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Percentage increase and decrease with a calculator (incuding Functional Questions)

Percentage increase and decrease with a calculator (incuding Functional Questions)

A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to calculate percentage increase and decrease with a calculator. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers) to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Adding and Subtracting Fractions (including functional questions)

Adding and Subtracting Fractions (including functional questions)

A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to add and subtract two proper fractions. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers) to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Rounding to Significant Figures (with questions and answers)

Rounding to Significant Figures (with questions and answers)

PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how round numbers to a given number of significant figures. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Multiplying and Dividing Directed Numbers (including functional questions)

Multiplying and Dividing Directed Numbers (including functional questions)

A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to multiply and divide directed numbers. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then a functional, exam type question (with answers), to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Multiplying Proper Fractions (including functional questions)

Multiplying Proper Fractions (including functional questions)

A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to multiply and simplify two proper fractions. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers) to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Dividing Numbers by a Given Ratio (including functional questions)

Dividing Numbers by a Given Ratio (including functional questions)

A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to divide quantities by ratios. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers), to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Dividing  Fractions (including functional questions)

Dividing Fractions (including functional questions)

A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to divide and simplify two proper fractions. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers) to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Upper and Lower Bounds ( (including functional questions with answers))

Upper and Lower Bounds ( (including functional questions with answers))

A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to identify and solve problems involving bounds. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers) to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Rounding to Decimal Places (with questions and answers)

Rounding to Decimal Places (with questions and answers)

PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how round numbers to a given number of decimal places. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Calculating Averages and Range (with questions and answers)

Calculating Averages and Range (with questions and answers)

Three PowerPoint slide shows with step by step animated examples of how calculate averages and range. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Simultaneous Equations - Calculating both values

Simultaneous Equations - Calculating both values

A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to solve simultaneous equations, that pupils can use as algorithms if required. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. This PowerPoint only covers basic simultaneous equations, with no multiplication or rearranging. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
The nth term of a linear sequence

The nth term of a linear sequence

A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to calculate the nth term of a linear sequence, that pupils can use as algorithms if required. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. This PowerPoint only covers ascending, descending and fractional sequences. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!