Rachel Garrett's ShopAverage Rating4.00(based on 4 reviews)Secondary school history teacher selling resources for KS3 and KS4. Edit shopAdd a resource
rachelgardner115Was King John a good King SEND(0)Lesson prepared for a SEND class using sources to see if John was a good or bad King
rachelgardner115Was John a good or bad King?(0)Lesson using a variety of sources to look at if King John was good or bad
rachelgardner115What did tipis look like and making your own(0)KS3 lesson looking at the design of the tipis and then creating your own
rachelgardner115Totem Poles(0)Making Totem Poles from toilet roll tubes or using the print out and understanding their purpose.
rachelgardner115Discovery of America(0)KS3 lesson on the Discovery of America and the Native Americans
rachelgardner115The Berlin Wall(0)This is a KS4 lesson on the Berlin Wall. This could be made into two lessons because there is so much here.
rachelgardner115The 'Thaw' under Khrushchev(0)KS4 lesson looking at if there really was a thaw after the death of Stalin