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Russian GCSE speaking exam. Identity&Culture. Who am I?

Russian GCSE speaking exam. Identity&Culture. Who am I?

The resource is aimed at A2 level learners. Although we developed it for both teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students, the resource can be used by anyone looking to expand their vocabulary and practise talking about culture and identity. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow), a teacher’s card and sample answers to all five questions. Pages 3-4 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. The answers can be used as a starting point for a discussion, to practise vocabulary (for example, do a word search) or certain grammar themes (e.g. find all examples of Genitive case in the text, find the verbs in the past tense, retell the text in the past tense or from the third person,etc). Teachers could encourage the students to discuss the sample answers, saying whether they share the same viewpoint. Although it is impossible to predict the exact questions but we tried to include the questions that cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (ldentity & Culture in that case). Pages 3-4 provide possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. We included grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian. Please, note, the sample answers reflect the higher tier GCSE requirements.
Russian GCSE Speaking sample card with answers. Identity and Culture 1

Russian GCSE Speaking sample card with answers. Identity and Culture 1

This resource can be used in preparation for Russian GCSE speaking exam - a picture-based discussion on a theme. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow) and a teacher’s card. Pages 3-4 provide possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. We included the questions that cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (ldentity and culture in this worksheet). Sample answers contain grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian.
Russian GCSE: School (vocab, comprehension, exercises, translation, writing)

Russian GCSE: School (vocab, comprehension, exercises, translation, writing)

A 9-page worksheet on one of the 5 themes of Russian GCSE-School (what school is like, school issues, foreign languages) The worksheet includes: *relavant glossary *reading comprehension texts *vocabulary focused exercises *writing task *translation task *answers to tasks Reading comprehension tasks can be adapted for pair work in class, stimulus for further discussion or as a listening comprehension
Russian GCSE speaking exam practice card with answers. Town, region, country 1

Russian GCSE speaking exam practice card with answers. Town, region, country 1

This resource is aimed both at teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow) and a teacher’s card. Pages 3-4 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. The questions on the card cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (Town, region, country in this instance). Sample answers contain grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian. The sample answers can be used as a reading comprehension exercise, followed by a word search exercise, true/false. Another idea is asking students to find synonyms/antonyms from the text; students could compare the sample answer to their own answers, agree/disagree with the statements.
Russian GCSE Speaking exam sample picture card. Future Aspirations, Study & Work

Russian GCSE Speaking exam sample picture card. Future Aspirations, Study & Work

A 5-page resource aimed at teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow), a teacher’s card and sample answers to all the five questions. Pages 3-5 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. The answers can be used as a starting point for a discussion, to practise vocabulary (for example, do a word search) or certain grammar themes (e.g. find all examples of Genitive case in the text, find the verbs in the past tense, retell the text in the past tense or from the third person,etc). Teachers could encourage the students to discuss the sample answers, saying whether they share the same viewpoint. It is impossible to predict the exact questions but we included the questions that cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (Furute aspirations, study and work). We included grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian.
Learn Russian through jokes

Learn Russian through jokes

This is a worksheet based on jokes about lawyers! The vocabulary is* business* and legal focused and is aimed at level B1 and higher. The jokes can also be used as a conversation starter talking about experiences with lawyers, courts, legal systems of different countries, perceptions and stereotypes of different professions or simply add a bit of humour at the end of a class. There are 12 jokes with some words and phrases that have to be translated into Russian. The answers are provided. The second task is sentences for translation into Russian using the words and phrases from exercise 1. Potentially new phrases are highlighted and explained.
Comparing things in Russian: theory and exercises. GCSE+

Comparing things in Russian: theory and exercises. GCSE+

A 3 page resource addressing a very common mistake made when comparing or differentiating objects. The theory explains and provides examples on the following words and phrases: одинаковый похожий такой же один и тот же разный другой отличаться the worksheet includes a link to an interactive exercise that can be done in a variety of ways and an exercise for translation. ANswers are provided. The worksheet is appropriate for use at GCSE-level and anyone studing at level A2+
Russian listening and comprehension with a link to a podcast

