and Aaron oppose Moses, and David spares King Saul’s life Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for educators What’s inside… Week 1: Love - The Good Samaritan Week 2: Joy - Paul & Silas in Prison Week 3: Peace - Daniel and the lions Week 4: Patience - Joseph rises to power Week 5: Kindness - Healing a paralyzed man Week 6: Goodness - King Josiah and the Torah Week 7: Faithfulness - Abraham’s Journeys Week 8: Gentleness - Miriam and Aaron oppose Moses Week 9: Self-control - David spares King Saul’s life
Bible Task Cards: Old Testament

Bible Task Cards: Old Testament

Make Bible learning fun! Our Old Testament Task Card activity book is packed with biblical task cards to help you teach your students about the Bible in a fun and engaging way. Includes 73 Task Cards sets focused on the Old Testament.- that’s over 290 questions! Each task card features an original Bible cartoon and a reference scripture for students to look up. THIS PACK ALSO INCLUDES a printable Bible Notes activity sheet for students to record their answers and a detailed Answer Key. This activity is supplemental and should be used after your students have been introduced to sections of the Old Testament. Task cards are great for active learning, extra practice, intervention, review, Scoot, small group study, whole class instruction, and class competition. Very little prep needed. Just print the Task Cards you need, and go! WHO IS IT FOR? 3rd - 8th Graders (8 to 14-year-olds) Visual Learners Homeschoolers Children’s ministry leaders Interactive learners OLD TESTAMENT TASK CARDS INCLUDE: Creation, Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel, Noah’s Ark, Covenant with Noah, Tower of Babel, Abraham & Sarah, Sodom & Gomorrah, Birth of Isaac, Isaac & Rebekah, Jacob & Esau, Jacob’s ladder, Joseph’s dreams, Joseph in Egypt, Baby Moses, Burning Bush, Ten Plagues, The Passover, Red Sea Crossing, Ten Commandments, Golden Calf, The Tabernacle, Korah Rebels, Joshua, Twelve Spies, Balaam’s Donkey, Water from the Rock, Rahab & the Spies, Battle of Jericho, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah’s Daughter, Samson, Samson & Delilah, Samson in the Temple, Ruth, Ruth & Boaz, Samuel, King Saul, Witch of Endor, Ark is Captured, David & Goliath, David the Outlaw, David & Bathsheba, Kings of the Bible, Solomon’s wisdom, Queen of Sheba, Elijah in the Wilderness, Naboth’s vineyard, Chariots of Fire, Elisha and Naaman, Hezekiah’s Gold, Prophets of Baal, Josiah & the Torah, The Potter’s Wheel, King Nebuchadnezzar, Fiery Furnace, Belshazzar’s Feast, Daniel and the Lions, Jonah and the Fish, Esther and the King, Mordecai, Esther saves her People, Nehemiah, Job, Proverbs, Day of Atonement, Day of Trumpets, Feast of Sukkot, Mothers in the Bible, Fathers in the Bible, and Isaiah.
Weekly Torah Portion Coloring Activity Book for Kids

Weekly Torah Portion Coloring Activity Book for Kids

Become Torah time travelers through Bible study! Your students will LOVE learning about the Torah each week with this wonderful set of Torah resources. Helps them remember what they’ve learned in a fun and engaging way. Includes Bible coloring worksheets, study guides, and resources spanning the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. PLUS detailed scripture references for further Bible study and an answer key for teachers and parents. This printable Activity Book can be used to fill a Bible interactive notebook or as standalone activities. You may use the Torah Portions in the order we present them or as a supplement to your Bible study activities. The perfect resource to keep on hand for Homeschoolers, Sabbath and Sunday School teachers, and parents. Very little teacher prep needed. Just print the worksheets you need, and go! Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ Catalog. What you’ll get: 54 Torah Portion coloring worksheets: Bereshit (Genesis 1:1-6:8) - V’Zot HaBerachah (Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12) Five Weekly Torah Portion study guides My Parsha notes worksheet for extra notetaking A detailed answer key for teachers and parents**
New Testament Bible Task Cards FREEBIE

New Testament Bible Task Cards FREEBIE

Looking for Bible activities that will excite and engage your students? Have fun teaching them more about the Bible with this FREE New Testament Bible Task Cards pack. Includes an answer key for teachers and parents. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. TASK CARD SETS INCLUDE: The Prodigal Son Centurion’s Servant Road to Damascus Want more New Testament Bible Task Cards? Check out our New Testament Bible Task Cards activity book To be kept informed of new resources click HERE and follow!
The Disciples Activity Book

