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Introduction to Sequences
Starter on hand out (included). Discussion of what sequences are builds to term-to-term rule. Pupils required to find next to terms for sequences and add answers together to generate 3 digit code to unlock combination lock. Moves on to dominoes activity which develops understanding of position-to-term rule. Plenary with questions of varying difficulty.
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Socioeconomic Background & Mathematics
The Impact of Socioeconomic Background on Participation in Mathematics and Academic Achievement.
Combating Childhood Obesity through Schools
London schools as microcosm for global obesity pandemic: school dinners at vanguard in combating?
Student Leadership Scheme
Research Project on Student Leadership. Leader begins as deputy supporting Leader & learning roles é responsibilities (A). Progress to Leader the following week é have to make a presentation to the class on maths in the real world. They also nominate other pupils as all stars (D) é receive the attached feedback report (B) in the post upon completion. After all pupils have completed a week a single pupil is elected as Leader and assumes more responsibility including some teaching (E). Feedback so far has been positive from pupils, parents and staff. Please rate.
Cryptic Inequalities
STARTER: Solve & represent simple inequalities on line. (Hint card included)
MINI-PLENARY: Representing solutions
ACTIVITY: Pupils solve inequalities and find matching solution. When all pairs correctly matched flip cards over (print Linear Inequalities Mixed2.fjsw double sided) to reveal additional questions.
>>>EXT take the first letter of the number in the answer in these additional questions and use the Matching Activity Decoder.docx to decode these letters which gives a 9 letter anagram to crack.
MWB plenary with range of difficulty.
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