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Play All Day

Play All Day endeavours to make learning fun by creating engaging, hands-on resources!




Play All Day endeavours to make learning fun by creating engaging, hands-on resources!
Back to School Emotions Play Dough Mats | Social Emotional Learning Activities for Fine Motor

Back to School Emotions Play Dough Mats | Social Emotional Learning Activities for Fine Motor

These emotions play dough mats practice fine motor skills while reinforcing social emotional learning all while keeping kids engaged through play! Use these during free play, centres, or as independent student practice. Students will love using these play dough mats so much that they won’t even realize that they’re learning! JUST PRINT, LAMINATE, AND GO! WHAT’S INCLUDED? ~ Teacher Instructions ~ 4 sets of school emotions play dough activity mats (COLOUR and B&W) ● crayons, pencils, backpacks, and buses �� available in both English and French ● 8 emotions per set *All activity mats are letter size (8.5”x11”) and in portrait orientation. Here are the emotions used: ENGLISH: happy, sad, scared, angry, tired, grumpy, worried, surprised FRENCH: content(e), triste, effrayé(e), fâché(e), fatigue(e), grognon, inquiet(e), surpris(e) QUESTIONS OR SUGGESTIONS FOR NEW RESOURCES? I’m always happy to answer your questions and hear about your ideas for new resources! Send me an email at: playalldayontpt@gmail.com