Russian listening and comprehension with a link to a podcast

This worksheet contains a link to a episode 1 of podcast Reading Russian with Belka. We read a story called ‘Встретились, поговорили’ by Sergei Dovlatov. The worksheet contains: a transcript of the story with highlighted tricky words and phrases which are explained in the podcast as well as included in the vocabulary list after the text vocabulary list with translation into English and words with the same roots to those highlighted so that students can trace the etymology and learn more words. comprehension questions word search exercise with answers translation exercise with answers The resource can easily be used for home and class reading and is easily adaptable. The text provides a good basis for starting a discussion on a number of topics (such as family life, school and university life, world of work, immigration, politics), which are relevant for those working towards an A-level exam (UK-based students), Russian proficiency exam B1 and higher and or a degree level.
Russian proverbs

Russian proverbs

A fun way to revise numerals and enrich vocabulary with some commonly used Russian proverbs. Learn how to use them, fill in the missing words, try and find English equivalents, think of situations you might use them in. All proverbs contain collective, cardinal or ordinal numerals in different cases. Answers are provided
Russian GCSE: Socialising with friends and family. Interests. Role models

Russian GCSE: Socialising with friends and family. Interests. Role models

A 7-page worksheet on one of the 5 themes of Russian GCSE-Identity and Culture (Socialising with friends and family, spare time, hobbies, role models) The worksheet includes: *relavant glossary *reading comprehension texts *vocabulary focused exercises *writing task *translation task Reading comprehension tasks can be adapted for pair work in class, stimulus for further discussion or as a listening comprehension. There is also an accompanying answer sheet, which may be useful for students to check their own work, especially if working remotely. There are similar worksheets for different GCSE topics.
Russian: The world around us. Environment

Russian: The world around us. Environment

9 pages to help learn and practise words and phrases on the topic of nature, environment, sustainability, recycling. The exercises include: *Matching picture to words *matching Russian words to their English equivalents *making up phrases *matching causes of nature pollution to consequences *Filling in gaps *Reading/listening comprehension *Comprehension exercises. The exercises can be further adapted and texts can be used as a starting point for discussion, for example: whose ideas do you find most useful? -do you think this is an effective way to help the environment. Why/why not? -which of the mentioned initiatives exist in your town or city? Appropriate for level A2/GCSE learners. The worksheet is created using EDEXCEL Russian language specification.
The Olympic games. History. Tokio 2020

The Olympic games. History. Tokio 2020

A 7-page resource with infographics covering the history of the Olympics, Tokio 2020 games and expenses and costs of organising the games. The vocabulary exercises before each slide ensure the students familiarise themselves with potentially new words and phrases before analysing the infographics. Comprehension questions after the slides control the understanding and encourage further discussion on the topic. The worksheet aims at expanding sports related vocabulary as well as learning a few money related words and phrases and can be used to discuss the role of sports and the olympics in the modern world, the costs, benefits and risks associated with them. Answers are provided for all exercises except one, where the questions require general knowledge and students’ opinion. Appropriate for level A2 onwards for adult learners and A-level students.
Проблемы современной молодёжи. А2/GCSE Russian

Проблемы современной молодёжи. А2/GCSE Russian

This 4-page resource focuses on problems young people are faced with today. It contains: brief description of main issues pictures to enable speaking about problems short statements on school stress and comprehension questions 4 short texts about young people’s problems 3 essay questions for independent writing practise. The texts can be used to practise translation skills and a stimulus for further discussion. The pictures can be adapted to practise picture-based discussion in the run-up to a speaking exam (GCSE). The worksheet is created with Edexcekl GCSE Russian specification in mind and contains vocabulary included in the required GCSE minimum vocabulary list.
Russian GCSE practice: LISTENING test paper

Russian GCSE practice: LISTENING test paper

GCSE listening practice (Edexcel examboards). The test is created to reflect Edexcel exam paper and contains 14 exam style listening questions (multiple choice, choosing correct answers, filling in the gaps from the word lists provided, answering questions in English and Russian). The following topics are included: Food and drink: restaurants, fast food preferences Life in the town and rural life Holidays, tourist information and directions Services School life & routine School rules and pressures Work, careers and volunteering / future plans House & Home Daily routines Celebrations, birthdays Relationships with family and friends Environmental issues Travel and transport Media – TV and film Information and communication technology Hobbies, interests, sports and exercise **Answers and transcripts are provided on separate pages **
Russian GCSE speaking exam sample card with answers. International and global dimension. Environment

