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Bible Pathway Adventures creates affordable Bible resources to help parents teach their children more about the Bible. We have 25 years teaching experience in the Body of Messiah. For free printable activities, Bible stories, and lesson plans, please visit https://shop.biblepathwayadventures.com.




Bible Pathway Adventures creates affordable Bible resources to help parents teach their children more about the Bible. We have 25 years teaching experience in the Body of Messiah. For free printable activities, Bible stories, and lesson plans, please visit https://shop.biblepathwayadventures.com.
Miracles of the Bible Activity Book

Miracles of the Bible Activity Book

Get elementary kids excited about Bible learning with our Miracles of the Bible Activity Book. From hands-on worksheets to coloring pages to puzzles, they’ll love exploring the stories of the Bible and learning about the miracles that God performed. This 15-lesson Bible study includes done-for-you lesson plans, fun activities, challenging puzzles and coloring pages, and will walk you through the greatest miracles of the Bible. Miracles include Red Sea Crossing, Jonah and the Great Fish, Daniel and the Lions, Water from the Rock, Crossing the Jordan, The Fiery Furnace, Elijah and the Prophets of Baal, Yeshua feeds the 5000, Peter’s Prison Escape, Yeshua Calms the Storm, Wedding at Cana, The Ten Lepers, Healing a Paralyzed Man, Raising of Lazarus, and Paul & Silas in Prison. This PDF is 137 pages. What you’ll get… Easy-to-use teacher lesson plans that include a carefully written kid-friendly Bible story, key vocabulary review, Bible story comprehension questions, and extra questions to encourage critical thought 7 Old Testament miracles units in PDF format (8.5” x 11”), including Red Sea Crossing, Jonah and the Great Fish, Daniel and the Lions, Water from the Rock, Crossing the Jordan, The Fiery Furnace, and Elijah and the Prophets of Baal 8 New Testament miracles units in PDF format (8.5” x 11”), including Yeshua feeds the 5000, Peter’s Prison Escape, Yeshua Calms the Storm, Wedding at Cana, The Ten Lepers, Healing a Paralyzed Man, Raising of Lazarus, and Paul & Silas in Prison Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for educators Each Miracles of the Bible lesson includes… Detailed two-page teacher lesson plan Bible quiz and word search puzzles Creative writing worksheet Bible coloring page Bible history worksheets and activities Answer key for guidance and clarity
The Disciples Activity Book

The Disciples Activity Book

Take your students on a journey into the lives of Yeshua (Jesus) and His disciples! Students will love exploring the life of Yeshua (Jesus) and His twelve disciples with The Disciples Activity Book. Inside they’ll uncover their stories and discover the influence these men had on the early Church. Through lesson plans, quizzes, word search puzzles, fun worksheets and creative writing activities, students will get to know Peter, James, and John—the first three disciples—and the remaining nine, including Judas Iscariot. They’ll learn about the disciples’ backgrounds, their strengths and weaknesses, and their relationships with the Messiah. A great way for your students to gain a deeper understanding of the New Testament. Includes 12 x twelve disciples units: Peter, Andrew, John, Judas, Thomas, Philip, James, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon the Zealot, James (son of Zebedee), and Jude. ESV scriptures are used throughout the book; however, we use the name Yeshua to help children understand the Bible from a cultural and historical perspective. Suitable for kids ages 8-12. What you’ll get… 12 teacher lesson plans covering the lives of Peter, Andrew, John, Judas, Thomas, Philip, James, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon the Zealot, James (son of Zebedee), and Jude 130+ fun and engaging activity pages in PDF format (8.5” x 11”) Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer Key for educators Each Disciples unit includes 10 pages: Detailed teacher lesson plan Worksheet: Creative writing Worksheet: What’s the Word? Bible quiz Bible word search puzzle Four hands-on activities covering the disciples’ lives in ancient Israel Worksheet: My Bible Notes (for extra note taking) Plus, an answer key for educators
Bible Proverbs for Kids Activity Book