The Disciples Activity Book

Take your students on a journey into the lives of Yeshua (Jesus) and His disciples! Students will love exploring the life of Yeshua (Jesus) and His twelve disciples with The Disciples Activity Book. Inside they’ll uncover their stories and discover the influence these men had on the early Church. Through lesson plans, quizzes, word search puzzles, fun worksheets and creative writing activities, students will get to know Peter, James, and John—the first three disciples—and the remaining nine, including Judas Iscariot. They’ll learn about the disciples’ backgrounds, their strengths and weaknesses, and their relationships with the Messiah. A great way for your students to gain a deeper understanding of the New Testament. Includes 12 x twelve disciples units: Peter, Andrew, John, Judas, Thomas, Philip, James, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon the Zealot, James (son of Zebedee), and Jude. ESV scriptures are used throughout the book; however, we use the name Yeshua to help children understand the Bible from a cultural and historical perspective. Suitable for kids ages 8-12. What you’ll get… 12 teacher lesson plans covering the lives of Peter, Andrew, John, Judas, Thomas, Philip, James, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon the Zealot, James (son of Zebedee), and Jude 130+ fun and engaging activity pages in PDF format (8.5” x 11”) Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer Key for educators Each Disciples unit includes 10 pages: Detailed teacher lesson plan Worksheet: Creative writing Worksheet: What’s the Word? Bible quiz Bible word search puzzle Four hands-on activities covering the disciples’ lives in ancient Israel Worksheet: My Bible Notes (for extra note taking) Plus, an answer key for educators
Day of Trumpets (Yom Teru'ah) Activity Book

Day of Trumpets (Yom Teru'ah) Activity Book

Our printable Day of Trumpets Activity Book is a wonderful way to help students learn about God’s Appointed Times in a fun and engaging way. Packed with 32 printable pages of worksheets, coloring pages, puzzles, and creative writing and drawing activities. Plus detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up, and an answer key for teachers and parents. What’s Inside? Worksheet: Feasts of Yah Worksheet: Interview an Israelite Introduction: Day of Trumpets Coloring page: Blow the Shofar Bible word search puzzle: Day of Trumpets Bible crossword: Day of Trumpets Bible quiz: Day of Trumpets Creative writing: Day of Trumpets Bible activity: Where does a shofar come from? Worksheet: Day of Trumpets Worksheet: Yom Teru’ah Let’s draw: Honoring the Day of Trumpets Labyrinth: Help the shofar sounder Bible activity: Who said it? Write your own story: Birth of Yeshua Bible word scramble: Yom Teru’ah Bible craft: Make your own shofar Let’s learn Hebrew: Yom Teru’ah Worksheet: The Sabbath Worksheet: Day of Trumpets Worksheet: The Day That No Man Knows My Bible Notes worksheet **Plus a detailed Answer Key for teachers and parents
Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Activity Book

Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Activity Book

Dive deep into the heart of the Feast of Tabernacles like never before! Our Feast of Tabernacles Activity Book is specially designed to engage, enlighten, and educate kids ages 6-12 about the significance and beauty of Sukkot. With a broad range of activities, from coloring to quizzes to language lessons, there’s never a dull moment. This Activity Book seamlessly merges learning with fun, ensuring a deep appreciation of Sukkot. Celebrate, learn, and grow your students understanding of the Feast of Tabernacles. Highlights include… *** Introduction: Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot):** start with the basics, understanding the origins, history, and significance of this incredible Feast *** Coloring pages:** channel your child’s inner artist with pages like ‘My Sukkah’ and ‘Happy Sukkot!’ where they can bring the Feast of Sukkot to life *** Educational worksheets:** delve into topics such as the ‘12 tribes of Israel’, ‘The number seven’, ‘Pilgrimage feasts’, and the intriguing ‘Solomon dedicates the temple’ worksheet to deepen your child’s knowledge *** Bible quizzes and activities:** Test their knowledge with our ‘Sukkot Bible auiz’ and ‘Who said it?’ activity. Plus, enjoy a word scramble, and word search puzzles tailored around Sukkot themes *** Let’s learn Hebrew:** Add a linguistic twist to your Sukkot celebrations. Familiarize kids with Hebrew terms related to this Feast *** Interactive activities:** from mapping Solomon’s temple to documenting your feelings in the ‘My Sukkot diary’, this Activity Book offers a hands-on approach to understanding the Feast of Tabernacles