
2012 KS2 SATS Reading Test Analysis Tool
2012 KS2 SATS Reading Test Analysis Tool. Produces easy on the eye tables and charts for up to 150 pupils. Produces summaries for cohort and individuals. Requires Excel 2003 or above. Printable paper version also included.

Rapid Reading - 49 Quick Reading Activities for Upper Key Stage 2
Quick comprehensions designed to last up to 10 minutes. Based on texts from previous curriculum texts including new and original questions. Answers also included.
3 different levels of text
Categorised questions
This sample file contains 3 of the 49 activities found in the full version which can be found here:

Scooby Doo Writing Lesson
Stimulating fast and fun differentiated writing lesson with presentation and resources.

English L1-6 National Curriculum Attainment Target
English (En 1, 2 and 3) Levels 1 to 6 National Curriculum Attainment Targets all on One A4 Sheet. Useful for moderation, assessment, reference or planning. In colour and black & white.

Lithuanian/English EAL Welcome Book
16 page book containing first phrases and vocabulary in both English and Lithuanian. Includes 4 pages of independent writing activities with dual language instructions.
More languages coming soon.

Letters & Sounds High Frequency Spelling Journals
Each week includes themed word list, practice space, wordsearch and anagrams. Notes and contents page also included.

Pseudo (Non Words) Phonics Practice Cards
4 sample cards from a set of 38 to practice for Year 1 phonics screening check. Non word/pseudo words only. Paper and electronic class recording grid included. Based on Letters and Sounds Phase 2 to 4 samples.

Colour Coded Punctuation Fans
Coloured to match level of punctuation. v2 includes capital letter at the expense of colon.

Child Friendly Year 3 Target Bookmarks for Reading - New Curriculum
Child Friendly Year 3 Target Bookmarks for Reading - New Curriculum

APP Writing Bookmarks - Child Friendly & Standard
Level 1 of the APP Writing Bookmarks. Rewritten in child friendly language, Useful for supporting teaching, learning and target setting. Also for teacher, self and peer assessment.

Year 3 and 4 Spelling Journals - Draft Curriculum
Based on the new Primary Curriculum for English (draft). A portion of the weeks included here. Each week includes themed word list, practice space. wordsearch and anagrams. Explanation of the rules included as needed. Notes and contents page also included.

Curriculum 14: Yr 3/4 Reading Assessment Bookmarks
For Year 3/4: These materials are designed to support teaching and setting targets using the programmes of study for English Curriculum 2014. Colour and black and white versions. They are recommended for teacher use, I will be working on child/parent friendly versions in the near future.

All on One A4 Sheet: 2016 Draft Performance Descriptors for Mathematics, Reading and Science (KS2)
Performance Descriptors for Reading (KS1), Mathematics (KS1) and Writing (KS1 and 2) also available.

Spelling Strategy Cards for pupils
Designed to help pupils independently learn spellings. Cards 1 to 4 available here.

Year 2 Spelling Journal
Based on the new Primary Curriculum for English (draft). Each week includes themed word list, practice space, a portion of which is here. wordsearch and anagrams. Notes and contents page also included.

2013 KS2 Reading Test Electronic Analysis
Electronic Tool for analysis of KS2 2013 Reading Test. Also includes paper copy of input sheet. Other KS2 electronic analysis tools available.

All on One A4 Sheet: DRAFT: 2016 Writing Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Performance Descriptors
All on One A4 Sheet: DRAFT: 2016 Writing Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Performance Descriptors

Punctuation Bingo Cards with Question Master
34 cards in a set plus question master. Colour coded for difficulty and included Easy, Medium and Hard levels, this version covering punctuation only.

Year 2 Draft English Curriculum On One A4 Sheet
In colour and black and white. The draft version of the English curriculum for year 2.

Year 1 Spelling Journal
Based on the new Primary Curriculum for English (draft). Each week includes themed word list, practice space. wordsearch and anagrams. Notes and contents page also included.