Bible Proverbs for Kids Activity Book

Deep dive into Biblical wisdom with Bible Proverbs for Kids Activity Book. This adventure through the Bible is designed to help educators just you guide children on a journey through some of the most important lessons the Bible has to teach. Packed with 15 engaging and thought-provoking character lessons, each one centered around a Bible proverb and paired with a relevant Bible story. Specifically designed to help you teach children biblical wisdom and build godly character. These aren’t just any stories, they’re timeless tales of heroes, kings, and ordinary people, just like you and me, who lived extraordinary lives. From the perseverance of Nehemiah and the immense faith of David when he faced Goliath, to the generosity of the widow with her offering to the courage of Gideon - it’s important for children to think about their actions and how to demonstrate Godly character in their everyday lives. Character traits include Humility, Faith, Generosity, Kindness, Honesty, Patience, Courage, Trust, Perseverance, Integrity, Compassion, Responsibility, Self-control, Diligence, and Resilience. What you’ll get… 15 Bible character lesson units that include easy-to-follow lesson plans, kid-friendly Bible stories, and hands-on activities designed to help you teach children biblical wisdom and build godly character Fun and engaging activities in PDF format (8.5” x 11”) Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for educators Each Bible character lesson includes… An easy-to-follow teacher lesson plan Kid-friendly Bible story Bible quiz and word search puzzles Hands-on worksheets Bible verse coloring page Creative writing activity Bible character lessons: Humility: Proverbs 16:18 and the story of King Nebuchadnezzar Faith: Proverbs 18:10 and the story of David and Goliath Generosity: Proverbs 11:25 and the story of the widow’s offering Kindness: Proverbs 21:21 and the story of the good Samaritan Honesty: Proverbs 12:22 and the story of Ananias and Sapphira Patience: Proverbs 14:29 and the story of Abraham and Sarah Courage: Proverbs 28:1 and the story of Gideon Trust: Proverbs 3:5-6 and the story of Ruth and Naomi Perseverance: Proverbs 24:16 and the story of Nehemiah Integrity: Proverbs 10:9 and the story of Job Compassion: Proverbs 14:21 and the story of Feeding the 5000 Responsibility: Proverbs 27:23 and the story of Noah’s ark Self-control: Proverbs 25:28 and the story of David spares King Saul Diligence: Proverbs 21:5 and the story of Elijah and Elisha Resilience: Proverbs 24:16 and the story of Paul visits Lystra
The Spring Feasts Activity Book

The Spring Feasts Activity Book

Teach children to follow in the footsteps of Yeshua and celebrate the Feasts with The Spring Feasts Activity Book for kids. Packed with hands-on worksheets, coloring pages, crafts and puzzles, they’ll learn the history and fulfillment of the Spring Feasts in a fun and engaging way. From the Passover to First Fruits to Shav’uot (Pentecost), this Activity Book reveals how the Messiah honored and fulfilled the Spring Feasts of Israel. Children will discover how Moses and the ten plagues were connected to the Israelites’ first Passover in Egypt, how Yeshua’s crucifixion and resurrection fulfilled Bible prophecy, how to make matzah, the location of Golgotha, why the priests bribed the Roman guards, how the disciples honored Shavu’ot, what Yah gave the 12 tribes of Israel at Mount Sinai, and much more. Grab your copy today and give your children a memorable, educational experience! What you’ll get… • 120+ fun and creative activities in PDF format (8.5” x 11”) covering Pesach and Chag HaMatzot (Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread), Yom HaBikkurim (Feast of First Fruits), and Shavu’ot (Day of Pentecost) • Scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up • Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations • Detailed answer key for educators • BONUS: Ten Plagues of Egypt creative writing worksheets WHAT’S INCLUDED? PASSOVER and FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD FEAST OF FIRST FRUITS FEAST OF SHAVU’OT (PENTECOST)
Fruit of the Spirit Coloring Activity Book & Lesson Plans

