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Stellaluna Book Study

Stellaluna Book Study

Stellaluna is a story about a young bat that finally makes their way back home after trying to fit in with a bird family. These tasks will explore the text and inspire your students to write. Tasks include - Word Wall Cards - Use these words as a display or in a learning centre to sort into categories or to find out meanings or to put into sentences or stories or use in writing or put into alphabetical order KWHL - Copy each page and display as a grade list the things you - Know about Stellaluna - Want to know about Stellaluna - How will we find this out - Our New Learning about Stellaluna Word Splashes - Around each picture record words to describe it. Discuss adjectives, verbs and nouns Interactive Pages - On the front – draw an illustration. Under the flap – write a description for the Beginning, middle and end of story and Personality traits for Stellaluna Writing Tasks - Flap Book, Stellaluna loves to…, Life in a nest, Spare writing pages, ACROSTIC poem, Side graphics for stories, Venn Diagram, At night I …If I were a bat I would Word Work - Use these class lesson or an individual focus for word work tasks. Pages for – at, ir, ight COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Rosie's Walk Book Companion

Rosie's Walk Book Companion

Rosie’s Walk is a great book to teach positional words. This book companion looks at many aspects of the book and provides opportunities to respond to the text in differentiated tasks. Vocabulary Cards – to sort and look at parts of speech Word Wall – create a list of words together Visual Representation Draw a map and recount Create your own version to read. Print and Go Section Word splashes for Rosie, the fox and the chase Plus, Minus and Interesting facts Alphabet Key I see, I think, I wonder Record three facts 3/2/1 – Facts, options, questions Text to text, self and world Design a book cover Responding through the senses Book Review Writing about the Reading Writing a letter- convince the fox to leave Rosie alone Main Idea and sub points Author tools – what does the author do to keep us reading and interested? Interview questions – for the foxes and the farmers Dialogue between characters Write a different ending Write an innovation on the text Make a list of important facts from the text List the complications and resolutions COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Pirate's Perfect Pet

Pirate's Perfect Pet

Pirate’s Perfect Pet - Writing a persuasive or opinion piece takes skill and repetition. The book “Pirate’s Perfect Pet” is an excellent introduction to writing this type of text. Use these printables to argue what would be the perfect pet for a pirate. Use the Alphabet Key to list the animals that could be a great pet for a pirate. Work with a partner to record the pros and cons for each pet mentioned in the text. Use these to help write a plan. The planning templates are differentiated to support students to record their point of view, reasons and supportive arguments. The Pirate Booklet is used to record the sections from the planner. Print the pages you need for each group. The Persuasive Text Rubric is used to show how successful each writer has been. Share the rubric before you start.** COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Mrs Wishy Washy

Mrs Wishy Washy

Sharing books we love passes that passion of reading onto our students. Mrs Wishy Washy is a well loved book that is repetitive and just right for early readers to explore. The printables can be used for reading and writing tasks and allow for differentiation in your classroom. Tasks include - USA CCSS and Australian Curriculum aligned references for you to use in your planning Alphabet Key x 2 Words to describe Mrs Wishy Washy Matching animal to name (noun) Missing words Wordfind Is, can, has Nouns and adjectives for the three animals Matrix of mother and babies Venn Diagrams Beginning, middle and end task Recount I see, I think, I wonder Who, what, where, when, how picture writing planner Complications and Resolutions Craftivity – make Mrs Wishy Washy COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Koala Lou Book Study

Koala Lou Book Study

Koala Lou is a beautifully written book that children just love to study. Australian literature is often about some amazing animal that has a lesson to learn. This book study for Koala Lou contains the following tasks - Getting to know the text Alphabet Key Parts of speech – classify the words and make a display What I know, want to know and new learning Alphabet Wall for a class display Working through the text Beginning, middle and end Text Connections Problems and solutions Write a summary Story Elements I see, I think, I wonder A Koala is, can, has Use adjectives to describe Beyond the text Main Idea and sub plots Conversations Venn Diagrams compare koalas to Koala Lou Change the ending A training schedule Alternative coping methods Personality Traits Use adjectives List Australian animals Amazing illustration Visual Illustrations New Book Cover Book Reports Author Tools Interview Questions Conversation between Koala Lou and her mother Innovation on the text Sequel to text Make your own book **Non Fiction Responses – Informational Report ** Photos of koalas to use as display and conversation prompts Vocabulary cards for information text, plus a spare page to add your own Fact cards to share in colour and black/white Planners for the informational text Pages to use for writing text Information Text rubric Map of the world Interactive Note Page for planning COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Fantastic Mr Fox

