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Spellings and Comprehension
This is a worksheet creates for SK and SL spellings e.g. ski, slip, skid etc.
The activity features a gap fill activity which students will need to read in order to work out which word goes where.
There are sometimes a couple of alternatives of words which could fit, making it more challenging for higher ability learners.
The purpose of this activity was to help learners understand the meaning of words and not just be able to spell them.
Extension activity included: students asked to use the words in their own sentences.

SM, SN, and SP Spellings
This is a worksheet created for SM, SN, SP spellings,
The activity features a gap fill activity where students read the sentence and put the correct spelling in, This will support students in understanding the meaning of the word and not just being able to correctly spell the word.
There is also an activity where students play teacher to correct the incorrect spellings.
Extension activity: students use the spellings in their own sentences.

Cell Division Part 3
This is the final part of a series of 3 lessons on Cell Division and Heredity. Students will explore Monohybrid and Dihybrid crosses, Explain the cause of variation and research an influential figure in genetics.

Explanations of Mental Illness Starter
Students will need some prior knowledge of the biological, psychological and social explanations of mental illness to partake in this Starter activity: Presentation concerns images which relate to either the biological, social or psychological explanations of mental illness. Students will need to work independently to note down which slides they think correspond to which approach. There is some overlap which will generate discussion! I would recommend that you have an impromptu discussion at the end of the starter to enable students to justify their answers, this should be an ideal AfL opportunity.

What do you need for school?
Simple worksheet which could follow a class discussion on equipment students will need in school. Students are asked to draw/write what they need to bring with them on a school bag template.

Cell Division Part 2
This is the second part of a series of three lessons on cell division. Learners are encouraged to be independent and this lesson incorporates discovery learning methods on genetic disorders, Punnett Grids and contextualises meiosis with a research activity on Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis.

Introduction to Market Segmentation/How is Marketing Targeted to different groups?
Aimed at GCSE Travel and Tourism, this lesson will provide students with the opportunity to become familiar with the key terminology, look at examples of market segmentation with regards to advertising. Whilst this lesson is aimed at Travel Tourism, it may also be applicable to some business studies students.
Lesson Outcomes:
To identify the market segments relating to demographics, lifestyle and psychographics
To explain how products are changed to suit different groups’ needs

Introduction into writing travel brochures/travel brochure writing
This is an introductory lesson into the features of travel brochures. There are activities and discussions for students to participate in throughout the lesson. This lesson could be used prior to students writing their own full travel brochure.
The Objectives are:
1. Recognise features of Travel Brochures
2. Examine features of Travel Brochures and their Audiences
3. Write an extract of a travel brochure

Introduction to Writing Play Scripts
This is an introductory lesson designed to show learners the key features of play scripts. The lesson covers the key features students need to know and finishes with a task designed to get students to write part of their own script.
A practical performing lesson could follow on from this lesson where students act out parts in each others plays or lead into students writing a full play script.
The lesson objectives are:
1. To explore the conventions and features of a play script.
2. To examine a play script
3. To practise writing a play script

Introduction to re-telling traditional stories
Students will be introduced to re-telling/writing traditional stories with a modern twist.
The Learning Outcomes are:
1. To explore traditional stories
2. To discuss ways in which traditional stories have been re-told
3. To respond to an example of a re-told story
There are student activities throughout this 21 slide Powerpoint document which are devised to introduce students to the notion of re-inventing exisiting stories.

Banning of religious symbols
This lesson is designed to enable students to explore some of the arguments surrounding countries banning religious symbols. Originally it was delivered as a part of a tutorial but will also be applicable to a range of lessons e.g. PSHE, critical thinking and religious studies.
The slides are not extensive and the idea behind this lesson was to encourage discussion and students using the internet to explore activities in more detail in order to nurture independent learning.

Reading Comprehension-Donald Trump's Travel Ban
This reading comprehension worksheet covers Donald Trumps Travel, who it means for the USA and discusses who will be effected.
Students will answer both open and closed questions on the article, including a question about their opinion on the Travel Ban. This could lead into a class discussion on either Syria/Refugees, conflict of interests etc.

The Meaning of Texts
This lesson is aimed at classes who are analysing texts, inferring and deciphering meanings from texts.
There are whole class activities and independent activities based around non-fiction and fiction texts.
The lesson has been created to get students thinking about what writers mean, taking their reading further than comprehension level.

Healthy Relationships Tutorial
In light of Valentines day, this is the ideal tutorial designed to get students to think for themselves about what is a healthy and an unhealthy relationship. Students will also discuss abuse and why abusive relationships can be difficult to break away from.
Students will partake in discussions and light activities which can be further examined with older or more mature student groups.
Advice provided to students on where they can go for support should they need it.

Employability Skills Taster
This lesson was delivered as part of a 1 hour tutorial designed to provide students with a taster of what employability skills, what are employers looking for and to encourage them to start considering what skills they already have. Features teacher prompts and student centred activities.
You will need a classroom with computers and internet access for this lesson.
Might work well at the start of the year for a taster of what skills students should expect to develop on whatever courses they are studying. Can be made subject specific.

Genetically Inherited Disorders
A lesson on genetically inherited disorders which includes whole class activities and discussions including Punnett diagrams across 36 slides on PowerPoint.
Disorders covered include:
-Huntington's Disease
Students are also provided with quiz question opportunities to check learning and progress throughout and a poster based research activity.

Job Searching
Lesson Objectives:
To identify the common places to look for jobs.
To identify the less common places to look for jobs.
To be able to provide their own evidence for jobsearch trackers.
Aimed at job searchers/seekers over the age of 16.
Comes with student and teacher handout. Would benefit from a powerpoint presentation to aid in delivery.

Anti-Discriminatory Practice
Research activities and case study to prepare students for assignment on Anti-Discriminatory Practice.
Lesson Objectives:
Explain what is meant by Active Participation
Identifying needs for equality, diversity and equal rights within a care environment
Identify and evaluate the applicability of related laws and regulations
Recap learning

Communication in Health
A PowerPoint featuring a full lesson with student centred activities to cover the following..
LO2: Identify the reasons for effective health communication
LO3: Explain the importance of effective communication in health and social care
Students will also be able to utilise presentation skills, note-taking and referencing skills throughout and was originally aimed at pre-university course learners.
You will need to have some coloured card of which you will cut each sheet into various regular shapes for students to participate in a silent jigsaw activity whereby they will only be able to use non-verbal communication. You will also need some case studies of cases of poor communication which fit the needs of your learners. These are easily accessible via the internet-if you need help, please contact me.

Labelling Theory and Crime
This lesson introduces students to the idea of labelling theory and what can impact on being labelled as criminal e.g. the circumstance, historical period etc. Modern examples are used e.g. the one legged model to introduce students to this area in a way they can relate to.
Students will embark on a range of activities surrounding Becker, Labelling theory, Producing a Web Page based on the theory and will be briefly introduced to the overlap between sociological/criminological theory and philosophy by looking at John Stuart Mills and Jeremy Bentham.
This should last for around 2 hours depending on the group delivered to.