Fruit of the Spirit Coloring Activity Book & Lesson Plans

Enjoy teaching your students about the Fruit of the Spirit with our Fruit of the Spirit Activity Book. Packed with easy-to-use lesson plans and fun activities to help your students learn Godly character and how to demonstrate it in their own lives. This book includes 140+ pages designed for 3rd through 6th graders. Students will discover the power of love through the parable of the Good Samaritan, experience the joy of Paul and Silas in prison as they praise in difficult circumstances, learn about peace through the faith of Daniel in the lions’ den, explore patience as they follow Joseph’s journey from the pit to the palace. They’ll witness the power of kindness as a paralyzed man is healed by Yeshua, uncover the goodness of King Josiah’s dedication to God’s instructions, delve into the faithfulness of Abraham and his trust in God’s promises, embrace the gentleness of Moses as he leads the Israelites out of slavery, and witness David’s act of self-control as he spares King Saul’s life, showing restraint and respect. Nine weeks of instruction are included to help you teach students Galatians 5:22-23. Each lesson includes a whole group lesson plan and interactive activities. Move on to small groups and rotate your students through various activities - crafts, coloring pages, fun worksheets, and games. These activities can be used orally in a classroom setting, or printed and sent home with kids to use independently - you choose! What you’ll get… Easy-to-use lesson plans that include an attention-grabbing lesson hook, a kid-friendly Bible story, key vocabulary review, a Bible memory verse, questions to encourage critical thought, and fun hands-on activities - no preparation needed! 9 Fruit of the Spirit Bible story modules, including The good Samaritan, Paul & Silas in Prison, Daniel and the Lions, Joseph Rises to Power, Healing a Paralyzed Man, King Josiah and the Torah, Abraham’s Journeys, Miriam and Aaron oppose Moses, and David spares King Saul’s life Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for educators What’s inside… Week 1: Love - The Good Samaritan Week 2: Joy - Paul & Silas in Prison Week 3: Peace - Daniel and the lions Week 4: Patience - Joseph rises to power Week 5: Kindness - Healing a paralyzed man Week 6: Goodness - King Josiah and the Torah Week 7: Faithfulness - Abraham’s Journeys Week 8: Gentleness - Miriam and Aaron oppose Moses Week 9: Self-control - David spares King Saul’s life
The Apostle Paul Activity Book

The Apostle Paul Activity Book

Get ready to embark on an exciting journey through Asia Minor, tracing the footsteps of one of the most influential figures in the Bible, the apostle Paul. From the stoning of Stephen to Paul’s shipwreck on the island of Malta, your students will love learning about the life of Paul in a fun and engaging way. Packed with easy-to-use lesson plans, puzzles, activities, and coloring pages to engage young minds in an educational exploration of Paul’s travels, and the important lessons he taught along the way. This book includes 140 pages designed for 3rd through 6th graders. A fantastic way to introduce students to the early church and the crucial role Paul played in spreading the true gospel. What you’ll get… Easy-to-use 6-step lesson plans that include an attention-grabbing lesson hook, a kid-friendly Bible story, key vocabulary review, story comprehension questions, and extra questions to encourage critical thought 15 story modules in PDF format (8.5” x 11”), including Stoning of Stephen, Road to Damascus, Escape from Damascus, Paul on Cyprus, Paul in Pisidian Antioch, Paul visits Lystra, Paul and Silas in Prison, Paul in Thessalonica, Paul and the Bereans, Paul visits Athens, Paul in Corinth, Riot in Ephesus, The plot against Paul, Imprisoned in Caesarea, and Shipwrecked! Each module includes a lesson plan, bible story quiz, a word search or crossword puzzle, a coloring page, plus fun & engaging worksheets and map activities Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for educators
Parables of the Messiah Activity Book