Fantastic Mr Fox

This is a much loved book by Roald Dahl. Fantastic Mr Fox is the perfect book to start serial reading as a class novel. Engage in the text by selecting from the many options this pack provides for you and your students. Vocabulary Cards can be used as Flashcards Sorting cards by using the Parts of speech labels Writing prompts by displaying around the room Word study prompts for class or individual lists They can be copied as they are or on colored card Word Wall There are two versions for printing These posters are an excellent way to brainstorm words together for reading and writing Display in a prominent place in your room and watch your writers go! Visual Representation This section includes a page for each chapter where students can draw what they think about each chapter as you read it aloud Record a summary for each chapter Print and Go Word splashes for Mr Fox, Mrs Fox, the Fox children, Badger, The Feats and each of the three farmers Plus, Minus and Interesting facts Alphabet Key I see, I think, I wonder Record three facts 3/2/1 – Facts, options, questions Text to text, self and world Compare and contrast the movie and the book, fiction and real foxes Design a book cover Responding through the senses Writing about the Reading Writing letters- convince the farmers to leave the foxes alone Quote and respond to change the story Main Idea and sub points Author tools – what does Roald Dahl do to keep us reading and interested? Interview questions – for the foxes and the farmers Dialogue between characters Make an advertisement for the feast Newsletter article about saving the foxes/getting the foxes Biographical sketch about Mr Fox Write a different ending Write an innovation on the text Draw and label the tunnels they made Make a list of important facts from the text List the complications and resolutions Write a sequel COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Elmer the Elephant

Elmer the Elephant

Elmer the Elephant Writing and Craft Activities - Elmer is a much loved elephant and the series of books are read over and over again. These writing tasks and craft activities will support increasing vocabulary and writing skills. Tasks include - • Alphabet Key – write down words or phrases to describe Elmer or the books you read • Record words to describe Elmer – inside or outside traits • Label parts of an elephant • Create a summary – read a book and complete the task • Recount of the story – choose a text to recount • Plus, minus and interesting facts – for any book • Concept map – can be used to describe characters or texts • Three facts, two opinions and one question you have about Elmer • I see, I think, I wonder statements about Elmer • Elmer can, is, has • Elmer Fact Chart • Make a paper weave Elmer COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Diary of a Wombat

Diary of a Wombat

Read and share the ‘Diary of a Wombat” by Jackie French and enjoy the simplicity of the text! This book is great for consolidating days of the week and establishing what routines are. Work through the initial tasks to become familiar with the text and then record your own diary. All the tasks included for Diary of a Wombat are all print and go- Word splash for a wombat A wombat is-has-can Compare the two – wombat and koala Recount of the book Recount of my week Change the ending Students choose an animal to have as their character in their own diary Discuss days of the week and brainstorm ideas that they could use in the diary Choose a cover to use for your diary which includes a make your own design a front cover Write and enjoy the diaries that they write COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

These Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Character Traits and Compare and Contrast Tasks are perfect for looking at the similarities and differences between the book and the movie/s. Instructions Read the novel to your grade and then watch the two versions of the movie. This will provide the information for your grade to engage in the tasks. The comparisons will have more rigour with this background immersion. Task One What are character traits? Choose a friend you know well. Together fill out the Venn Diagram and then complete the page on your friend. Draw a picture of them in the middle of the page. Record what you like about them. On the second page add the words with evidence. Task Two As you read to the grade or watch the movie/s, students are to add character details for a character of their choice. The three sections of beginning, middle and end allow you to record any changes in characters as the story develops. The ‘beginning’ tab is for your first impressions. The ‘end’ tab for your final thoughts Task Three Traits and gathering evidence. This is for adding notes prior to making your own poster. You must add your evidence. For example – Charlie shows humour when he jokes about winning the ticket. Task Four Posters and presentation. These posters can be used to record the final presentation of traits and evidence. Your students may decide to draw their own characters. Photos are provided at the start of this pack, if you would like to share them for motivation. Task Five Compare and contrast the two movies. We used our key word research skills to compile a list using the internet. This is by no means complete. Your grade can make a list of similarities of their own. There are recording sheets to use. Research in pairs and then combine with another pair to add items. Share as a whole grade to make a grade list. Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack. COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Fairy Tale Bundle - 10 Mini Units