Russian GCSE speaking exam sample card with answers. International and global dimension. Environment

This resource is aimed both at teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow), a teacher’s card and sample answers to all five questions. Pages 3-4 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. The answers can be used as a starting point for a discussion, to practise vocabulary (for example, do a word search) or certain grammar themes (e.g. find all examples of Genitive case in the text, find the verbs in the past tense, retell the text in the past tense or from the third person,etc). Teachers could encourage the students to discuss the sample answers, saying whether they share the same viewpoint. It is impossible to predict the exact questions but we tried to include the questions that cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme Page 3 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. We included grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian
Spoken Russian: British Vs Russian mentality. Video, vocabulary and exercises

Spoken Russian: British Vs Russian mentality. Video, vocabulary and exercises

A fun topic to discuss: Do we always mean what we say? And what are we really saying? Are we being rude or simply can’t bear to say no or criticise people openly? *Watch the video (Link is included). *The video provides plenty of ideas for discussion. *Pick up great spoken language phrases (glossary to the video is included) *Expand your vocab even further by completing the exercise: match the synonyms, fill in the gap, match the phrases from the video to check your comprehension *check your answers Answers are included
Russian Grammar: Adverbial Participles in context of A-level theme 'Moscow&St. Petersburg'

Russian Grammar: Adverbial Participles in context of A-level theme 'Moscow&St. Petersburg'

This worksheet is aimed at practicing forming and using past and present forms of adverbial participles (деепричастия) in the context of Russian A-level theme ‘Москва и Санкт-Петербург. Изменения в жизни большого города’. The verbs used and the sentences are all on the subject of Moscow and St Petersburg: social problems, reconstruction, environmental problems The worksheet contains 6 exercises (Participles/verb formation, transforming sentences using simple and compound conjunctions, completing sentence, choosing the right form, translation). 4 pages of exercises . A separate answer sheet to enable independent work.
Russian: hobbies, interests, spare time; verb conjugation

Russian: hobbies, interests, spare time; verb conjugation

12 pages to help learn and practise words and phrases on the topic of hobbies, interests and spare time. The exercises include: *Matching pictures to words *matching Russian words to their English equivalents - essential vocab on the topic of spare time *making up phrases *spin the wheel *Filling in gaps *Verbal agreement (Prepositional/Accusative cases) *use of ИГРАТЬ В/НА, verb КАТАТЬСЯ *picture prompts for wider discussion *pictures and questions for discussion The worksheet can be used to practise: -essential verbs, verbs to help discuss hobbies (нравиться, любить, обожать, заниматься, ненавидеть) -frequency words (e.g. каждую неделю, один раз в месяц, etc) and use of days of the week -most common hobbies The questions can be used to practise exam-style discussion as well as for writing 25-50 word answers. Appropriate for level A2/GCSE learners. The worksheet is created using EDEXCEL Russian language specification.
Count and Write in Russian. Russian for kids

Count and Write in Russian. Russian for kids

8-workbook plus teaching recommendations for parents. Learn, practise and revise letters and numbers with these colourful worksheets. Go ‘hunting’ - count the same animals and objects, name the colours, write or spell the numbers, name and describe what you see, guess what the pictures have in common. Aimed at 3-6 year olds.
Queen of Spades: noun & adjectives cases revision with key sentences and quotes

Queen of Spades: noun & adjectives cases revision with key sentences and quotes

This worksheet was designed to combine a quick cases drill (adjectives and nouns in all cases) using the sentences related to the novel. The sentences were written in such a way so that they could be used in an essay on one of the key themes or characters. Some sentences also include quotes from the text. There is a also a separate exercise to put the quotes from the novel in a chronological order. Each quote could be used to practise a PEEL structure and as a stimulus for refreshing the knowledge of the content of the novel (e.g. remember the scene the quote was used in). Answers to the cases exercises are included. 7 pages plus answers.