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Genius Hour | Passion Project | Student and Teacher Resource

Genius Hour | Passion Project | Student and Teacher Resource

Genius Hour or Passion Project time is a great motivator to share independent learning. This learning comes from an interest that is motivated by trying to dig deeper, change thinking or share knowledge that our students have. There are two files in the zipped folder. One is a Genius Hour Teacher Pack and the other is a Genius Hour PowerPoint to share with students. This Genius Hour pack suits all Inquiries as each one requires a big question to explore and your students may need help in framing the question. The steps apply equally to science, math, Humanities (for eg SOSE, HASS, history, geography). Genius Hour – Teacher pack This pack supports you to introduce Genius Hour with templates and charts to use. Contents of this Genius Hour PDF include - Learning Intention Genius Hour Steps Learning Tasks – Ideas I can explore, what do I know, want to know and have Discovered, Topic Word Splash, Interactive Note Page to accompany the PowerPoint included in the zip file, what facts have I found? Genius Hour Posters – to display while working through the unit of work – • Questioning and Predicting – Planning and Conducting – Recording and Processing – Analyzing and Evaluating – Communicating Genius Hour– Booklet to be filled out during the Investigation Rubric for Assessment Digital Recording alternative with instructions Genius Hour – Student PowerPoint This powerpoint is for your students – it will guide them through the Genius Hour. It covers - What is Genius Hour? Learning Intention What is Genius Hour all about? Genius Hour Steps to take – Step One to Step Seven Brainstorm Ideas Outline of posters that will help Support for your question – prior learning, word splash for your topic, INB, Fact recording sheet Recording Booklet – if you choose to use it Rubric for assessment Book Creator Task for tracking your question Click here to follow my store COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Cinco De Mayo Lapbook of Facts

Cinco De Mayo Lapbook of Facts

Cinco de Mayo is celebrated on the 5th May each year. While Cinco de Mayo has become more about the Mexican culture it is about the bravery and perseverance of a culture to over throw the French. Explore the Cinco de Mayo facts, photos, vocabulary and put together your very own Cinco de Mayo Interactive Notebook. Our Cinco De Mayo Lapbook contents include Interactive NoteBook Includes a color cover and black/white cover There are photos with the instructions There are spaces to record – what you know, want to know and any new learning. Record food facts, musical instruments, the flag colors, new words, national dress, facts about Cinco de Mayo, an acrostic poem, locate Mexico on a map and What’s in a piñata? Vocabulary Cards Use these to help with the writing tasks and build word knowledge Fact Cards Use these as discussion starters Can be used to sort or put on display Photos for display Use as writing prompts Can be attached to your bulletin boards Writing tasks Cinco de Mayo prompts with two versions of lines Add a picture to your text What’s in your piñata? My favorite Mexican food to eat A map Where is Mexico? COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
Diwali Reading and Writing Tasks

Diwali Reading and Writing Tasks

Diwali Reading and Writing Tasks, introduce your students to the rich traditions and celebrations of Diwali with engaging reading and writing tasks. These activities help students understand the significance of Diwali and explore how it is celebrated. Each section includes clear and concise instructions to guide students through the activities effectively. Word Wall: Building Vocabulary Together Start by brainstorming words related to Diwali as a class. Collaborate: Discuss words students might encounter while learning about Diwali. Expand Knowledge: Add new words to the list as students gather more information. Interactive Display: Showcase the word wall around the room and encourage students to use it during discussions and writing activities. This visual resource reinforces key vocabulary and fosters a deeper connection to the topic. Reading Booklet: Explore and Reflect The Diwali Reading Booklet offers a comprehensive way to learn about this festival. Understand the Celebration: The booklet includes a half-page shared reading section that explains the meaning and traditions of Diwali. Summarize Key Points: After each page, students write a summary to reinforce understanding. Create a Resource: Finished booklets can be added to your reading corner, providing a great reference tool for independent reading. Print-and-Go Activities: Simplify Lesson Prep In this section, students will actively engage with information about Diwali through quick and effective tasks. Record Facts: Encourage students to gather and write down key facts about Diwali. Reflect Creatively: Use prompts like I See, I Think, I Wonder to inspire critical thinking. Organize Thoughts: Complete the Diwali 3-2-1 activity to summarize three facts, two interesting points, and one question. Visual Learning: Add photos of completed work to showcase independent learning. These activities are perfect for enhancing comprehension and making learning about Diwali fun and meaningful. Why Use This Pack? This resource helps students build cultural awareness while improving reading and writing skills. By combining creativity with structured tasks, students gain a deeper understanding of Diwali’s significance and traditions. Start your journey into Diwali with this thoughtfully designed activity pack, and bring the spirit of this festival into your classroom! Copyright Information This product is © Paula’s Place and intended for personal use in a single classroom. For use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. Sharing or distributing this product without the author’s consent is not allowed.