Fairy Tale Bundle - 10 Mini Units

Who doesn’t love Fairytales? We have put together our top ten Fairy Tales in a money saving bundle for you. This pack includes - Cinderalla, Goldilocks, Hansel and Gretel, Jack and The Beanstalk, Little REd Riding Hood, Rapunzel, Snow White, The Frog Prince, Th Three Billy Goats Gruff and the Three Little PIgs. Each of our mini units contain the following tasks A KWL to show what you know, want to know and your new learning Word Wall to display and record words related to the Fairy Tale I see, I think, I wonder Beginning, middle and ending template Text Connections – self – text, world Is, can, has templates for Cinderella, Godmother, Prince Problems and solutions in the text Compare characters Record a summary Change the ending Record story elements Description of outfit before/after Brainstorm forms of transport - shoes Adjectives to describe the castle Character Traits Word Study Tasks Matching Tasks COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Fairytale Bundle - 4 complete Resource packs

Fairytale Bundle - 4 complete Resource packs

This Fairy Tale Bundle engages your early readers in well known texts. As you proceed through the tasks the confidence to discuss texts, write about them and then make predictions increases Three Little Pigs - Reading and Writing Tasks 57 pages This pack is a great way to engage your students in reading and writing tasks around a well known story. There are tasks suited to many differentiated levels, some tasks will challenge and extend, while others will support your students at best fit. Little Red Riding Hood – Reading and Writing Tasks 96 pages This Little Red Riding Hood – Reading and Writing set provides a small reader (2 options), and supporting tasks to improve literacy through reading and writing. Your students will love learning about this Fairy Tale and working through the tasks. Princess and the Pea 63 pages Our Princess and the Pea Pack has writing tasks that build vocabulary and descriptions to write a retell of this Fairy Tale. There are photos that help you through three different craftivities. Your students will love learning about this Fairy Tale and working through these tasks. Goldilocks and the Three Bears 62 pages This pack focuses on one Fairy Tale – Goldilocks and the Three Bears and gives many opportunities to explore and interpret the text through reading and writing. The variety of tasks lets you choose which aspects will suit your grade before you print. Explore all facets of the story with these planners and the prepared prompt sheets. Encourage planning before writing and allow for lots of discussions. COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
The Speedy Sloth Book Study

The Speedy Sloth Book Study

These tasks are for the delightful book – The Speedy Sloth by Young and McKenzie. Use these printables to explore this text in depth and build on reading responses. Pre Reading Tasks •Predictions from the cover •Predict what will happen after two pages •Interactive Flap page for recording predictions Vocabulary Tasks •Alphabet Key •Word Wall •Is-have-can for a sloth •Noun, Proper Noun, Verb and Adverb sorting task •Vocabulary Detective task •Rhyming word task Traits •Words to describe the characters Summary •Important facts •Beginning. Middle, End with two options •Somebody, wanted, but, so, then •First, next, then, after that, last or finally •Recount •Main Idea and sub points Print and go section •Venn Diagram •Problems and Solutions •Complications •Compare two characters •I see, I think, I wonder •Three facts and opinions •3-2-1 facts-opinions-questions •Plus, minus, and interesting parts •Text to Text, Self, World •What does the author do to keep us interested? •Interview questions •Design a new cover •Speech bubbles •Author’s Purpose •Write a sequel •Different ending •Change the characters •Write a letter •Draw and label a Story Map •Story Elements Book Reports •Fiction Text Craft Idea •Make a running sloth with split pins •Use paper chipping to colour the sloth from the cover Rubrics and planners included are •Descriptive •Informational •Narrative •Recount •Opinion •Persuasive •Procedural Use these planners and rubrics to write about topics related to Mothers. The above suggestions are just ideas and there are multiple ideas to write about. Brainstorm the possibilities as a grade. •4 choices of paper to write on ………………………………………………………………………………………………… COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place Teaching Resources This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent of the author.
Mother's Day Book Responses for Any Book

