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Simultaneous Equations - Calculating both values
A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to solve simultaneous equations, that pupils can use as algorithms if required. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. This PowerPoint only covers basic simultaneous equations, with no multiplication or rearranging. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Multiplying Proper Fractions (including functional questions)
A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to multiply and simplify two proper fractions. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers) to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Science Fact Maths – Fractions (four operations)
Science Fact Maths – Complete the sum on the bottom row, then find the solution in the top row. Write down the letters in order to form a sentence.
Science Fact Maths - Fractions - Collection 1 (11 worksheets)
11 Science Fact worksheets, all about fractions. Primarily aimed at KS3, but suitable for KS2 and some KS4 also. Solutions Included.
Science Fact Maths – Finding a Fraction of a Quantity - Easier
Science Fact Maths – Calculate the fraction of the quantity on the bottom row, then match to the solution in the top row. Write down the letters in order to form a sentence.
Find the Quote Algebra - Multiplying out Single Brackets
Find the quote – Multiply out the brackets on the bottom row, match it to the answer in the top one. Write down the letters in order to form a sentence.
Find the Quote – Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers
Find the Quote – Convert the improper fraction on the bottom row to a mixed number, then match to the solution in the top row. Write down the letters in order to form a sentence.
Science Fact Maths – Dividing Quantities by a given ratio
Find the Science fact – complete the problem on the bottom row, find the solution in the top one. Write down the letters in order to form a sentence. (Solution provided).
Science Fact Maths – Multiplying by 10s, 100s, 1000s etc.
Find the Science fact - solve the sum on the bottom row, find the answer in the top one. Write down the letters in order to form a sentence.
Dividing Numbers by a Given Ratio (including functional questions)
A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to divide quantities by ratios. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers), to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Percentage increase and decrease with a calculator (incuding Functional Questions)
A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to calculate percentage increase and decrease with a calculator. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers) to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Adding and Subtracting Fractions (including functional questions)
A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to add and subtract two proper fractions. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers) to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Dividing Fractions (including functional questions)
A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to divide and simplify two proper fractions. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers) to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Calculating percentages of an amount with a calculator (incuding Functional Questions)
A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to calculate percentages of an amount with a calculator. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers) to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Science Fact Maths – Perimeters and Polygons
Find the Science fact – calculate the perimeter on the bottom row, match it to the solution in the top one. Write down the letters in order to form a sentence. Solution included.
Rounding to Significant Figures (with questions and answers)
PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how round numbers to a given number of significant figures. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Upper and Lower Bounds ( (including functional questions with answers))
A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to identify and solve problems involving bounds. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Then functional, exam type questions (with answers) to further deepen understanding. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Find the Quote Algebra - Simple Substitution
Substitute into the expressions on the bottom row; find the answer in the top one. Write down the letters in order to form a sentence
Science Fact Maths – Finding the nth Term of an Ascending Linear Sequence
Find the Science fact – find the nth term of the linear sequence on the bottom row, find the solution in the top one. Write down the letters in order to form a sentence.
Rounding to Decimal Places (with questions and answers)
PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how round numbers to a given number of decimal places. The slides include an algorithm to model the method that pupils can copy. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist Maths teachers. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!