Parables of the Messiah Activity Book

Bite-Sized Wisdom for Growing Minds! Introducing Parables of the Messiah, a fun and engaging Activity Book that brings the Bible’s most famous parables to life. Inside, you’ll find 15 weeks of done-for-you lesson plans, fun worksheets, stimulating puzzles, and creative writing activities, all carefully crafted to help 3rd through 6th graders explore the meaning behind these timeless parables. Through hands-on activities, they will gain a deeper understanding of our Messiah’s teachings, and discover how His wisdom is relevant to their lives today. This book is packed with a rich collection of Bible parables, including the Lost Sheep, Workers in the Vineyard, the Mustard Seed, the Good Samaritan, Wise and Foolish Virgins, the Wedding Feast, Prodigal Son, the Talents, Rich Man and Lazarus, the Sower, Wise and Foolish Builders, the Rich Fool, the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, the Faithful Servant, and the parable of the Two Debtors. What you’ll get… Done-for-you lesson plans that include a lesson introduction, key vocabulary review, a carefully written kid-friendly Bible parable, review questions to encourage critical thought, and a selection of 8 hands-on activities 15 Bible parable units in PDF format Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for guidance and clarity Each Parables of the Messiah unit includes… A done-for-you teacher lesson plan Bible quiz and word search puzzles Creative writing worksheets Bible worksheets and fun activities Bible coloring page Answer key for guidance and clarity
100 Bible Quizzes & 100 Word Search  Activity Books

100 Bible Quizzes & 100 Word Search Activity Books

2 Resources
Have fun teaching your students more about the Bible. These printable 200 Bible Quizzes & Word Search Puzzle Activity Books contain a mix of illustrated Word Search Puzzles and Quizzes from the Old and New Testaments, plus detailed scripture references for further Bible reading and answer keys at the back of the book for teachers. Very little teacher prep needed. Just print the activities and go! **100 Bible Quizzes Activity Book 54 Old Testament quizzes, including The Creation, Ten Plagues, The Golden Calf, Balaam’s Donkey, Rahab and the Spies, Samson, Kings of the Bible, Esther, Daniel, and much more. 46 New Testament quizzes, including An angel visits Mary, The Twelve Disciples, Sermon on the Mount, Fruit of the Spirit, Parables, the Resurrection, Peter the Healer, the Passover, Tabernacles, Armor of God, and much more. Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for parents and teachers **100 Bible Word Search Puzzles Activity Book What you’ll get… 47 Old Testament puzzles in pdf format (8.5” x 11”), including Noah’s Ark, The Burning Bush, Red Sea Crossing, Ten Commandments, Battle of Jericho, King Saul, David & Goliath, Daniel and the Lions, Solomon, Esther, and more! 53 New Testament puzzles in pdf format (8.5” x 11”), including An Angel visits Mary, Birth of the Messiah, Wedding Feast at Cana, Parable of the Sower, The Last Supper, Road to Damascus, Paul’s Shipwreck, and more! A wide range of words to increase Bible vocabulary Coloring elements provide visual prompts to reinforce learning Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for parents and teachers Thanks for buying this Activity Book Bundle and supporting Bible Pathway Adventures. Every printable book purchased helps us continue our work providing free discipleship resources to families and missions around the world. For more inspiring educational resources visit: Bible Pathway Adventures
BUNDLE:  Paul the Apostle Activity Books

BUNDLE: Paul the Apostle Activity Books

2 Resources
Here’s a wonderful bundle of resources to help you teach your students about the adventures of Paul the Apostle in a fun creative way. This BUNDLE includes two Activity Books: ⭐️Paul’s Journeys Quiz Activity Book: Travel with Paul through Asia Minor and the land of Israel with our Paul’s Journeys Activity Book for kids ages 6-12. Packed with 80+ pages of Bible quizzes, maps, hands-on worksheets and coloring pages to help educators just like you teach students the Biblical faith. A wonderful way to introduce them to the early church and the crucial role Paul played in spreading the true gospel. Includes detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up, and an answer key for educators. ⭐️The Apostle Paul Activity Book: From the stoning of Stephen to Paul’s shipwreck on the island of Malta, your students will love learning about the life of Paul in a fun and engaging way. Packed with easy-to-use lesson plans, puzzles, activities, and coloring pages to engage young minds in an educational exploration of Paul’s travels, and the important lessons he taught along the way. Contains 15 Bible story units packed with 140 pages of activities covering Paul’s incredible adventures. For more inspiring educational resources visit: <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/pip29”>Bible Pathway Adventures</a>