Mother's Day Book Responses for Any Book

These tasks can be used with any Mother’s Day Book you have access to. As teachers we have so many Mother’s Day Books and always want tasks to do with them. You will be able to use this over and over again and never run out of ideas. Pre Reading Tasks • Predictions from the cover • Predict what will happen after two pages • Interactive Flap page for recording predictions • KWHL Vocabulary Tasks • Alphabet Key • Word Wall • Is-have-can for Mum and Mom • Noun, Proper Noun, Verb and Adverb sorting task • Vocabulary Detective task Traits • Words to describe Mum/Mom • Inside and Outside traits of your Mum/Mom and the character within a book Summary • Important facts • Beginning. Middle, End with two options • Somebody, wanted, but, so, then • First, next, then, after that, last or finally • Recount • Main Idea and sub points • Booklet for Beginning. Middle and End Print and go section • Venn Diagram • Problems and Solutions • Complications • Compare two plots • I see, I think, I wonder • Three facts and opinions • 3-2-1 facts-opinions-questions • Plus, minus, and interesting parts • Text to Text, Self, World • What does the author do to keep us interested? • Interview questions • Design a new cover • Speech bubbles • Author’s Purpose • Write a sequel • Different ending • Change the characters • Write a letter • Draw and label a Story Map • Story Elements Book Reports • Fiction Text • Non Fiction Texts Craft Idea • Make a card Rubrics and planners included are • Biography • Descriptive • Informational • Narrative • Recount • Opinion • Persuasive • Procedural • Use these planners and rubrics to write about topics related to Mothers. The above suggestions are just ideas and there are multiple ideas to write about. Brainstorm the possibilities as a grade. • 4 choices of paper to write on ………………………………………………………………………………………………… COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place Teaching Resources This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent of the author.
Poetry FlipBook, Word Wall Cards and Templates

Poetry FlipBook, Word Wall Cards and Templates

Poetry Templates and Word Wall Writing Pack - poetry is a great way to explore language and increase vocabulary. Use the templates to model examples and devices to use in poetry. This pack has been updated to include a FlipBook Use this booklet to encourage students to independently write their own poetry by making choices about what to include. Word Wall cards are available for • 5W • Acrostic • Autobiographical • Cinquain • Color Diamante • Free verse • Haiku • Limerick • Ode • Riddle • Shape Poem • Sonnet Word Wall Cards in two versions - a full color set and a ‘save my ink version’ Types of Poetry • Narrative • Lyrical • Humorous • Free Verse • Cinquain • Diamante • Haiku • Tanka • Biographical • 5W • Pensee • Acrostic • Quinzaine • Septet • Proposition • Alliteration • Repeat It • Clerihew • Limerick Poetry Tools- • Metaphor • Imagery • Repetition • Rhythm • Simile • Personification • Idiom • Rhyme • Shape • Synonym - Antonym • Palindrome • Pun • Analogy • Hyperbole • Oxymoron • Figurative Language • Refrain • Symbolism • Irony • Tone • Mood Devices • Alliteration • Assonance • Consonance • Euphony • Onomatopoeia • Cacophony Types of Poetry • Couplet • Triplet • Quatrain • Cinquain • Octet • Stanza Punctuation • semicolon • period • full stop • colon • exclamation mark • dash • comma • capitals • hyphen • brackets • quotation marks • ellipses COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Mother's Day Bundle - Craft and Writing

