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Introduction to Sequences

Introduction to Sequences

Starter on hand out (included). Discussion of what sequences are builds to term-to-term rule. Pupils required to find next to terms for sequences and add answers together to generate 3 digit code to unlock combination lock. Moves on to dominoes activity which develops understanding of position-to-term rule. Plenary with questions of varying difficulty. Please Rate
Student Leadership Scheme

Student Leadership Scheme

Research Project on Student Leadership. Leader begins as deputy supporting Leader & learning roles é responsibilities (A). Progress to Leader the following week é have to make a presentation to the class on maths in the real world. They also nominate other pupils as all stars (D) é receive the attached feedback report (B) in the post upon completion. After all pupils have completed a week a single pupil is elected as Leader and assumes more responsibility including some teaching (E). Feedback so far has been positive from pupils, parents and staff. Please rate.
Cryptic Inequalities

Cryptic Inequalities

STARTER: Solve & represent simple inequalities on line. (Hint card included) MINI-PLENARY: Representing solutions ACTIVITY: Pupils solve inequalities and find matching solution. When all pairs correctly matched flip cards over (print Linear Inequalities Mixed2.fjsw double sided) to reveal additional questions. >>>EXT take the first letter of the number in the answer in these additional questions and use the Matching Activity Decoder.docx to decode these letters which gives a 9 letter anagram to crack. MWB plenary with range of difficulty. Please Rate