Mother's Day Bundle - Craft and Writing

Mother’s Day Bundle - Celebrate Mother’s Day with this bundle, it has everything you need to make many choices for years to come. There are four packs included in this bundle. This Mother’s Day Interactive Card gives your students the opportunity to record memories, facts and thoughts about their mother. Every year when we make this card we get amazing feedback from our parents. This Mother’s Day pack will help create a large card that has many sections. There are instructions with photos to help assemble the card. Mother’s Day PowerPoint of Facts This PowerPoint will assist in building an understanding of Mother’s Day and why we hold it as an important calendar event and acknowledge it in the way we do. • Use this as a PowerPoint and share with your grade. • Discuss each slide and ask questions about their understanding. **Mother’s Day – Craftivity. ** A gorgeous coupon hand bag with a card is the end result of this task. There are many opportunities to write and discuss what Mother’s Day means and how we celebrate it as families. Handbag Craftivity with coupons Have fun making this coupon bag for Mother’s Day Mother’s Day A Bouquet - Surprise the mothers in your room with a handmade bouquet this year. They will love this creation and you will have heaps of fun making this bouquet with your students. Mother’s Day – Make a Bouquet How to make a bouquet – Print off the instructions and display for students to follow - There is. step by step guide included. COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Mother's Day - A PowerPoint of Facts to Share

Mother's Day - A PowerPoint of Facts to Share

Mother’s Day facts to share This PowerPoint will assist in building an understanding of Mother’s Day and why we hold it as an important calendar event and acknowledge it in the way we do. • Use this as a PowerPoint and share with your grade. • Discuss each slide and ask questions about their understanding. Mother’s Day is day that is dedicated to celebrating and caring for our mothers. COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Mother's Day Writing and Craft

Mother's Day Writing and Craft

Mother’s Day – Writing and Craftivity. A gorgeous coupon hand bag with a card is the end result of this task. There are many opportunities to write and discuss what Mother’s Day means and how we celebrate it as families. Word Wall Copy and then as a grade add words to the pages and display. Add words as you need to and then use these words in all reading and writing tasks Word Tasks Mothers can-do-have Why do we celebrate Mother’s Day? Wordfind with answer key Persuasive/Opinion Text A way of planning is provided. Display or copy the writing prompt. Plan – draft and edit and publish. Paper provided for draft and publishing. Assessment sheet provided. Recount Five prompts for writing plus a page with lines for longer stories My book about mom/mum These pages can be used to make a book for each child. You may choose to do all pages or some pages. Copy the pages and then staple together. Staple where the two marks are then cut in half for two books. Add your information and then decorate. A great addition to a gift for Mom. Card and poetry – A Haiku Poem Make a card for Mother’s Day and add a poem in the middle Handbag Craftivity with coupons Have fun making this coupon bag for Mother’s Day Related product Our Mother’s Day Bundle has these Packs - Mother’s Day Craft and Writing Tasks Mother’s Day PowerPoint of facts Mother’s Day – Make a Bouquet Mother’s Day an Interactive Card COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
How to Write a Letter

How to Write a Letter

Letter writing is an art! We love to receive letters and what better way than write one first. This pack will show you why and how we should write letters. There are posters, templates and ideas to use to get your students to write letters. This pack includes - • Posters for - Why do we write letters? Why write a letter, Parts of a letter • Rubric for letter Writing • What do we know about letter writing? • Why do we write letters? • What steps are needed after we write a letter? • What does a letter look like? • What does an envelope need on it? • Address an envelope to your family? • What other items do we post? • What are the busiest times at the post office? • Draw the logo for our postal service • Design and make your own mailbox • Design your own stamp • How to make an envelope #1 • How to make an envelope #2 • Add a graphic to a letter to say ‘Thank you to the Tooth Fairy" and ‘We Should Have More Recess • 12 different pages to use to write a letter COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
ANZAC Day Bundle

ANZAC Day Bundle

4 Resources
Our ANZAC Day Bundle brings together our top selling resources at a huge discount for you. They will help you to differentiate for all the learners in your room. This bundle contains the following packs ANZAC Day – Powerpoint of facts ANZAC Day – F-2 Reading and Writing Tasks ANZAC Day – Year 3/4 Reading and Writing Tasks ANZAC Day – Book Responses for any ANZAC Day Books ANZAC Day PowerPoint of Facts 21 pages • This is a zipped file which contains the PowerPoint and a PDF for printing. • ANZAC Day is an important part of Australian and New Zealand history – one we share that has shaped our countries with mateship, perseverance and honour. We need to share the history of ANZAC Day with future generations. • This PowerPoint will assist in building an understanding of ANZAC Day and why we hold it as an important part of our history and acknowledge it every year. • Use this ANZAC Day as a PowerPoint and share with your grade. Discuss each slide and ask questions about their understanding. ANZAC Day Year 3/4 72 pages This day is a huge part of our Australian and New Zealand shared history. It is a huge responsibility to make sure we engage our students in this recognition and commemoration of this event. This pack will assist in building their knowledge and understanding of the sacrifices that have been made. Tasks include - • Word Wall – brainstorm words with your students and record them on the colour or black or white versions. Use these words to add to your writing sessions. • Adjectives - Brainstorm with your grade words to use as adjectives to describe each photo. Then use to write a sentence about the photo. Edit, refine and then publish. • Symbols – Read the information provided on Slouch hat, Wreath, Last Post, Medals, Poppies and answer the questions • Reading tasks - What is ANZAC Day? ‘The Ode’, ‘Flanders Fields’, War Memorials. Read the information and answer the questions • Interview - If you could interview a ‘digger’ what would you ask? Record on the template provided • Personality traits of a digger • Wordfind – locate and colour the words found • Mapping - Locate Australia, New Zealand, Turkey – locate and colour • ANZAC Biscuits - History of ANZAC biscuits. • A recipe to make these biscuits with a recount template ANZAC Day Reading and Writing Tasks F-2 44 pages ANZAC Day is an important day in Australian and New Zealand History. April 25 marks the day to remember the people who were lost and families who were changed forever. This pack is for early learners to begin to develop an appreciation of this significant day. This pack includes Background notes and suggested books to read Word Work • How many words can you make from Australian and New Zealand Army Corps? • A recording sheet to write down your words Work on Writing • Record my thoughts about ANZAC Day • Recount of an ANZAC Day March you have attended • What is the significance of the wreath? • What symbols are associated with ANZAC Day? • Complete a Venn Diagram on flags from Australia and New Zealand Reading • PMI facts about ANZAC Day (positive, minus and interesting) • Alphabet Key – use words or phrases to describe this day • I see, I think, I wonder about the symbols, traditions or history • Read ‘Only a Donkey’ – list the animals in the story • ANZAC Fact Chart • ANZAC Day 3-2-1 • “Only a Donkey’ – response sheet • Read ‘My Grandad Marches on ANZAC DAY’ – complete a character map, story board and beginning/middle/ending • Templates for the above tasks that can be used for any books you may read based on ANZAC Day • Small share book Craft • Make a flag for Australian and New Zealand ANZAC DAY – Book Tasks for any Book 56 pages These tasks can be used with any ANZAC DAY themed book. They can be used by completing them individually or in a small group and then make presentations to the grade. Some ANZAC DAY books are challenging for some students as they can be quite emotional. Make sure they are supported and have many discussions about the content of books shared about ANZAC DAY. • What I know – What I want to know – How will I find it out – My new learning – three formats • Word Focus – record new words and find out what they mean • Compare two books • Sequencing – two versions • Text Connections - two versions • Word splash – on a book • Character Traits – three prompts • My ANZAC DAY story– add pictures to the side • The saddest part of the story • Summary • Recount – main idea – two versions • Create a story • Compare beginning and end • Interactive page for beginning, middle and end • Change the ending • Add a new character • Devise questions • I see, I think, I wonder • Persuade people to read the book • Making lists • Design a new cover • Suggestions please • Setting, characters, complications and resolutions • DeBono’s Hats • Character Traits • Conversations • Point of view Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack. COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
ANZAC Day - Writing, Craft and Cooking

ANZAC Day - Writing, Craft and Cooking

Even our young students need to have an understanding about ANZAC Day. This pack will help you to explore through reading, writing, craft and cooking why ANZAC Day is so important to commemorate with our young students. This pack contains Print and Go tasks A Word Wall to brainstorm words that you may find in books you read or words you may need in writing tasks Read an ANZAC Day book of your choice and complete the beginning, middle and end template – 3 choices (these could be enlarged to A3) What I see, what I think, what I wonder about ANZAC Day A soldier, sailor, pilot and nurse is-can-has. This can be done individually or in small groups and then shared How does our school commemorate ANZAC Day? Why are medals given out to our Armed Forces? Craft Activities Make a wreath Poppy torn art Cooking activities Recipe for ANZAC Day biscuits Recount of making ANZAC Day biscuits – 2 options COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.